

2017-09-26 5页 doc 25KB 16阅读




救助儿童会北京办公室救助儿童会北京办公室 Application Form Position Applied For:_________________________________________________ Closing date: ________________________________________________________ Please return to: Save the Children Beijing Office 救助儿童会北京办公室 Apartment051, Entrance 2, Bu...
救助儿童会北京办公室 Application Form Position Applied For:_________________________________________________ Closing date: ________________________________________________________ Please return to: Save the Children Beijing Office 救助儿童会北京办公室 Apartment051, Entrance 2, Building No.2, 北京市建外外交公寓2号楼2单元051室 Jianwai Diplomatic Compound, 邮编: 100600 Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R.China 电子邮件: beijingoffice@savethechildren.org.cn Postal Code: 100600 传真: +86-(0)10-65006554 Email: beijingoffice@savethechildren.org.cn Fax: +86-(0)10-65006554 Please use a black pen or type. Full Name:________________________________ Name which you normally use:__________________ Full Address (where you can normally be contacted): _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Home telephone number or number where you can be contacted (if available): _____________ Work telephone number (if applicable): ________________________ May we call you at work? (YES/NO): __________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________ If successful, when could you take up the job? ______________________ How long will you be able to work for Save the Children? ______________________ Have you worked for an NGO before? (Yes/NO)______________________________ How did you hear about this job? (From where)______________________________________ 1 REFERENCES Please give details below of two people whom we may contact for references. One referee should be your most recent employer. Please do not give your relatives. Name: ________________________________ Occupation/job title/connection with candidate:__________________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Telephone (if available): ________________________________ Name: ________________________________ Occupation/job title/connection with candidate:___________________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Telephone (if available): _______________________________ Save the Children's Child Protection Policy must be read before attending the Interview. (Please click www.savethechildren.org.cn--the column "Child Protection" For detailed Policy) 2 EDUCATION / TRAINING Dates Attended Name and address Qualifications and of Schools / colleges attended grades obtained From To TRAINING: Please give details of any other course or training that you have attended. Please give the dates and duration of the training. COMPUTER SKILLS: Please list the software that you are able to use: DRIVING: Do you hold a current, clean driving license?(YES / NO)_______________________________ Type of license: ________________ 3 EMPLOYMENT Date Job title and main responsibilities. Employers name, address and Include salary of most recent position nature of business From To held and reason for leaving INFORMATION IN SUPPORT OF YOU APPLICATION Note: This part is an important opportunity for you to show how you experience & skill match the person's specification and the job requirements! 4 LANGUAGES Spoken Chinese (YES/ NO) _________________________ Written Chinese (YES/ NO) _________________________ Spoken English (YES/NO)___________________________ Written English (YES/NO) ___________________________ Other languages (please name):_____________________________________________ Save the Children is committed to the principle of equal opportunities. No job applicant or employee should be treated differently because of their colour, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, age (16 - 60), HIV status or marital status. Current Nationality: ____________________ ID Card No._____________________________ Current Passport No. (if available): ____________________________ DECLARATION: I certify that all details given are correct. I understand that if I make any false statement and/or omission on this can be reason for dismissal by SC. I understand that employment with SC is subject to satisfactory references. Signature__________________________ 5
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