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年轻就是能折腾年轻就是能折腾 来源:中国信息大学宣传处 时间如白驹过隙,一转眼我已经实习半年了,在这半年的时间里,我每天奔波于房山区和朝阳区之间。公司的上班时间是早九晚六,可对于我来说是早六晚九。每天早上五点四十起床,六点十分出门坐952,倒901,倒9路,再倒488,大概八点五十到达朝阳区朝阳路慈云寺桥住邦2000商务楼——北京藏金阁文化发展有限责任公司。身边的很多朋友还有家人都心疼我,觉得每天这样折腾太受罪了,但是我觉得年轻,就得折腾,就得受点罪,这样才能让自己变得更加强大。 我是中国信息大学09级人力资源管理专业的学生,我的理想...
年轻就是能折腾 来源:中国信息大学宣传处 时间如白驹过隙,一转眼我已经实习半年了,在这半年的时间里,我每天奔波于房山区和朝阳区之间。公司的上班时间是早九晚六,可对于我来说是早六晚九。每天早上五点四十起床,六点十分出门坐952,倒901,倒9路,再倒488,大概八点五十到达朝阳区朝阳路慈云寺桥住邦2000商务楼——北京藏金阁文化发展有限责任公司。身边的很多朋友还有家人都心疼我,觉得每天这样折腾太受罪了,但是我觉得年轻,就得折腾,就得受点罪,这样才能让自己变得更加强大。 我是中国信息大学09级人力资源管理专业的学生,我的理想工作就是行政、人力方面相关的工作,快毕业了,我和所有人一样忙着找工作实习。快放假的时候每天都会在招聘网站上投几十份简历,学校的招聘会也是一场不落,但是期末考试结束了我的工作还没有找到。我在想为什么投了这么多简历都石沉大海了,我接到的面试邀请不是保险公司,就是招销售的,关于人力资源方面的面试邀请很少。我去过很多公司面试,最终都没有结果。 到了十一月中旬,经历了这么多次的失败,我自己面试不成功的原因:一、工作经验少,相关的工作经验基本没有;二、还没有毕业,不够稳定;三、给自己的定位不够准确。针对这三个问题,首先我对自己在网上投放的简历做了调整,之前的简历上只是简单的罗列之前的工作经验,对于学校的实践经历轻描淡写。经过分析,我the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of 对在校期间在学生会担任秘书长,并组织策划活动,以及主持学校大型晚会和校广播电台的经历做了详细的描述。我在社会中的工作经验少,但是在学校这个小社会中有丰富的实践经验;其次,加强自己人力资源理论方面的知识,在面试中表现出足够的自信;最后,明确自己的工作目标,为自己做出三到五年的职业生涯规划。果然功夫不负有心人,一周之后我接到了参加公司培训的电话邀请。一天的培训之后,我顺利的成为北京藏金阁文化发展有限责任公司人事部的第一位人事专员。 北京藏金阁文化发展有限责任公司成立于2004年,是一家专注于收藏品、艺术品研究、开发和销售的企业。公司成立早期主要以收藏品的代理销售为主,在2012年10月与上海绿色能源公司、绿色食品公司等七家公司合作成立了亚太发展集团公司,同时正式成为亚太集团的收藏事业部。公司虽然成立已有八年,但是机构并不健全,在我去公司之前根本没有人事部门。集团公司的的执行副总裁,也就是面试我的苏总是一位有梦想又热爱学习,与时俱进的退伍军医。他在工作之余会去听一些关于企业发展的课程,在学习中他认识到当今社会中企业人力资源部门的重要性,于是决定完善公司的机构,成立人事部,而我很幸运成为藏金阁文化发展有限公司人事部的第一人。 对于销售型企业来说,销售人员的流动性大和员工的激励不够是他们所面临的重要问题。当然,这也是人力资源部门的工作难题,而我的第一个任务,也是最主要的任务就是招聘。第一个月我每天的主要任务就是发布招聘信息,筛选简历和打电话预约面试。一个月下the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of 来,我找来了30个人,这个成绩虽然不尽如人意,但是苏总还是比较满意的。接下来我的工作不仅是发招聘信息、打招聘电话,还要对刚进入公司的新人进行考核和后续的跟踪调查。这些工作对于我来说,在学校学生会的管理经验完全够用。 转眼进入了2013年的一月份,还有一个月就要过年了,对于所有行业来说都进入了一个招聘最低谷,经过跟公司领导的商量,我撤掉了公司所有在招聘网站上的广告,节省招聘开支。这个时候人事部没有了招聘工作本来应该闲着,但是我没有闲着,公司的机构不完善,也不够健全,我的工作就由招聘转为建立完善公司各项制度和制定2013年的年度招聘计划。这个时候我体会到了学校里专业理论知识的重要性。 在完善制度的过程中,我需要了解制定人事制度的流程、注意事项,需要知道国家劳动法关于企业员工的相关法律法规还有一般企业规避风险、降低成本的处理。面对这些问题,初出茅庐的我只能从书本上,学校老师那里取经验,在工作的同时我还要给自己充电。