
草莓棉花糖广播剧DRAMA volume01 翻译

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草莓棉花糖广播剧DRAMA volume01 翻译草莓棉花糖广播剧DRAMA volume01 翻译 07 时间胶囊之卷 美羽:呜呜。伸江門、: 伸惠,谁是伸江门啊 美羽:呜呜,对对。茉莉,借一下眼镜。不要回答,只要眼镜。抢夺~ 茉莉:呜呜 美羽:正义的笨拙眼镜装束~ 千佳:都强取豪夺了,还正义啊。 伸惠:而且还说“笨拙” 美羽:呜呜,神江门 伸惠:又开始刚才的最初的桥段啊。 茉莉:眼镜、眼镜(砰~)啊,对不起,安娜,没有眼镜看不清楚。 安娜:茉莉,那不是我,是墙壁哦。 茉莉:这样啊,对不起,安娜。诶~安娜怎么都是毛~ 安娜:那个只是个小熊毛绒玩具而...
草莓棉花糖广播剧DRAMA volume01 翻译
草莓棉花糖广播剧DRAMA volume01 翻译 07 时间胶囊之卷 美羽:呜呜。伸江門、: 伸惠,谁是伸江门啊 美羽:呜呜,对对。茉莉,借一下眼镜。不要回答,只要眼镜。抢夺~ 茉莉:呜呜 美羽:正义的笨拙眼镜装束~ 千佳:都强取豪夺了,还正义啊。 伸惠:而且还说“笨拙” 美羽:呜呜,神江门 伸惠:又开始刚才的最初的桥段啊。 茉莉:眼镜、眼镜(砰~)啊,对不起,安娜,没有眼镜看不清楚。 安娜:茉莉,那不是我,是墙壁哦。 茉莉:这样啊,对不起,安娜。诶~安娜怎么都是毛~ 安娜:那个只是个小熊毛绒玩具而已哦。 (砰~) 茉莉:打人家,太过分了,安娜。 安娜:才没打呢。是茉莉自己撞到床脚上的 千佳:这边也是,也有奇怪的剧情展开了。 伸惠:呐,美羽,到底是什么啊。 美羽:哇———~江亚那太过分了~ 安娜:谁是江亚娜啊 千佳:原来如此。在这里两个可怕的剧情交汇了啊~ 安娜:才没有~话说来,可怕的剧情是什么意思啊。 茉莉:眼镜,眼镜。 伸惠:然后呢,蒋亚娜怎么了。 安娜:大姐姐。 美羽:蒋亚娜说我在空地里开独奏会一定会来的。 啊,独奏会是什么,(这里用的是外来 语,美羽不知道意思乱讲的) 伸惠:不知道 美羽:先提前说声,我也不知道哦、 伸惠:就3秒也好,至少先考虑一下再说话。 美羽:明白了~下周起就这么做。 茉莉:眼镜,眼镜。 安娜:请别拉我裙子,茉莉。 美羽:那么,这周来埋时光机吧~ 千佳:预告真长啊,美羽。 伸惠:先不说这个,为什么突然说要埋时光机什么的啊? 美羽:昨天妈妈给了我这个。 千佳:这个是,保险箱吧。 安娜:为什么能拿到那个啊。 美羽:因为买了新的保险箱,就给我了 顺便说一下,新买的那个,还有附带礼物20次付账呢。(这句我不大懂。) 伸惠:那是说赚了还是说里面有什么东西吗,(看来伸惠也不懂美羽在说什么) 茉莉:眼镜,眼镜。啊,这是美羽。滑滑的黏黏的。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 美羽:你难道是在说我的胸是滑滑的黏黏的么~ 千佳:与其说些莫名其妙的话胡乱生气,还不赶快把眼镜还给人家。 美羽:啊。还就是了,还就是了嘛~给~ 茉莉:啊。看见了看见了~啊,这是什么。美羽变成了保险箱! 美羽:你够了吧,还不把滑滑黏黏这些词从我身上给移开~ 茉莉:啊,这边有个人类的美羽~ 美羽:我本来就是人类啊~ 安娜:不过时光机和保险箱怎样才能联系起来啊, 美羽:就是说啊,刚才不是说过了么,每个人把自己重要的东西放进去,10年后大家一起 打开。 