

2017-09-18 10页 doc 30KB 45阅读




建筑施工工地安全检查内容建筑施工工地安全检查内容 根据建筑施工的特点,如何更科学、合理地制定安全检查内容是搞好建筑施工安全检查的基础和关键,就当前事故发生情况和建筑施工技术手段来看,将建筑施工安全检查分为:安全管理、外脚手架、“三宝”及“四口”防护、施工用电、龙门架与井字架、塔吊、施工机具等七个方面,基本上能够反映建筑施工安全检查的全貌,依据这七个方面制定科学合理、针对性强、可操作性强的安全检查表,是保障安全检查顺利进行、进而预防事故发生的前提和基础。 2(1 安全管理 建筑安全施工管理涉及的内容很多,对于安全检查表中安全管理方面的东西,也不可...
建筑施工工地安全检查内容 根据建筑施工的特点,如何更科学、合理地制定安全检查内容是搞好建筑施工安全检查的基础和关键,就当前事故发生情况和建筑施工技术手段来看,将建筑施工安全检查分为:安全管理、外脚手架、“三宝”及“四口”防护、施工用电、龙门架与井字架、塔吊、施工机具等七个方面,基本上能够反映建筑施工安全检查的全貌,依据这七个方面制定科学合理、针对性强、可操作性强的安全检查表,是保障安全检查顺利进行、进而预防事故发生的前提和基础。 2(1 安全管理 建筑安全施工管理涉及的内容很多,对于安全检查表中安全管理方面的东西,也不可能包罗万象,什么都检查,但一些主要项目,关键的东西必须列入检查表中。 2(1(1 安全生产责任制。必须建立安全生产责任制,这个责任制包括各个层次、各个工种、各个岗位,人人都要有安全生产责任。对各级各部门未执行安全责任制要考核,对经济承包合同中无安全生产指标的要考核,对未建立安全生产责任制的单位或部门实行安全否定。 2(1(2 安全教育。安全教育是建筑施工安全管理的重要组成部分,它旨在提高员工的安全意识,使员工掌握一般的安全技能和应知应会。因此要对安全教育这一项着重检查,若新人厂员工未进行安全教育、员工变换工种时未进行安全教育、员工不懂本工种安全技术操作,均要进行检查考核扣分。 2(1(3 施工组织。施工组织设计是建筑#施工#的总纲,它必须包含安全管理的内容,如若施工组织设计中无安全措施,或安全措施未经审批,或安全措施不全面,或安全措施无针对性,都要进行检查扣分。 2(1(4 分部(分项)工程安全技术交底。这是安全施工的纲领性文件,若该工程无安全技术交底,或交底针对性不强,或交底不全面,或交底未履行签字手续的,也要进行安全检查扣分。 2(1(5 特种作业持证上岗。这是规范作业人员安全行为的强制性手段。如特种作业人员未做到持证上岗,则不能从事特种作业,特种工未经过培训考试合格或非特种工从事特种作业,都要扣分。 2(1(6 工程日常检查。要建立定期安全检查制度,若日常安全检查无记录,或对检查出的隐患整改做不到定人员、定时间、定措施,或对重大事故隐患整改通知书所列项目未如期完成都要进行检查扣分。 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 2(1(7 班前安全活动。这是班组安全活动的重要内容,也是班组有效防止事故的重要措施。若施工班组未建立班前安全活动制度,或班前安全活动无记录者进行安全检查扣分。 2(1(8 遵章守纪。员工的遵章守纪是建筑施工安全的重要保障。在一个施工工地若员工违章或管理人员违章都要进行安全检查扣分。 2(1(9 工伤事故管理。对于一个建筑施工工地来说,若发生了工伤事故未按事故调查处理程序办事,或未做到“四不放过”,或发生了工伤事故未按规定进行,而是“私了”的,或未建立工伤事故档案的均要进行安全检查扣分。 2(2 外脚手架 2(2(1 立杆基础。