

2017-09-02 9页 doc 29KB 110阅读




降压药的副作用降压药的副作用 常见降压药副作用 A、六大类降压药 a 利尿药 不良反应:长期服用可致低钠血症、低钾血症、低氯血症而引起恶心、呕吐、腹泻、口渴、头晕、 肌痉挛;此外尚上有皮疹、瘙痒、视力模糊及长期服用肝、肾等脏器损害等。 氢氯噻嗪 别名 :双氢噻嗪 双克 双氢克尿塞 呋塞米 速尿 呋喃苯胺酸 呋安酸 速尿 蚓达帕胺 寿比山 伊特安 纳催离 曲帕胺 复方盐酸阿米洛利 胺苯蝶啶 b β-受体阻断药 不良反应:四肢冰冷,疲劳,肠胃不适,心动过缓;情绪变化,心脏衰竭;头晕头痛及长期服用肝、 肾等脏器损害等 ...
降压药的副作用 常见降压药副作用 A、六大类降压药 a 利尿药 不良反应:长期服用可致低钠血症、低钾血症、低氯血症而引起恶心、呕吐、腹泻、口渴、头晕、 肌痉挛;此外尚上有皮疹、瘙痒、视力模糊及长期服用肝、肾等脏器损害等。 氢氯噻嗪 别名 :双氢噻嗪 双克 双氢克尿塞 呋塞米 速尿 呋喃苯胺酸 呋安酸 速尿 蚓达帕胺 寿比山 伊特安 纳催离 曲帕胺 复方盐酸阿米洛利 胺苯蝶啶 b β-受体阻断药 不良反应:四肢冰冷,疲劳,肠胃不适,心动过缓;情绪变化,心脏衰竭;头晕头痛及长期服用肝、 肾等脏器损害等 酒石酸美托洛尔 别名:倍他乐克 阿替洛尔 天偌敏 富马酸比索洛尔 康可 博苏 盐酸阿罗洛尔 阿尔马尔 盐酸普萘洛尔 心得安 c 拮抗药(生理降压药) 不良反应:头晕、头痛、面色潮红、肠胃不适、浮肿、皮疹;偶见房室传导阻滞、严重心动过缓、 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 窦性停搏;头晕头痛及长期服用肝、肾等脏器损害等。 苯磺酸氨氯地平 别名:洛活喜 尼群地平 硝吡乙甲酯 硝苯乙吡啶 拉西地平 乐息平 三精司乐平 非洛地平 波依定 硝苯地平 (心痛定)(拜新同)(爱地清) (硝苯吡啶) (弥心平) 盐酸地尔硫卓 蒂尔了 合贝爽 盐酸硫氮卓酮 维拉帕米 缓释异搏定 盐酸尼卡地平 佩尔 仙立 乐卡地平 再宁平 d α-受体阻断药(降压又降脂) 不良反应:头晕、头痛、疲乏、心悸、心律失常、瘙痒、失眠及长 期服用肝、肾等脏器损害等 卡维地洛 达利全 络德 盐酸特拉唑嗪 高特灵 四喃唑嗪 盐酸乌拉地尔 优匹敌 压宁定 利喜定 布那唑嗪 迪坦妥 哌唑嗪 脉宁平 e ACEI(血管紧张素转化酶抑制药) 不良反应:头晕、疲乏、症状性低血压、胃肠功能紊乱、皮疹、瘙 痒、面红、尿频、咳嗽、呼吸道 症状、头痛及长期服用造成肝、肾等脏器损害等 盐酸贝那普利 洛汀新 卡托普利 开博通 硫甲丙脯酸 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 希拉普利 抑平舒 雷米普利 瑞泰 赖诺普利 捷赐瑞 福辛普利纳 蒙诺 培哚普利 雅施达 马来酸依那普利 康宝顺 悦宁定 S(血管紧张素II受体拮抗药) 不良反应:腹泻、血管性水肿、背部疼痛、上呼吸道感染、头痛、 头晕及长期服用造成肝、肾等脏 器损害等 颉沙坦 代文 氯沙坦钾 科素亚 海捷亚 替米沙坦 美卡素 伊贝沙坦 安博维 吉加 B、性能各异的其他药 利血平 血安平 寿比安 蛇根碱 复方降压片 复方利血平片 脉舒静 降压静片 美加明 异坎胺 盐酸肼苯哒嗪 盐酸肼酞嗪 双阱屈嗪 双肼酞嗪 血压达静 地巴唑 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 门冬氨酸钾镁 脉安定 潘南金 硝普钠 北京降压0号 复方降压片 甲基多巴 盐酸可乐定 氯压定 催压降 110降压药 C、中药 清脑降压片、牛黄降压、麝香脑脉康胶囊、心脑静片、镇脑宁、脑立清丸、愈风宁心片、复方羚角降压片 目前高血压病人常用的抗高血压药物,按照药理的作用,可以分为六大系列。 