伸惠:那样的台词可是一句都没听到过哦~ 千佳:啊,因为谁都没说,我没才说的哦。小美说的不是时光机而是时间胶囊吧。 美羽:对对,就是那个胶囊怪兽。 茉莉:要埋怪兽么, 千佳:不埋怪兽。说过要强调未来啊~(后半句是对美羽说的) 安娜:那个,时间胶囊,是什么啊。 伸惠:不可思议的事,大概都和刚才美羽说的差不多。关系很好的朋友啊,毕业生啊,把值 得纪念的东西放到时间胶囊里埋起来。数年之后一起把它挖出来,缅怀过去的东西。 安娜:那真是好浪漫啊。 美羽:那么,干吧~各位,现在立刻把重要的东西拿来,集合~ 千佳:还是小美式的,完全不听我们的想法。 茉莉:我埋什么好呢。 伸惠:哦~,看来茉莉很感兴趣啊。 安娜:我也很有兴趣啊。 千佳:嘛,也不是不能做的事。 伸惠:没辙,看来我也得奉陪啦。 美羽:好的~大家一起埋吧~ 伸惠:为什么非要我来挖洞啊。 千佳:没办法啊,埋藏地点定在我们家了啊。 美羽:嗯嗯,辛苦了~ 伸惠:千佳,你把两只脚抓住。 千佳:好麻烦啊。 美羽:为什么姐姐和千佳两人想要把抬起来啊。 伸惠:想要把有你这样的存在告诉未来。 美羽:也就是说,姐姐最重要的东西就~是~我~ 伸惠:原来如此。“至今为止没有过的,猛烈的将我埋了”,这个意思吧。 美羽:啊啊。放开我~埋了我的话,眼珠会掉出来,鼻子会裂开,身体会肿,然后作为你们 的弟弟诞生在这个世界上。 千佳:姐姐,算了吧。 伸惠:嗯,太对不起子孙了。 美羽:感觉好像被说了很过分的话。那个暂时先放一下。那么,各位,把你的热血的回忆放 到这个保险箱里吧~ 千佳:到没什么热血的回忆,那我就把这个喜欢的蝴蝶结放进去了哦。 伸惠:果然是千佳。选了无碍的东西啊。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 安娜:茉莉要把什么放进去啊。 茉莉:那个呢,我做的乔(那只小雪貂)的毛绒玩具,看。 安娜:啊啦,好可爱呢。 茉莉:嗯,非常得意的作品。 美羽:NICE CHOICE!把可能会灭绝的雪貂的形象留到未来啊~ 茉莉:不会吧,乔,会灭绝么。 伸惠:不要制造给未来多余的恐怖好不好。 千佳:安娜打算怎么办呢,时间胶囊什么的,第一次吧。 安娜:我想把喜欢CD埋起来。 伸惠:洋曲子么。 安娜:是的,想听着最喜欢的歌手的歌,怀念往事。 美羽:可是,即使是未来,我觉得科波拉(安娜的姓)还是不懂英语的意思。 安娜:太,太过分了。大家快点说说美羽~ 伸惠:啊,对不起。 千佳:其实我也想到了同样的事。 茉莉:加油,安娜。 美羽:要不也顺便埋了英语会话的CD, 安娜:啊。哈,~ 伸惠:别再给最后一击啊,美羽。 千佳:姐姐要放什么进去啊, 伸惠:我,嗯,那我就这个吧。 安娜:烟和打火机, 千佳:而且盖也开了。 伸惠:那个,正好是时候,偶尔也戒下烟。 美羽:真是的,不要把新鲜的时间胶囊用来戒烟啊。 伸惠:那你要放什么啊。最先提议的人。 美羽:各位,更严肃地考虑一下未来的事啊~ 安娜:怎么了,突然。 美羽:的确,我们现在过着优裕的生活。但是,不断持续着的环境破坏的地球,在未来就不 一定有这么好的条件了哦。 伸惠:好吧,是谁说的。 美羽:旁边第三栋放的安田先生。 千佳:嘛,我就这么觉得的。 美羽:所以,我要为了未来留下,这个巧克力. 茉莉:为什么是巧克力呢, 美羽:给有可能迎来食物危机的未来,由现在的我赠出的微笑的礼物。 