现场检查每10延长米立杆基础不平整、不夯实,或10延长米钢脚手立杆无底座或垫木的,或每10延长米木、竹脚手立杆不埋地的,或每10延长米立杆无扫地杆的,根据检查扣分。 2(2(2 架体与建筑物拉结。架子高度在7m以上,每高4m、水平每隔7m至少有一拉结点,若不够扣分,或有拉结点但不坚固,也要检查扣分。 2(2(3 防护拉杆及踢脚板或立网(2m以上)。每l0m不设防护栏杆,或每l0m不设踢脚板或不挂立网防护的,或累计50m不设防护的,或每l0m防护不严密的,或累计50m防护不严密的;都要进行安全检查扣分。 2(2(4 施工层脚手板铺设。在施工现场每l0m脚手板不铺满者,或累计50m脚手板不铺满者均要扣分。每有一处探头板者也要扣分。 2(2(5 剪刀撑设置。在施工工程中,每缺少一组剪刀撑要扣分,有50%处不设置剪刀撑或剪刀撑不符合要求要立即整改,并加重扣分。 2(2(6 脚手架材质。每10%不符合规程要求,或木跳板两头不扎铁丝,均要检查扣分。 2(2(7 脚手架宽度。单排、双排架子不合规程要求均要扣分。 2(2(8 立杆、大横杆间距。立杆间距不符合规程要求,或大横杆有一处不符合规程要求均要检查扣分。 2(2(9 小横杆间距。不符合规程要求,或单排架子小横杆插入墙内有小于12em均要检查扣分。 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 2(2(10 荷载。承重脚手架负荷量每平方米超过270cm的要扣分。 2(2(11 杆件搭接。木、竹立杆、大横杆每一处小于1.5m要扣分。钢管立杆、横杆不用扣件联结发现一处扣一处的分。 2(2(12 斜道。对不设上下通道的,或通道设置不符合规程要求的均要扣分。 2(3 “三宝”及“四口”防护 2(3(1 安全帽。在施工现场,发现不戴安全帽,或从事粉尘作业的工人不戴防尘罩,从事机械作业的女工不戴女工帽的均要检查扣分。 2(3(2 安全网。现场检查无首层安全网者,或每隔4层无固定安全网者(高层),或未随施工高度上升的安全网(高层),或安全网未按规定设支杆、每少一根、每一处支杆与地面不成45?角或弯曲断裂者,或每一处不拉紧、不严、不固定里高外低者,或网内有杂物者,或网与下方物体表面距离小于3m者,都要进行检查扣分。 2(3(3 安全带。现场发现安全带绑扎得不符合要求,不戴安全带者均要扣分。 2(3(4 楼梯口、电梯口防护。现场检查无防护门、拦的,或防护不严的,均扣分。 2(3(5 预留洞口、坑井防护。现场检查无防护盖板的,或防护不严的,均扣分。 2(3(6 通道口防护。现场检查无防护棚,或防护不严,或防护棚不牢固、材质不符合要求的,均扣分。 2(3(7 阳台、楼板、屋面等临边防护。现场检查临边无防护,或防护不严密的,均扣分。 2(4 施工用电 2(4(1 在建工程与临近高压线的距离。小于规定要求又无防护措施的,或防护不严密的,均要扣分。 2(4(2 支线架设。每发现一处电箱下引出线混乱,或电线破皮漏电,或线路过道无防护,均要扣分。 2(4(3 现场照明。手持照明灯不使用安全电压,或危险场所不使用安全电压者,或电线老化皮破绝缘差者,或导线未绑在绝缘于上者,或照明线路及灯具距离小于规定者,均要扣分。 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 2(4(4 低压干线架设。电杆上无横担无绝缘子,或违反规程将电线架设在脚手架上、树上等,均要扣分。 2(4(5 开关箱。位置安装不当,或无防雨措施,无保护接地接零,违反“一机一闸一保护”原则,或无门无锁,或箱内有杂物等,均要扣分。 