

2017-09-02 11页 doc 30KB 42阅读




豌豆公主英文初定版豌豆公主 故事前提:曾经,有一位王子,想找一位美貌与智慧并存的公主结婚,王室发出联姻帖,各国公主慕名而来。一直以来,郎才女貌,才子佳人,都被世人看好和祝福着。 为了寻找自己的注定佳人,王子踏上了寻爱之旅,而这一路的故事怎样的蜿蜒曲折,怎样的扑朔迷离,等待你的发现。。。 故事人物:王子(车鉴饰)豌豆公主(孙靖萍饰)歌艺公主(吴文静饰)舞艺公主(何秋爽饰)书画公主(王宇恒饰)朗诵公主(李方杰饰)国王(杨舒翔饰)王后(冯思齐饰)大臣(肖琼道饰)侍卫(郭乐,付秋安饰)侍女(班上妹纸们随机~~) 故事情节: 时间:早晨 地点...
豌豆公主 故事前提:曾经,有一位王子,想找一位美貌与智慧并存的公主结婚,王室发出联姻帖,各国公主慕名而来。一直以来,郎才女貌,才子佳人,都被世人看好和祝福着。 为了寻找自己的注定佳人,王子踏上了寻爱之旅,而这一路的故事怎样的蜿蜒曲折,怎样的扑朔迷离,等待你的发现。。。 故事人物:王子(车鉴饰)豌豆公主(孙靖萍饰)歌艺公主(吴文静饰)舞艺公主(何秋爽饰)书画公主(王宇恒饰)朗诵公主(李方杰饰)国王(杨舒翔饰)王后(冯思齐饰)大臣(肖琼道饰)侍卫(郭乐,付秋安饰)侍女(班上妹纸们随机~~) 故事情节: 时间:早晨 地点:城堡大厅 布景:场景恢弘些,要有椅子桌子等物,侍卫,侍女要多,气势要大 第一幕: 人物:国王,王后,王子,大臣,侍卫,侍女等 (一阵欢快的音乐浅浅放出 推荐lenka的《the show》 只放一小段) 国王(站起身来,张开双臂,大气地说):wealth,power and honor.(一字一顿,坚定的语气)。I am the supreme king.(在场的人可以发出吼吼的声音)。(双手示意安静下来,继续说)today is a important day for our country,because the queen will appear,i need a princess who is noble and wealth to help my son.and they can make our country stronger and stronger.王后(目不直视,高傲地说):i am the most beautiful queen in the world.(手撩一下头发并得意地笑一声),i will choose a beautiful girl as my daughter in law.you,(指其中一个公主)you,(指另一个)or you,(指另外一个)hahaha 1 (奸笑),may be you are not,but you should feel lucky,because you can seat here.(掩嘴而笑)。 大臣(马上阿谀奉承,喜笑颜开地接话道):do you understand?Listen!Now,every princess,you can perform what you are good at ,and our honourable king and queen will choose one of you to marry our handsome prince. 王子:i am the prince.today i will choose a princess who has outstanding talent as my wife. 大家齐声答道:yes~ 第二幕: 人物:国王,王后,王子,大臣,歌艺公主,三位侍女等 道具:花环,竹篮子,花瓣,音乐伴奏 (歌艺公主上场,头顶花环,侍女们拿着篮子撒花瓣) 公主:hi king,i am from greece.i am a real princess,i am good at singing,so i want to sing a song for prince. 王后(依旧没抬头,整理了下衣服,慢悠悠的说):the appearance,just so so.the sound,let is sing. 国王意味深长地嗯了一声。 (音乐《i remember》响起,侍女和音,公主一曲唱罢,缓缓来到王子身边,含 羞的不敢抬头) 王子(激动地,语无伦次地说):mom and dad,she is so great. 大臣:my dear king,relax relax relax. 国王:yes yes yes ,where are you from?(王后整理衣服说道:“greece”) oh,do you think your country is big? 公主:although our country is not big,but the people live a happy life. 一侍女:we have a lot of feature.(对侍女说)come on! 一侍女:this is coffee of my country,it has a refreshing effect. 一侍女:this is red wine,it can prevent aging,and it also can make people 2 more beautiful. 国王(面露鄙夷不愿再谈):zezeze~~ 王后接话道:the song is just so so,what”s more,how much money for your country, 公主:we have beautiful grasslands and the people live a happy life. 王子:oh ,we can watch the star in the say... 王后打断王子的话:ok ok,next one. 王子刚要反驳被王后一个瞪眼吓的哑口无言,只能眼睁睁地看着公主黯然离场。 第三幕: 人物:国王,王后,王子,大臣,舞艺公主,侍女等 道具:制定道具未定,音乐伴奏 公主: hello, everyone. I'm from Mexico's princess... I am enthusiasm, live wave, I'll give sunshine mood infection to every one of us. 王后:Mexico, there are chicken roll? 公主:back to the queen, there is. 国王(充满鄙视的说)where are you come from,(王后不屑的接话道Mexico) oh, Mexico, far from home? 