千佳:你那个一块的巧克力,打算分成多少亿份啊, 安娜:再说会腐烂的哦。 美羽:诶多,一万9, 千佳:我不知道。 伸惠:那个,美羽,暂且帮你埋了。把那个巧克力给我。 美羽:哦~拜托了。 安娜:真,真的要一起放进去么。会变成怎么样可不知道了哦。 伸惠:把东西放到保险箱里,把保险箱放到那个洞里。好了,埋了哦。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations (埋的声音) 伸惠:好久没运动了,好累啊。千佳,借用下床哦。 千佳:好的 茉莉:好期待开的时候哦。 安娜:是呢,但多少年后开呢。 千佳:嘛。先放个10年吧。 美羽:呐,大家吃巧克力吗。 千佳:3Q~,诶,巧克力, 安娜:那个,美羽, 美羽:怎么啦,科波拉。 安娜:刚埋的保险箱为什么你现在拿着啊。 美羽:我挖出来了。 伸惠:你啊,难得的时间胶囊,你在三分钟之后的未来挖出来做什么啊。 美羽:就那样吧。(大概是这个吧„„) 安娜: 在说什么完全不知道啊。 千佳:总之先把嘴巴里的巧克力给吞下去~ 美羽:也就是说,这种铜制物品还是对环境不好的。 伸惠:原来如此,那也是隔三所的邻居安田先生说的吧。 伊藤家的女仆 伸惠:诶,怎么有股香味。 千佳:啊,姐姐,我考了饼干,吃吗。 伸惠:辛苦了。总是这样抱歉啊。 千佳:这样的话,偶尔你也做一下啊。 伸惠:如果那样的话,就成了负35点了哦。 千佳:你期待着我什么啊。还有所谓的“负”的不明啊。 美羽:小千,还是没变啊。做的味道有点淡。再来一份~ (啪) 美羽:啊,做什么啊~你这家伙~ 千佳:我倒想问你在做什么。 美羽:哦活活,看了不就知道了么。 千佳:你在做什么倒是知道,可你为什么在这,我是不知道。 伸惠:怎么了啊,美羽。 美羽:说来话长啊。 伸惠:说吧。 美羽:肚子饿了,就非法侵入(估计又是爬窗)来偷吃了. 千佳:喂喂~(这里直译不好译,换了个方式) 伸惠:原来如此。某人的一生中常有的事嘛。 美羽:我自己试着跳进来了。 千佳:别跳进来了,挖地洞吧。 美羽:就这样。再多给我点饼干~ 千佳:能自由地活得像你这样,我真想知道诀窍。 美羽:诀窍之一~总之,别人的话就装作听到了。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 千佳:我可是挖苦你的啊。 伸惠:嘛,算了吧。美羽突然闯入也不是一回两回了吧。 美羽:到此结束~诀窍第一百零3个~ 千佳:一共有多少个啊。唉,算了。 美羽:可是既然被拜托了,就只能回应请求„„ 千佳:零食的话就让你吃好了。不要偷吃了哦。 美羽:明白~因为拿了好东西给我了,那我就原谅你吧。 千佳:我说啊,为什么那么骄傲的口气啊。 伸惠:呀,难得这么好吃的饼干,我还要茶来配~ 千佳:啊,我现在就泡。 美羽:等~一下。现在正是那两人的出场。 千佳:两人, 美羽:喂,快点进来~ (这闪闪亮的声音,其实是„„) 安娜:打扰了。 茉莉:扰了。 美羽:好了,两个,快去给我泡茶。 安娜:嗯。 (倒水声) 安娜:茶泡好了。 千佳:额,只是把杯子换成了塑料瓶而已„„ 伸惠:啊,那个,这是,美羽 美羽:什么,姐姐。 伸惠:诶多,这两个是, 美羽:女仆服。里面装的是安娜和茉莉。 千佳:穿的人反而是附属品么。虽然还不大明白事情原委,但对两位来说真是灾难吧。 