

2018-04-03 20页 doc 49KB 753阅读




幼儿园英语abc歌曲教案幼儿园英语abc歌曲教案 篇一:小班英语教案Phonics short ABC Phonics short A/B/C 一、见面礼5分 一周一段对话内容: Good morning, Children ! What is your name ?What day is it today? Which class are you in ? How old are you ? How is the weather, Whatis wearing today? 如何进行:Let the kids answer the q...
幼儿园英语abc歌曲教案 篇一:小班英语教案Phonics short ABC Phonics short A/B/C 一、见面礼5分 一周一段对话内容: Good morning, Children ! What is your name ?What day is it today? Which class are you in ? How old are you ? How is the weather, Whatis wearing today? 如何进行:Let the kids answer the questions together. Whose respond is the fastest can get small red flowers。 二、知识海洋20分 教育目标:让小朋友学习短元音A/BC的发音、代单字及拼音 游戏名称:“DVD问答游戏”活动目标: 让小朋友学会观察和发 现,并首次接触本课单词的正确发音。道具准备: DVD ,图卡: apple 苹果 , ball 球 , cake蛋糕 游戏规则: 播放[CD 1 track 20],让小朋友跟着唸以下的内容:b ? u ? s bus ; d ? u ? k duck ; g ? u ? m gum 1. 老师将内容大而清楚地写在白板上,并标明笔顺, 带着全班一起用手写3~5遍,边写边唸如: “ b ? u ? s bus ”。 2. 请小朋友找出正确的单 字贴纸(课本后面有附赠)贴上,并大声的唸出拼音。 游戏名称:Phonics Match活动目标:让小朋友学习短元音A/B/C的发音、代表单字及拼音 。道具准备:白板、白板笔 游戏规则:游戏美语老师准备本课两份闪示卡,一份字母朝上,一份图片朝上放在地上。请两位 小朋友到台上,当老师说“A a- apple.”,两位小朋友要各找出字母和图片,两人赶 快站一起唸“A a-apple.”,配对成功得分。 三、我爱说英语10分 游戏名称: Catch The Train 活动目标:让小朋友学会观察和发现,并首次接触本课单词的正确发音。 道具准备:图卡:图卡: apple 苹果 , ball 球 , cake蛋糕 游戏规则:请小朋友围成一个圆圈,派一位小朋友当火车头 。老师和一位小朋友面对面,以 手搭起一座桥。开始时,小朋友可以唱以前所学过的任何歌曲,边唱边 跟着 火车 头 绕圈圈。当歌曲停止时,你和母语老师的双臂往下圈住一位小朋友,然后被圈住 的小朋友回答老师给他的字卡内容或唸本课韵文 。之后,这个小朋友就变成火车头 继续进行这个游戏。 儿歌或童谣名称: listen then sing 环境或道具准备: VCD[播放CD 2 track 4]。 目标: Let every kids feel very happy to sing this song together. 教师自评: 本课学习,幼儿學会了短母音A/B/C的發音、代表單字及拼音 。课堂气氛活跃,达到了教学目标。本课学习,幼儿學会了短母音A/B/C的發音、代表單字及拼音 。课堂气氛活跃,达到了教学目标。整个教学活动游戏化、表演化、形象化、直观化,在组织的过程中,能全身心地投入,进入角色,和幼儿融为一体,用语音、声调的变化,用夸张的肢体动作,吸引幼儿,激发幼儿的内心体验。 因此整个活动氛围和谐、融洽、欢乐,充分调动起了幼儿学习的积极性和主动性。 篇二:幼儿英语教案lesson 1 备课人: 备课时间:检查人: 音标班Lesson 1 英语字母名称音 Teaching aims: 1、26个字母达到四会。 2、26个字母歌谣达三会。 3、学会ABCsong。 Important points: 1、26个字母的四会。 2、能区别元音、辅音字母。 Difficult points: 1、26个字母中,有几个音是易混音,注意纠正和比较。如:Gg Jj Vv Zz Bb Dd Pp 。 2、英语写的笔顺:d y小写字母,j的小字母格式。 Teaching creative: 1、奖励方式;金元宝 2、字母蹲 3、小老师带读 4、男女生带读法 5、金手指 6、巅峰对抗 7、知识抢答赛 8、木头人 9、击鼓传花 10、 木头人 11、 super girls and boys 12、 真功夫大挑战 Teaching tools: 26个字母卡片、洋娃娃 Period:3 Period 1 Teaching aims: 1、26个字母的四会 2、26个字母歌谣的三会 Important points: 1、26个字母的四会 2、能区别元音、辅音字母 Difficult points: 1、G、J的发音 Teaching creative: 1、字母蹲 2、小老师带读 3、两组PK赛 4、金手指 5、 巅峰对抗 Teaching tools:26个字母卡片 Teaching steps: Step1:Greeting and warm-up 一、Greeting:Hello,dear students .Long time no see, do you miss me ? Today is a new day ,I believe everybody will do a good job ! 二、Wam-up:《Follow me》 1、老师慢动作教两遍 2、第三遍,集体表演 三:Slogan time :Teaching the students the sentences : I’m the best ,I can do it , I must do it .i can speak beautiful English. Step2: Lead in and presentation 1、提问的方式:会默写26个字母的同学请举手。 老师知道你们都非常聪明,非常棒的。但是老师想看我们班谁是最勇敢的学生,现在老师想请一个同学到黑板上来默写。 