

2017-09-30 23页 doc 69KB 23阅读




第一章合同的类型与期限第一章合同的类型与期限 第一章 合同的类型与期限 第一条 甲、乙双方选择合同类型为(_______________)。 A. 固定期限,自_____年_____月_____日起至_____年_____月_____日止,共_____个月, 合同期满后,双方同意继续履行的,合同自动顺延_____年,达到无固定期限合同条件的, 自动转为无固定期限合同;双方如需重新约定劳动合同期限的,在合同到期前的三十天内订 定。 B. 无固定期限,自_____年_____月_____日起至合同第三十五条约定的终止情形出现时 即行终止。 C...
第一章的类型与期限 第一章 合同的类型与期限 第一条 甲、乙双方选择合同类型为(_______________)。 A. 固定期限,自_____年_____月_____日起至_____年_____月_____日止,共_____个月, 合同期满后,双方同意继续履行的,合同自动顺延_____年,达到无固定期限合同条件的, 自动转为无固定期限合同;双方如需重新约定劳动合同期限的,在合同到期前的三十天内订 定。 B. 无固定期限,自_____年_____月_____日起至合同第三十五条约定的终止情形出现时 即行终止。 C. 以完成一定的工作任务为期限:自_____年_____月_____日起至___________________________________工作任务完成时即行终止。 第二条 若乙方开始工作时间与约定时间不一致的,以实际到岗之日为合同起始时间, 建立劳动关系。 第二章 试用期 第三条 甲乙双方约定试用期自_____年_____月_____日起至_____年_____月_____日 止,共_____个月,试用期工资为:__________. 第四条 录用条件为: 1. 学历文化:_________________________________________. 2. 身体状况:_________________________________________. 3. 工作技能:_________________________________________. ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 4. 团队精神:_________________________________________. 5. 其 他:_________________________________________. 第三章 工作内容与工作地点 第五条 甲方聘用乙方从事______________工作,详见“职责描述”; 第六条 乙方的工作地点为___________________________________. 第七条 乙方应认真履行甲方制定的岗位职责,按时、按质、按量完成其本职工作;未 经甲方允许,乙方不得在其他单位兼职。 第八条 甲方因生产和工作需要,依据乙方的专业、特长、工作能力和表现,需调整乙 方工作岗位及其工作报酬的,原则上应协商一致,但以下情况除外: A. 甲方因生产经营服务需要,产业、产品结构调整及工艺规程、组织机构设置等情况 发生变化需调动乙方工作岗位时,乙方应予接受; B. 甲方确因生产经营服务需要,可以临时安排乙方从事其他岗位工作,工作期限由双 方协商确定; C. 乙方因技能、身体等因素达不到生产服务、工作质量、产量等指标,不能胜任工作 的。 第四章 工作时间与休息时间 第九条 乙方所在岗位执行下述工时制度(_______________)。 A. 标准工时制。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain B. 不定时工时制。 C. 综合计算工时制。 第十条 甲方在下列节日安排职工休假:元旦、春节、国际劳动节、国庆节,法律法规规定的其他节假日及婚假、丧假、产假等。 第十一条 甲方因工作需要安排乙方延长工作时间或节假日加班加点的,乙方应服从甲方统一安排;甲方按规定支付加班加点的报酬,以保证乙方合法权益。 第十二条 乙方加班须征得甲方确认同意,否则不视为加班。 第五章 规章制度与劳动纪律 第十三条 乙方自觉遵守国家的法律、法规、规章和社会公德、职业道德,维护甲方的声誉和利益。 第十四条 甲方依法建立和完善各项规章制度,甲方应将制定、变更的规章制度及时进行或者告知员工,乙方应严格遵守。 第十五条 乙方不得从事其他任何与甲方利益冲突的第二职业或活动,并保守甲方的商业秘密和知识产权。 第十六条 乙方违反劳动纪律和规章制度的,甲方有权按国家和本单位的规定对乙方给予纪律处分或经济处罚,直至通知解除本合同。 第六章 劳动报酬 第十七条 乙方在正常出勤并付出正常劳动后,有权获得相应得劳动报酬,乙方所在岗位执行下述工资计发形式(__________)。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain A. 计时形式:乙方的月基本工资(若非特别说明,均为税前应发工资)为:__________,岗位工资为__________元,效益工资部份随用工单位效益情况及薪酬计发标准进行调整。其中加班加点计发工资基数为__________元/小时,事假扣除标准为__________元/小时,病假扣除标准为__________元/小时。 B. 计件形式:乙方的劳动定额为__________,计件单价为__________. C. 其他工资形式:____________________________________________. 第十八条 甲方于每月_______日以人民币形式支付乙方上月工资。 