

2017-09-21 17页 doc 54KB 20阅读




央企和国企的区别央企和国企的区别 央企、国企及级别区分 一、先说一下国企和央企的区别。 这两个概念是相互交叉的,首先说国企,国企就是国家作为投资主题成立的企业,过去是按系统划分的,属于中央部委的,叫央企,例如中国南方航空、中国东方航空,还有兵器工业部的如飞机制造公司等。属于地方的叫地方企业,如国营××市机床厂,还有就是集体企业,这个企业的出资人不是国家财政的,而是一个特定的群体,比如是某个大厂成立的厂办集体,也可以是街道为安置剩余人员自筹资金成立的,也包括村集体设立的企业。从隶属关系上分,央企规国家部委管理,省市企业(国营)规各省市的工...
央企和国企的区别 央企、国企及级别区分 一、先说一下国企和央企的区别。 这两个概念是相互交叉的,首先说国企,国企就是国家作为投资主题成立的企业,过去是按系统划分的,属于中央部委的,叫央企,例如中国南方航空、中国东方航空,还有兵器工业部的如飞机制造公司等。属于地方的叫地方企业,如国营××市机床厂,还有就是集体企业,这个企业的出资人不是国家财政的,而是一个特定的群体,比如是某个大厂成立的厂办集体,也可以是街道为安置剩余人员自筹资金成立的,也包括村集体设立的企业。从隶属关系上分,央企规国家部委管理,省市企业(国营)规各省市的工业局管理,集体企业由主办单位管理。 在我国,按国有资产的用途,可以分为经营性资产和非经营性资产。在经营性资产中,按政府的管理权限,可以分为中央企业和地方企业。广义的中央企业包括三类:一是由国务院国资委管理的企业,从经济作用上分为提供公共产品的,如军工、电信;提供自然垄断产品的,如石油;提供竞争性产品的,如一般工业、建筑、贸易。二是由银监会、保监会、证监会管理的企业,属于金融行业。三是由国务院其他部门或群众团体管理的企业,属于烟草、黄金、铁路客货运、港口、机场、广播、电视、文化、出版等行业。 二、事业单位 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 事业单位是指依靠财政拨款的,以公益事业为宗旨的社会组织。以前国有企业很难跟事业单位区分,但是,在市场经济的浪潮中,国家经过股权改革,把国有企业推上市场,国有企业也就以追求剩余价值为宗旨,不再是单单为了满足国家的生产做需了。简单的说,除了能得到国家的政策庇护外,国有企业在企业法人的广义范畴内。 三、国企的变迁 以前的国企,是用全国人民交的税养活一部分人的地方的代称。 现在的国企,就是好几个有钱有权的中国个体户(主要是有权)把钱搅和在一起,以这个为诱饵套取全国人民的钱的地方的代称(股民)。 四、央企不同于国企之根本处在于: 1、央企与国企上属单位不同,为国资委直接管理,部分央企负责人是有中组部任命;一般国企有隶属于地方政府管辖的,有归口于中央其他部委的。简单说,地位不同,有如部长与市长之差别。 2、央企多为规模超大的企业,看中国500强,上榜的国有企业,85%以上为央企,规模大,领导权利自然也大,员工福利应该也好。 3、央企是真正意义上的全民所有制企业,是国民经济的支柱。 4、央企在今后一段时间内,都会明确主业,基本会成为行业内的龙头企业,大有可为。 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 五、央企老总的行政级别 大家都知道,像南航集团的总经理是部级;股份公司总裁是副部,集团的副总经理也是副部。那么股份公司的高级副总裁、副总裁又分别是什么级别呢,是副部还是厅级, 中国南方航空的股份公司属于内部整体上市的形式,所以股份公司的级别完全由集团公司自己定的,可以派正部级干部任总裁,也可以是副部级或者厅级。通常来讲,集团公司其上市部分和集团公司本部应该是合署办公,通俗来讲也就是两块牌子一套班子,股份公司总裁通常也由集团公司第一或者常务副总经理兼任。虽然从名义上来看副部级,但在集团内部可能是享受和集团总经理相同的待遇, 同理可得,股份公司副总裁不管在集团公司兼任什么职务,都可以享受集团公司副总经理的待遇。 国资委所属中央100多家企业里,老总大多数是正司局级。副部级的企业不多。如正部级别的中信集团还不是国资委所属。 事实上,现在的国有企业党组记、董事长、总经理,正部级的很少,一般都是副部级和正司级,中信集团不清楚,但南航的一把手都只是副部级,不能因为过去的某个正部级干部担任了一把手、或者前身是正部级机构就断定现在也在正部级~ 个人以为很多特大型企业的老总都是副部级享受正部级待遇。因为很多企业的老总都是中管干部。中管干部中正厅级的不多。 当然不是所有的国有企业都是国资委管的。那几个通信垄断企业是副部级应该问题不大。当然最终还是以文件为准。而且国有企业老总享受的经济待遇应该比部委的部级要高不少。 国资委管理的100多家大型国企是关系到我国国计民生的骨干企业。但并不代级别就很高,还是正司。 