2、其他同学在自己的本子上默写 当在黑板上默写的同学默写完后,老师对他所写的字母进行点评: Kk , Ff, Yy,的书写、Gg,Jj、Mm Nn的发音。 3、现在老师想请问一下,有哪个同学知道元音字母, WOW~~你们真得很棒哦,我们还没有学就知道了。好,现在老师教你们一种更加简单的方法,那我们一起来学习吧~看哪组同学是最配合老师的,而且学习最认真的,这样又可以为你们团队加分了。 英语字母二十六,五个元音出来秀(加动作),Aa, Ee, Ii ,Oo, Uu(两遍)。半元半辅字母Yy,20辅音来比帅。 Step3: Practice 1、提问:我们所学的二十六个字母,分为哪几类呢, A:三类 (分别是:元音,辅音,半元半辅) 有几个元音,5个。Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 半元半辅的字母是什么,Yy 2、老师带读黑板上所写的字母,正反带读 A、现在,你们两组要进行PK,不知道哪组是我们最后的冠军呢,当老师手指着哪组的时候,那就是哪组读,而且声音要超过其他队的。这样你们这组就可以得分。 3、小老师带读 请班上发音较准的同学上来带读,同样可以采取竞争的方式进行,当哪位同学表现突出时,老师可以进行表扬。强调字母的发音:Gg,Jj,Vv,Mm,Nn,Ll. Step4:Consolidation 1、字母蹲(玩两轮) 将所准备好的字母卡片分发给每个同学,并给他讲好游戏规则。 A、 游戏规则:每个同学必须会读自己手上的字母,一边读字母一边蹲。 (A 蹲A蹲A蹲完??H蹲)如果反应不够的快的同学就会淘汰。 纪律:拿了字母卡片的同学都要站起来,没有被点到的同学必须要保持安静。纪律好的团队可以加2分,纪律不好的团队扣2分。 奖励:最后获胜的三个人,可以得到每人2分的奖励。 B、老师示范 A 蹲A蹲A蹲?完蹲H蹲 C、自我练习1分钟 D、游戏开始 2、金手指 A、游戏规则:当老师读出一个字母时,看两个同学谁反应最快,用金手指指着老师读的单词。反应较慢的学生就淘汰。如果有同学连续三次获胜就可以被评为“常胜将军”,并得到一分的积分奖励。 纪律:其他同学在黑板上玩的时候,下面的同学不能下位,同时不能告诉台上的同学,而且 要保持安静。纪律好的团队可以获得2分的奖励,纪律不好的团队扣团队分2分。 奖惩:连续打败三个的学生,可以获得一分的奖励。最后哪组留下的同学最多就可以为团队加2分。 B、 老师示范 C、 游戏开始 4、 巅峰对抗 就是将二十六个字母默写,看哪个同学谁是最快默写出来的,而且最正确。 A、游戏规则:在规定的时间1分钟内,谁是最先默写出来而且又正确的同学获胜。而且书写工 整,漂亮。 纪律:在默写时任何人都要保持安静,纪律好的团队可以为团队加上1分,纪律不好的团队扣1分。 奖惩:全对又工整的同学是可以获得3分的奖励 B、游戏开始 5、 完成练习册字母抄写 请学生按照练习册上字母的正确书写格式将每个字母每排抄写3个。 Blackboard : Period 2 Teaching aims: 1、学会ABCsong 2、听磁带掌握26个字母正确的发音 3、熟记常见的缩写名称 Important points: 1、学会ABCsong,进一步巩固26个字母的发音。 Difficult points: 1、Jj ,Gg ,Mm ,Nn,Vv 的发音 Teaching creatives: 1、知识抢答赛 2、木头人 3、男女生PK赛 4、木头人 5、击鼓传花 6、super girls and boys Teaching tools:26个字母卡片、洋娃娃 Teaching steps: Step1:Greeting warm-up and review 一、Greeting : Hi , children welcome back.. Last class you really did a good job. So let’s say “hey ,hey,wonderful .hey hey hey ,wonderful.”for ourselves. 二、Warm-up:26个字母歌谣 A、大家一起中速来一遍。 B、两分组各来一遍快速的,以竞争的方式进行,看哪个团队最、最熟练。 三、Review: 1、复习二十六个字母歌谣 提问:半元半辅的字母是,二十六个字母分为几类,元音字母是, 2、利用卡片复习26个字母,随机抽出卡片看哪个同学读的最快,可以将卡片作为他们的战利品,放在他们这个团队。最后看哪个团队的战利品最多为获胜,给团队加二分。 Step2:Lead in and persentation Ok ,now we will learn a song together .i believe you (本文来自:WwW.BdfqY.Com 千叶帆文摘:幼儿园英语abc歌曲教案)can sing a beautiful song .Are you ready ? Step3:Practice A、Listen to the tape carefully 听磁带(2),就可以和学生玩一个“木头人”的游戏。 刚才大家表现非常棒,所以现在老师就奖励一个游戏给你们,你们想不想玩呢,想~~好,现在你们每个人想一个最帅,最漂亮的pose。当老师喊stop的时候,你们就要摆好,同时也是锻炼你们的意志力,看谁能坚持到底。看哪组都能坚持到底就可以为你们团队加2分。 B、 Listen to the tape and repeat it . 老师对你们很有信心,你们一定会学好这首歌。那你们会用几遍将这首歌学会呢, 听第三遍的时候,就让他们跟着磁带一起唱。 C、老师快中慢带唱 对于难点不会唱,老师可以教唱两到三遍。强调难点字母发音:Gg,Jj,Mm,Nn,Vv. D、男女声PK赛 Step4:Consolidation 1、击鼓传花(一轮) 利用ABC歌曲作为背景,用一个娃娃来传。 A、游戏规则:当歌曲停止的时候,洋娃娃在谁的手上,那位同学就要上台来反串这首歌。但是 洋娃娃不可以不传,也不可以在手上停留太久。 纪律:不能下座位,更不能和其他同学吵闹。纪律好的团队就可以为团队加2分,不好的团队扣2分。 奖励:当洋娃娃落在谁的手上,并且那位同学上来表演了,就可以为团队加2分。如果没有来表演就给对方团队加2分。 2、Super girls and boys 这是一个挑战自我的舞台,无论你是否唱得非常动听,还是五音不全。只要你有勇气上台来,老师就会觉得你非常棒,因为你们有勇气挑战自己。好,现在看我们班上谁是最勇敢的,上台来 为我们大家展示我们刚才所学的这首歌。这样也可以为你们的团队加分。 