
20岁该男人该看的书 你钱的知识太多了

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20岁该男人该看的书 你钱的知识太多了20岁该男人该看的书 你钱的知识太多了 20岁该男人该看的书 你欠的知识太多了 bayinanj1a | | 解决时间: 2013-04-12 03:32 分享到:犹太人每年平均多64本书 , , , 满意回答 2013-04-12 02:54 你可以学习你需要学会的任何东西,以达到你为自 己树立的任何目标 。 你能够做到或能够成为什 么,惟一的限制就是你自己的头脑中的框框 。 --------摘自> 这些书籍偏向于哲学 文 学 心理学 历史 经济 管理 营销 广告 营养学等 其 中不少书籍是人大清华大学等...
20岁该男人该看的书  你钱的知识太多了
20岁该男人该看的书 你钱的知识太多了 20岁该男人该看的书 你欠的知识太多了 bayinanj1a | | 解决时间: 2013-04-12 03:32 分享到:犹太人每年平均多64本书 , , , 满意回答 2013-04-12 02:54 你可以学习你需要学会的任何东西,以达到你为自 己树立的任何目标 。 你能够做到或能够成为什 么,惟一的限制就是你自己的头脑中的框框 。 --------摘自<<关键点>> 这些书籍偏向于哲学 文 学 心理学 历史 经济 管理 营销 广告 营养学等 其 中不少书籍是人大清华大学等MBA推荐必读书目。 先可以花3-5年甚至更多的时间内精读完这些书籍 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 以后学习新知识的同时 不妨再仔细研读这些书目 请相信厚积薄发 不要相信过时论这个说法一旦这些书籍被编进此 几乎可以代表永恒 不朽!!! 凡看过这所有书籍并思考总结执行的人 一生不可能碌碌无为! 凡没看过这些书籍的人 一生不可能取得伟业! 偶认为这些书籍适合所有行业 ---如果你们想攻无不克 战无不胜的话 谨以此献给所有寻找人生价值的人们 1<<诗经>>来来来先热热身 "所谓伊人 在水一方" 2<<易经>>天行健,君子以自强不息这本书偶就能读懂这句 易经其实是比天书还天书的天书 建议把这块硬骨头留在最后看 避实就虚嘛 排在第二是因为他确实经典 。 3<<孙子兵法>> 这本书影响了世界文明. 美国西点军校军官必修科目 哈佛等大学也在研究该书 在全球经济一体化 市场化的今天 更被商界精英视为宝典日本战国Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 时代战争狂人织田信长号称能把该书背的滚瓜烂熟 蒋介石只送给蒋经国3本书 一本是 <<圣经>> 一本是<<孙子兵法>>另一本是<<曾国藩家书>> ... 4<<论语>>古有半部论语治天下之说孔哥曾经不仅红遍祖国大江南北 而且其fans也布天下。 5<<庄子>>吾生也有涯而知也无涯 这就是庄子的智慧 。 6<<道德经>>天下难事,必作于易 ,天下大事 必作于细 仅仅两句却胜却人世无数经典语句 不愧为国学看家之宝 。 7<<史记>> 历史学家司马迁用了毕生的时间把历史写了一遍。 8<<曾国藩家书>>毛泽东说过:吾于近代独服曾文正! 9<<唐诗宋词>> 云云: 但见泪痕湿 不知心系谁...看了都想上去kiss一下美眉... 在中国文化艺术宝典上 唐宋诗词甲天下前无古人后无来者 10<<三国演义>>人说毛这一辈子只读透三本书就把一个叫阿蒋的赶到孤岛上任其Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 自生自灭 那三本呢? 其一是<<孙子兵法>> 其二是<<资治通鉴>> 其三就是<<三国演义>> 看不看由你罗 11<<毛选>>是毛让世界明白中国具有5000年的悠久文明毛曾经吸引了全世界的眼球(用现在的话说 那绝对是了不起的眼球经济 hahaha...) 毛证明了中国从此以后是不可战胜的毛的思想很值得我们辨证的学习 毛是偶最崇拜的人不过偶还是最喜欢毛的<<论持久战>> 12<<历代散文精选>>你读过的未读过的历代散文精选都在此(当然只是中国的) 建议无论如何要拥有一本 13<<万历十五年>>黄仁宇《万历十五年》一书中黄先生以明朝的万历十五年为横断面,剖开了中国的传统社会,这个社会虽然表面上尊卑有序,实际上是乱糟糟的。 