利尿剂 利尿剂是使用最早,最常用的降压药物,降压作用显著,对老年人收缩期高血压和肥胖的高血压病人降压尤为适用,但不适宜痛风、高脂血症及糖尿病病人。可与其他各类抗高血压药物合用,能增加降压的效果。由于长期应用易引起低血钾等不良反应,现在已经很少大剂量地使用。常用的利尿剂按照其降压作用的强弱,分为高效利尿剂(速尿、利尿酸),中效利尿剂(双氢克尿噻、氯噻酮),低效利尿剂(安体舒通、氨苯喋啶、),低效利尿剂都有保钾的作用。利尿剂最大的优势是价格低廉。 β,阻滞剂 β,阻滞剂既能降低血压,又能减慢心率,应用很广泛。这是一类“洛尔”系列,常用的有阿替洛尔(氨酰心安)、美托洛尔(倍他乐克、美多心安)、拉贝洛尔(柳安苄心啶)、比索洛尔(博苏)。β,阻滞剂适用于年轻人和心率偏快的高血压病人,对合并冠心病的高血压病人尤为适合。但是,对心率已经很慢、存在心脏传导阻滞和有哮喘的高血压病人禁止服用。 α,阻滞剂 α,阻滞剂的特点是不影响血脂和血糖的代谢。这是一类“唑嗪”系列,常用的药物有短效的哌唑嗪,长效的多沙唑嗪、特拉唑嗪等。由于α,阻滞剂同时能治疗前列腺肥大,对伴有前列腺肥大的ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 老年男性更为适用。α,阻滞剂主要的不良反应是会引起体位性低血压,所以,服用该药的病人,起床时要格外小心,动作要慢。 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂是一类安全有效的降压药,它的种类最多,适应证最广,对血脂和血糖的代谢没有影响,对肾脏有保护作用,是高血压合并心力衰竭和糖尿病理想的首选药物。肾功能不好的病人也能应用,只是要从小剂量开始服用,严重的肾功能衰竭和患有双侧肾动脉狭窄的病人以及怀孕妇女则不能服用。令人遗憾的是,这么好的一类降压药却有咽痒干咳的不良反应,发生率在10,左右,影响了药物的广泛应用。这是一类“普利”系列。根据药物作用时间的长短,可分为短效、中效和长效,短效的有卡托普利(巯甲丙脯酸),中效的有依那普利(依那林),长效的种类很多,有苯那普利(洛汀新)、培多普利(雅施达)、福辛普利(蒙诺)、贝那普利(一平苏)、米达普利(达爽)等等。 血管紧张素?受体拮抗剂 这是一类最新的降压药,是在血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂的基础上开发成功的。不会引起咽痒干咳的不良反应。被认为是不良反应最少的一类降压药,作为“沙坦”系列,最早应用的是氯沙坦,以后不断开发的有缬沙坦、依贝沙坦等。 钙拮抗剂 钙拮抗剂降压效果安全有效,其特点是在降压的同时,不降低重要器官的血液供应,对血脂、血糖的代谢没有影响,适用于老年高血压和已有心脑肾损害的高血压病人。此类“地平”系列种类不少。短效的有硝苯地平(心痛定)、恬尔心,中效的有尼群地平,长效的有氨氯地平(络活喜)、非洛地平(波依定)、尼卡地平。通过对制剂工艺的改进,制成缓释和控释片,使短效的药物具有长效的作用,如硝苯地平控释片(拜新同)、恬尔心缓释片、缓释异搏定(维拉帕米)。常见的不良反应有面红、头痛、心跳加快、脚踝水肿,短效药的不良反应更为显著些。 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung
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