3、知识抢答(常见名称的缩写形式) 1、老师知道你们每个小朋友的记忆力都是非常好,老师就想知道,班上那位同学可以称为“天下第一”,也就是班上的记忆大王。好,现在你们的机会来了,你们敢不敢挑战呢, ? 老师先带大家一起阅读 ? 给他们自己5分钟自由记忆时间 ? 游戏正式开始 游戏规则:可以看书,但是速度是最快的。老师会喊第一名举手的同学回答,给三秒钟的考虑时间。没有答出来,机会就会给其他同学。答对的同学,同桌帮助在答对的同学书加上一笔,到游戏结束时,看哪位同学的笔数最多,就可以获得2分的奖励。 纪律:如果知道答案,要举手告诉老师,如果没有举手就说出答案,不仅不加分,而且还要 扣你违反纪律分,一分。如果哪个团队的纪律最好,就可以加上一分。 2.完成练习册三大,连线题。 Blackboard design: Period 3 Teaching aims: 1、复习26个字母 2、公布班干部名单 3、分团队,选出团队队长以及团队口号 Important points: 1. 确定团队及班干部,让班级管理步入正轨。 Difficult points: 1、增强班级的凝聚力。 Teaching creatives: 无 Teaching tools:练习册 Teaching steps: Step1:Greeting warm-up and review 一、Greeting : Hi ,dear students ,welcome back. Last two class you did a good job . 二、Warm-up : up and down 三、Reivew: 1、通过闪卡复习二十六个字母 2、知识抢答的形式,复习常见的缩写名称 刚才大家对上两节课所学的知识掌握的非常好了,那你们是否真正的掌握了呢,好,那现在大家一起来检测一下吧~ Step2:Practice 1.分团队,选团队队长 新的学期,新的目标。在座的每位学生都希望自己的班级是优秀的,如果一个班级都各自做自己想做得,完全不考虑其他同学 的感受。在这里,LILY希望我们能在团队队长的带领下,能付出一批又批的优秀队员。只有我们团结一心,没有任何困难能阻挡我们。如果我们班级能拿到每周的冠军班级,那LILY会对全班进行奖励。接下来,我们要给自己团队想一个非常有势气的团队队名。 2.公布班干部名单 现在老师选出来的都是班上的优秀的成员,老师希望你们能为班上出力,也相信有你们的协助,我们班会成为最优秀的开放班级,但是每个同学都要认真负责,老师会给你们两周的适用期,在期间发现不负责的同学,老师会另选他人。一个月后,老师会根据你们的表现,对你们发工资。 学习部长(4名):帮助没有过关的同学过关,并且可以协助老师负责其他同学的过关,一定要严格把关。如果发现包庇的现象,就会撤职。 班务秘书(2名):每次到学校帮老师收发作业本,并将未交的同学名字记录好。将老师的成功填写完。 卫生部长(4名):每次放学检查班上的卫生情况,并对座位上有垃圾的同学进行扣分。 纪律部长(4名):上课期间管理班上的纪律,对于那些不守纪律的同学进行名字登记,并进行扣分。 指挥官(4名):在上课的时候,根据老师的手势或同学的表现进行喊出口号。 双语部长(4名):现在的社会到处都要讲普通话,现在剑桥为 你们提供了平台,所以到这里不仅可以锻炼你们的普通话,也可 以让你们锻炼英语。所以希望每位同学都能讲普通话,发现讲方 言的会扣分。 只有大家一起努力才能将我们班打造成军队班级,你们有没有 信心呢, Homework: 1、抄写26个字母,格式正确,书写漂亮,每个字母3遍,每天 在家长那里默写一遍并签名在作业本上。 篇三:幼儿园英语会话ABC 全集 幼儿园英语会话ABC 第一册 Lesson 1Hello Good morningHelloHiGoodbye Lesson 2What’s your name, Hello,teacher Stand up Sit down, please.What’s your name? I am Doggy /Piggy/Bunny„. Lesson 3Do you like yellow bananas? Do you like yellow bananas? Yes, I like yellow bananas. Give me a yellow banana.Here you areThank youNot at all Lesson 4How are you doing? Good afternoon How are you doing, I’m fine,thank you,And you? I’m fine, too. Thanks. Lesson 5Daddy, I’m home. Daddy, I’m home. ( 我到家了 )Piggy, I missed you. I missed you too. you. Piggy, I love you too. Lesson 6I’m sorry I’m sorry. That’s ok. Are you ok, Yes,I’m ok Lesson 7 Who is the best one, Line up, pleaseNo talking, please No moving please Who is the best one?Doggy is the best one. Lesson 8May I come in? Who is it? It’s me, kitty. May I come in?Come in, please. Nice to see you.Nice to see you, too. Have a seat, please. Have some water, please. Lesson 9Let’s be friends, OK? What’s your name? My name is Doggy. What about you? How old are you? I’m three,Let’s be friends, ok? OK! We are friends. Lesson 10Line up Come together! Line up.Hurry up. Attention!At ease! (稍息) Lesson 11Hand in hand Daddy, I love Hand in hand. No crowing! No rushing! No yelling! Be careful! Lesson 12Go to the toilet. I want to urinate.I want to defecate. Wait a moment, please.It’s your turn. It’s smelly! Lesson 13Wash my hands. Wash my hands. Wipe my hands. Are they clean? Check, please. Lesson 14I’m hungry. I’m hungry. I want noodles. I want some soup. Delicious! Lesson 15I’m full. I’m full. Wipe my mouth. Rinse my mouth. Lesson 16What’s up? What’s up? I’m sad. I’m angry. I’m scared. I’m tired. I feel hot. I feel cold.I’m thirsty. I’m happy. 