14<<历史的经验>>南怀瑾是一位极富传奇性的人物他那丰富的经历 更使他于传奇之中,再添一层神秘色彩 看他Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 的书是一种享受。 15<<中国哲学简史>>冯友兰在这本哲学史专著中,冯友兰先生为我们打通了中外相关知识 本书对于想了解中国哲学的读者来说不失为一部教益丰厚的文化经典。 16<<全球通史>>上下册除非你看过...要不你得重新买一套研究研究 不要问为什么 嘿嘿 。 17<<西方艺术史>>想知道为什么欧美造的产品有个性有特点吗? 先研究研究他们的艺术吧 。 18<<圣经>>圣经其实是犹太的血泪史告诉我们只要有信仰及信心就能战胜所有困难 也是我们了解西方的钥匙。 19<<简爱>>中国有句话叫“身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通“。他们之间的爱情就如这句话一样。 20<<老人与海>>人可以被毁灭,但却不能被打败这就是《老人与海》想揭示的哲理。 21<<商道>> 这本书中充满了佛家的禅理,以佛家的观点来解释商业之道,有很多值得Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 参考、借鉴的地方 。 22<<智慧书>>欧洲有许多学者相信,千百年来,人类思想史上具有永恒价值的处世智慧包含于三大奇书,一是马基雅维里的《君王论》,二是《孙子兵法》,三就是这本《智慧书》。 23<<君王论>>。 24<<战争论>>19世纪军事理论顶峰的伟大之作可与《孙子兵法》媲美的西方经典军事著述 。 25<<小逻辑>> 黑格尔 《小逻辑》是黑格尔晚年哲学思想的代表作 《小逻辑》展示的系统的哲学思想集中代表了黑格尔思辨哲学的精华 。 26<<西方哲学史>>罗素上下两册西方哲学史》是英国现代哲学家罗素1872—1970的一本讲述西方哲学史的主要著作,出版于1945年。本书和黑格尔的《哲学史讲演录》是对我国西方哲学史研究产生了很大影响的两本名著。 27<<国富论>> 亚当.斯密,Adam Smith,细读斯密著名的有关资本主义“看不Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 见的手”效能的分析,需要浓浓的咖啡相伴。该书还有一些对促使工业品产生的复杂经济学动态的深入剖析。 28<<道德情操论>>道德情操论是斯密的伦理学著作,首次出版于1759年,斯密去世前共出版过六次。全书共有七卷构成,主要阐释的是道德情感的本质和道德的性质。 29<<经济学原理>>曼昆的经典之作非经济学之兄弟姐妹想扫点盲 力顶此书 曼昆为哈佛高才生,天才横溢,属新古典凯恩斯主义学派,研究范围偏重宏观经济分析。该书为大学一年级学生而写,主要特点是行文简单、说理浅显、语言有趣 。 30<<经济学>>萨缪尔森著萨缪尔森是美国当代著名经济学家,1970年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者。他对经济学的三大组成部分--政治经济学、部门经济学和技术经济学,都有独到的见解,这使他成为西方世界久负盛名的经济学巨子,他的《经济学》Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 一书更是一版再版,到目前为止共再版14次,,并被誉为经济学的经典教材,在世界各国享有很高的声誉。 31<<经济学>>斯蒂格利茨斯蒂格利茨在信息经济学成就甚高,此书可作为前二者的补充,前二者所涉及经济学内容主要是以价格理论及边际分析为基础,不包括不对称信息经济学、不确定性分析部分。斯蒂格利姿之《经济学》可填充前二者之空白。 32<<宏观经济学>>曼昆又一力作精简易懂中文翻译。可读完萨谬而森《经济学》并略懂一点微观后直接学习。适宜一个循环学习,即以书入手,修完《全球视角》后,再回头重修此书,有提纲挈领之用。 33<<网络经济学>>现在和将来就是信息社会都成了地球村了 你还不了解一下网络经济? 34<<未来经济状态>>工业时代征服了空间,使我们成为一个世界。信息时代征服了时间,使我们成为一个村庄。生物材Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 料时代正在征服物质,将使我们成为一个家庭。 这就是著名教授理查德W,奥利弗对于未来世界的看法。这对商业意味着什么呢,如何调整你的机构去适应以异乎寻常的速度形成的事物――即传统科技时代的终结和某种全新的事物的诞生, 35<<营销管理>>科特勒的《营销管理》如今已是第11版,该书在国内影响很大。