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新房与二手房买房首付有区别新房与二手房买房首付有区别 购房知识:新房与二手房买房首付有区别2009-07-04 17:00:08 目前贷款买房,在购买新房与购买二手房时,贷款首付的计算有较大区别。办理新房贷款时,首付款是按照购买时的市场价作为参考,并根据个人贷款次数和个人贷款的信誉程度进行多方面的审核来制定贷款比例。 而与新房贷款相区别的是,办理二手房屋贷款是根据“二手房评估价”作为参考。所谓评估价是根据当时的市场情况,通过银行指定的专业评估机构进行房产价值评估而计算出来的。一般二手房评估价低于市场价。评估价大多为二手房市场价值的80%-90%,...
新房与二手房买房首付有区别 购房知识:新房与二手房买房首付有区别2009-07-04 17:00:08 目前贷款买房,在购买新房与购买二手房时,贷款首付的计算有较大区别。办理新房贷款时,首付款是按照购买时的市场价作为参考,并根据个人贷款次数和个人贷款的信誉程度进行多方面的审核来制定贷款比例。 而与新房贷款相区别的是,办理二手房屋贷款是根据“二手房评估价”作为参考。所谓评估价是根据当时的市场情况,通过银行指定的专业评估机构进行房产价值评估而计算出来的。一般二手房评估价低于市场价。评估价大多为二手房市场价值的80%-90%,部分房屋会更低。 一手房首付计算方式: 首付款=总房款-客户贷款额 贷款额=价(市场价)×80%(首次贷款额度最高可达80%) 二手房首付计算方式: 净首付款=实际成交价-客户贷款额(净首付款:不包括国家税费和中介服务佣金的首付款) 贷款额=二手房评估价×80%(首次贷款额度可达80%) 贷款额估算方式,可用合同价×85%,预估出大致评估价格。 律师答疑:购买"二手房"要注意规避哪些问题? 单位宿舍的旧房,能否转让?“二手房”办过户手续时,原业主一直不肯签字,怎么办? 1.买房前,必须确认卖房人已取得《房屋所有权证》。 按照我国《物权法》第十六条:不动产登记簿是物权归属和内容的根据。不动产登记簿由登记机构管理。同时该法第十七条还规定:不动产权属证是权利人享有该不动产物权的证明。不动产权属证书记载的事项,应当与不动产登记簿一致;记载不一致的,除有证据证明不动产登记簿确有错误外,以不动产登记簿为准。 《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》第5条规定,房屋权属证书是权利人依法拥有房屋所有权并对房屋行使占有、使用、收益和处分权利的唯一合法凭证。依法登记的房屋权属证书受国家法律保护。《房屋所有权证》作为房屋权属证书,是国家对房屋所有权的确认。作为购房者在购买二手房时,必须审查出售方是否已取得《房屋所有权证》而且尽量查明卖方提交的《房屋所有权证》是真实的。 2.买房时,必须查明房屋的土地使用权性质。 我国目前的土地性质分为“国有”和“集体所有”两类。国有土地使用权取得方式包括划拨、出让、出租、作价入股等;集体土地使用权包括集体建设用地使用权、宅基地使用权等。 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 在不同土地权属性质前提下,土地使用权的取得方式有所不同,出让取得的土地使用权交易时不存在额外的费用,如果是划拨的土地在交易时会补交土地出让金,增加交易成本。所以购买二手房时还必须弄清所购房屋土地使用权取得方式。 3.如果房屋属夫妻或家庭成员共同财产,须取得共有人同意出售的声明。 有读者反映,买“二手房”时,遇到夫妻一方拒绝签字而导致买卖无法成交。余军律师解释说,按照我国合同法和民法通则的规定,共有人未获得其他共有人同意,擅自处分共有财产的,其行为无效。 所以在购买“二手房”时,买房人应查清该房屋是否存在其他共有人,如果存在其他共有人,必须要求其同意出售房屋,如夫妻一方出售房屋,应要求另一方书面确定同意出售。 4.