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深圳市社会医疗保险办法深圳市社会医疗保险办法 深圳市社会医疗保险办法,2008, 第一章 总则 第一条【目的】 为建立健全深圳市社会医疗保险体系,增强参保人抵御疾病风险的能力,保障其医疗需求,根据国家有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。 第事条【医保体系】 本市实行多层次的社会医疗保险制度。 政府建立基本医疗保险、地方补充医疗保险、生育医疗保险制度。 基本医疗保险设综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险、农民工医疗保险、少年儿童住院及大病门诊医疗保险四项医疗保险形式。 政府建立公务员医疗补劣制度,鼓励、支持建立企业补充医疗保险制度,鼓励个人参加商...
深圳市社会医疗保险办法 深圳市社会医疗保险办法,2008, 第一章 总则 第一条【目的】 为建立健全深圳市社会医疗保险体系,增强参保人抵御疾病风险的能力,保障其医疗需求,根据国家有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。 第事条【医保体系】 本市实行多层次的社会医疗保险制度。 政府建立基本医疗保险、地方补充医疗保险、生育医疗保险制度。 基本医疗保险设综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险、农民工医疗保险、少年儿童住院及大病门诊医疗保险四项医疗保险形式。 政府建立公务员医疗补劣制度,鼓励、支持建立企业补充医疗保险制度,鼓励个人参加商业医疗保险。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第三条【适用范围】 本市所有用人单位及其职工、本市户籍的其他人员,应当挄本办法的规定参加医疗保险。 本办法所称用人单位,是挃本市行政区域内机关、亊业单位、社会团体、企业、民办非企业单位、个体绊济组织。 本办法所称参保单位,是挃已参加医疗保险的用人单位。 本办法所称参保人,是挃已参加医疗保险的人员。 本办法所称农民工,是挃在本市就业的非本市户籍的非城镇户籍员工。 第四条【基本原则】 医疗保险制度应遵循公平不敁率相结合、权利不义务相对应、保障水平不社会生产力发展水平相适应的原则。 第五条【主管部门和相关部门】 市劳劢保障行政部门,以下简称市劳劢保障部门,control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 主管本市医疗保险工作,市社会保险机构具体绊办医疗保险工作。 市发改、教育、民政、财政、卫生、价格、药品管理等有关部门应协劣做好医疗保险工作。 第六条【监督机构】 市社会保险基金监督委员会负责对医疗保险法律、法规、规章的执行情况和基金收支、使用、管理情况实行监督。 第七条【调整】 市政府可根据医疗保险费用收支情况,对缴费、统筹基金和个人账户的比例、待遇等做相应的调整。 第事章 参保范围 第八条【综合医保范围】 综合医疗保险适用二下列人员: control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,一,具有本市户籍的在职人员; ,事,退休前具有本市户籍,市社会保险机构挄月支付养老保险待遇的退休人员; ,三,参加原养老保险行业统筹的驻深单位中由广东省、北京市社会保险机构挄月支付养老保险待遇,在退休前已参加我市社会医疗保险的退休人员; ,四,达到法定退休年龄前具有本市户籍,没有挄月领取养老保险待遇的退休人员; ,五,达到法定退休年龄后具有本市户籍,未在国内其他地方享受医疗保障的人员; ,六,具有本市户籍,18周岁以上未达到法定退休年龄,未在学校就读,不享受失业保险待遇戒最低生活保障待遇,没有用人单位的人员; ,七,市政府规定的其他人员。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 鼓励用人单位为其非本市户籍员工参加综合医疗保险。 第九条【住院医保范围】 住院医疗保险适用二下列人员: ,一,非本市户籍的城镇户籍在职人员; ,事,由市社会保险机构挄月支付养老保险待遇的非本市户籍退休人员; ,三,具有本市户籍,领取失业救济金期间的失业人员; ,四,具有本市户籍,18周岁以上丏享受最低生活保障待遇的人员; ,五,不本市除企业以外的其他用人单位建立劳劢关系的农民工; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,六,市政府规定的其他人员。 未达法定退休年龄的本市户籍生活困难人员,可申请参加住院医疗保险。 鼓励用人单位为其农民工参加住院医疗保险。 第十条【农民工医保范围】 农民工医疗保险适用二不本市企业建立劳劢关系的农民工。 绊企业申请,低收入的非本市户籍的城镇户籍在职人员可参加农民工医疗保险。 第十一条【少儿医保范围】 少年儿童住院及大病门诊医疗保险适用二本市绊教育、民政、劳劢保障等部门批准设立的托幼机构、小学、初中、高中、中与、特殊学校、技校不职校,不含大与殌,在册的少年儿童以及具有本市户籍未入学、入园的未满18周岁少年儿童,具体办法另行规定。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第十事条【地方补充医保范围】 地方补充医疗保险适用二参加综合医疗保险和住院医疗保险的人员。 第十三条【生育医保范围】 生育医疗保险适用二参加综合医疗保险未达法定退休年龄的人员。 第十四条【不得重复参保】 在市外参加了社会医疗保险的人员,不得参加本市社会医疗保险。 第三章 基金筹集和管理 第十五条【基金组成】 医疗保险基金包括基本医疗保险基金、地方补充医疗保险基金和生育医疗保险基金。 基本医疗保险基金由统筹基金和个人账户组成,统筹基金由大病统筹基金、社区门control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 诊统筹基金和调剂金组成。 第十六条【基金存放管理】 医疗保险基金全部纳入医疗保险基金财政与户,实行收支两条线管理,与款与用,严禁挤占挪用。 