安娜:是的,突然和茉莉一起被抓住了。 茉莉:说如果不穿这衣服,就舔鼻子„„ 千佳:真是的。你到底在想什么啊。 美羽:一直都是想着你哦。 千佳:闭嘴。不过为什么你会有女仆装啊。 美羽:很普通地在我家的衣柜里哦。 千佳:这是真的还是想转移话题啊。 美羽:我一直都是全力投球的~ 千佳:完全不知道你在说什么。 伸惠:诶多,美羽. 美羽:怎么了。姐姐。 伸惠:GOOD JOB(干得好~) 美羽:YES BOSS。 千佳:喂喂~ 安娜:姐姐~ 伸惠:对我来说,怎么说呢,就像是饱餐了。 安娜:姐姐要把我们吃了么。 千佳:先不说那个,女仆服到底是从哪来的, side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 美羽:其实呢,昨天在电视上看到了。女服务生全部都穿女仆服,对所有客人都叫“主人大 人”的店哦。 伸惠:啊。最近很多吧,叫女仆咖啡吧。 安娜:这么说的话,就是和姐姐以前工作过的地方一样吧 伸惠:小,安,娜。那只是个不同的饭店,OK, 安娜:当然OK。 茉莉:姐姐好可怕。 千佳:想要忘记的过去的伤口又被揭开了吧。 美羽:所以,突然也很想开这样的店了。所以就准备了女仆了。 千佳:你可不可以不要再这样一想到什么就做了啊。 美羽:女仆咖啡~伊藤家的女仆~ 千佳:不要把别人家的名字改成乱七八糟的东西啊。 美羽:30分钟500日元。 伸惠:还收钱的啊。 美羽:就是这样。安娜和茉莉都要好好侍奉啊~那么就舔干净我的鞋子吧~ 千佳:那可不是主人啊~总之不要再我家做那么奇怪的事。 伸惠:暂且,先1小时吧。 美羽:谢谢惠顾~ 千佳:我说啊,等一下啊。 伸惠:啊啊,想都没想就被欲望控制着拿了钱包~ 安娜:哎,完全不管我们愿不愿意啊。 茉莉:那个,还不能回家么。 伸惠:不是的,当然会尊重你们的意志。而且当然可以回去。但是,在那之前,一次也好, 能不能叫我一声“主人大人”啊。(伸惠邪恶了~) 千佳:喂~ 安娜:既然是姐姐的拜托。这样的事的话„„ 茉莉:嗯。 安娜:那么,茉莉,一二。 安娜 茉莉:主人大人。 (沉默,被萌到了吧) 安娜:姐姐。突然不说话了,怎么了, 茉莉:安娜。可能是没听到我们的声音。 安娜:那,再一次。一二。 安娜茉莉:主人大人。 伸惠:那么,千佳,我先走了, 千佳:要回房间的话,把你抱着的安娜和茉莉先放下来。 伸惠:什么时候把两个人~我到底是怎么了。 千佳:啊,看来让姐姐失常的,就是那声“主人大人”的力量啊。 美羽:姐姐,打包带走的话是要加钱的哦。 安娜:我们俩要被姐姐抱到什么时候啊。 茉莉:快点放我们下来~ 伸惠:啊啊,对不起,现在立刻放。 茉莉:啊,吓死了。 伸惠:凡事都可以商量的吧。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 茉莉:什么, 伸惠:要付多少钱才能成为我的专属女仆啊, 安娜:不可能。 伸惠:什么~ 千佳:理所当然的事为什么会那么吃惊啊,姐姐。 美羽:忽忽忽忽,哈哈哈哈。 茉莉:怎怎么了,美羽。 安娜:突然笑出来,是不是哪儿坏了。 美羽:科波拉和美羽的女仆也是我安排的。 安娜:别叫我科波拉了~ 茉莉:你的安排, 美羽:因为两位的伟大的牺牲,我发现了姐姐的女仆控属性~ 安娜:我们两人是牺牲者呢。 茉莉:美羽好过分。 伸惠:那,发现了我这属性又怎么样, 美羽:哈哈,一切都在我的计划之中。