在购买在租房屋时,应确认房屋承租方已放弃优先购房。 按照我国《合同法》第230条规定,出租方出售房屋时应通知承租人,在同等条件下,承租人有优先购买权。 依据上述规定,在购买那些在租的“二手房”时,买房人应考察所购房屋是否存在租赁关系,如果存在的话,应落实出售人的出售行为是否已通知承租人,且已得到承租人放弃优先购买权的认可。 5.所购房屋没有被司法机关财产保全、查封,没有设定抵押权。 按照我国法律规定,被司法机关依法查封的房产在一定期限内是不能交易过户的。同时根据《物权法》、《担保法》和《城市房地产抵押管理办法》的规定,抵押人处理抵押房屋,应获得抵押权人同意,否则不得转让房屋。按照上述规定,购买“二手房”应审查拟购房屋是否设有抵押权。根据《城市房地产抵押管理办法》的规定,房屋抵押应办理抵押登记,并在权属证书上记载抵押情况。所以,审查房屋是否设有抵押权,可审查权属证书原件是否有抵押的记载。 6.经济适用房或房改房应符合转让的条件。 按照《经济适用住房管理办法》第26条规定,已购经济适用住房在取得房屋所有权证和土地证一定年限后,方可按市场价上市出售。另按《武汉市经济适用住房管理办法》第三十七条购买经济适用住房不满5年,不得上市交易,购房人因特殊原因确需转让的,由市国土房产部门按照原价格并考虑折旧和物价水平等因素进行回购。 购买经济适用住房满5年,购房人上市转让经济适用住房的,应当按照市人民control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 政府规定的比例交纳土地收益等相关价款,市国土房产部门可以优先回购;购房人也可以在交纳土地收益等价款后,取得完全产权。个人购买的经济适用住房在取得完全产权前,不得用于出租经营。 余律师提醒:为避免不必要的纠纷,经济适用住房的交易必须符合以上规定。 交易指南:二手房买卖双方注意五大问题避风险 由于一些特殊性质的房屋需要客户具备一定的资格才可购买,如未满5年的经济适用房对购买人的收入和资格都有明确的限制,因此如果业主不了解客户是否具有购买资格而到了购买后期才暴露资格问题,会直接导致此桩交易的中途夭折。 (1) 收购行为要慎行 1、 有些房主因为某此原因急需用钱,因此给了中介公司“收购”业务存在的合理性。这无疑给中介公司的违规行为留下了操作空间,在买卖价格上大做文章,消费者有必要与中介公司约定在其出售时要见买方并了解实际的交易价格,以确认中介公司没有得到除代理费外的不合理收益。 2、 如果时间不紧迫,最好选择买卖双方见面的交易,以真正杜绝某此中介公司的非分之想。 3、 买房身份与资格确认 由于一些特殊性质的房屋需要客户具备一定的资格才可购买,如未满5年的经济适用房对购买人的收入和资格都有明确的限制,因此如果业主不了解客户是否具有购买资格而到了购买后期才暴露资格问题,会直接导致此桩交易的中途夭折。 (2) 合同条款权利清 1、 如果出现买方违约,卖方应拥有怎样的权利,在利益上得到怎样的权利,在利益上得到怎样的补偿都要约定清楚,违约金的数量以及交付时间应写清楚。 2、 卖方还应了解买方款项的打入情况,如首付款、尾款的支付比例、数量和时间等。 3、明确买房付款方式, 因此在二手房买卖安例中存在客户贷款方式购买二手房却因为批贷不成而导致交易失败的例子。因此,为了避免浪费无谓的时间,业主应尽早对客户是能被批贷进行确认。 (3) 购买方要注意的问题: 1、 查证件、见房主 客户在买房时核对证件身份三步走:第一要检验房产证的真伪并与实际物业地址吻合;第二一定要核对房屋产权证上的所有人姓名是否与房主身份证上所载相同,第三房主本人是否与其身份证上的照片相符。 2、 由于二手房的产权性质复杂,如已购公房存在成本价和价问题,同时control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 还可能存在已抵押存在已抵押等债务登记问题。因此对于房屋的隐形问题消费者应给予足够的重视。 