幼儿园英语会话ABC 第二册 Lesson 1Guess, who am I? Close your eyes. Guess who I am? May I have a look?No, you can’t. No, you are wrong. Open your eyes.Oh,you are Bunny. Lesson 2What’s the time? Excuse me, what’s the time? It’s twelve o’clock. Time to nap. Go to bed. Lesson 3I’m sleepy. Are you sleepy?I’m sleepy. Could you take off my dress, please? Sure. Go to bed. Wake up. Get up. Dress myself. I had a good sleep. I had a dream.Comb my hair. Lesson 4What’s for the snack? What’s for the snack?It’s a pear. Would you like a pear?Yes, I’d like a pear. Lesson5 What do you want? Do you want a lollipop? Yes, I want a lollipop. It’s sweet. No, I want some milk. I’m thirsty. Lesson6 Where are you from? Are you Doggy? Where are you from? I’m from Beijing. Where do you study? I’m in shiyou kindergarten. Which class are you in? I’m in the middle class one. I’m tall/thin/pretty. Lesson7 where’s the pencil-box? I can’t find my pencil-box.Where’s my pencil-box? Sorry, I don’t know. Is it in your pocket? No, it isn’t.Oh, it’s on the chair. Lesson8 Is this your pencil, What’s this? This is a pencil. Is this your pencil, Yes, it’s mine. What are these? They are markers. Are they your markers? No, they aren’t. They are Bunny’s. Bunny, Don’t litter! (不要乱扔) pick up the markers. Lesson9let’s play together. What’s up? I want to play with the bricks. He hit me. She took my bricks.No fighting! Be polite! Ok, let’s play together. Which one do you like? I like this one. Look at my building. Lesson10My hands are clean I want toilet paper. Don’t forget to flush the toilet. It’s smelly. My hands are dirty.Roll up my sleeves. Turn on the tap. Wash my hands with soap. Wipe my hands with a towel. Hang my towel. My hands are clean. Lesson11I’m on duty today. Who’s on duty today? I’m on duty today. Clean the tables. Set the chairs. Time for lunch. Lesson12No talking while eating. What’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Sorry, I don’t know. No talking while eating. Keep your table clean. I want to eat everything. Lesson13I am a little teacher I am a little teacher. You are kids. Let me teach you English. Do like me. Well done! Praise yourself! Are you tired? Yes, we are tired.Take a break! Lesson14I have grown up Daddy, you have been working hard!Have some tea, please! Thank you honey! Let me pound your back. Are you comfortable? Of course, my dear baby. I have grown up! I will be a good kid. Honey, I love you. Lesson15let’s go to play Let’s go outside. Let’s go to play. Be quite! Follow me, please. Keep to the right. Go downstairs. Lesson16let’s have a match Let’s have a match. Let’s start! Who is the best one, Kitty is the best one. Am I good? Well done~ One more time.Come on! 