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全世界最年轻的国家全世界最年轻的国家 facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the followi...
全世界最年轻的国家 facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 全世界最年轻的国家 --------南苏丹 山东省临清市第三高级高级中学黑耀光 新华网朱巴2011年7月9日电根据2005年苏丹《全面和平协 议》和今年初南方公投的结果,南部苏丹于9日正式从苏丹分离,并 于同日正式成立南苏丹共和国,定都朱巴。南苏丹独立建国后,将 成为全世界最年轻的国家。它也将成为第193个被联合国承认 的国家,非洲大陆第54个联合国会员国。 南北苏丹图 在五十年代初非洲独立的时候,苏丹摆脱英国殖民统治,当时 南苏丹和苏丹包括埃及这都是英国的殖民地,独立以后他们应该怎么 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 个归属关系呢,原来英国人设计的,南苏丹没有想归到苏丹的一部分,它是想把南苏丹和乌干达合在一块搞一个国家。因为当时英国对非洲的殖民统治,在他们要求独立的时候,每个地方的浪潮不一样,那么它考虑问题也不一样,最后英国人还是放弃了这个想法。而是把这个南苏丹地区,编入到今天的苏丹地区,这两个地方并在一块。英国人这个想法,跟要求独立的苏丹的当时族群领袖不一致,谈的时候南苏丹人不同意。这为以后南北苏丹冲突埋下种子。 南苏丹人不同意的原因主要是宗教信仰问题。大家可以看非洲版图,中东地区主要是阿拉伯民族,阿拉伯族的人大多数是信穆斯林的,而非洲这大块版图很多地方都是法国和英国的殖民地,法国和英国的殖民地你不管是阿拉伯地区,阿拉伯人种为主的,或者是黑人,就是纯的黑人土著为主的,那么宗教信仰往往受英国和法国的殖民统治他们大多数是信基督教或者是天主教的,相反中东地区是穆斯林的多。在这个情况下,特别有趣的,如果我们把非洲划一个边境线,就是哪一片是穆斯林的,哪一片是基督教或者是天主教的分界呢,就是苏丹,而这个苏丹的分界呢就有点像今天的南北苏丹的分界,苏丹这个国家是世界上最穷的国家,因此并不是说南部苏丹基督教徒或者是天主教徒就多。南部苏丹就没有统一的宗教,而北部苏丹主要就是穆斯林和阿拉伯人种类多 南部苏丹的地区,有两百多个部落,但是没有统一的宗教,尽管没有统一的宗教,这里面还是有不少的天主教、基督教徒,但是不digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 是统一的,很多这两百多个部落还有信齐拉的,还有信他们自己本土族定的那些神、鬼,那些宗教的东西。在1983年的时候,当时苏丹的总统颁布了一条命令,说要在全国推行穆斯林法,就是要用穆斯林的宗教东西来成为他们法律的一部分,这就引起南部的不满,于是南部就组织了好多的游击队,就是反政府武装来跟北部的政权抗衡。南北冲突一直冲突不断 第一次苏丹内战发生于1955年至1972年。这场战争主要地点是苏丹南部,是北苏丹和南苏丹之间的军事冲突,大约有50万名南苏丹人民死亡,其中以平民居多,以及数万人被迫离开家园。 第二次苏丹内战开始于1983年,是1955年至1972年之第一次苏丹内战的延续。这场战争主要地点是苏丹南部,是第二次世界大战以后平民死亡人数为最多的一场战争,大约有190万名南苏丹平民死亡,以及超过400万人被迫离开家园。 2005年1月,作战双方签订《全面和平协定》,冲突结束。双方协定,南苏丹在此后6年实行自治,于2011年举行的独立公投通过,并于2011年7月9日0时宣告独立, 从西往东,苏丹南方与北方的南达尔富尔州(SouthernDarfur)、阿布耶伊特别行政区(Abeyi)、南科尔多凡州(SouthernKordofan)、白尼罗河州(WhiteNile)、森纳尔州(Sennar)和青尼罗河州,BlueNile,接壤。按顺时针方向,分别与埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、乌digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 干达、刚果,金,、中非和乍得接壤。苏南方属热带草原气候,一年分为雨季,5月-10月,和旱季,11月-4月,,雨季高温多雨,干季炎热干燥。雨季气温在20-40度之间,干季气温在30-50度之间。 苏丹南方地处内陆,经长期战乱,是世界上最不发达的地区之一。苏南方经济落后,面貌原始,基础设施缺乏,人民普遍贫困,商品基本上依赖进口,物价较贵。自然资源丰富,石油储量较大,土地肥沃,河流纵横,农林渔牧具有较大发展潜力。苏丹南方刚刚结束长达22年的战争,民间武器流失严重,目前主要的安全威胁是部落间冲突和乌干达上帝军。独立以后本来苏丹的土地面积在整个非洲是版图最大的,有250万平方公里,苏丹分治后,苏丹将失去非洲最大面积国家的桂冠,拱手让给阿尔及利亚。分开以后苏丹南方面积约64万平方公里,人口约826万,2008年,,分别占全国面积和人口的1/4和1/5,居民多为非洲土著黑人。那分了以后如果我是个北方人,我在南方住的,如果分裂了,我怎么弄,这个国界算什么,南北双方达成一个,每一个在对方住的人。比方说北方人住在南方,或者南方人住在北方,给你九个月的冷静期,因为你可能一个北方人在南方找到工作了,但是如果你不想交出这个工作回到老家去的话,你九个月后再打这份工作,你就要像外国人一样,申请工作和签证 据联合国有关方面统计,南苏丹90,的人口生活在国际贫困线以下,文盲率高达85,以上。基础设施远远达不到支持国家快速发展digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresunannounced visits to survey and news exposure, more powerful of measures, reflected supervision work of seriousness, and just sex and authenticity. In supervision process in the, both understand the work of progress situation, and note summary units, and the sector in work practice in the created of success experience; both found work in the exists of problem, and find associate produced problem of reasons; both for grass-roots of specific problem, proposed solution of measures and approach, and station in global of height, for Government perfect decision, and guide work proposed macro views, constantly improve supervision work of level. Third, to put the focal point in the system of supervision on the construction. To implement the responsibility system, establish and improve the implementation of the target responsibility system for everyone to task, pressure and power, all your knowledge and wisdom, to find, to form a Government as the main body, inspection Chambers led sector, caught in all aspects of supervision work. To establish supervision authority. Government offices carry out inspection, was authorized by the Government, on behalf of the Government and responsible to the Government, is an important part of government supervision and Extension, has the right to check and coordinate the right, the right to inform the right to criticism, and advice. Departments at all levels should give support to ensure supervision work smoothly. To implementation report system, on main work progress situation to by quarter submitted; on assigned by facilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and 的要求。