公主:a bit far, three days and three nights. 国王面露不爽。 (王子上前一步,绅士的伸出右手,弯下腰):my dear lady, can I buy you a dance? 公主大方的应到:‘’why not?“ (此时,华尔兹的音乐响起,王子和公主翩翩起舞。大家都沉浸在这浪漫的氛围 里。国王和王后看看王子和公主,又彼此四目相对,含情脉脉。就在这时,一个 刺耳的声音打断了这一切的美好。) stop!”国王大喊一声,大臣也随即清理请嗓子,用一种极其献媚的声音和阴险 的笑脸对着国王说:“my dear king, you should continue to ask questions? “ 3 国王:“oh oh oh ~“国王显然是沉浸在刚才的氛围,还没回过神来,他想了片 刻,立即回复他惯有的国王的威严。对公主说道:big land in your country? 公主:“in fact, we belong to medium, also not a small country.“ 大臣:“zezeze~~that is to say, your country is not big?“ 公主:“yes~“ 大臣:“the population of your country is lack?“ 公主:“yes~“ 大臣:“oh! I know that your country area is not large, the population, t alone rich?!“ le 公主无言以对。 大臣回报国王:“dear king, the princess of the country is very small, less poor. Our country is quite rich. Poor if let the prince married the princess, not injury the decency of our country, let those small countries how to joke around us?“ 国王沉思,王后一听,连连点头。 王后对公主说:“oh ~ you are the dance also is not so good! No less than one over one thousand of the when I was young, my son if I married you, dancing in circles every day, turn my eyes will spend!Next one!“说完, 连连摆手。 王子:“but, mother. I like her ah, don't let her leave?please“ 国王,王后异口同声:“no~“ 公主不屑的走掉。 王子伸手做挽留状,看到公主彻底走掉后,换做抚头状,表忧伤。 大臣暗地里窃笑。 第四幕: 人物:国王,王后,王子,大臣,书画公主,侍女等 道具:制定道具未定,音乐伴奏 4 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,推荐经典情歌《love is blue》) 荷兰公主出场,荷兰公主温文尔雅,步步莲花地走出来。 公主:hello, King and Queen, I'm coco, my father is the king of Holland, my dear prince, I admire you for a long time.(放个电) 王子:Oh, your dress is really beautiful. 王后不屑一顾的说:You are only beautiful , do you have any talent? 侍女: our princess is not as beautiful, What is more,she is brilliant her handwriting is very good. 王后:Well, bodyguard, help the princess to ink paper ink-stone. (侍卫端上一个桌子,公主优雅地写了一个“雅”字,两名侍女拿起来,展示一 番) 王子:people is beauty more than beautiful words.(并鼓掌赞叹) 国王横了王子一眼,示意大臣问话。 大臣:gentlemen, will only write calligraphy again have what use, calligraphy can conjure up to give you the beautiful clothes? My beautiful queen? 王后:no no no 大臣继续说:Calligraphy can bring the power and money to you? My dear king? 国王:no no no 于是国王和王后一起看着王子齐声道:no no no 公主只好伤心地黯然离场。 王子:No, don't go, dear! 国王大喊一声: The bodyguard! 于是侍卫拦住了王子,王子公主就这样被硬生生地拆散,似近在眼前又远在天边。 王后安慰王子道:My dear child, don't be sad, we will help you find a best princess as your queen. Ah ha ha ha ~ ~ 5 第五幕: 人物:国王,王后,王子,大臣,朗诵公主,侍女等 道具:制定道具未定,音乐伴奏 (开头音乐推荐sarah mclachlan - 《angle》) 朗诵公主一摇一摆地走进王子,看着王子,围着王子走了一圈。被王子英俊帅气, 老实憨厚地气质所吸引,尽开始娇羞起来。 公主:oh dear prince,i am the princess come from the ice island,have you ever heard it? 王子:i am sorry,i have never heard the ice island。 公主(拍打了一下王子,让王子一个踉跄,并哈哈一笑说):ok,next i will make a simple introduce to you listen carefully,our country is rich in geothermal resources,so you can lying on it comfortably,but it will be better if you can go with me. 