
中国电信 宽带续包营销设计 200985 策划人 张晞一 王盈盈 宽带续包

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中国电信 宽带续包营销设计 200985 策划人 张晞一 王盈盈 宽带续包中国电信 宽带续包营销设计 200985 策划人 张晞一 王盈盈 宽带续包 2009/8/5 策划人 张晞一 王盈盈 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, rea...
中国电信 宽带续包营销设计 200985 策划人  张晞一 王盈盈 宽带续包
中国电信 宽带续包营销设计 200985 策划人 张晞一 王盈盈 宽带续包 2009/8/5 策划人 张晞一 王盈盈 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results第1页/共13页 , expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 一、宽带到期用户资料准备.......................... 3 二、目前宽带政策.................................. 4 1. e9包年 ................................... 4 2. e9包月 ................................... 4 3. 尊享e9资费 .............................. 4 4. 新全年假期欢乐行 ......................... 5 5. 个人宽带588包年 ......................... 5 6. 住宅宽带600元包年(预付2年) ............. 5 三、电话营销脚本.................................. 5 1. 用户回答没有时间~不方便~或不耐烦 ....... 5 2. 接电话者 非家庭户主 ...................... 6 3. 非离网用户 ............................... 6 1) 每月上网时间变化不大的用户 ............... 6 2) 每月使用时间不固定~变化大 ............... 8 4. 用户需要离网,正常离网, ................. 9 5. 改其他运营商的宽带 ...................... 10 四、案例..................................... 12 1. 原资费: ................................ 12 2. 现资费: ................................ 12 第2页/共13页 一、宽带到期用户资料准备 利用系统查询到期用户资料 1. 基本信息:姓名~联系电话~地区/小区~年龄 2. 业务情况:目前宽带资费~到期时间~近三个月上网时间~用 户话费~近3个月平均通话时长 3. 客户忠诚度:客户投诉情况~使用电信宽带时间~更换资费频 率 第3页/共13页 二、目前宽带政策 1. e9包年 2. e9包月 3. 尊享e9资费 第4页/共13页 4. 新全年假期欢乐行 一次性付费420元~12个月含1200小时宽带上网~超时费0.05元/分钟。 5. 个人宽带588包年 一次性付费588元~1年上网不限时。 6. 住宅宽带600元包年(预付2年) 一次性付费1200元~2年上网不限时。 三、电话营销脚本 1. 用户回答没有时间~不方便~或不耐烦 第5页/共13页 营销人员:您好:请问是×××吧。这里是宝应电信分公司存量保有中心。提醒您的宽带包业务将在本月的xx日到期~请您在xx日前办理宽带续包手续。方便打扰您几分钟吗, 用户反映情况:没有时间~不方便~或示不耐烦。 营销人员:对不起~打扰您了~请问何时与您联系方便,能否跟您预约一个时间, 客户:可以~在xx时间有空 营销人员:好的~我们将在这个时间段与您联系。打扰您了~再见 ,备注:在约定时间打电话于客户联系, 2. 接电话者 非家庭户主 营销人员:您好:请问是×××吧。这里是宝应电信分公司存量保有中心。提醒您的宽带包业务将在本月的xx日到期~请您在xx日前办理宽带续包手续。方便打扰您几分钟吗, 接电话者:我爸爸妈妈不在家~我不清楚。 营销人员:请问你的家长什么时间回来呢~他们有手机或者小灵通吗, 接电话者:我告诉你我爸爸的小灵通吧~他们在xx时间回来。 营销人员:好的~谢谢你。 ,备注:在XX时间打电话于客户联系, 3. 非离网用户 1) 每月上网时间变化不大的用户 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results6 , expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 营销人员:您好:是×××吧。这里是中国电信宝应分公司客户服务中心。提醒您的宽带包业务将在本月的xx日到期~您需要在xx日前办理有关续包手续。方便打扰您几分钟吗, 用户:可以。 营销人员:您目前使用的是xx宽带资费。每月花费xx元~可以上网xx小时。 用户:对的。感觉还不是很优惠。 营销人员:平时主要是谁上网呢,主要做什么呢 用户:我自己平时查查资料~看看新闻~买卖股票。 营销人员:那您有手机吗 用户:我在使用移动的手机 营销人员:那您的每月手机费是多少呢, 用户:xx元 营销人员:像你们家这种情况~我向您推荐e9-79的包月资费。,若花费多~上网时间较长可以推荐e9-99或139, 这个资费每个月79元~每月上网120小时~免你家的电话月租、来电显示费用~同时可以打200分钟长市话~再赠送300元3G手机一部~赠送的手机没有固定费用~电话和手机互打免费~而且~我们赠送的手机在全省接听都不收费~赠送的200分钟话费可以在全省使用~不一定在宝应使用。 用户:好的。就这样吧。那怎么办理这项服务呢。 营销人员:因为您需要拿手机~所以要到电信局的营业厅办理。您什么时间有空呢。 第7页/共13页 用户:xx时间。 