2(4(6 熔丝。安装不符合要求,或用其它金属代替熔丝,均要扣分。 2(4(7 变配电装置。不符合安全要求要扣分。 2(5 龙门架与井字架 2(5(1 限位保险装置。吊盘在每层停放时无灵敏可靠制动停靠装置,或无超高限位装置,均要扣分。 2(5(2 缆风绳。架高10-15m时设一组,每增高l0m加设一组,少一组则扣分;架体未同建筑物拉接牢靠,每发现一处则扣分;缆风绳未用钢丝绳或缆风绳角度不符合45?至60?的每少一处则扣分;缆风绳无地锚或随意绑扎则扣分。 2(5(3 钢丝绳。在用钢丝绳已超过报废标准仍在使用的责令换新绳后扣分;在用钢丝绳表面锈蚀绳芯缺油的扣分;绳卡不符合规定的扣分;钢丝绳无过路保护的扣分;钢丝绳拖地也要扣分。 2(5(4 楼层卸料平台防护。卸料平台无防护栏或防护不严者,平台跳板不严者,井架在每层卸料平台无防护门者,均要扣分。 2(5(5 吊盘。吊盘无安全门,或有违章乘坐吊盘的均扣分。 2(5(6 井架安装验收。无验收合格单者,或无责任人签字者均扣分。 2(6 塔吊 2(6(1 力矩限制器。无力矩限制器,或力矩限制器不灵敏,均要扣分。 2(6(2 限位器。无超高、变幅、行走限位器,或限位器不灵敏,或行走限位器无碰触装置的,均要扣分。 2(6(3 保险装置。吊钩无保险装置,或卷扬机滚筒无保险,均要扣分。 2(6(4 塔吊指挥。指挥无专人,不持证上岗的,或司机无证上岗的均要扣分。 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 2(6(5 路基与轨道。路基不坚实,不平整,无排水措施,或枕木铺设不符使用说明书要求,或道钉与接头螺栓数量不足,或道钉安装不牢固,或轨距偏差大于其名义值的1,1000,或道轨接头高低差大于0.2cm,或在纵横方向上倾斜度大于1,1000,均要扣分。 2(6(6 电缆。无卷线器则扣分。 2(6(7 塔吊同输电线路距离及电气保护。最小距离小于规定值又无保护的,防护措施不严密的,道轨无保护接地的,保护接地不符合要求的,均要扣分。 2(6(8 夹轨钳及道挡。无夹轨钳或有夹轨钳不用,无轨道极限位置阻挡器、道轨不牢固、不符合要求的,均扣分。 2(6(9 塔吊安装验收。安装完毕无验收单的,或负责人不签字的,均扣分。 2(7 施工机具 2(7(1 平刨。传动部位无防护罩,无护手安全装置,无保护接地或接零,不安装漏电保护装置,均要扣分。 2(7(2 电锯。传动装置无防护罩,无防护挡板等安全装置,无保护接地接零,不安装漏电保护装置,均要扣分。 2(7(3 手持电动工具。无保护接地或接零,不安装漏电保护器,均扣分。 2(7(4 钢筋机械。传动部分无防护罩,无保护接地接零的,均扣分。 2(7(5 电焊机。无良好保护接地或接零,无防雨措施,配线乱拉乱搭,焊把、把线绝缘不好,随地拖拉的,均扣分。 2(7(6 搅拌机。安装位置不平,不结实,不稳固,离合器、制动器钢丝绳达不到要求,无保护接地或接零,无保险挂钩或不挂保险钩的,均要扣分。 将上述7个方面的内容56个检查项目,分别制成8张“安全检查表”,其中1张为总的检查表,内容包括7个方面的得分汇总,其余7张为7个方面的专业检查表,内容为各专业既定的检查内容,每个专业检查表的每项检查内容,都要具体规定占多大分值,检查中的扣减分值和实得分值。这样,检查就会统一标准,统一尺度,促使检查不留死角,做到公开、公平、公正。 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head
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