3、查验房层显性问题——结构及市政配套 4、 实地看房要看面积、看结构、看装修 、看市政配套(水、电、煤气、暖气、有线电视)、看物业管理,以上各项缺一不可,且越细致越能避免今后的居住麻烦,而实际情况如何需要在合同上明确记载,即买卖双方认可签字,这样可以在最大程度上保障买方的利益。 (4) 合同签署三注意 1、过户时间要明确,买房人最在乎的某过于什么时间房屋最终属于我,因此约定过户时间是合同中较重要的条款之一,买方慎重的签订准确的时限。 2、 卖房单方违约——不卖了或拖延时间不配合过户要承担的责任需在合同里写明,即买房可以得到的经济赔偿。 3、 交易最后进入物业交割阶段,需房屋交付条款里约定的以何时何地点作为水、电、煤气、物业、供暖等各项费用的交接时间,同时如果是公房交易,对于物业、供暖等费用的缴纳时间和标准,原房主所在单位是否有些历史要求或改变,买方需改签时卖房应做出的配合等,都应在合同中明确注明,从而达到维护买房利益的目的。 (5) 资金安全最重要 客户买二手房最怕的就是资金的风险,没有得到房层产权时全款却已经支付,这时如果出现任何问题,购买方利益都将受到 极大的威肋,因此,如何让买房的资金得到妥善的安置直到过户完成才是关键问题所在。而想达到这一点只能靠担保方的介入,即将推出的二手房交易资金托管——只有当房屋过户到买方名下后,银行才将全部房款打入卖方账户,有了金融机构的参与,买方就可以高枕无忧地进行二手房买卖交易了,这也是在最大程度上维护了买方的经济权益。 首次置业者购买二手房 房贷首付必须高于20% 读者王女士反映:我在房产中介那里看上了一套80平米的房子,总房款85万元,开始我以为首付两成,也就是17万就可以了。可后来经过专业的评估机构评估,这套房子均价为9000元,我是首次置业贷款,贷款比例最高可达80%。可现在算起来,我只能贷款57万元,而首付需要28万元,相当于总房款的33%。我想知道,这样是不是跟政策有所出入啊, 回复:记者从北京市住房贷款担保中心及北京多家中介公司证实,虽然首次置业者首付两成就可购房,但购买二手房的首次置业者,首付款必须高于20%,否则就无法购房。 据北京市住房贷款担保中心的相关负责人表示,他们主要负责北京市公积金贷款担保业务。而为了防止购房人的房价虚高,降低公积金中心贷款的风险,二手房买卖过程中,将由评估中心的工作人员,根据市场法(所售房源周边的房屋价值)、重置成本(假设重新建房价格)等办法进行评估定价,最终的评估价格往往比房主的报价更低。而control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 公积金中心是根据评估价格核算贷款数额。也就是说一套合同价格100万的房屋,如果评估价格只有80万,公积金中心将按照80万的房价总额核定贷款比例。也就是说,购房者的贷款总额只能为80万的80%共64万,而首付必须达到36万,比原来的首付款多16万元。 对此,我爱我家及链家等中介公司负责人也证实,在商业贷款领域存在同样的状况。而且一般二手房评估价大多为二手房市场价值的80%-90%,部分房屋会更低。对此,两家中介机构都表示,对于首次贷款的购房者来说,贷款买房的,至少需要准备合同价格30%-40%的首付款用以支付首付及其他税费等。而且最好找到品牌经纪机构办理购房,因为品牌经纪机构一般与银行方面保持有良好合作关系,能在房屋评估价格时帮助购房者降低首付压力。 买卖双方合计支付中介佣金不得超3, 交易 管理费、印花税每项二手房过户交易需要缴纳包括:、契税、产权登记费、综合 土地证工本费、他项权证工本费、个人所得税、营业税等近十种税费,其中二年以下普通住房的契税、营业税和个人所得税就达房价的8.55,。 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and
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