第十九条 甲方有权根据其生产经营状况、乙方工作岗位的变更和依法制定的劳动报酬分配办法调整乙方的工资待遇。 第二十条 甲方安排乙方延长工作时间或休息日、法定休假日工作的,应依法安排乙方补休或支付相应劳动报酬。 第七章 社会保险和福利待遇 第二十一条 甲方根据国家和上海市有关规定为乙方参加购买下述社会保险(__________),乙方个人缴纳部分由乙方自行承担并由甲方在工资发放时代扣代缴…… A. 城镇社会保险B. 小城镇社会保险C. 外来从业人员综合保险D. 其他________________________________________. 第二十二条 乙方患病或非因工负伤,其病假工资、疾病救济费和医疗待遇按照国家和上海市有关规定执行。 第二十三条 乙方患职业病或因工负伤的工资和医疗保险待遇按国家和上海市有关规定执行。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 第二十四条 甲方为乙方提供以下福利待遇: A. _________________________________________________________. B. _________________________________________________________. C. _________________________________________________________. 第八章 劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护 第二十五条 甲方建立健全生产工艺流程、操作规程、工作规范和劳动安全卫生制度及 其标准。甲方对可能产生职业病危害的岗位,对乙方履行告知义务,并做好劳动过程中职业 危害的预防工作,乙方应严格遵守相关操作流程与安全制度。 第二十六条 甲方为乙方提供符合国家规定的劳动条件及安全卫生的工作环境,并依照 企业生产经营特点及有关规定为乙方提供劳动防护用品,乙方应严格按要求穿戴劳防用品。 第二十七条 甲方对乙方进行职业技术、安全卫生、规章制度等必要的教育与培训,乙 方应认真参加甲方组织的各项必要的教育培训。 第九章 劳动合同的变更、解除和终止 第二十八条 订立合同所依据的法律、行政法规、规章发生变化,合同应变更相关内容。 第二十九条 订立合同所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使合同无法履行的,经协商 同意,可以变更合同相关内容或解除。 第三十条 乙方在试用期内被证明不符合甲方用人标准或录用条件的,甲方提前三日通 知乙方解除合同。 第三十一条 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可立即解除合同,辞退乙方: ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain A. 因乙方未能在30天内提供其被录用的相关资料,至使甲方无法办理录用及社会保险缴纳手续的。 B. 乙方被查实在应聘时向甲方提供的其个人资料是虚假的,包括但不限于:离职证明、身份证明、户籍证明、学历证明、体检证明等是虚假或伪造的;应聘前患有精神病、传染性疾病及其它严重影响工作的疾病而在应聘时未声明的;应聘前曾受到其它单位记过、留厂察看、开除或除名等严重处分、或者有吸毒等劣迹而在应聘时未声明的;应聘前曾被劳动教养、拘役或者依法追究刑事而在应聘时未声明的等。 C. 严重违反甲方的劳动纪律、员工手册或规章制度。 D. 严重失职、营私舞弊给甲方利益造成5000元(含)以上重大损害的。 E. 乙方是驾驶员的,因其自身原因,其营运服务的证、照被吊扣或失效15天(含)以上的或因乙方发生同等以上(含同等)行车(客尚)死亡事故或次责以上(含次责)特大行车(客伤)事故或物损三万元以上的,甲方可以随时解除合同。 F. 乙方系特种作业人员的,因其自身原因违章作业或造成物损5千元以上事故的,除给予经济处罚或处分外,甲方还可以随时解除合同。 G. 乙方同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成甲方的工作任务造成严重影响达损失5000元以上的,或者经甲方提出,拒不改正的。 H. 乙方被依法追究刑事责任、劳动教养、公安机关收容教育的。 I. 乙方向甲方辞职或者经协商被甲方解除聘用的。 J. 乙方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使甲方在违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更合同的。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain K. 法律法规规定的其他情形。 第三十二条 乙方有下列情形之一的甲方可以解除合同,辞退乙方,但应提前三十日以书面形式通知乙方: A. 乙方患病或非因工负伤,医疗期满后不能从事原工作,也不能从事甲方另行安排的其它工作的。 B. 乙方不能胜任本职工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位后,仍不能胜任工作的,并拒不服从甲方的工作安排和劳动管理的。 C. 甲方因兼并、分立、合资、转(改)制、企业转产、技术革新、经营方式调整、防治污染搬迁等客观情况发生重大变化或乙方的生产、工作岗位消失,致使合同无法履行的。 D. 甲方的生产经营发生严重困难的。 E. 依据合同第二十九条规定不能就变更合同达成协议的。 第三十三条 凡有下列情形之一,乙方可以解除合同: A. 在试用期内提前三天以上向甲方提出辞职。 B. 甲方违反合同规定,未足额及时支付乙方劳动报酬的。 C. 甲方违反合同规定,未依法缴纳社会保险的。 