正如作者所言,本书包括了一个有素养的营销经理所需要认识的所有论题,即包括了在战略、战术、管理营销中的重要问题. 36<<市场营销导论>>科特勒青出于蓝而胜于蓝的巨作 《市场营销导论》阐述的重要原理和概念得到经济学、行为科学以及现代管理理论研究和实证的支撑,然而它采用的却是注重实践的营销与管理结合的方式。各种概念在知名的及不太知名的公司确定和解决所遇到的营销问题的无数实例中得到体现。 37<<营销战>>Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 里斯特劳特美国企业的《孙子兵法》,营销人员的战术教科书。《营销战》被美国企业界誉为企业营销的《战争论》,它阐述了当今市场营销的战略、和战术原则未来的营销将领应拥有的品质是灵活、意志力和胆量。 38<<组织行为学>>斯蒂芬?P?罗宾斯本书是美国组织行为学权威撰写的经典管理教科书,自出版以来已修订再版9次,持续畅销20年,被美国许多大学和商学院选定为教材,并受到世界各地管理学界师生和企业界读者的欢迎。 39<<消费者行为>>迈克尔。R。所罗门著。中译本有3、5版。 消费者行为是营销学的基础,我们的产品,广告传播方案,对兼并、投资对象的价值评估,等等经营行为,都离不开对消费者行为的研究。 40<<战略品牌管理>>莱恩。凯勒的《战略品牌管理》是企业品牌工作的“工具库、思想库”,很实用。 41<>STERN著。本书获得了美国营销协会“ Paul D. Converse 杰, ,,营销理论贡献”奖。STERN 是与科特勒齐名的美国西北大学凯洛格商学院John D. Gray三大杰出教授之一,但专注于渠道研究,是国际渠道学的最高权威,也是科特勒集团的老板之一 42<<管理:任务 责任实践>>德鲁克的经典之作 彼得?德鲁克 1973年出版的巨著《管理,任务,责任,实践》则是一本给企业经营者的系统化管理,为学习管理学的学生提供的系统化教科书。德鲁克的著作多达30余本,传播及130多个国家,甚至在前苏联、波兰、南斯拉夫、捷克等国也极为畅销。 2002年6月20日,美国总统乔治?W?布什宣布彼得?德鲁克成为当年的“总统自由勋章”的获得者,这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。 43<<卓有成效的管理者>>德鲁克的经典之作 1966年出版 。 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 44<<管理学>>斯蒂芬?P?罗宾斯本书是一本公认的优秀管理学教科书,被美国800多所大学和学院选作教材,并在世界许多国家和地区受到欢迎。全书以管理过程为框架,按照计划、组织、领导和控制四种基本管理职能,对管理的各个方面进行了详尽的阐述。 45<<竞争战略>>迈克尔?波特被誉为“现代竞争战略之父”,也是现代最伟大的商业思想家之一。他的四部著作不仅为他奠定了商界泰山北斗的地位,更是企业的高层在制定战略的指路灯。(1980年出版的《竞争战略》、1985年出版的《竞争优势》、1990年出版的《国家竞争优势》、1998年出版的《竞争论》) 。 波特的书籍并不容易读,但是波特的竞争战略理论乍看复杂,其实脉络清楚,他的学说重点主要有,五力模型、三大一般性战略、价值链、钻石体系、产业集群。 46<<竞争优势>>迈克尔?波特又一力作。 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 47<<竞争论>>迈克尔?波特一本将不断地为未来的公司和国家战略提供理论基础的书。本书被商学院的教师、攻读MBA的学生奉为经典,西方的经理人们更将书中的理论视为获取竞争优势的至胜法宝。 48<<竞争大未来>>盖瑞哈默战略管理名著《竞争大未来》一书中,盖瑞哈默与普哈拉把学习看成是改变企业的基因密码,扩大管理框架实现基因多元化的必由之路。 49<<蓝海战略>>W.钱?金勒妮?莫博涅 蓝海战略代表着战略管理领域的范式性转变,即从给定结构下的定位选择向改变市场结构本身的转变。 由于蓝海的开创是基于价值创新而不是技术突破,是基于对现有市场现实的重新排序和构建而不是对未来市场的猜想和预测,企业就能够以系统性的、可复制的方式去寻求它,“蓝海”既可以出现在现有产业疆域之外,也可以萌生在现有产业的“红海”之中。 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 50<<麦肯锡方法>>我读《麦肯锡方法》时候,我发现 自己的想法完全被书中的观点代替了。 51<<第5 项修炼>>美国管理大师彼得-圣吉所著,此书的观念, 特别是第五项修炼,,系统思考,对每个个人确实有 很大帮助,建议慢慢地认真地读,肯定对你会有帮助, 52<<高效人士的7个习惯>>思想决定行动,行动决定 习惯,习惯决定品德,品德决定命 7个习惯的简要定 义, 1、主动积极 BE PROACTIVE 2、以 终为始 BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND
