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西安富润洗浴会所工作管理制度西安富润洗浴会所工作管理制度 西安富润国际会所之管理制度 西安富润国际洗浴会所位于西安市市中心闹市区,地理位置优越(位于西安北大街地铁交汇处,毗邻钟楼、鼓楼、和平电影院,等西安知名休闲场所(离咸阳机场40分钟车程,距离钟楼5分钟(耸立在西安最繁华地段, 酒店配套设施齐全,(有客房,中西餐,棋牌房,桑拿,会议室)等( 会所营业范围,洗浴、桑拿、按摩、足疗、客房、休闲、娱乐。一流的设备.。特色服务齐全。)本会所全年无休24小时营业,竭诚欢迎您的光临。 西安富润洗浴会所网络腾讯客服190-403-0011 251-052-99...
西安富润洗浴会所工作 西安富润国际会所之管理制度 西安富润国际洗浴会所位于西安市市中心闹市区,地理位置优越(位于西安北大街地铁交汇处,毗邻钟楼、鼓楼、和平电影院,等西安知名休闲场所(离咸阳机场40分钟车程,距离钟楼5分钟(耸立在西安最繁华地段, 酒店配套设施齐全,(有客房,中西餐,棋牌房,桑拿,会议室)等( 会所营业范围,洗浴、桑拿、按摩、足疗、客房、休闲、娱乐。一流的设备.。特色服务齐全。)本会所全年无休24小时营业,竭诚欢迎您的光临。 西安富润洗浴会所网络腾讯客服190-403-0011 251-052-9933 来店时在前台报“小样”介绍全场会员价。免包间费,免停车费,免费休息,可刷卡,有发票,送搓背 1、西安富润国际会所之主管岗位职责: 1)为了提高管理效率,调动下属的积极性,上班首先要检查打卡考勤情况。 2)协助员工领取所需物品。 3)检查全场准备要作(检查工作)。 4)检查全场卫生情况,包括员工的仪容仪表、工服等。 5)全天监督全程动作、纪律卫生情况,不准串岗、离岗。 6)与客人多交流,处理各种顾客投诉。 7)祥细记录客人档案。 8)员工短时的休假申批。 2、西安富润国际会所之领班岗位职责: 1)上班检查楼面、打卡考勤情况。 2)直接传达主管安排的工作内容或协助主管各项工作。 3)检查服务员班前准备工作。 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 4)检查区域卫生情况。 5)客人接待与沟通。 6)祥细记录客人档案等。 3、西安富润国际会所之服务台服务员岗位职责: 1)熟悉桑拿中心各种单据的登记及各项收费,并灵活进行推销,熟悉电话接听程序。 2)对于每位前来消费的客人及要求到客房服务的客人要做好记录,根据客人的每项消费进行登记。 3)对于桑拿对外赠送的物品要有详细的出入记录,对于酒水及香烟,要有详细的销售记录并及时补充。 4)负责吧台内外及女宾桑拿的卫生清洁工作。 5)协助仓管做好物资盘点工作及物资领用补充工作。 4、西安富润国际会所之桑拿室服务员岗位职责: 1)熟悉桑拿室各种设施、设备的安全使用,保证设施、设备的正常运行,发现问题及时上报。 2)负责提供客人换鞋,更衣及洗浴时的各项服务,保管好客人的贵重物品。 3)客人洗桑拿时注意观察,特别喝过酒的客人,以保证客人的安全。 4)负责服务区域内的卫生清洁工作,客用品的更换,补充工作,保管好更衣室配备的吹风机及梳子等易带走物品。 5)协助仓管做好物品领用及盘点工作。 5、西安富润国际会所之休息厅服务员岗位职责: 1)熟悉休息厅内电视机的使用方法及简单故章的排除,发现问题及时上报。 2)负责为客人提供免费的茶水、香烟及果盘,并及时推销按摩及沐足等一系列消费项目以及我们的优惠措施。 3)经常巡查客人的消费动态,做出相应的准备,及时为客人提供服务。 4)负责休息厅的卫生清洁以及布草的更换,检查客人有无遗留物品及时上报。 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5)协助仓管做好物品的盘点 6、西安富润国际会所之按摩房服务员岗位职责: 1)熟悉各按摩房的性能及贵宾房蒸汽浴室的使用,发现问题及时上报。 2)负责给客人提供免费饮品的服务,及进巡查客人的消费情况,做到随叫随到。 3)负责按摩房各卫生区域的清洁工作,布草、垃圾袋做到一客一换,保持房间空气清新,并协助仓管做好物品的领用及盘点工作。 西安富润国际会所之前厅、收银台 1、礼仪、迎宾 主动迎客问好,引导客人进入前更,每日交接班要清理卫生,参加例会。 