D. 甲方违反合同规定,未提供相应劳动保护和劳动条件的。 E. 甲方的规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害劳动者权益的。 F. 甲方强令冒险作业、违章指挥强迫乙方劳动的。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain G. 乙方提前三十天向甲方提出辞职。 第三十四条 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方不得依照合同第二十九条的规定解除合同: A. 从事接触职业病危害作业的劳动者未进行离岗前职业健康检查,或者疑似职业病病人在诊断或者医学观察期间的。 B. 在本单位患职业病或者因工负伤并被确认丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力的。 C. 患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期内的。 D. 女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期内的。 E. 在本单位连续工作满十五年,且距法定退休年龄不足五年的。 F. 法律法规规定的其他情形。 第三十五条 有下列情形之一的,合同自行终止: A. 合同期满且双方不能就相同劳动条件的续签达成一致的。 B. 当事人约定的终止条件出现,如已确认乙方完成了某一项工作任务的。 C. 甲方破产、解散、被吊销营业执照、责令关闭或者被撤销的。 D. 乙方享受基本养老待遇、退休、宣告死亡、宣告失踪、死亡的。 E. 乙方暂时无法履行合同的义务,但仍有继续履行条件和可能的,包括但不限于乙方涉嫌违法犯罪,被公安、国家安全或者司法机关限制人身自由的、乙方因脱产学习与进修、执行有关部门的公益性任务等原因而不能正常履行本合同超过15天的。 F. 乙方应征入伍或者履行国家规定的其他法定义务的。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain G. 法律法规规定的其他情形。 第三十六条 合同期满或者当事人约定的合同终止条件出现,乙方有合同第三十四条所规定情形之一的,同时不属于三十一条约定的,合同顺延至相应情形消失。第十章 经济补偿与赔偿 第三十七条 乙方未提前三十天向甲方提出辞职或有其他擅自离职情形的,将在乙方办结工作交接后支付乙方的当月工资。 第三十八条 除按合同三十一规定解除合同之外的,凡属劳动合同法规定应给予经济补偿金的,甲方应按法律规定的标准支付经济补偿金给乙方。 第三十九条 乙方欠付甲方任何款项,或者乙方违反合同约定的条件解除劳动合同,给甲方造成任何经济损失,依照法律法规约定和合同约定应承担的赔偿责任,甲方有权从乙方的工资、奖金及津贴、补贴等(包括并不限于此)中做相应的扣除,但该扣除不得违反法律法规的规定,不够扣除的,甲方仍然有权就剩余部分向乙方追偿。 第十一章 培训服务期与竞业限制 第四十条 乙方在合同期间接受甲方提供的出资专项技术培训,约定为甲方的服务期自_____年_____月_____日起至_____年_____月_____日。乙方若违反本条约定,提前解除合同的,应偿付甲方培训费用__________元人民币,对已履行部份服务期的,按照服务期尚未履行部分所应分摊的培训费用偿付。 第四十一条 双方可另行签订《培训/教育协议》,约定具体服务期、赔偿标准并执行。 第四十二条 乙方应当保守甲方的商业秘密,商业秘密系指不为公众所知悉,能为甲方带来经济利益,具有实用性并经甲方采取保密措施的技术秘密和经营信息。包括但不限于下述内容: ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain A. 技术信息。技术信息的范围一般包括技术、工程设计、电路设计、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、试验结果、图纸、样品样机、模型模具、操作手册、技术文档、涉及商业秘密的业务函电等等。 B. 经营信息。经营信息的范围一般包括客户名单、营销、采购资料、定价政策、不公开的财务资源、劳动报酬、进货渠道、产销政策、招投标中的标的及标书内容等。 C. 公司依照法律规定和有关协议约定对外应承担保密义务的事项等。 第四十三条 乙方的竞业限制期限自_____年_____月_____日起至_____年_____月_____日。竞业限制的范围为____________________,地域为____________________.在竞业限制期间甲方给予乙方一定经济补偿,具体标准为______________,支付方式为___________.若乙方违反第四十二条规定的,应支付违约金___________元人民币。如果违约金不足以弥补甲方所受的实际损失的,甲方保留向乙方追偿实际损失的权利。 第十二章 劳动争议处理 第四十四条 甲、乙双方因合同而发生争议可以向甲方所在地的劳动仲裁委员会申请仲裁或向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。 第十三章 其他规定 第四十五条 甲方的规章制度(包括但不限于员工手册、岗位职责、培训协议、保密协议、安全等)均属合同的主要附件,其效力与合同条款同等。 第四十六条 合同如与法律、法规相抵触的,或者因法律、法规的变更而不一致的,以现行有效的法律、法规为准。 ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain 第四十七条 合同未尽事宜,双方另有约定的,从约定;双方没有约定的从法律、法规 和规章制度。 