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 151家中央企业完整大名单 序号 企业(集团)名称 1 中国核工业集团公司 2 中国核工业建设集团公司 3 中国航天科技集团公司 4 中国航天科工集团公司 5 中国航空工业第一集团公司 6 中国航空工业第二集团公司 7 中国船舶工业集团公司 8 中国船舶重工集团公司 9 中国兵器工业集团公司 10 中国兵器装备集团公司 11 中国电子科技集团公司 12 中国石油天然气集团公司 13 中国石油化工集团公司 14 中国海洋石油总公司 15 国家电网公司 16 中国南方电网有限责任公司 17 中国华能集团公司 18 中国大唐集团公司 19 中国华电集团公司 20 中国国电集团公司 21 中国电力投资集团公司 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 22 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司 23 神华集团有限责任公司 24 中国电信集团公司 25 中国网络通信集团公司 26 中国联合通信有限公司 27 中国移动通信集团公司 28 中国电子信息产业集团公司 29 中国第一汽车集团公司 30 东风汽车公司 31 中国第一重型机械集团公司 32 中国第二重型机械集团公司 33 哈尔滨电站设备集团公司 34 中国东方电气集团公司 35 鞍山钢铁集团公司 36 宝钢集团有限公司 37 武汉钢铁(集团)公司 38 中国铝业公司 39 中国远洋运输(集团)总公司 40 中国海运(集团)总公司 41 中国航空集团公司 42 中国东方航空集团公司 43 中国南方航空集团公司 44 中国中化集团公司 45 中粮集团有限公司 46 中国五矿集团公司 47 中国通用技术(集团)控股有限责任公司 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 48 中国建筑工程总公司 49 中国储备粮管理总公司 50 国家开发投资公司 51 招商局集团有限公司 52 华润(集团)有限公司 53 中国港中旅集团公司[香港中旅(集团)有限公司] 54 国家核电技术有限公司 55 中国节能投资公司 56 中国高新投资集团公司 57 中国国际工程咨询公司 58 中国包装总公司 59 中商企业集团公司 60 中国华孚贸易发展集团公司 61 中国诚通控股公司 62 中国华星集团公司 63 中国中煤能源集团公司 64 煤炭科学研究总院 65 中国机械工业集团公司 66 机械科学研究总院 67 中国农业机械化科学研究院 68 中国中钢集团公司 69 中国冶金科工集团公司 70 中国钢研科技集团公司 71 中国化工集团公司 72 中国化学工程集团公司 73 中国轻工集团公司 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 74 中国轻工业对外经济技术合作公司 75 中国工艺(集团)公司 76 中国盐业总公司 77 华诚投资管理有限公司 78 中国恒天集团公司 79 中国纺织科学研究院 80 中国中材集团公司 81 中国建筑集团公司 82 中国有色矿业集团有限公司 83 北京有色金属研究总院 84 北京矿冶研究总院 85 中国国际技术智力合作公司 86 中国远东国际贸易总公司 87 中国国际企业合作公司 88 中国房地产开发集团公司 89 中国建筑科学研究院 90 中国北方机车车辆工业集团公司 91 中国南方机车车辆工业集团公司 92 中国铁路通信信号集团公司 93 中国铁路工程总公司 94 中国铁道建筑总公司 95 中国交通建设集团有限公司 96 中国普天信息产业集团公司 97 中国邮电器材集团公司 98 中国卫星通信集团公司 99 电信科学技术研究院 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 100 中国水利投资集团公司 101 中国农业发展集团总公司 102 中国农垦(集团)总公司 103 中国中纺集团公司 104 中国对外贸易运输(集团)总公司 105 中国丝绸进出口总公司 106 中国轻工业品进出口总公司 107 中国成套设备进出口(集团)总公司 108 中国出国人员服务总公司 109 中国生物技术集团公司 110 中国唱片总公司 111 中国林业集团公司 112 中国医药集团总公司 113 中国国旅集团公司 114 中国新兴(集团)总公司 115 中国保利集团公司 116 中国新时代控股(集团)公司 117 珠海振戎公司 118 中国建筑设计研究院 119 中国电子工程设计院 120 中煤国际工程设计研究总院 121 中国海诚国际工程投资总院 122 中国冶金地质总局 123 中国煤炭地质总局 124 新兴铸管集团有限公司 125 中国民航信息集团公司 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 126 中国航空油料集团公司 127 中国航空器材进出口集团公司 128 中国电力工程顾问集团公司 129 中国水电工程顾问集团公司 130 中国水利水电建设集团公司 131 中国黄金集团公司 132 中国储备棉管理总公司 133 中国印刷集团公司 134 攀枝花钢铁(集团)公司 135 鲁中冶金矿业集团公司 136 长沙矿冶研究院 137 中国乐凯胶片集团公司 138 中国广东核电集团有限公司 139 中国长江航运(集团)总公司 