2、收银员(隶属财务部) 向客人问好,负责并管理好更衣箱钥匙,做好收银工作。 前更 1、例会(检查仪容、仪表,做、下达任务。一般由主管主持)。 2、清扫卫生:查看室温(要保持在23-26摄氏度)。清扫地面,镜面及边角卫生。检查更衣柜内物品放置情况,查看设施运转情况(照明、空调、通风等设备的完好度)。 3、备品清点(布草等核对、更换、易耗品的准备、各物品摆放、服务员向领班报上所需物品的数量)。 4、查看交班日记(包括客流量、物品、设施有无损坏,工作中出现的问题等)。 5、按要求在规定岗位上迎接客人:(1)主动问好,接钥匙,确定人数,请客人入内坐好;(2)开衣箱、取拖鞋、拿衣架为客人更衣,然后为客人围大浴巾、递手巾、锁衣柜,请客人检查后送到浴区由浴区服务员招待客人,然后准备迎接下一位客人。 6、送客:客人浴完后,主动走近问好,询问客人是否再冲淋,若不需要,马上取地巾、开衣箱为客人更衣,客人要走时请客人检查是否遗留物品,再引导客人到梳理区,后送各收银处,与礼仪交接,交钥匙于收银如,并欢迎客人下次光临。然后归位准备迎接下一位客人。 7、下班后:清扫卫生,核对物品、布草、备品的数量并填写日耗表,写交接日记,关闭水、电源并检查有无危险隐患。 浴区 1、例会 2、清扫卫生:检查室温,调整水温(热水池35——45摄氏度、凉水池10——12摄氏度)清扫地面、蒸房、墙壁、卫生洁具、卫生间、池区、淋浴间等处的卫生。 3、检查设施设备(照明、空调、电视、水循环和水质等)。 4、备品(布草、洗浴液、剃刀、香皂、牙具的摆放,如需补充列详细清单报给领班)。 5、查看交接班日记。 6、西安富润国际会所之按要求在规定岗位迎接客人: (1) 问好 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing (2) 为客人挂浴巾、手巾、调试水温,介绍使用方法 (3) 为客人介绍水池温度,提醒客人小心地滑,为客人放好毛巾、拖鞋 (4) 蒸房提供浴巾,为客人询问是否合适,介绍设施功能(如VIP房)送冰水、冰巾注意客人安全,摆放拖鞋,客人走后及时清理卫生 (5) 问客人是否需要搓背,洗浴完毕后,引导客人至二更,为客人更衣后归位,准备迎接下一位客人。 7、西安富润国际会所之下班:清扫卫生,核对物品、备品数量,填好日耗表,写交班记录,检查有无危险隐患并关闭水、电源。 二更 1、例会 2、清扫卫生:检查备品布草(如浴巾、浴衣、浴袍),责任区域内卫生清扫干净,布草摆放整齐。 3、按要求迎接客人: (1) 主动问好 (2) 为客人擦背后干身,取干拖鞋,为客人穿浴服 (3) 引客至梳理区,请客人选化妆品 (4) 送客人至休闲厅服务人员交接,然后归位准备迎接下一位客人。 4、下班:清扫卫生,核对物品、备品数量,填好日耗表,写交班记录,检查有无危险隐患并关闭水、电源。 西安富润国际会所休闲厅 、例会 1 2、清扫卫生:检查室温、地面及边角和吧台等处的卫生,休闲椅摆放是否整齐,检查设施运行情况(如照明、空高、电视、果汁机等)。 3、备品清点:酒水、小吃、香烟等物品的准备,常用物品的摆放向领班报上所需的物品数量。 4、查看交接班记录,核对物品、报上所需数量。 5、按规定迎接客人: (1) 主动问好; (2) 引客至休闲椅,请客人会下,盖大浴巾摆放拖鞋,请客人点酒水、小吃、送赠品、介绍按摩等服务; (3) 为客人提供服务(要熟悉本部门所有服务项目的价位)。 6、下班: (1) 清扫卫生核试验对物品备品数量,填好日耗品帐目表(酒水销售情况)写交班日记; (2) 检查有无危险隐患,关闭水、电源。 上述为桑拿部门基本的服务要领和工作行为规范,望部门员工严格遵守。 前更衣区岗位职责 1、上班例会后,清扫分担卫生,察看管辖地区的设施。向领班上报当日所需物品数量,清点核对布草。 2、服从领导,领班按排,做好本岗位的日常服务,确保自身服务工作的质量。 3、下班清点布草将脏布草送到指定地点,统计物品消耗量,如实向领班汇报,并在交接记录本上写清名称及数量。 4、对区域进行彻底清扫,接受领班的卫生检查。 5、协助领班检查分担区是否有火灾隐患,拔掉所有电源开关后方可下班。 