第四十八条 合同生效前双方签订的任何《劳动合同》自合同签订之日其自动失效,其 他之前签订的相关协议文本(包括但不限于《保密协议》、《培训协议》、《竞业限制协议》 的规定与合同不一致的,以合同为准。 第四十九条 乙方同意,在其处于联系障碍状态(包括但不限于乙方因病住院、丧失人 身自由等情形)时,委托合同首部的“紧急状态联系人”作为乙方的受委托人,该受委托人享 有接受和解与调解,代领、签收相关文书的权限。 第五十条 甲、乙双方另行约定条款: A. _________________________________________________________. B. _________________________________________________________. C. _________________________________________________________. 第五十一条 合同一式三份,甲方执两份,乙方执一份,经双方签字(或盖章)后生效。 甲方:(签字盖章) 乙方:(签字或盖章) ith. 3, fill embankment before base and completed the inspection and acceptance of works. 4, before the requirement level elevation sign layout according to the drawing, every nail on the level of a certain distance, elevation of forklift parts according to the design requirements set. 5, according to the site conditions determine the routes of earth-moving machinery, vehicles, and prior checks, reinforce and widen if necessary and other preparatory work. (B) construction processes and methods; 1, process: before filling, and statistics to the existing buildings and trees, the soil on the cave or on the surface of roots, trash and other debris to be cleared. 2, have the soil inspection work. Species of fill, size, check there is no debris, and soil moisture content control within the design range. Tier 3, fill casting: each layer thickness according to soil, density to determine requirements and equipment performance. 4, as needed when rolling, wheel (RAM) track lapping each other, prevent leaks RAM leakage. Aspect is high, filling segments. Each layer into slope-shaped seams, ground track about overlapping 0.5-1.0M, is less than the distance from the upper and lower joints 1M. 5, fill out the base surface, we will do the edge compaction quality assurance work. After the earth-moving, does not require trimming of the slope would be preferable to filling edge fill 0.5 m wide called slope rides on and shoot, wide filling 0.2m. 6, in machinery construction not rolling the filling position, manual blade filled with frog-type ramming machine or diesel hierarchical dynamic compaction-compacting. 9, rain during construction: (1) in the rain during embankment construction, we will be completed as soon as possible a continuous; face do not seek too large, hierarchical segment-by-film basis, important or special backfill, as completed by the rain. (2) in the rain at the time of construction, check all the rain
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