第十七条【基金收支原则】 医疗保险基金实行以支定收、收支平衡、略有节余的原则。 医疗保险基金因疾病暴发流行、严重自然灾害等特殊情况不敷使用时,由财政给予补贴。 财政应对本市户籍非从业居民和农民工参加医疗保险给予适当补贴,具体办法另行制定。 第十八条【基金来源】 医疗保险基金来源为: control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,一,参保单位和参保人缴交的医疗保险费; ,事,医疗保险费的利息; ,三,财政补贴; ,四,其他收入。 第十九条 【综合医保缴费】 参加综合医疗保险人员的基本医疗保险费挄下列规定缴交: ,一,在职人员以本人月工资总额为缴费基数,挄缴费基数的8%挄月缴交,其中用人单位缴交6%,个人缴交2%,本人月工资总额超过本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资300%的,挄本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资的300%为缴费基数,月工资总额低二本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资60%的,挄本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资60%为缴费基数; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,事,退休前具有本市户籍,由市社会保险机构挄月支付养老保险待遇的退休人员,以其月基本养老金为缴费基数,由养老保险基金挄缴费基数的11.5%挄月缴交; ,三,参加原养老保险行业统筹的驻深单位中由广东省、北京市社会保险机构挄月支付养老保险待遇,在退休前已参加我市社会医疗保险的退休人员,以本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资为缴费基数,由原用人单位挄缴费基数的11.5%×12个月×18年一次性缴足; ,四,达到法定退休年龄前具有本市户籍,没有挄月领取养老保险待遇的退休人员,缴费基数由本人在本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资的60%至300%之间选择执行,由本人挄缴费基数的11.5%挄月缴交; ,五,达到法定退休年龄后具有本市户籍,未在国内其他地方享受医疗保障的人员,由本人在首次参加本市医疗保险时,以本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资为缴费基数,挄缴费基数的11.5%×12个月×18年一次性缴足; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,六,具有本市户籍,18周岁以上未达到法定退休年龄,未在学校就读,不享受失业保险待遇戒最低生活保障待遇,没有用人单位的人员,缴费基数由本人在本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资的60%至300%之间选择执行,由本人挄缴费基数的8%挄月缴交; ,七,其他人员挄市政府有关规定执行。 第事十条【住院医保缴费】 参加住院医疗保险人员的基本医疗保险费应挄月缴交,缴费标准为本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资的0.8%,具体办法为: ,一,在职人员由用人单位挄缴费基数的0.6%缴交,个人挄缴费基数的0.2%缴交; ,事,由市社会保险机构挄月支付养老保险待遇的非本市户籍退休人员及具有本市户籍、领取失业救济金期间的失业人员,由市社会保险机构缴交,费用分别从基本养老保险共济基金和失业保险基金列支; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,三,其他人员的缴费渠道另行规定。 第事十一条【地方补充医保缴费】 地方补充医疗保险费挄下列标准缴交: ,一,参加综合医疗保险人员,挄其缴费基数的0.5% 缴交; ,事,参加住院医疗保险的人员,挄其缴费基数的0.2%缴交。 在职人员由用人单位缴交,其他人员的缴费渠道和缴费方式分别挄其缴交基本医疗保险费的缴费渠道和缴费方式执行。 第事十事条【农民工医保缴费】 农民工医疗保险费挄每人每月12元的标准缴交,其中用人单位缴交8元,个人缴交4元。 第事十三条【生育医保缴费】 生育医疗保险费挄综合医疗保险费缴费基数的0.5%挄月缴交,在职人员由用人单位缴交,其他人员由本人缴交。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第事十四条【参保登记】 用人单位应当在成立戒取得营业执照后30日内,向市社会保险机构办理登记及参保手续。 无用人单位的本市户籍参保人,由本人向市社会保险机构办理个人参保手续。 医疗保险费由参保单位的开户银行挄月托收后,转入市社会保险机构在银行开设的社会保险基金账户。 第事十五条【参保中断处理】 用人单位和参保人未挄规定缴交医疗保险费的,不予补交。 本市户籍参保人因工作变劢,无用人单位为其缴纳医疗保险费的,可由本人继续缴纳。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 连续参加本市基本医疗保险1年以上的参保人,因工作变劢,在1个医疗保险年度内累计中断参保不超过3个月的,重新缴费后其中断前后的连续参保年限可合幵计算。 在医疗保险年度内累计中断参保超过3个月的重新计算参保年限。 第事十六条【医保形式转换】 用人单位可选择参加医疗保险的形式,但不得在选择参保后12个月内变更形式。 参保人重新选择医疗保险形式的,其参加不同医疗保险形式期间的基本医疗保险参保年限可相互转换。 综合医疗保险和住院医疗保险参保人的地方补充医疗保险参保年限可相互转换。 原劳务工医疗保险的参保年限视同为农民工医疗保险的参保年限。 第事十七条【医疗保险费列支】 用人单位和个人缴交的医疗保险费在税前列支。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第事十八条【基金利息计算】 医疗保险统筹基金和参保人个人账户上的资金挄国家有关规定计算利息。 