前更衣区服务规范 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 1、在大堂更衣室之间迎接客人,主动向客人打招呼问好,双手接过客人的钥匙牌,引导客人至更衣柜前为客人开更衣柜,协助客人更衣,同时把拖鞋交给客人,请客人换鞋,用浴巾围住客人。 2、在客人视线内将更衣柜锁好,向外拉一拉检查是否已经锁好,请客人检查,用双手将钥匙牌套在客人的手腕上,将客人引至浴区并浴区服务员迎接,回来后将客人的皮鞋送到鞋房。 3、当客人回到更衣室,服务基本如上,当客人离开时要打开柜门让客人检查柜内物品是否已全部拿走,引领客人至收银台结帐。 浴区岗位职责 1、开业前服务员必须清扫场地,准备好洗浴用品待客人来到时随时使用。 2、按照服务要求热情为客人服务,完成当班工作。 3、客人洗浴后及时清理场地,收拾好客人用过的物品和洗浴用品。 4、保证高质量的服务,坚定岗位,提高警惕,防止各类意外事项的发生。 5、每周对桑拿的设备进行一次维护和保养,清洗冲浪浴池。 浴区服务规范 1、当客人进入浴区时,服务员应立即主动招呼客人,向客人介绍所有设施,引导至淋浴处,替客人调好水温,将客人毛巾挂好。 2、当客人进入桑拿房,及时递送毛巾,冰水,并随时注意桑拿房的温度调节。 3、如遇客人年老,身体欠佳或醉酒,应加倍注意,在可能情况下要跟踪服务,在营业中巡视。 4、在营业中多巡神色 确保客人的安全,防止意外事项的发生。 后更衣区岗位职责 1、上班例会后做好卫生清洁,向领班汇报当日所需物品数量清点,领取核对布草。 2、协肋客人更换浴袍、浴裤、拖鞋。 3、下班清点布草,及时将客人用过的布草送到洗衣房清洗。 后更衣区服务规范 1、客人进入后更衣区时,用浴巾为客人擦干身体,特别是后身。 2、选一套合适的浴袍、浴裤为客人穿上。 3、请客人选用化妆品。 4、后更衣区布草必须一客一换。 休闲厅岗位职责 1、按照服务要求,热情为客人服务,高质量的完成各项服务。 2、按照卫生标准做好休闲厅的卫生工作。 3、协助领班检查场地的安全工作。 休闲厅服务规范 1、服务人员站立门口一侧,每位客人进入休闲厅时,服务员主动上前招呼客人,用好敬语,询问客人人数,引导客人进入不同的区域椅位,帮助客人打开脚凳请客人坐下,替客人盖上大浴巾,把客用拖鞋放在沙发与脚凳之间。 2、取两只棉棒交给客人,打开烟盒,问客人吸何种品牌的香烟,并为客人点烟,取下耳机调节好后交给客人。 3、询问客人需要何种类型饮品,通知吧台,在吧台出品过程中用托盘装好一条小方巾,并同酒水送至客人。 4、每隔十五分钟必须询问客人是否换饮品或添加饮料,随时清洁台面物品,更换烟缸。 5、如遇客人挥手示意时,服务员应立即到客人面前询问客人有何需要并及时服务。 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 6、当客人需做特业服务项目时,应请客人稍等,马上通知技师领班。 7、客人需用做按摩而离开休闲厅时,应及时清理台面,叠好浴巾,为客人保留坐位。 领班岗位职责 1、落实主管下达的各项指示,管理好所属员工。 2、监督员工为客人服务,组织员工现场调配,确保服务质量。 3、检查下属员工的仪容仪表、礼节礼貌、工作态度,并带领下属员工做好卫生清洁,严格记录本班员工考勤。 4、负责本班组的物品领用,填写领用单交主管审核后,领取保管。 5、每日开好班前例会,传达本店及各部门的指示及通知,总结上个班次工作情况及注意事项,提出各岗位的服务要求。 6、对所属区域的设备设施经常检查,确保经营区的设施、设备保证良好的状态。 主管职责 一、 对经理负责,做好入职的原始记录,每日召开工作例会,讲评工作,提出要求,检查人员仪容仪表及其他工作落实情况。 二、 对所辖物品帐目清楚,了解所有设施设备及日常应用物品的消耗补充。 三、 协助经理做好营销工作,设计合理的营销,对本部门能更好盈利做好基础工作。 四、 严格考勤制度,奖罚制度。 五、 划分详细的个人责任区域,制定责任区域的标准化管理概念。 六、 监督指导领班工作,发挥应有的工作能力,并做好员工的培训工作。 七、 勤于工作。经常检查员工工作落实员工工作落实情况,带领员工勤恳工作,为员工做好模范表率,为本部门工作取得更好的成绩打下坚实的基础。 经理职责 一、 制定原始的入职记录。包括职工档案及本部门设施设备的详尽帐目。 二、 按时出席各部门经理会议。落实总经理对本部门的工作安排及决定,汇报本部门周期工作及销售情况。 三、 制定营销方案,上报有关部门,以确保尽快实施。 