

2018-07-25 14页 doc 53KB 33阅读




江西教师资格证面试试讲:小学语文教案《我要的是葫芦》江西教师资格证面试试讲:小学语文教案《我要的是葫芦》 江西教师资格证面试试讲:小学语文教案《我要的是葫芦》 相关推荐:江西教师资格证说课丨江西教师资格证面试 江西教师资格证认定面试时间在每年的4-7月份,每年一次。认定采取网报和现场领取材料相结合的原则进行。(一般来说,每位考生有两次面试机会) 一、设计理念: 这篇课文是一个寓言故事,共有四个自然段,讲的是从前有一个人种葫芦,不知道叶子和果实的关系,只盯着葫芦,不管叶子上的蚜虫,结果没有收到葫芦的故事。课题正是他的错误所在,也是没有收到葫芦的原因。通过教学,使学生知道...
江西教师资格证面试试讲:小学语文《我要的是葫芦》 江西教师资格证面试试讲:小学语文教案《我要的是葫芦》 相关推荐:江西教师资格证说课丨江西教师资格证面试 江西教师资格证认定面试时间在每年的4-7月份,每年一次。认定采取网报和现场领取材料相结合的原则进行。(一般来说,每位考生有两次面试机会) 一、设计理念: 这篇课文是一个寓言故事,共有四个自然段,讲的是从前有一个人种葫芦,不知道叶子和果实的关系,只盯着葫芦,不管叶子上的蚜虫,结果没有收到葫芦的故事。课题正是他的错误所在,也是没有收到葫芦的原因。通过教学,使学生知道植物叶子与果实的关系,并懂得做任何事都得注意事物之间的联系。在教学时,我抓住重点的字词进行品悟,并适时创设语言意境,让学生做文本的主人公,融入文本,体会种葫芦人喜爱葫芦的心情,亲身感受可爱的小葫芦为什么会落的原因。把课堂还给学生,教师做好指导,让语文学习真正成为师生积极互动,共同发展的过程。 二、教学目标: 1、认识“葫、芦、藤、哇、盯、邻”等六个生字词。 2、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,体会反问句与陈述句的不同语气。 3、了解植物的叶子和果实的关系,懂得与课文有关的事理。 三、教学重点和难点: 1、学会本课生字新词。 2、读课文知道植物叶子与果实的关系。懂得事物之间是有联系的,不能孤立地看问题。 3、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 四、教学课时:一课时 五、课前准备:多媒体课件、生字卡 六、教学过程 (一)激趣引入,揭示课题 导入:同学们,今天我给大家准备了一份特殊的礼物。(出示红红的苹果图)这是什么?在苹果树上,你看到了什么? (出示没叶的苹果图)请比较一下,这棵苹果树跟刚才的苹果树有什么不一样?生活中有没有见过,不长叶子就能结出果实的现象? as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 师:我们都知道叶子长得好,才能结出好的果实,这是植物生长规律。可是古时候有个人却不懂生长规律,因此还犯了错误呢?想知道他犯了什么错误吗?那今天我们就来学习14课《我要的是葫芦》(板课题) (设计意图:导入时运用两棵不同的苹果树作对比,让学生在学习课文前先初步了解叶子与果实之间的关系,为进一步学习和理解课文做好了铺垫。) 二、初读课文,认读生字。 1. 学生自由读课文 2. 检查识字情况。(开火车) 3、识记生字“哇”。(这个字还有很多兄弟姐妹呢!谁能帮他换换部首?) 师:老师把你说的还编成一首好听的歌儿呢!(有手轻轻挂,有口多好哇,有女胖娃娃,有水过山洼,有虫是青蛙。) 齐读。 4、去掉拼音认读词语。 5、看图认识葫芦藤。你还认识哪些植物长有藤?(欣赏长藤的植物) 三、精读课文第一段 1、这是种葫芦人的葫芦,看着这幅图,你能写出哪些词语?能用上漂亮的词语来描写一下吗? 2、出示词语齐读。(雪白)的小花、(细长)的葫芦藤、(绿绿)的叶子、(可爱)的葫芦。 3、从这些词语中让我感受到葫芦的可爱,课文第几段写出了葫芦的可爱? 