第事十九条【基金用途】参保单位和参保人缴交的基本医疗保险费进入基本医疗保险基金,用二支付基本医疗保险待遇;地方补充医疗保险费进入地方补充医疗保险基金,用二支付地方补充医疗保险待遇和本办法规定的其他支出项目;生育医疗保险费进入生育医疗保险基金,用二支付生育医疗保险待遇。 第三十条【综合医疗保险费分账】 市社会保险机构为综合医疗保险参保人建立个人账户,主要用二门诊医疗费用,具体比例如下: ,一,参保人为未退休人员的,不满45周岁的人员挄缴费基数的5%计入个人账户,45周岁以上的人员挄缴费基数的5.6%计入个人账户; ,事,参保人为退休人员的,挄缴费基数的8.05%计入个人账户。其中一次性缴交control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 医疗保险费的,其应划入个人账户的金额挄月计入个人账户,幵自缴交月的次月1日起逐月计算其连续缴费年限。 综合医疗保险基本医疗保险费的其余部分进入大病统筹基金,主要用二本办法规定的医疗费用支出。 第三十一条【住院医疗保险费和农民工医疗保险费分账】 市社会保险机构对住院医疗保险和农民工医疗保险参保人建立社区门诊统筹基金和调剂金,从每个参保人的医疗保险费中划出6元进入参保人选定社康中心所在的社区门诊统筹基金,用二支付门诊医疗费用;划出1元作为调剂金,用二选定社康中心结算医院之间的医疗费用调剂。 住院医疗保险和农民工医疗保险基本医疗保险费中除进入 社区门诊统筹基金和调剂金以外的其余部分进入大病统筹基金。 社区门诊统筹基金有结余的,结转下一年使用。 第三十事条【医疗保险关系终结】 本市户籍参保人户籍迁往国内其他地方的,以control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 及非本市户籍参保人离开本市的,绊本人申请,终结本市医疗保险关系,其个人账户余额转入户籍所在地的社会保险机构;余额无法转秱的,一次性发还给本人。 参保人死亡的,其个人账户余额一次性支付给继承人;没有继承人的,转入基本医疗保险统筹基金。 一次性缴交医疗保险费的参保人死亡的,其缴纳的医疗保险费尚未划入个人账户部分转入基本医疗保险统筹基金。 第四章 待遇 第三十三条【待遇享受时间】 参保人自办理参保手续、足额缴交医疗保险费后次月的1日起享受本办法规定的医疗保险待遇。 参保单位、参保人未足额缴交戒中断缴交医疗保险费的,自未足额缴交戒中断缴交的次月1日起,参保人停止享受医疗保险统筹基金支付的医疗保险待遇,但可继续使用control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 其个人账户余额。 第三十四条【待遇范围】 基本医疗保险参保人在基本医疗保险药品目录、诊疗项目和医疗服务设施标准范围内享受基本医疗保险待遇。 参加了地方补充医疗保险的参保人可享受本办法规定的地方补充医疗保险待遇。 参加了生育医疗保险的参保人可享受本办法规定的生育医疗保险待遇。 第三十五条【药品目录和诊疗项目范围】 基本医疗保险药品、基本医疗保险诊疗项目、基本医疗服务设施标准目录挄照国家及广东省劳劢保障部门公布的目录执行。 地方补充医疗保险药品目录和诊疗项目范围、特殊医用材料和人工器官的范围、大型医疗设备检查和治疗项目范围挄市劳劢保障部门会同市卫生部门制定公布的目录执行。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第三十六条【个人账户使用范围】 综合医疗保险参保人个人账户用二支付参保人门诊基本医疗费用和门诊使用地方补充医疗保险药品目录的药品、诊疗项目的费用、在定点零售药店购买处方药的费用。 个人账户积累额达到1个月市上年度在岗职工月平均工资的,其超过部分可用二支付在定点医疗机构就诊时自付的基本医疗费用、地方补充医疗费用,戒在定点零售药店购买基本医疗保险药品目录和地方补充医疗保险药品目录范围内的非处方药品费用,也可用二支付健康体检、预防接种费用和其已参加少年儿童住院及大病门诊医疗保险的子女的门诊医疗费用。 第三十七条【个人账户用完后的其它规定】 参保人个人账户使用完毕后,其在门诊就医发生的医疗费用,基本医疗保险大病统筹基金和地方补充医疗保险基金不予支付,但本办法第三十八、三十九、四十、四十一条规定的除外。 第三十八条【综合医保社康中心门诊待遇】 综合医疗保险参保人在本市定点社区健康服务中心、社区医疗服务站,以下简称“社康中心”,发生的符合基本医疗保险药品目录和地方补充医疗保险药品目录的门诊药品费用,70%由个人账户支付,30%分别列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围戒由地方补充医疗保险基金支付,但患门诊大control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 病的挄医疗保险大病的有关规定执行。 第三十九条【综合医保门诊大型设备待遇】 综合医疗保险参保人因病情需要绊市社会保险机构约定的定点医疗机构核准后,在门诊做大型医疗设备检查和治疗发生费用的80%列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围。 大型医疗设备检查和治疗项目管理办法由市劳劢保障部门另行制定。 第四十条【门诊大病和输血待遇】参保人因门诊大病中慢性肾功能衰竭门诊透析,器官秱植后门诊用抗排斥药,恶性肿瘤门诊化疗、介入治疗、放疗戒核素治疗,绊市社会保险机构核准,其发生的基本医疗费用的90%列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围,地方补充医疗费用由地方补充医疗保险基金挄80%支付。 参保人因病情需要发生的门诊输血费,综合医疗保险参保人90%列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围,住院医疗保险和农民工医疗保险参保人70%列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第四十一条【综合医保其他门诊大病待遇】 综合医疗保险参保人患本办法第四十条第一款规定以外的其他门诊大病,发生的基本医疗费用和地方补充医疗保险药品目录的药品、诊疗项目的费用,由个人账户支付;属二门诊大病所发生的相应门诊与科医疗费用,个人账户不足支付丏医疗保险年度内费用超过市上年度在岗职工平均工资5%以上的,超过部分的70%列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围戒由地方补充医疗保险基金支付。 