幼儿园英语会话ABC 第三册 Lesson 1Take off my clothes Take off my clothes. Go to bed. Lie down. Pull up the covers. Lesson2 Put on my clothes Get up, please. Put on my clothes. Button my button. Zip me up. Lesson3let’s read together Can I sit by you? Of course. Can we read together? Ok, let’s read together. What’s this in English?It’s a tap. Let’s exchange, ok? Oh, upside down. (拿倒了) Lesson4I don’t feel well What’s the matter? I don’t feel good. I’ve got a fever. Don’t cry. Take your temperature. It doesn’t matter. Drink some more water. Have a rest. Are you better now? I feel better now. Lesson5where are you going? Where are you going, Please get on the bus. You have arrived. One ticket, please. (我买一张票) Please get off the bus. I’m going to the Imperial Palace (故宫) Lesson6May I speak to Kitty? Hello, 55512345This is Piggy. May I speak to bunny? Sorry, she’s not in. (她不在)please call back later. Thank you all the same. Lesson7May l help you, sir? Put the slippers back. May I help you, sir? here’s the menu. I’d like a bowl of soup.Wait a moment, please. Waiter, it’s too salty. (咸) It’s spicy. (辣) it’s bitter. (苦) Lesson8What can I do for you, Excuse me, what can I do for you? I want a lollipop. How much is it? It’s too expensive! Cheaper, please. Alright, here’s the money. Here’s the lollipop. Sweet. Thank you.You are welcome. Lesson9Do you have any friends? Do you have any friends? Is he a boy? I have many friends? No, she is a girl. Lesson10what’s your friend’s name? What’s your friend’s name?Her name is„ How old is she?What’s she like? (她长什么样) She has long hair.She is very beautiful. Lesson11 what’s your hobby? What’s your hobby? My hoppy is jumping. What’s your favorite vegetable? My favorite vegetable is carrots. Lesson12 happy birthday! Happy birthday! Thank you! When is your birthday? My birthday is the 10th of the May. When’s your father’s birthday, It’s a secret. Lesson13 I get up at 7 o’clock. I get up at 7 o’clock. I go to the kindergarten at 7;30. I have breakfast at 8o’clock. I do morning exercises at 10 o’clock. I have lunch at 11:20. I go to bed at 12 o’clock. I go to play at 3 o’clock. I have supper at4:20. Mummy sends me to the kindergarten in the morning. My daddy picks me up in the evening. We go to the kindergarten by bus.We go home on foot. Lesson14 you’re welcome. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Summer Palace? Sorry, I’m new here. Thanks anyway. Go along this street. Turn left.
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