营销人员:好的~您到达电信局时打这个电话……我们将为您服务。 用户:好的 营销人员:再见。 ,备注:在约定时间提醒用户, 2) 每月使用时间不固定~变化大。 营销人员:您好:是×××吧。这里是中国电信宝应分公司客户服务中心。提醒您的宽带包业务将在本月的xx日到期~您需要在xx日前办理有关续包手续。方便打扰您几分钟吗, 用户:可以。 营销人员:您目前使用的是xx宽带资费。每月花费xx元~可以上网xx小时。 用户:对的。感觉还不是很优惠。 营销人员:平时主要是谁上网呢, 用户:主要是孩子在使用~他在外地读书~回来用也的比较多。 营销人员:他在江苏省内上学吗, 用户:是的。 营销人员:您与孩子经常联系吗~主要使用什么方式呢 用户:主要是他打回来 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results8 , expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 营销人员:像你们家这种情况~我向您推荐420元-1200小时的包年宽带。1200小时您可以任意时间的使用~平均每天使用3个小时多一点。平时即使不用~等孩子回来用都可以。 另外~您可以加入e家的资费服务~手机和电话之间在省内免费互打。 ,若有长时间通话需求可以推荐e6-96, 我向您推荐e6-66的这种。这个资费每个月66元~免你家的电话月租、来电显示费用~同时可以打300分钟长市话~再赠送300元3G手机一部~而且~我们赠送的手机在全省接听都不收费~赠送的300分钟话费可以在全省使用~不一定在宝应使用。 用户:好的。听起来还行~那怎么办理这项服务呢, 营销人员:因为您需要拿手机~所以要到电信局的营业厅办理。您什么时间有空呢。 用户:xx时间。 营销人员:好的~您到达电信局时打这个电话……我们将为您服务。 用户:好的 营销人员:再见。 ,备注:在约定时间提醒用户, 4. 用户需要离网,正常离网, 营销人员:您好:是×××吧。这里是中国电信宝应分公司客户服务中心。提醒您的宽带包业务将在本月的xx日到期~您需要在xx日前办理有关续包手续。方便打扰您几分钟吗, 第9页/共13页 用户:可以。 营销人员:您目前使用的是xx宽带资费。每月花费xx元~可以上网xx小时。 用户:我要离网 营销人员:请问是什么原因呢, 用户:小孩上高三 营销人员:我建议您办理停机保号~和电话办理停机保号一样~每月5元~还可以上网3小时~不需要到电信局拆机~拆机后~如果再上~也比较麻烦。等您的小孩高考完以后也可以随时开通~选取优惠的业务。 :用户:好~就这样。 营销人员:您可以拨打10000免费服务电话来办理。 用户:我知道了 营销人员:再见 :用户:我们明年就搬家~所以不需要了 营销人员:那好~请您在本月带齐宽带猫和网线到营业厅办理相关手续~谢谢您使用中国电信的业务~如果有任何问题或者需要~可以拨打10000免费服务电话。 用户:可以~我知道了 营销人员:再见 5. 改其他运营商的宽带 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results10 , expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 营销人员:您好:是×××吧。这里是中国电信宝应分公司客户服务中心。提醒您的宽带包业务将在本月的xx日到期~您需要在xx日前办理有关续包手续。方便打扰您几分钟吗, 用户:可以。 营销人员:您目前使用的是xx宽带资费。每月花费xx元~可以上网xx小时。 用户:我要离网 营销人员:可以告诉我是什么原因呢, 用户:铁通的很优惠。 营销人员:中国电信的宽带业务和铁通相比以有相当长的历史~宽带业务成熟。中国电信有相当好网络速度和质量~并且有专业团队来维修~您可以拨打24小时报障碍电话~随时为您解决问题。 用户:是吗~那铁通呢, 营销人员:铁通是当初铁道部为铁路系统服务而产生的~而目前中国移动还没有经营宽带业务的权力~它们合作提供的宽带据多家用户反映~速度很差~上网无法看电影并且经常断网~信号不稳定。 并且它们没有专门的维修人员~有问题很难找人来修。如果要用真的很急人。现在已有多家用户像泰山东村那里~因为使用效果不佳已经拆除了移动的宽带。 用户:哦~是这样~不过我还想先试试。 营销人员:你可以办理我们停机保号~每月5元~还可以上网3小时~不需要到电信局拆机。如果拆机~要再上~也比较麻烦。您保留我们电信的宽带~和铁通的比较一下~看看我们电信的宽带和铁 第11页/共13页 通的宽带到底哪个好~如果铁通的宽带确实好~你到时候再拆也不迟。 用户:好的。就这样吧。那怎么办理这项服务呢。 营销人员:您可以拨打10000免费服务电话来办理。 用户:好的。 营销人员:感谢您对中国电信的信任和关心~有任何的问题~请拨打我们的10000免费电话。打搅您了~再见: 四、案例分析 1. 原资费: 用户:王××~电话:88×××558~家中有宽带一部~资费为:一年420元1200小时~还有固定电话和超级无绳小灵通各一部,家中电话费一个月大约有78元,其中:月租费12元~电话来显6元~超级无绳来显6元~固话彩铃5元~一号双机功能费3元~纯通话费45元,。每月固定费用达到共32元。同时感觉宽带时长不够用:平均一个月共花费112元。一年费用1344元。 2. 现资费: 推荐用户办理预付年费的e9,79套餐~该资费免月租、免来电显示~宽带时长为1440小时1年~赠送300元手机1部~手机无固定费用。享受电话、超级无绳小灵通、手机互打免费。每月赠送100分钟长市话话费,共享,~且对手机额外赠送100分钟市话。每月共交费用82元,套餐费79元~超级无绳功能费3元,。一年费用为984元。 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results12 , expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 更改套餐后~享受的增加了~但是话费 支出少了~全年可以节省360元。 第13页/共13页
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