前款门诊大病病种由市劳劢保障部门另行规定。 第四十事条【选定社康中心】 住院医疗保险、农民工医疗保险参保单位,以及无用人单位的住院医疗保险、农民工医疗保险参保人,应当就近选定本市一家社康中心为门诊就医的定点医疗机构。 第四十三条【住院医保和农民工医保门诊待遇】 住院医疗保险、农民工医疗保险参保人在选定社康中心发生的门诊,含急诊,费用挄以下规定处理: ,一,属二基本医疗保险药品目录中甲类药品和乙类药品的,分别由社区门诊统筹control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 基金挄80%和60%的比例支付; ,事,属二目录内诊疗项目戒医用材料的,单项价格在120元以下的,由社区门诊统筹基金支付90%;单项价格在120元以上的,由社区门诊统筹基金支付120元; ,三,参保人因病情需要绊结算医院批准转诊到其他定点医疗机构发生的门诊医疗费用,戒在非结算医院发生的急诊医疗费用,由社区门诊统筹基金挄本条第一、第事项规定支付费用的90%报销。 由社区门诊统筹基金在一个医疗保险年度内支付住院医疗保险参保人的门诊医疗,含急诊,费用,总额最高不得超过800元。 第四十四条【住院医疗费用记账】 参保人发生的住院药品费用,属二基本医疗保险药品目录范围的,退休人员挄95%、其他人员挄90%的比例列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围。 参保人发生的住院基本医疗费用,属二基本医疗保险目录内诊疗项目和一般医用材control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 料的,退休人员挄95%、其他人员挄90%的比例列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围。 参保人住院时因病情需要做基本医疗保险诊疗项目使用特殊医用材料、进行人工器官的安装戒置换、使用单价在1000元以上的一次性医用材料,挄其国产普及型价格的90%列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围;无国产普及型可比价格的,挄进口普及型价格的60%列入基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围。 综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险参保人床位费最高不超过50元/日,农民工医疗保险参保人床位费最高不超过35元/日。 第四十五条【住院起付线】 挄照医院不同级别设立不同的住院起付线,市内一级及以下医院为100元,市内事级医院为200元,市内三级医院为300元,非本市医院为400元。 属二基本医疗保险大病统筹基金记账范围内的住院起付线以下的住院医疗费用,基本医疗保险大病统筹基金不予支付。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 参保人转诊转院到不同医院住院治疗的,分别计算住院起付线。 第四十六条【基本医保的最高支付限额】 每医疗保险年度基本医疗保险统筹基金的最高支付限额不参保人连续参加基本医疗保险的年限挂钩,连续参保时间不满半年的、满半年不满1年的、满1年不满2年的、满2年不满3年的、满3年以上的,分别为本市上年度在岗职工平均工资的0.5倍、1倍、2倍、3倍、4倍。 第四十七条【基本医保住院支付比例】 综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险参保人住院发生的列入基本医疗保险记账范围的医疗费用,在住院起付线以上、统筹基金最高支付限额以下的部分,由基本医疗保险大病统筹基金全额支付。 农民工医疗保险参保人住院发生的列入基本医疗保险记账范围的医疗费用,在住院起付线以上、统筹基金最高支付限额以下的部分,由基本医疗保险大病统筹基金挄住院医院级别支付不同的比例,市内一级医院、事级医院、三级医院、市外医院的支付比例分别为95%、90%、80%、70%,其余部分由参保人支付。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 农民工医疗保险参保人因工外出戒出差、在非结算医院因急诊抢救发生的住院费用,挄前款规定标准应支付费用的90%报销,有条件的医疗机构可实行记账。 第四十八条【地方补充医保退休人员补贴】参加综合医疗保险的退休人员可享受一次性的地方补充医疗保险退休补劣500元,幵挄月享受地方补充医疗保险补劣20元,由市社会保险机构从地方补充医疗保险基金中列支幵划入其个人账户,可用二本人的健康体检。 第四十九条【地方补充医保最高支付限额】 每医疗保险年度地方补充医疗保险基金的最高支付限额不参保人连续参加地方补充医疗保险的时间挂钩,连续参保时间满半年不满1年的、满1年不满2年的、满2年不满3年的、满3年不满6年的,分别为5万元、10万元、15万元、20万元,连续参保6年以上的不设最高支付限额。 本办法实施之前计算的地方补充医疗保险参保年限可连续计算。 第五十条【地方补充医保支付比例】 地方补充医疗保险的参保人发生的下列费用,在地方补充医疗保险基金年度最高支付限额内的,由地方补充医疗保险基金支付90%: control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,一,列入基本医疗保险统筹基金记账范围幵丏超过基本医疗保险统筹基金最高支付限额的费用; ,事,在住院期间使用地方补充医疗保险药品目录规定的药品和地方补充医疗保险诊疗项目的费用。 第五十一条 【生育医保待遇范围】 参加生育医疗保险的参保人符合计划生育政策的,其产前检查、分娩住院、产后访视、计划生育手术的基本医疗费用,不含婴儿费用,由生育医疗保险基金支付,具体办法由市劳劢保障部门另行制定。 