好了,现在才是压轴登场的时候了~女仆美羽诞生~ 看吧,看吧。啊,为什么没什么反应啊。那,就来点杀必死吧。就一会吧。为,为什 么。难得人家还杀必死了。 伸惠:啊,到现在即使是你卖色露内裤也没什么用了啊。 千佳:我说啊,你穿女仆装也有3回了吧。 美羽:好奇怪,在我计算中,姐姐现在应该用色色的眼神被我迷倒了的啊。 安娜:原来考虑着这样的事啊,美羽。 千佳:虽然不懂你的想法。但安娜和茉莉的效果太好了。 伸惠:说实话,对不起了,你与其说是压轴不如说是二线了。 安娜:原来如此,只是咖啡的话„„ 千佳:现在已经可以了吧。 美羽:不可以~ 茉莉:那个,这衣服,还不能脱么, (完) 漫画之卷 伸惠:哦~,今天也都聚齐了啊。四个人头靠在一起,在读书么,该怎么说呢,聚在朋友家 一起玩,应该可以说是第三件空虚的事了哦。换句话说,我想说的是,喂,别无视我 啊。我可要用手挠你们背了哦~ 茉莉:呀~~(应该是茉莉吧„„ 千佳:啊,你回来了啊,姐姐。 伸惠:终于意识到我了啊。如果这还不行的话,我打算要咬安娜的耳垂了的。 安娜:那个,姐姐,有什么事么。 伸惠:终于到我说了。你们那么认真地看什么呢, 千佳:小美带来的漫画,挺有趣的哦。 美羽:哦~。姐姐也看吧。 伸惠:怎样的漫画, 美羽:关于像我一样的可爱的女孩子过着平缓的日常生活的漫画。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 伸惠:哦哦,像茉莉呀安娜那样的可爱的女孩的平静的日常生活的漫画啊。 美羽:对对。像我一样又可爱又正义的女孩为主角日常生活的漫画。 伸惠:哦哦。像茉莉呀安娜那样可爱又正义的女孩为主角的日常生活的漫画啊。 美羽:不不,是像我一样„„ 千佳:啊。够了。不要为了漫画就不停争来争去的。话说,两位不要把我的存在给无视掉啊~ 茉莉:总觉得呢,漫画里出现的角色,和我们有点像哦,。 安娜:跟姐姐很像的角色也出现了哦。有没有跟我像的角色呢,好期待哦。 伸惠:啊,这样啊,那我也看看吧。啊,挺有趣的题目嘛 美羽:然后,这个就是和姐姐很像的姐姐。 伸惠:金发,旁若无人,不爱争论,没什么激情,偏偏做事高调的16岁的女高中生。 这。 这个是我,~ 千佳:嗯,很像很像。进入短大(短期大学,日本一个学制,一般两年左右)之前的姐姐, 就是这个感觉。 安娜:这样的啊., 茉莉:是哦,好怀念啊。 千佳:总感觉作为一个人快要完结似的。 美羽:无药可救啊。但我可是很喜欢哦。, 伸惠:好像似乎有这么回事,又好像没这么回事。算是年轻气盛呢还是„„但是,我的事就 算了吧。 美羽:那么就说下个吧~ 茉莉:这个,住在旁边的房子里,经常从窗子里跳进来的,好像美羽哦。 安娜:若说像美羽的话,还是有点太不起眼了啊。 千佳:但是旁若无热女这点还是非常像啊。而且老在剧情最后有各种噱头。 伸惠:做的事情好像都是胡来。但是,看起来却有常识的,真神奇啊。不过也只是看上去而 已。只是看上去哦。, 美羽:不要那么表扬我啊~ 安娜:不是表扬哦。 美羽:啊,最初啊,脸啊感觉啊,和这个女高中生的妹妹老混起来。 伸惠:话说,有点像千佳啊,这个女高中生的妹妹。 安娜:也是呢。 茉莉:是有点感觉像。 美羽:不~简直是酷似了哦~ 千佳:是么.还有这个女孩,没有特征就是她的特征哦,做的是也很普通。而且感觉好不起 眼。而且, 伸惠:啊啊~这个孩子。这个戴眼镜的孩子。跟茉莉好像~ 千佳:不不,首先,就这个妹妹先把话说完。 