140 上海船舶运输科学研究所 141 中国华录集团有限公司 142 上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司 143 彩虹集团公司 144 武汉邮电科学研究院 145 上海医药工业研究院 146 华侨城集团公司 147 南光(集团)有限公司 148 西安电力机械制造公司 149 中国葛洲坝集团公司 150 中国铁通集团有限公司 151 中国铁路物资总公司 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the 以上名单前53家是部级或者副部级或者正职享受副部级待遇的企业,其他的均为正司局级以下,中石油中石化还有前面的军工企业,核工业集团公司都是正部级的。 央企归国资委企业一局管理的前53家企业的负责人是中央组织部管理的干部(至少副部以上),之后的是由企业二局管理,由国资委任命其领导人(包括原来在铁道部是副部级单位的中国中铁和中国铁建),按照党的干部管理权限来说,最多是正局级。 thickness of about 0 5mm; Constant temperature oven: electric heating well there is proper air circulation, control device can test samples the air around and place the test sample temperature 130--133 ? c within the range of the shelf; Dry: desiccant and has effectively adequate within a porous metal plates; Step 3, analysis sample preparation: mix in the sample will be sealed and moisture-proof containers. Immediately after sampling the seal, then when you prepare for the next test. Sample volume: metal plates 130 ? dry and cooled in the dryer and weigh dish and lid in weight, accurate to 0.00l g. 0.25G 5 fully mixed into the dish, samples may not contain lumps and shape, disc minimum exposure to the outside world as possible. The sample is distributed evenly on the plate on the bottom, cover immediately weighed to determine test weight accurately 0.001g. Determination: discs containing samples have been preheated to 130 ? c drying oven, reliable cover next to the plate, in the range 130-133 ? dry 100min. Complete, fast cover and put in the dryer. (Note that you should not fold the dish in the dryer). After it has been 30-45min, plate to cool to room temperature in the dryer. Remove the dish from the dryer within 2min after weighing, accurate to 0.001 g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, said the results of calculation method of water sample loss weight weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample moisture content,%; M0-empty weight of the dish and lid after drying, g; M1-the weight of the dish and cover with the sample before drying, g; M2-dish and cover with the sample after drying reset, g; Such as poor meets the requirements, take the
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