3、要事第一 PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST 4、双赢思维 THINK WIN/WIN 5、知彼解己 SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND,THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD 6、综合综效 SYNERGIZE 7、不断更新 SHARPEN THE SAW 习惯对我们 的生活有绝对的影响,因为它是一贯的。在不知不觉 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 中,经年累月影响着我们的品德,暴露出我们的本性,左右着我们的成败。 53<<定位>> 54<<新定位>> 特劳特和里斯的这两本书最近十年风靡全球。其提出的“市场营销是门可能性的艺术”,揭示了营销的真谛 。 55<<关键点>>就凭其中的一个观点,你就不可不看此书,经典啊! 你要成为什么或你想要成为什么样一个人,唯一的限制是你自己头脑的框框 强啊! 西方的思想把一个人的潜能发挥到极至.当然本书还有其他一些非常新颖的观点. 56<<世界500强高效工作方法>>不仅仅适合世界500强的白领噢 57<<追求卓越>>彼得斯经典中的经典 58<<基业长青>>基业长青对高度成功、富有生命力的公司进行了生动深入的分析,充满新颖的见解和确凿的结论。这是一个内容紧凑、条理清晰的报告,每个经理人都值得一读。——约翰?W?加德纳Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 前美国卫生教育和福利部部长“共同事业”的创始主席《自我更新》的作者 。 59<<从优秀到卓越>>基业长青的姐妹篇经典之作。 60<<执行>>执行中文版的推出标志着本书自发行以来第12种外文版本的问世。仅在美国,本书的销量就高达300000本之多,它受到了广泛地赞誉,并被列入《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《商业周刊》的畅销书排行榜。 61<<心理学导论>>库恩这是一本经典的好书,胜过买10本别的心理学的书 就是花银子有点心疼 。 62<<管理行为>>西蒙。 63<<牛津决策>>孙树杰《牛津决策》是结合作者本人在国内多个行业的企业整体运作经验和在牛津大学所学到的企业战略、市场营销、组织结构、人力资源战略等方面的前沿管理知识,所整理出来的专门为企业高层决策者提供核心管理方法、工作思路等支持的工具书籍。其核心是来自Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 于牛津大学SAID商学院、TEMPLETON学院的多位教授多年商业实际运作和授课内容的总结。 64<<思维导图>> 简单 简明 简约 却如此震撼 东尼?博赞(Tony Buzan),1942年生于英国伦敦,是著名的大脑潜能和学习方法研究专家,世界记忆锦标赛和世界快速阅读锦标赛创始人。因发明思维导图这一简单有效的思维工具,以“大脑先生”闻名世界。他所引领的“头脑风暴”正在席卷全球, 65<<激发无限的潜力>>安东尼?罗宾斯是美国著名心理学专家以及个人、事业和组织问题的协调人,公认的成功学、激励学方面顶尖的大师。他的专业能力帮助无数个人、团体和企业转变了生存发展的轨迹。也是 66<<羊皮卷>>世上最强励志书。 有选择的接受.汲取 培养自己的价值观 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the
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