安娜:啊,真的,简直和茉莉一摸一样啊。也养着雪貂。 美羽:对对,这种弱小感,简直就是茉莉啊~ 茉莉:是吗。 伸惠:但是,比起茉莉,这个角色更戾气点啊,也会吵架。 美羽:什么~要干架么~茉莉。 茉莉:才不要呢。 安娜:嘛嘛,即使如此,经常哭的这点,还是跟茉莉很像的。 茉莉:我有那么爱哭么。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 伸惠:也是,如果用觉得像的心情来看的话,是有像的地方。 千佳:感觉好像是把我们写进了漫画。嘛。虽然没有跟我像的孩子。 安娜:拒绝承认了呢,千佳. 千佳:虽然不知道,但我的内心中总感觉在呐喊这要拒绝„„ 美羽:这个,是一个阴谋。 伸惠:又那么突然啊,你。 美羽:有间谍。他把我的信息卖个了这个漫画的作者。 茉莉:诶~~ 安娜:怎么说? 美羽:就像千佳说的那样,这个漫画的主角,就是我们啊~ 伸惠:什么,~~ 那种事怎么可能。 安娜:对啊,只是偶然啊。 茉莉:是啊,美羽,有间谍在的话,太可怕了。 伸惠:真是的,是怎样才能想到那点的啊。 千佳:小美,说太多没用的话了,。 美羽:什么啊。你们。好好想想啊~这个漫画如果卖火了,卖了好多的话,再动画化了,那 作为模特的我,tie break(抢七,网球比赛平分时的决胜制,美羽估计又乱用词了), 成了香港电影的巨星(为什么不说好莱坞呢。真是。) 伸惠:又在奇怪的地方成为巨星了啊。 美羽:和XX共同演出~(抱歉,这外国名我听不出来。。。 千佳:怎么可能。 茉莉:是在太胡说了。 美羽:啊啊,我这微小的心愿,作为一个实力模特,安享清福,可爱地度过一辈子。 千佳:那点微小了,~ 伸惠:还有,可爱地度过,意思不通。 茉莉:啊咧,安娜,你在做什么, 安娜:在找会不会也有我的角色呢。 伸惠:这么说来,跟我们像的角色都在,就安娜的没有呢。 千佳:啊,也没有像我的角色啊。 伸惠:我明白的,所以先闭嘴,妹妹。 千佳:啊。 安娜:啊,不,我也不是在期待的。只是像这样的偶尔都不断有的话,我的角色也应该有, 不过,这样的偶然也不能都有呢。 茉莉:不过,说不定,第二卷的开头就出现了哦~ 伸惠:对对。第二卷啊~像安娜的角色就突然出现了的. 安娜:也是呢。也有这样的情况呢。不过,真的不是在期待哦。 美羽:没有哦。 安娜:什么没有啊, 美羽:这个漫画的第二卷。因为这个漫画就全一卷哦。 安娜:是吗, 美羽:看来跟间谍没有关系啊。如果真的是写我们的话,就不可能一卷就结束吧。 伸惠:如果冷静考虑的话,就是的啊。架空的架空的。 千佳:太好了呢。茉莉,没有间谍。 茉莉:嗯。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 安娜:嗯,真的太好了。如果私生活被画下来了,这可够受的呢。呵呵呵。我可是一点都不 介意就我一个人没有登场哦。嗯嗯,一点都不在意。 千佳:安娜,就算把书的封皮拿下来,背后也不会画着什么的哦。 (完) 香辛料之卷 美羽:姐姐,有重大情报~ 伸惠:我不是常说么,进别人的房间要先敲门啊。 美羽:如果是你的心的话,我可是一直在敲哦~ 伸惠:从哪学的啊,这种令人起鸡皮疙瘩的话。 美羽:比起那个,姐姐,重大情报啊~ 伸惠:这个世界上已经没有比美羽的重大情报更不可靠的东西了。算了,我就听听吧。 美羽:GARAM MASALA。