王子被公主爽朗的性格吸引,正要询问:so....that....被王后打断。 王后(清了清嗓子)说:this princess,please be relax.(鄙夷的眼神)this is the noblest prince,you are so rud.now,tell me what”s your speciality? 公主:now,i will red a poetry for everyone.<。。。> (诗歌读罢,王子深陷其中不能自拔,直勾勾地看着公主,公主也一直跟王子眉 来眼去的o(???)o) 王后(拉了拉王子的衣服示意他正常点,随即不满地看着公主)说:what a bad siren syren,make my son so confused.oh my gold,l can not imagine what will happen if you marry with my dear son. 大臣:oh,my queen,please don”t draw a concluison so quickly,let me ask some questions (对公主)could you tell me how big your country is and how many people,money your country has? 国王:oh ,so great!It is very important to ask some true problems. 公主面露难色,却依旧自信的说:oh,my heart is broken to discuss this problem,my country is not so big,and have not so many people and 6 money,but,my dear prince,i have a genius heart to live you until i am older.(飞吻) 王子连忙点点头:great great! 王后:i cannot stand this princess.please pull her to go out. 国王:i agree with my wife.(望一下王后) 大臣:(对侍卫说)do you hear?Pull her to go out 公主(被人拖下去,依旧张开双手向王子方向去)no no no ,the prince ,my lover!Save me !Dont walk away. 王子痛惜地看着公主离去的背影,暗暗悲伤却也无力抗争。 第六幕: 人物:国王,王后,王子,大臣,豌豆公主,侍女等 道具:制定道具未定,音乐伴奏 (背景音乐推荐sarah connor - 《living to love you》) 一位其貌不扬的公主登场,她的登场,让全场开始议论纷纷,讨论这是公主吗, 国王:Be quiet,It s not allowed making noise in the palace。 大家瞬即安静。 王后:ze ze ze~~Did you get a wrong place,We are picki up our princess, 大臣(与公主会意一番):My beautiful queen and honourable king,I believe this one will not make you disappointed。 公主:My name is pea,I come from rich Spain ,The greatest country in the world~I am 17 years old,I want to get married with a handsome prince,Be his wife。(望向王子) 王子一直刻意地闪躲,不正眼看公主一眼,对王后说:mom,she is not too impressed。 王后:Can you sing a song 公主:Sorry I can’t 7 不悦,王后继续问:Can you dance? 公主:No i can”t 王后:Well, what can you do? 公主:I can play the pipa。 大臣立马接话:Give the princess the pipa soon! 王后:Can you play a music for me, 公主:Sure , give me the pipa。(侍女把琵琶交给公主) 谈的非常糟糕,大家愕然。 It made me crazy,It seems that you can’国王坐不住了,问道:My god , t do anything~ 王子:Hit the point~~I don’t want to get married with her 公主:No,I am rich,I have lots of money,I have abundant land and resource。(骄傲的不屑一顾的),If you not,you will be regreted,HAHAHA~~ 国王,王后和大臣听到这些话都愣住了,各种喜出望外。 王后(谄媚地)As what I had said,Only the elegant and beautiful princess can play such a great music,I like it。 王子:Oh no~~ 国王意味深长地说: She is a outstanding woman ,great~ 大臣:yeah,It s a good thing that there are such a princess in our country,because of her,I believe we will be more and more powerful~ 众愕然,只剩王子一人苦苦拉着王后却无济于事 全场大呼:Congratulations~God will bless you~ 声音渐渐变大,掩盖了王子的声音。。。。2013-4-25 (背景音乐声音放大。。。全剧终。。。) 全体主演(一起鞠躬): Thank you 备注:英文版剧本里的英文文段已用重点标出,若有单词拼打错误,请包涵。请各位演员抽时间好好记台词,我们一起努力。 8
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