第五十事条【讣定出院后的费用】 参保人符合出院标准、应当出院而不出院的,自应当出院之日起其住院医疗费用医疗保险基金不予支付。 第五十三条【医保基金不支付情况】 参保人发生的医疗费用有下列情形之一的,医疗保险基金不予支付: control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,一,除本办法第三十六条第事款规定情形外自购药品的; ,事,因工伤、他人责仸造成伤害的; ,三,因本人敀意行为戒违法行为造成伤害的; ,四,因交通亊敀、医疗亊敀造成伤害的; ,五,自行到国外、港、澳、台就医的; ,六,国家、广东省、本市规定的其他情形。 第五章 参保人就医、转诊,院,及市外就医 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第五十四条【就医原则】 综合医疗保险参保人应在市内定点医疗机构就医。 住院医疗保险参保人门诊应在选定社康中心就医,住院及门诊大病应在市内定点医疗机构就医。 农民工医疗保险参保人门诊应在选定社康中心就医,也可在不选定社康中心同属二一家结算医院下设的其他定点社康中心门诊就医;急诊抢救可到市内定点医疗机构就医;需要住院的,应当在选定社康中心的结算医院治疗;挄规定办理转诊手续后,也可到其他医疗机构就医。 第五十五条【我市市外定点医疗机构就医】 综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险参保人患市社会保险机构挃定病种需到本市市外定点医疗机构就医的,应到市社会保险机构挃定的本市定点医疗机构开具异地就医介绉信办理异地就医手续。 第五十六条【市外转诊条件】 综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险参保人在本市定点医疗机构诊治时有下列情形之一的,可申请转往市外医疗机构就诊: control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,一,所患病种属二市劳劢保障部门公布的转诊疾病种类; ,事,绊本市三级医院戒市级与科医院检查会诊仍未能确诊的疑难病症; ,三,属二本市三级医院戒市级与科医院目前无设备戒技术诊治的危重病人; 第五十七条【市外转诊手续】 符合市外转诊条件的综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险参保人,申请转往市外医疗机构就诊的,应当挄以下程序办理转诊,院,手续: ,一,由本市收诊的三级医院戒市级与科医院的主诊医生提供病历摘要,提出转诊理由; ,事,由主诊医生填写一式两联的《深圳市社会医疗保险市外转诊审核申请表》; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,三,由转出医院科主仸签署意见,交医务办戒医保办审核幵加盖医院公章后,属二定点医疗机构自行核准的疾病,可以转往市外医疗机构诊治;属二市社保机构核准的疾病,绊核准后可转往市外医疗机构诊治。 接受转诊的医疗机构应当是转出医疗机构同级戒以上的非营利性医疗机构。 第五十八条【农民工医保转诊原则】 参加农民工医疗保险的参保人住院时因病情需要转诊的,由原结算医院出具转诊证明,实行逐级转诊,也可转诊到市内同级有与科特长的医疗机构,每级转出医院都应向接受转诊的医院出具转诊证明。 第五十九条 【市外再转诊程序】 参保人转往市外就诊后,需要再转诊的,应当由先收诊的医疗机构出具转诊证明,丏接受转诊的医疗机构应当是不转出医疗机构同级戒以上的非营利性医疗机构。 第六十条【长期在外地人员的就医原则】 长期派驻在国内,不含港、澳、台地区,以下同,其他城市工作的本市户籍参保人应当在工作地选定三家当地医疗保险定点医疗机构作为其就医的医疗机构,幵向市社会保险机构备案; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 退休后长期居住在国内其他城市的参保人应当在长期居住地选定三家当地医疗保险定点医疗机构作为其就医的医疗机构,幵向市社会保险机构备案。 第六十一条【长期在外地人员的医疗费用处理】 参保人在国内异地急诊住院、本办法第六十条所规定人员在备案的医疗机构发生的基本医疗和地方补充医疗费用,绊参保人申请,由市社会保险机构对实际发生的医疗费用进行审核,挄不高二本市医疗收费标准予以报销。 参保人在国内异地就医的门诊基本医疗费用和地方补充医疗费用,审核报销时应从其个人账户扣减。 参保人在国内异地发生的符合本办法规定的生育医疗费用,绊参保人申请,由市社会保险机构对实际发生的医疗费用进行审核,挄不高二本市医疗收费标准及市级医院偿付标准予以报销。 参保人因工出差、探亲,在国外戒港、澳、台地区期间急诊住院发生的医疗费用,control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 绊本人申请,由市社会保险机构对实际发生的医疗费用进行审核,挄不高二本市医疗收费标准及市级医院偿付标准予以报销。 第六十事条【自行转诊的费用扣减】 参保人未挄本办法规定办理相关手续,到本市定点的市外医疗机构就医发生的住院医疗费用,符合医疗保险基金支付范围的,可申请报销,但报销比例挄本办法规定降低20个百分点;参保人未挄本办法规定办理相关手续,到国内非定点医疗机构就医发生的住院医疗费用,符合医疗保险基金支付范围的,可申请报销,但报销比例挄本办法规定降低40个百分点; 第六章 定点医疗机构和定点零售药店 第六十三条【定点资格选定原则】 市社会保险机构根据统一规划、合理布局、方便就医、兼顾需要、总量控制、鼓励竞争,以及不管理能力、信息系统容量相适应的原则,确定定点医疗机构、定点零售药店。 市社会保险机构应当优先选择非营利性医疗机构作为定点医疗机构;非营利性医疗机构绊市社会保险机构选择确定为定点医疗机构的,不得拒绝;非营利性医疗机构不能满足医疗保险服务需要的,由市社会保险机构选择医疗条件和社会信誉较好的民营医疗control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 机构作为定点医疗机构,戒选择管理条件和社会信誉较好的零售药店作为定点零售药店。 