(一种印度的三味香辛料 辛辣,以丁香,肉桂,为主料,广泛 用于印度菜肴中) 伸惠:啊, 美羽:GARAM MASALA. 伸惠:不,就算你换种口气说,我还是不明白啊。 美羽:我已经传达完毕了。那么,我要回工作岗位了~ (脚步声„„ 伸惠:什么工作岗位啊。啊啊,这次又要做什么啊。。 (下楼) 啊,大家都聚在厨房,做什么啊, 茉莉:啊,姐姐 安娜:打扰了。 伸惠:茉莉,安娜,虽然有要问的事,但首先能不能让我抱抱可爱的穿着围裙的你们啊~~ 千佳:怎么可能。真是的,说什么啊。 伸惠:没事。我有心情了,也会抱千佳的。 千佳:那种附带的拥抱我才不要呢。。 伸惠:我家的妹妹还真是不诚实啊。那么,最初的问题,你们在做什么, 千佳:女孩子穿着围裙在厨房做什么的话,只有一件事,不是么。 伸惠:不会是,裸穿围裙来侍奉我,~ 千佳:姐姐如果是哥哥的话,那就是犯罪了哦,那种话都说出来。 茉莉:诶多,那个,我们在做料理哦, 伸惠:料理,那又是为什么, 安娜:家政课学了做菜。所以,想要做给一直照顾我们的姐姐吃。 美羽:GARAM~ MASALA. 茉莉:姐姐,能为我们吃吗, 伸惠:啊啊,多么惹人怜爱啊。我一直有这样的梦想,啊不,是想要这样的妹妹啊,尽管做 吧,什么我都吃~ 千佳:真抱歉啊,有这样的妹妹。妈妈不在的时候,都是谁做饭给你吃的。 美羽:GARAM~~MASALA~ 伸惠:不,确实千佳做的菜很好吃。但不是有那么句话,那个和这个不一样。 千佳:从来没说好话(不确定„„ 美羽:GA~RAM.MASALA~ side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 茉莉:但是啊,姐姐。千佳.教了我们很多哦 安娜:对啊,如果就我们俩的话,还是会紧张的。 伸惠:嘛,那是千佳的优点嘛。 千佳:姐姐,你是想说除此以外就没了,是么。 美羽: GARAM!MASALA!!(我快笑出来了,美羽太强大了~) 伸惠:才没这回事呢。话说,从刚才起干嘛啊,美羽。 美羽:GA RA M MASALA. 伸惠:不说了不明白么。 千佳:刚才,茉莉告诉了我们一些调味料的只是,然后她似乎就特别在意了 安娜:一直在说“GARAM MASALA” 伸惠:GARAM MASALA 这词触动了她么。算了,怎样都行。想要让我吃什么,~ 茉莉:诶多,饭和豆腐的味噌汤。 安娜:然后就是炒菜了。 千佳:嘛,最初也只能这样。 伸惠:OK,OK,那么,让我吃一顿的话也让我参观参观吧~ 千佳:那么,继续做吧。饭已经在电饭煲里煮了。好的,茉莉做味噌汤,安娜炒菜吧。 茉莉:嗯。 安娜:好的。 美羽:GA~~RA~~MU MASALA. 千佳:给我正常说话,拜托了。 美羽:因为爱你,所以听从。那么,我要做什么呢, 千佳:嗯,有件非常重要的事要你做。首先,先坐到那边的椅子上。 美羽:了解~ 千佳:坐好了以后,一分钟都别给我动。以上~ 美羽:了解~ 安娜:千佳,过来一下行吗。 千佳:好的,现在就去。 美羽:GARA~M MA~SALA, 伸惠:不是说了,正常说话啊。 美羽:伸惠小姐~ 伸惠:怎么了,美羽小姐。 美羽:也许啊,是假如说哦。 伸惠:嗯。 美羽:我被当成多余的累赘, 伸惠:不,没那回事。 美羽:看着我的眼睛说 伸惠:累赘~ 美羽:姐姐这个笨蛋~ 伸惠:对不起~看着你的脸,就不自觉地说了真话。 美羽:没办法。