人口40万的朱巴市区,绝大部分是茅草屋顶和泥墙构成的 昏暗小屋。 目前,北南苏丹仍面临边界划分、石油收益分配、阿卜耶伊地区 归属、外债分担等诸多悬而未决的关键问题。 digging out things, refine, eliminate, and strive to achieve dynamic information highlighting the timeliness, policy focus on targeted, experience information grasp typical problem emphasizes the tendency of information, freedom of information caught ... "Excellence", and accurate, short, does not speak empty words, cliches. "Fast", is the emphasis on timeliness. Who want government leaders to grasp the important information must be collected quickly reported. Especially urgent important information such as events, in strict accordance with the State Council concerning strengthening the emergency notice of significant reporting requirements, not only in the first period of submission to government events, also tracking developments closely, to submit measures, consequences, treatment and rehabilitation, and so on. Establish a strict responsibility system, of late, fail to hide critical situations, to be held accountable. City and County Government offices and Government departments, we should further perfect duty system, raise the level of response and the ability to respond to emergencies and. Third, to open channels of information. Role of key government information network main channel, building extends to all departments and units, vertical extension to the Township and community information networks, information staff, strengthening the work of information. Finished the basic tasks to be criticized. Did not submit information for a long time the County (district) and sectoral, this year we will take effective measuresfacilitate decision implementation process step by step. Government offices at all levels in accordance with the notice on further strengthening the supervision work of the municipal government requires, and actively carry out supervision from the following aspects. One is to focus supervision on the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the municipal government, in leadership on the major issues of concern to implement, on the people reflect strongly on the hot and difficult problems to solve. Current, to tightly around implement implementation municipal, and Municipal Government proposed of "three a insisted two promote, five big storming six breakthrough" of guideline and General requirements, focus in foster four industry, and construction four base, and created four brand and farmers increase, and project construction, and enterprise reform, and city construction, and private economic, and building harmony social, aspects grasp supervision, makes we of supervision work and city of General thought tune, and and reform development of pulse synchronization. Second, supervision of the breakthrough in innovation, improved methods. Supervision of method, to by passive type to active type change, by everything to focus breakthrough change, by assault supervising to track supervising change, in full using sent letter supervision, and phone urged reported, and heard reported, basic method of while, more to used field check, and random checks, and
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