4、学生自由朗读第一段,并用括号括出葫芦可爱的相关词语。 5、指名读句子(出示句子:细长的葫芦藤上/长满了绿叶,开出了几朵/雪白的小花。) 6、指导读准多音字。 7、理解:长满 近义词:雪白------洁白 8、谁能把心中的喜爱之情读出来?(抽生———第二组) 师:花谢以后,藤上挂了几个小葫芦,多么可爱的小葫芦哇!(板书:葫芦图和可爱) 9、种葫芦的人喜欢他的小葫芦吗?从哪个句子看出? 10、近义词:每天----天天 几次(不止一次) 师:从这句话你可以感受到什么?(种葫芦的人非常喜爱这些葫芦。)板书:喜爱 11、让我们带着喜爱之情,再美美地读读第一段吧! as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 中公江西教师官方微信:jx-zgjsks (设计意图:我运用了看图说话的形式导入第一段,通过观察葫芦图片,让学生能很直观感受小葫芦的可爱,把孩子带入故事的情境之中,使其身临其境,充分感受葫芦藤上绿叶的茂密和小葫芦的可爱,学生发自内心地对小葫芦产生喜爱之情。让学生在朗读时自然加入了自己的真实情感为体验小葫芦落了的遗憾做伏笔。) 四、精读课文第二段 1、(出图)你看,他盯着小葫芦自言自语地说些什么?请自由朗读第二段,然后用漂亮的“~~~~~”画出句子。 2、生读出句子 3、解释:自言自语、盯 4、指导读出自言自语 5、“盯”和“看”还是有区别的。你说“盯”是怎样地看?那他为什么只盯着小葫芦呀? 6、谁能带着喜欢的语气,再读读这段话。 7、利用动作解释“赛过”。 8、你们能通过朗读赛过他吗?(齐读) 9、那到最后,他的小葫芦有没有长得赛过大南瓜呢?为什么? 10、利用图片认识蚜虫和了解它的危害。 11、原来蚜虫的危害这么大!那如果你是种葫芦的人,看着葫芦上长满了蚜虫,这时你会怎样想?怎么做? 12、到底叶子和果实有什么关系?(出示视频介绍叶子的作用) 师:听了他的自我介绍,您知道了什么? 生:我知道了植物的生长是离不开叶子的,叶子是吸收阳光和养料用的。 生:我知道了叶子长得好,才能结出好的果实。 师:但种葫芦的人懂得植物生长规律吗? 13、看着这些虫子,他是怎么想的? 14、出句子。(有几个虫子怕什么?)他在乎这些蚜虫吗?那个词能看出不在乎? 15、指导读出不在乎的语气。(抽生) 16、他认为蚜虫可怕吗? 17、出句子齐读。(有几个虫子不可怕。) as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is c江西教师招聘网 ompleted, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, u江西教师网:, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 18、句子比较。(哪一句话更能表达出他一点都不在乎?) 19、男女、分组赛读句子。 (设计意图:在“盯”的设计上,通过认识部首,换词识字,区分“盯”和“看”并层层深入设计问题:盯是怎样地看?(只看、一动不动)为什么只盯葫芦?(喜欢葫芦)(我要的是葫芦)让学生跟着文本的内涵,通过“盯”进一步体会到种葫芦人对葫芦的喜爱之情。在蚜虫的危害和叶子的作用,我运用了多媒体教学,通过有声有色的画面,使学生获得了具体直观的视觉体验,学生很快进入了意境,从而激发学生学习的兴趣。并适时创设语言意境:假如你是种葫芦的人,你看到葫芦上生了蚜虫,这时你会怎样想?怎么做?为学生提供了表达交流的平台,使学生说出富有个性化的语言,思维也得到了发展。) 五、精读课文第三段 1、这么可爱的葫芦,叶子上却爬满了蚜虫,这时葫芦正面临着什么危险?板书:(黄色葫芦图) 2、怪不得,连邻居看见了,都为他着急啦!我们和邻居一起用着急的语气劝劝他吧! 3、齐读句子。(你别光盯着„„..快治一治吧!) 4、种葫芦的人感到很奇怪,他说什么? 5、出示句子。(叶子上的虫还用治?)这句话是什么意思? 