这样的话,我就要参一脚~ 伸惠:enjoy吧~ 美羽:茉莉 茉莉:怎么了,小美, 美羽:情况怎么样~ side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 茉莉:嗯,就只剩融化味噌粉了。 美羽:啊,真不愧是茉莉啊。那么,在此,我来告诉你个秘技吧~ 茉莉:秘技, 美羽:在盛味噌汤前,先放一堆这个GARAM MASALA。 茉莉:但是,家政课的时候没教过这个啊。 美羽:所以说是秘技啊。前阵子,三野先生教的哦。肯定不会错。 茉莉:三野先生是谁啊, 美羽:住在三号街的罗嗦大叔。总之,加了GARAM MASALA的话,味噌汤的味道可是会 POWER UP的哦~ 茉莉:POWER UP 到怎样的程度, 美羽:是平常的五倍。 茉莉:好厉害~的感觉, 美羽:嗯,说了很厉害的吧。好了,一口气倒进去吧。 茉莉:嗯。 伸惠:好了,到此为止。(砰~) 美羽:痛。 茉莉:姐姐。 美羽:为什么要妨碍„„ 伸惠:肯定得妨碍啊。好好想了下,要吃那个的不是我么。 美羽:突然变异可能会变好吃的啊。 伸惠:我才不要吃突然变异成块的东西呢。(没听大懂。 茉莉:那个,怎么办才好, 伸惠:茉莉,就按照老师教的做就行了哦, 茉莉:嗯。就这么做。 美羽:明明就差一点点了。 伸惠:你到底是想要做好吃的东西还是想要破坏啊,~ 千佳:呐,刚才为什么那么吵啊。 安娜:茉莉怎么了吗。 伸惠:与其说是茉莉怎么了,不如说是美羽。 千佳:小美,我不是说了嘛,别动啊。 美羽:为什么能不动声色地说那么冷酷的话啊,我的友人哟。 安娜:美羽想要乱加GARAM MASALA,这个。。。 美羽:可是,是GARAM MASALA哟。是香料啊~咖喱啊~好吃的哦~ 安娜:用香料来做味噌汤,那可不行啊。 伸惠:话说,你刚刚是不是说了一个跟料理的味道一点关系都没有的理由啊, 美羽:那又怎么样哦。就算是我,就算是我啊,也想让姐姐吃好吃的东西啊。只是那样啊。 千佳:小美。 安娜:美羽。 美羽:可是,大家都以为我是来凑热闹的。 伸惠:明明就是来凑热闹的。算了,真对不住啊。美羽。有点说过了。 千佳:也是呢。我似乎也有点做过了。 美羽:姐姐,小千。 千佳:下次我们做咖喱吧,那时就让美羽来加GARAM MASALA。 安娜:到时候也请让我帮忙。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 茉莉:我也要帮忙哦,美羽。 美羽:安娜,茉莉。 伸惠:很期待哦。 美羽:姐姐~~(扑 伸惠:啊。真是真是。没办法的家伙啊。 千佳:真的,老是添麻烦啊,小美。 (嘀嘀嘀) 茉莉:啊,饭好像煮好了哦。 千佳:那么,大家一起吃吧。 安娜:好的。 伸惠:美羽, 美羽:嗯。 千佳:那么,有没有做成好吃的饭呢。 XX:这,这什么味道。(真听不出是谁说的。 安娜:感觉有无限的香料的味道。 伸惠:居然说是 香料~ 茉莉:美羽。 美羽:嗯,怎么了, 伸惠:老实说,你往电饭煲里放了什么。 美羽:一点点隐藏味道。 千佳:隐藏味道,~ 美羽:GARAM MASALA一瓶。 伸惠:果然还是凑热闹在玩着呢,你这家伙~ side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations
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