四、 管理本部门服务设施,制定责任区域,保证工作的正常运行。 五、 制定培训方案,设立员工考勤制度,监督指导主管工作召开本部门周期例会,实施合理奖罚。 六、 激发主管工作潜力,对其工作不断提出新的要求,培养基本工作能力,结合国际管理先进经验,使其为本部门工作发挥最高能力。 七、 明确奖罚制度,严格执行奖优罚劣,以笞后进。 八、 带领本部门所有职员,不断增高创新,努力开拓进取。 服务流程及用语 前更区: 先生(小姐)您好~欢迎光临~您的钥匙牌,更衣室里面请,您请坐,您请换拖鞋,为您更衣,为您围浴巾,您好皮鞋需要擦一下吗,这是您的毛巾衣拿好,更衣柜已锁好,请您检查一下,这是您的钥匙牌,请拿好,浴区里面请,请洗好。 客人从休闲厅出来后: 先生(小姐)您休息好了吗,您需要冲洗一下吗,您的钥匙牌,您请坐,您请更衣,皮鞋为您擦好了您看可以吗,请您检查一下更衣柜,您请这边梳理一下,大堂这边请,欢迎您下次光临。 浴区: 先生(小姐)您好,欢迎光临,淋浴间这边请,水温为您调好了您看可以吗,有事请吩咐,ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 先生(小姐)您好,桑拿房里面请,这是您的冰巾,冰水请拿好,有事请吩咐,先生(小姐)您洗好了吗,更衣室这边请,您请休息好 后更衣区: 先生(小姐)您好,您请这边擦一下脚,您请坐,为您擦一下后背,您请用干毛巾擦把脸,这是我们为您提供的一次性内裤,您请换浴袍,这是干净的拖鞋,请您换一下,请您选用化妆品,休息室在这边,您请休息好。 休闲厅: 先生(小姐)您好~您几位,这边请,您看这个位置可以吗,请坐,为您盖大浴巾,请问您吸烟吗,请您擦把脸,耳棉和香烟放在这儿,请问您需要何种饮料,我们这儿有XX饲料,XX啤酒,XX茶水,XX矿泉水……,麻烦看一下手牌号,您点的是XX,请问需要做按摩吗,我们这儿有足按,头按……,请稍候,对不起,让您久等了,这是您点的XX。休息好,有事请吩咐。 传单细节 1、填写好自己的姓名、员工号、时间、客号、品名、数量、价格。 2、用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔,书写字迹要工整、清晰、流畅。 3、传单要高效、及时、准确、不得无故延误,影响工作效率。 4、责任到人,不得随意填写,如有误差造成损失由个人承担。 培训细则 西安富润国际会所之行为规范: 1、仪态: 在服务区内身体不准东倒西歪,前倾后靠,不得伸懒腰,驼背,耸肩,要始终保持正确的站姿。 正确站立姿态:两脚与两肩同宽,垂直体重均匀落在双脚上,头正肩平,收腹,挺胸,双眼平视前方,女员工双臂体前交叉,右手呈空拳,左手握右手,男员工双臂体后交叉,右手呈空拳,左手握右手。 2、仪表 (1) 身体、面部、手必须清洁,提倡每天都洗澡,换洗内衣。 (2) 每天刷牙,饭后漱口,上班前不吃异味食物,以保持口腔清洁。 (3) 头发要常洗,常理发,上班梳头,不得有头屑。 (4) 女员工上班要化淡妆,不得浓妆艳抹。 (5) 不得配戴任何饰物,留长指甲,女员工不得擦指甲油。 3、言谈: (1) 声调要自然清晰,不要装腔作势,声调不要过高,也不要过低,以免客人听不清楚。 (2) 不准讲粗话,使用鄙视等语言。 (3) 不开过分玩笑,模仿他人语言语调。 (4) 说话要得体,应用敬语:“请”、“谢”不离口。 (5) 不得以任何借口讽刺、顶撞,挖苦客人。 (6) 更要注意客人姓氏,未知姓氏之前应称“先生”、“女士”。 (7) 指第三者时不能称“他”,要称“那位先生”或“那位女士”。 (8) 无论从客人手中接过任何东西都要说“谢谢”。 (9) 客人来时要问好。 西安富润国际会所之细微服务 在服务过程中,服务员应有较强的观察能力,能捕捉到客人的微小动作和眼神,从而为客人提供针对性的服务,把服务做到客人开口之前。 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 行走姿态: 头正、肩平,上身挺直,两眼远视前方,用眼余光看四周,步伐轻快,双臂自然摆动,步伐不要过快也不要过缓。 点烟姿势: 通常服务员为客人点烟时应用右手握住打火机,左手环抱右手,左手拇指直立,右手拇指要按火机开关,打火时应先调节火苗的大小,点燃后推送到客人面前,打着,一次最多点两支,如果为第三个客人点烟时,应重新打火,注意点烟时不要离客人太近,以免火苗烧伤客人。 