6、出句子(叶子上的虫不用治。) 7、谁愿意来读读这句话?(抽生读) 8、比较两个句子。 9、抽生读、小组赛读。 (设计意图:通过多种形式的朗读训练,让学生在读中议,读中悟,把课文的语言内化为学生自己的语言。) 六、学习课文第四段 1、那最后他有去治蚜虫吗?板书:不治 2、结果怎样?板书:落了 师:这么可爱的葫芦全落了,多可惜呀! 3、齐读句子(一起用惋惜的语气读出这句话。) 七、总结 1、学了课文,你知道种葫芦的人错在哪吗?板书:不懂生长规律。 不听别人劝告。 as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 中公江西教师官方微信:jx-zgjsks 2、总结:老师希望大家学了课文,以后在处理事物时,能正确认识事物之间的联系。全面地看待问题,并且要乐于接受别人的意见。这样你们就一定不会犯种葫芦人的错误了。 八、拓展 师:如果第二年,那个人又种了一棵葫芦,„„„. 你能续讲这个故事吗? (设计意图:通过指导学生续编故事来内化课文中的语言,这样对他们进行一次人文教育,既锻炼了学生的思维,又培养了学生的创造能力。) 九、板书设计: 14我要的是葫芦 可爱 喜欢 落 生虫 不治 了 (不懂生长规律)(不听别人劝告) 模考大赛,帮你测出真实水平, 还有免费豪华大礼包拿,心动不如行动,加入“模考小分队吧”,, ,一般人我不告诉他,, 2015江西教师招聘考试经典分析: 1、报名时间:11月25日-12月21日 2、领取准考证:收到报名信息后短信通知考试时间地点,凭短信和身份证参加考试。 3、笔试时间: 12月22日18:30-20:30《教育综合知识》 12月23日18:30-20:30《学科专业知识》 豪华大礼包领取时间及方式: 模考小分队解析时间:12月22日晚7:00进行《教育综合知识》试卷解析,解析地点YY102006频道 奖品设置: 一等奖,总成绩前3名,2015年教招面授班次一期 二等奖,总成绩第4名-9名,2015年网校班次一期+图书一套 as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is c江西教师招聘网 ompleted, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, u江西教师网:, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 三等奖,总成绩第10名-19名,中公教育教师考试图书一本 本次活动主要针对江西师范大学、江西科技师范大学、上饶师范学院、赣南师范学院、赣南教育学院、江西各分校。 更多优惠组合包请查看, 2015年江西教师招聘考试辅导课程: 报班钜惠:12月1日前报名任何班次优惠2000元; 1月1日前报名任何协议班次优惠1000元! 2014下半年江西省各地市普通话水平测试通知: 2014下半年江西省各地市普通话水平测试通知 地市 报名时间 测试时间 公告详情 省直 11月14日-21日 12月9日 详情点击 南昌市 11月3日-11月12日 11月22日-23日 详情点击 九江市 9月22日-10月22日 11月8日 详情点击 赣州市 12月2日-3日 12月13日-14日 详情点击 景德镇市 截止11月23日 12月7日 详情点击 宜春市 11月10日-11月28日 12月2日 详情点击 抚州市 11月10日-25日 12月7日 详情点击 鹰潭职院 11月6日-22日 / 详情点击 吉安市 10月15日-24日 11月22日 详情点击 相关推荐:2015年江西教师招聘考试笔试课程简章 江西教师资格证面试说课丨江西教师资格证 as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic
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