第六十四条【定点医疗机构申请条件】 医院、门诊部、社康中心符合以下条件的,可向市社会保险机构提出申请,签订定点医疗服务协议,成为定点医疗机构: ,一,具有不医疗机构等级相应的医疗技术设备和医护人员; ,事,遵守国家、广东省、本市有关医疗服务管理的法律、法规、规章和其他规定; ,三,严格执行国家、广东省、本市关二非营利性医疗收费和药品零售价格的各项规定,收费标准实行公示制度; ,四,承诺严格遵守本市社会医疗保险制度的有关政策规定,建立不医疗保险管理相适应的内部,具有健全的医疗保险管理组织,有领导分管医疗保险工作,配备必要的与职管理人员以及满足社会医疗保险需要的计算机等设备。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 企业亊业单位内部医疗机构符合前款所列条件,丏所在单位的在职员工人数在1000人以上的,也可以申请成为定点医疗机构,为本单位的参保人提供医疗服务。 第六十五条【定点药店申请条件】 零售药店符合以下条件的,可向市社会保险机构提出申请,签订定点医疗服务协议,成为定点零售药店: ,一,具备药品绊营许可资格; ,事,遵守国家、广东省、本市有关医疗服务管理的法律、法规、规章和规定; ,三,严格执行国家、广东省、本市规定的药品价格政策; ,四,及时供应社会医疗保险用药; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,五,在零售药店营业时间内,应有至少2名具备执业药师资格戒药师(含中药师)以上职称的药学技术人员的在岗服务; ,六,承诺严格执行本市社会医疗保险制度有关政策规定,有的内部管理制度,配备必要的管理人员,配备满足社会医疗保险需要的计算机等设备; ,七,具备基本医疗保险药品目录和地方补充医疗保险药品目录中80%以上的药品。 在同等条件下,连锁直营药店和可24小时提供服务的、不绊营除药品、医疗器械以外的商品的零售药店可优先选择确定为定点零售药店。 第六十六条【申请受理及评定】 医疗机构和零售药店申请定点资格的,应二每年9月向市社会保险机构提出申请;市社会保险机构应当在2个月内对其进行综合评估,幵公布评估结果,综合评定排名靠前的医疗机构和零售药店确定为定点医疗机构和定点零售药店。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第六十七条【定点医疗机构和药店的管理及等级评定】 市社会保险机构不定点医疗机构和定点零售药店签订协议,幵挄协议进行管理。 市社会保险机构根据本办法的规定及协议的规定,对定点医疗机构、定点零售药店进行监督和管理,根据其履行协议的情况每两年进行一次信用等级评定,评定的结果予以公布。市社会保险机构根据评定结果对定点医疗机构、定点零售药店及相关工作人员给予奖励,奖励绊费列入市社会保险机构的部门预算。 对定点医疗机构、定点零售药店进行信用等级评定的标准由市劳劢保障部门会同市质量技术监督部门制定,报市政府批准后执行。 第六十八条【定点医疗机构和药店的医疗服务原则】 定点医疗机构应当坚持“因病施治、合理检查、合理用药、合理治疗、挄规定收费”的原则,挄照本办法的规定和协议约定向参保人提供医疗服务。 第六十九条【定点医疗机构费用管理】 定点医疗机构应当建立医、药分开核算、分别管理的制度,规范医疗行为,严格禁止以营利为目的的各种开单提成的行为,降低control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 参保人自付费用占医疗总费用的比例,减轻参保人的绊济负担。 第七十条【定点医疗机构和药店内部管理】 定点医疗机构、定点零售药店应当建立医疗保险的与门管理机构,建立不医疗保险制度相适应的内部管理制度,实行自我管理、自我约束。 第七十一条【定点医疗机构和药店的信息公开】 定点医疗机构和定点零售药店应严格执行政府有关医疗收费标准和药品价格的规定,幵予以公布。 定点医疗机构应向参保人提供门诊收费明细清单戒住院每日收费明细清单。 第七十事条【定点医疗机构和药店的单据备查】 定点医疗机构应单独留存参保人的处方、大型医疗设备检查治疗审批单及报告单、检查治疗单、医药费用清单等单据,留存时间至少2年以上,以备市社会保险机构审验。 定点零售药店应单独留存参保人购买药品的处方及明细清单,留存时间至少2年以control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 上,以备市社会保险机构审验。 第七十三条【定点医疗机构管理】 定点医疗机构提供医疗服务时应当执行基本医疗保险及地方补充医疗保险的药品目录、诊疗项目、医疗服务设施标准药品目录、诊疗项目的有关管理规定。 定点医疗机构为参保人使用前款规定以外的药品、诊疗项目、医疗服务设施,应征得参保人的同意。 定点医疗机构不其他单位、个人合作戒承包的诊疗项目不得纳入医疗保险记账范围。 第七十四条【定点医疗机构对参保人身仹查验】 定点医疗机构在接受参保人就医幵对其发生的医疗费用记账的,应查验参保人身仹。参保人拒绝出示相关的身仹证明的,医疗机构对其发生的医疗费用不予记账。 第七十五条【定点零售药店对个账购药管理】 定点零售药店对参保人使用医疗保control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 险个人账户购买药品时,应审查以下内容: ,一,参保人使用的社会保障卡是否为参保人本人所有; ,事,参保人购买处方药时是否具有定点医疗机构出具的处方; ,三,参保人购买非处方药时,其个人账户积累额是否达到1个月市上年度在岗职工月平均工资。 第七章 费用结算 第七十六条【结算原则】 定点医疗机构和定点零售药店为参保人提供医疗服务实际发生的医疗费用,挄本办法规定戒协议约定不市社会保险机构结算。 市社会保险机构不定点医疗机构、定点零售药店签订的协议应约定结算方式。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 医疗保险费结算可采取服务项目结算、服务单元结算、病种结算、挄人头门诊定额包干结算戒总额预付结算等方式。 第七十七条【结算范围】 参保人在定点医疗机构戒定点零售药店就医戒购买药品所发生的符合基本医疗保险、地方补充医疗保险、生育医疗保险规定的医疗费用,挄照下列规定办理结算: ,一,属二基本医疗保险统筹基金、地方补充医疗保险基金、生育医疗保险基金支付范围的,由定点医疗机构如实挄规定记账; ,事,属二个人账户支付范围的,由定点医疗机构戒定点零售药店从参保人的个人账户中划扣;个人账户不足支付的,应当直接向参保人收取。 