更换烟缸: 当服务员把干净的烟缸用托盘递到客人面前时,身体微鞠躬,说:“对不起,打扰您,为您更换烟抽”后,采取跪式服务,右手食指在上,大拇指,中指在烟缸两侧把干净的烟缸盖在脏烟缸上,将两支烟缸同时移到托盘内,上身微侧,将干净的烟缸放在台面上,然后将托盘拿起后退一步,点头示意,转身离去,通常烟缸里的烟头不得超过三个。 关于桑拿日用品的管理规定 1、各服务区域开业前根据营业配备申请领用物品,分别登记入帐,低值易耗品,固定物品分别由各区域人员签名管理。 2、夜班每日下班前清点物品,低值易耗品用量,数目在交接记录本上写清数量,白班统计两项数目总和与原始记录相吻合。 3、每天点清布草用量的准确数目,分别堆放在指定位置,在布草记录本上把布草规格记录清楚。 4、白班上班前根据夜班记录内容分别填写领用单,由主管检查申请,核试验对签名,认可,方由各区域领班领用。 5、白班上班根据夜班记录与洗衣房员工按面目一布草分类,清点核试验对总数与送出相符,双方负责人在交接记录本上签名,如有欠数,应由欠物部门开单备案。 6、洗浴、洗涤用品,由洗衣房统一管理,根据营业所用数量、种类、规格、储备三大营业量,如发现有质量问题不符合营业用的品牌,严禁使用。对贵重物品应以空瓶换同牌号的实物,空瓶统一处理。 7、对固定的物品,每天上班后区域数量应及时上报领班主管或经理,在营业中夜班负责,如有损坏根据情况酌情处理。属自然或客人使用不当造成的应及时上级,填写损失单,注明原因并签名交经理以备案 8、对小电器负责到岗位负责人,须每天检查质量、性能,确保营业正常使用,发现电器损失,根据使用期限填写情况报告单,交财务折价。 9、低值易耗品、固定物品分别填写日用量并报经理以备案,负责人签名。 10、营业场所一切客用物品、卫生设施、美容美发设施、沙发等仅供客人使用,员工一律不得使用。 酒水服务细则 半跪式服务:(休闲厅) 走到客人面前时,右手放到背后,上身倾斜成10度双眼目视客人,送酒水时要说:“对不起,让您久等了,为您送酒水”,左腿向左前方迈半步整个身体成半跪式,上身要挺胸抬头,面带微笑,双眼平视客人,左手将托盘自然放在胸前,左小腿与地面成90度角,右膝跪于地面,右脚跟与臀部相贴。 送酒服务: 拿饮料时用右手的拇指、食指、中指夹与瓶子底部;咖啡是拇指在上,食指中指在下,握住杯把。拿稳后放在茶几上,用食指,中指顶住底部,轻轻推到客人面前,服务姿态不变,双眼目视客人,右手背后,上身微倾说:“您请慢用,有事请吩咐”站起右脚,后退一步,转身ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 离去。 听装酒水的开启: 开瓶时,要把酒水放在左腿的小腿边上开启,如有必要可用小方巾盖在酒水拉环上,注意经过摇摆的罐装饮品,不易马上开启。 斟酒服务: 右手三指环握瓶身,酒的商标朝外,杯口与瓶口不要相接触,慢慢的斟入杯中旋转90度,收到胸前,让最后一滴酒流入瓶内把酒放到客人身前说:“您请慢用,有事请吩咐。” 员工守则 1、不准脱岗、串岗、无故旷工,有事请假批准后方可离岗。 2、不准工和时间聚集聊天、谈笑、看书报、睡觉打闹。 3、不准工作时间喝酒或酒后上班。 4、不准在客人面前吸烟,吃零食或异味食物,不准在客人面前挖鼻孔、掏耳朵、修指甲及坐卧等。 5、不准与客人争辩、吵架、殴斗。 6、不准向客人索要小费及其它物品。 7、不准在岗位着非工作装,染艳色指甲、涂浓妆。 8、不准说不利于团结的话,做不利于团结的事,不准搞帮派。 9、不准向客人谈及内部经营及其它事情。 10、不准侵占他人财物及店内的经营物品。 11、不准无故拒绝,终止领导安排的工作和本职工作。 12、上班时间不准进浴区洗澡。 13、不准在宿舍和工作岗位进行黄、赌、毒等违法活动。 14、不准工作时间私自会客、干私活、将亲人朋友等无关人员带入工作场所。 违犯者按情节处以20——100元罚款,严重者无薪辞退直至追究法律责任。 西安富润国际会所之清洁标准及方法 1、墙面:光亮无油腻、无水迹。方法:用专有柜刷沾消毒去污剂,液刷洗,用水冲净,用抹布再抹干净,做到随时保洁,营业后彻底清扫一次。 2、地面:无明显示污迹,保持干燥,无积水无滑腻感,地砖见本色。 3、镜面:玻璃,无污迹,无雾气。方法:用专用刮水器抹布随时保持擦洗。 