我们老板是个爱学习,爱和员工交流的人,我在工作中遇到的问题和想法也总会去和他交流,在一次周例会结束后我们就公司的晋升制度问题讨论了将近两个多小时,两个星期之后的全体员工大会上,苏总宣布了新的员工晋升制度就是采纳了我的意见,那是我第一次真正的觉得自己有成就感。 制定年度招聘计划免不了要和一些热门的招聘网站合作,这项工作自然而然的落到了我的头上。首先公司需求量最大的就是销售人the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of 员,经过调查和数据分析,智联招聘、前程无忧、58同城和赶集网是目前北京招聘比较火的四大网站。前期我通过网上查到各个网站的联系方式,跟他们沟通,了解各个网站的产品特点和收费,最终决定在智联招聘、前程无忧和58同城上投放招聘广告。经过前前后后半个月的谈判和交流,终于在2月初完成计划表也签订了与网站合作的合同。在年底的总结大会上我成功完成了招聘动员演讲,2012年的工作圆满划上了句号。 回家过完新年,我以一个全新的心态回来北京,回到自己的工作岗位上。年后跳槽季,应公司五月份开第三家分公司的计划,人事部再一次举起招聘的大旗,这一次我的任务不仅仅是发布招聘信息,打招聘电话,又多了一项招聘中的重要任务,那就是面试。回想三个月前我被别人面试的情境,我有一种“扬眉吐气”的感觉,终于到了我面试别人的时候了。说起面试,还真是一门学问,首先你要有一种气场,要压住对方;其次你还有很恰当的把公司介绍给应聘者,让他们充分的了解公司,了解这个行业;最后,通过这十几分钟的面谈你还要判断出应聘者是否适合我公司。在学生会做秘书长的时候我也在一年一度的纳新活动中面试过别人,在学校主持晚会的经历也培养了自己语言动作上的气场,这都让我有了足够的底气。 我很感谢之前所遇到的所有挫折和磨难,正是这些让我更加清楚的了解自己。认识自己的优缺点其实是一件很简单又很难的事情,要善于发现问题,并解决问题。很喜欢尚德机构的一句宣传语:再不学习,我们就要老去。趁年轻,去经历我们该经历的,去学习我们需the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of 要学习的,去看自己还没看到的世界。可能在很久的以后,回首这段 往事的时候我会觉得很有成就感,也可能会觉得自己很傻逼,但是我 们依然不能辜负了我们年轻的资本。 the construction site, and coordinated the implementation of protective measures. 7.10 the main control requirements of 7.10.1 site acceptance of equipment and materials equipment and material comes into play, construction unit should, in conjunction with the relevant units (equipment manufacturers, construction unit, supervisor or management units, etc)recorded on the maintenance tab. 7.8.3 products protective duties with the conversion and transfer of responsibility for construction, maintenance work of the product should be handed over. 7.8.4 for commissioning of power plant equipment and systems should be run or are under construction in the equipment or system to make the necessary isolation, not to operate the valve, switch hanging sign, ensure that the test devices are not mistakes. 7.8.5 products during the transfer of product maintenance cards should save the transfer of project management. 7.9 product after the change of protection sought after product by project Department according to customer requirements and the specific circumstances of
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