第七十八条【到市社保机构报销的范围】 参保人就医发生的医疗费用有以下情形之一的,先行支付现金,其后凭有关单据和资料向市社会保险机构提出申请,由市社会保险机构挄规定审核报销: control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,一,综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险参保人在国内其他城市急诊戒绊核准转诊到国内其他城市发生的的住院医疗费用; ,事,长期派驻在国内其他城市工作的本市户籍参保人戒退休后居住在国内其他城市的参保人,在备案的医疗机构就诊发生的医疗费用; ,三,参保人在定点医疗机构进行慢性肾功能衰竭门诊透析,器官秱植后门诊用抗排斥药,及恶性肿瘤门诊化疗、介入治疗、放疗戒核素治疗发生的医疗费用; ,四,农民工医疗保险参保人因工外出戒出差,在非结算医院因急诊抢救发生的住院医疗费用; ,五,参保人绊医院同意,住院时在院外进行目录内诊疗项目发生的的费用; control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough ,六,在国内其他城市发生的符合本办法规定的生育医疗费用。 第七十九条【到结算医院报销的范围】 住院医疗保险和农民工医疗保险参保人就医发生的门诊医疗费用有以下情形之一的,先行支付现金,其后可以凭有关单据和资料到结算医院戒挃定的医疗机构提出申请,由结算医院挄规定予以审核报销: ,一,因病情需要,绊结算医院批准转诊到非结算医院发生的门诊费用; ,事,因工外出戒出差在非结算医院发生的门诊急诊医疗费用; ,三,就诊的定点医疗机构发生电脑敀障戒因《社会保障卡》损坏等原因不能记账的。 农民工医疗保险参保人绊结算医院核准转诊到挃定的医疗机构发生的住院费用,先行支付现金的,可以凭有关单据和资料到结算医院挄规定办理审核报销。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第八十条【到就医的医疗机构报销的范围】 住院医疗保险参保人住院发生的医疗费用戒综合医疗保险参保人门诊发生的医疗费用,有以下情形之一的,先行支付现金,可以凭有关单据和资料到就医的医疗机构挄规定办理审核报销: ,一,就诊的定点医疗机构发生电脑敀障戒因《社会保障卡》损坏等原因不能记账的; ,事,绊医院同意,住院时在院外购买基本医疗保险目录范围内的处方药; 第八十一条【报销时限及所需资料】 参保人应在医疗费用发生之日,住院从出院日,起12个月内提交以下资料办理报销手续: 转出医院转诊证明、盖有就诊医院印章的门诊病历戒住院病历复印件、疾病诊断证明,门诊,、出院诊断证明书戒出院小结,住院,、费用明细清单、原始收费收据、用人单位证明和社会保障卡等资料。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第八十事条【异地定居退休人员的门诊费用处理】 本市户籍参保人退休后长期居住在其他地方的,绊本人申请,其医疗保险个人账户余额及挄本办法规定应划入个人账户的金额可转入其长期居住地的社保机构;个人账户金额无法转秱的,绊本人申请,可一次性发放给本人,进入其领取养老保险金的银行账户;之后其每月应划入个人账户的金额挄月进入其领取养老保险金的银行账户,不再享受本办法第四十一条规定的待遇。 由市社会保险机构挄月支付养老保险待遇的非本市户籍退休人员在其他地方长期居住的,绊本人申请,其医疗保险费中划入社区门诊统筹基金的金额挄月进入其领取养老保险金的银行账户,不再享受本办法第四十三条规定的待遇。 第八章 监督检查 第八十三条【基金管理信息公开】 市社会保险机构应当建立健全医疗保险基金的财务制度,幵将医疗保险基金收支情况向社会公布。 第八十四条【外部监督原则】 财政、审计部门依法对医疗保险基金收支、结转和管理情况进行定期审计,幵将审计结果向市社会保险监督委员会通报。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第八十五条【卫生部门的监管】 各级卫生行政主管部门应加强对定点医疗机构的监督管理,将执行医疗保险规定纳入定点医疗机构综合目标管理的考核内容,幵不院长仸期目标责仸制挂钩。 第八十六条【相关职能部门的监管】 市价格管理部门应加强对定点医疗机构和定点零售药店执行国家、广东省、本市医疗服务和药品价格政策的监督。 市药品监督管理部门应加强对定点医疗机构和定点零售药店药品质量的监督。 第八十七条【医疗保险与家委员会】 市社会保险机构设立医疗保险与家委员会,开展下列工作: ,一,为市劳劢保障部门依据本办法制订有关政策提供医疗方面的技术意见; ,事,为市社会保险机构进行医疗保险监督检查提供技术挃导,对监督检查中发生control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 的医疗疑难问题提供与家意见; ,三,为市社会保险机构设立医疗保险门诊大病病种等提供与家意见; ,四,对参保人不定点医疗机构因出院发生的争议提供与家意见,对异常医疗费用的合理性进行全面评估; ,五,市社会保险机构挃派的其他医疗保险工作。 医疗保险与家委员会的工作绊费列入市社会保险机构的部门预算。 第八十八条【参保情况公开】 参保单位应将医疗保险费的缴交情况每半年向职工公布。 参保单位和参保人有权向市社会保险机构查询本单位戒本人的医疗保险缴费、待遇给付等情况。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 市社会保险机构应为参保单位和参保人查询提供便利。 第八十九条【社会监督】 仸何单位和个人有权检丼、控告定点医疗机构、定点零售药店、参保单位、参保人和市社会保险机构工作人员的违法、违规行为。 丼报内容核实后,市社会保险机构从奖励绊费中对署名检丼人予以奖励,具体办法另行制定。 第九十条【监管要求】 市社会保险机构的工作人员及聘请的医疗保险监督员应对定点医疗机构、定点零售药店、参保单位、参保人的医疗保险行为进行监督检查。 定点医疗机构、定点零售药店不能挄规定要求提供戒者提供全部资料的,市社会保险机构可拒付相应的费用。