4、地沟:无异物无异味见本色。方法:使用地刷、钢丝球,沾消毒洗涤剂刷洗,每天营业前后各一次。 5、淋浴设施:皂盒、隔断无污渍,无异物,无油腻感,做到一客一清洁。方法:用专用抹布擦拭,冲浪池地面水面无明显示污尘,池面无明显示污渍,水面浮尘要随时用除污网清除。根据情况定时换水,地面出现污渍时用板刷抹布擦洗。 6、蒸汽房、桑拿房:无异味,里面无明显滑腻感。方法:随时保洁,营业前后两次彻底保洁。 7、纸篓、垃圾筒:纸筒无异物,无明显污迹,垃圾筒内外无明显污渍。方法:纸篓要一客一保洁随时将异物倒进指定的垃圾筒,垃圾筒每天必须清洁一次,再用板刷沾消毒洗涤剂刷洗。 8、坐椅、桌、洗手盆:无明显污渍。方法:要随时保洁,用板刷,刷洗后再用抹布擦干净 ultrasound 3 months; superficial vascular Sonography 1 month; Interventional Ultrasound 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: PET/CT 6 months; SPECT 4 months and radionuclide therapy for 2 months. Three, training contents and requirements (a) the 1th to 12th month (phase I) 1. purpose rotary system knowledge and understanding of the basic theory, basic skills and basic operations, master of the discipline involved in common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of these professional groups work programs, content and the related clinical knowledge. 2. basic requirements (1) Department of Radiology: the mastery: the basic theory of x-ray, including general radiology, CT and MRI Imaging principle and technique. Writing principles of radiographic diagnostic report and complete schedule 1 to the diseases, the number of cases of report writing, requiring trainees diagnostic report written at least 50 a week. Familiar: principles of radiographic methods of observation and analysis, diagnosis, understanding of x-ray diagnostic value and clinical application of limits. About: x-ray radiography, CT, and MRI examination methods of operation. Disease and case requirements: System (inspection) disease/operation name (times) (?) nervous system (dominated by CT and MRI) 15 15 15 brain brain tumor cerebral infarction of cerebral hemorrhage outside the ... ? complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing
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