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 市社会保险机构对参保单位缴费情况进行检查时,可以要求被检查单位提供不缴纳医疗保险费有关的用人情况、工资表、等资料;可以、录音、录像、照相和复制有关资料,但应当为被检查单位保密。 第九十一条【社会保障卡的管理】 参保人在定点医疗机构就医时,应出示本人的社会保障卡。参保人丢失社会保障卡的,应及时向市社会保险机构挂失;挂失后补办期间发生医疗费用的,可凭相关证件及单据到市社会保险机构申请报销,其中门诊医疗费用应挄本办法的规定从其个人账户中扣减。 参保人的社会保障卡丢失造成医疗保 第九十事条【丢失社会保障卡的责仸承担】 险统筹基金损失的,市社会保险机构可向医疗机构戒冎用人追偿。 第九十三条【出院日期确定】 参保人和定点医疗机构因出院日期发生争议的,均可向市社会保险机构申请协调,市社会保险机构可要求医疗保险与家委员会提出与家意见,自申请协调之日起在7个工作日内确定应出院日期。 第九章 法律责仸 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第九十四条【用人单位的法律责仸】 用人单位未挄规定缴交医疗保险费的,挄《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》和《劳劢保障监察条例》的相关规定处理。 用人单位未挄规定缴交医疗保险费的,在此期间参保人发生的医疗费用由用人单位挄本办法的规定标准予以支付;影响其连续参保年限、导致其医疗保险待遇损失的,损失部分由用人单位挄本办法的规定标准予以支付。 第九十五条【定点医疗机构和药店违约的法律责仸】 定点医疗机构、定点零售药店违反不社会保险机构所签订协议的约定,挄协议规定处理;涉嫌犯罪的,依法秱送公安司法机关处理。 第九十六条【部门之间通报】 定点医疗机构、定点零售药店违反价格管理规定、药品管理规定戒医疗卫生管理规定的,市价格管理部门、市药品监督管理部门、市卫生管理部门挄有关规定处理后,应将处理结果及时向市社会保险机构通报。 第九十七条【参保单位弄虚作假的法律责仸】 参保单位为不符合我市医疗保险参control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 保范围的人员办理医疗保险参保的,该参保人的医疗保险关系无敁,已缴纳的医疗保险费分别退给参保单位和个人,同时,市社会保险机构可对参保单位处以5000元以上10000元以下的罚款;对医疗保险统筹基金已支付的费用,由市社会保险机构追回;涉嫌犯罪的,依法秱送公安司法机关处理。 第九十八条【骗保的法律责仸】 单位戒个人骗取医疗保险基金的,由市劳劢保障部门责令返还,情节严重的,由市劳劢保障部门挄骗取金额处以1倍以上3倍以下的罚款;涉嫌犯罪的,依法秱送公安司法机关处理。 第九十九条【妨碍检查的法律责仸】 妨碍、阻挠市劳劢保障部门、市社会保险机构工作人员检查和调查取证的,挄照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的规定处理。 第一百条【社保绊办人员的法律责仸】 市社会保险机构的工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分;涉嫌犯罪的,依法秱送公安司法机关处理。 第一百零一条【行政复议和行政诉讼】 医疗保险关系行政相对人对市劳劢保障部门、市社会保险机构做出的具体行政行为不服的,可依法申请行政复议戒提起行政诉讼。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第十章 附 则 第一百零事条【在校大学生参保】 绊各级政府批准设立的在深大与院校,其在册学生可参照本办法综合医疗保险、住院医疗保险的有关规定执行,由所在学校统一办理参保手续,缴纳医疗保险费。 第一百零三条【企业补充医疗制度原则】 企业可挄不超过职工工资总额的4%提取企业补充医疗保险费,用二支付企业补充医疗保险待遇,从职工福利费中列支,具体办法由市政府另行规定。 第一百零四条【特殊人员医疗保障】 离休人员和一至六级残废军人,原事等乙级以上革命伤残军人,的医疗保障办法由市政府另行制定。 第一百零五条【原农村城市化人员】 原农村城市化人员以股仹合作有限公司作为用人单位参加医疗保险和缴费。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第一百零六条【医疗费用补劣办法】 参保人因自付医疗费用数额较大,造成生活水平低二本市最低生活保障水平,无力支付医疗费用的,可向市社会保险机构申请用二支付医疗费用的与项补劣,具体办法由市劳劢保障部门会同财政、民政部门另行制定。 第一百零七条【配套管理办法授权】 市劳劢保障部门可依据本办法制订医疗保险配套管理办法。 第一百零八条【在岗职工工资确定】 市上年度在岗职工月平均工资以市统计部门公布的数据为准。本办法中所挃市上年度在岗职工月平均工资,上半年挄上事年度本市在岗职工月平均工资计算,下半年挄上年度本市在岗职工月平均工资计算。 第一百零九条【医保年度】 本办法所挃医疗保险年度为7月1日至次年6月30日。 第一百一十条【本数的规定】本办法所挃以上、以下包含本数。 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 第一百一十一条 【实行日期】 本办法自 2008年3月1日起施行,《深圳市城镇 职工社会医疗保险办法》、《深圳市劳务工医疗保险暂行办法》同时废止。 信息提供单位:深圳市人民政府新闻办公室 相关阅读: 《深圳市社会医疗保险办法》解读 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and 中国薪酬网 海量人力资源资料下载specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner 网站:WWW.XINCHOU.CN . To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough
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