
企业邮箱 百度企业邮箱

2017-10-17 11页 doc 57KB 18阅读




企业邮箱 百度企业邮箱企业邮箱 百度企业邮箱 易通邮产品功能说明 1.SMTP/POP3 支持STMP/POP3发送与接收协议,与通常使用的邮箱客户端工具兼容,如OUTLOOK、Foxmail。 2.超大空间 超过1G的邮件空间,再送同等量的磁盘空间,不会再因为邮件过多导致邮箱容量超标。 3.超大附件 推出支持断点续发功能的附件中转站,用户可在将附件保存在中转站达30天之久,无需再为大附件无法传输而伤透脑筋。 支持超过1G的大附件,只要您的网络允许的话,想传多大就多大。 4.邮件监控 如果您是公司的管理者,为了防止公司资...
企业邮箱 百度企业邮箱
企业邮箱 百度企业邮箱 易通邮产品功能说明 1.SMTP/POP3 支持STMP/POP3发送与接收协议,与通常使用的邮箱客户端工具兼容,如OUTLOOK、Foxmail。 2.超大空间 超过1G的邮件空间,再送同等量的磁盘空间,不会再因为邮件过多导致邮箱容量超标。 3.超大附件 推出支持断点续发功能的附件中转站,用户可在将附件保存在中转站达30天之久,无需再为大附件无法传输而伤透脑筋。 支持超过1G的大附件,只要您的网络允许的话,想传多大就多大。 4.邮件监控 如果您是公司的管理者,为了防止公司资料通过邮件外泄,邮件监控是个不错的选择。可以任意设置想要监控的邮箱对象。 5.海外转发 由于众所周知的中国墙CGW,中国发往国外的很多邮件无法正常通过CGW,因而采用专设的海外转发通道将是外贸型公司的首选。 6.64位计算功能 采用AMDX86_64,超强的计算功能,保证邮件收发快捷。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 7.防病毒 实时病毒库,病毒邮件将无地容身。 8.反垃圾 多种技术手段反垃圾功能,反垃圾能力有效力超过95%。 黑白名单技术 灰名单技术 关键字过滤技术+评分机制 -Heuristic rules -Bayesian classifier 反垃圾联盟数据库 9.模板切换 不断新增的邮箱模板供您选择,甚至您可以向我们定制专用的邮箱模板。 10.多线路支持 邮局服务器由厦门电信,上海电信,海外服务器等N台服务器支持接收和发送邮件,提高了稳定性和速度。 11. Web登录日志 能在web里查看几个月内所登陆该用户邮局的IP,能查询到可疑IP的所在地,能做到自我防范的意识。保证了邮局的安全。如下图: speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 易通邮产品资料—内部使用 新功能 A. 接收邮件转发 目前,市场上有很多用户反映,有时候收不到对方的邮件。为了解决该问,我们公司 邮局在技术上实现了接收邮件转发。 Email接收转发流程示意图 实现原理: 1. 其他邮局服务器在发信到我们公司的邮局服务器之前,必须对我们的邮局域名进行MX记录解析,此时 可获得两条解析记录,一条优先级较高,一条优先级较低。优先级高的记录解析到我们的邮局服务器 上,优先级低的解析到我们的接收转发服务器上。 2. 其他邮局服务器会尝试把邮件先投递到MX记录的优先级较高的邮局服务器上,如果由于其他邮局服 务器和我们的邮局服务器之间的网络出现问题(路由节点问题,我们的邮局服务器繁忙或故障等等) 而造成无法连接,其他邮局服务器上的邮件将不能正常投递到我们的邮局服务器上。此时,其他邮局 服务器会再次尝试把邮件投递到MX记录的优先级较低的接收转发服务器上,让其代为转发到我们的 邮局服务器上。 概述: 接收转发主要用来防止其他邮局服务器与我们邮局服务器之间的网络连接不畅通造成的邮件无法投递到我们邮局服务器上;并且通过这种方式架设的接收转发服务器可以分担邮局服务器的负担,缓解我们邮局服务器在邮件接收高峰期时候的压力,确保邮件正常快速接收。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the B.有不少客户曾经反映,邮件发送出去后会收到退信,对于这个问题我们公司采取以下解决: Email退信转发流程示意图 实现原理: 1.首先,邮件通过我们公司的邮局服务器直接与其他邮局服务器进行传输,如果由于两个IP之间的网络出现问题(路由节点问题,其他邮局服务器繁忙或故障等等)而造成的无法连接,或者由于我们邮局服务器的发信动作不被其他邮局服务器接受(频繁发送垃圾邮件,发信规则不符合对方要求等等)而遭对方拒绝,都将不能成功投递到对方服务器上。此时,没有成功投递出的邮件不直接退还给发件人,而是投递到我们公司其中的一台转发服务器上(例如转发服务器A),通过它来代为转发。 2.如果转发服务器A仍旧无法与收件人服务器进行连接,或者转发服务器A的发信动作仍旧不被收件人服务器所接受,那么转发服务器A也还是无法将邮件成功投递到其他邮局服务器上。此时,仍旧不产生 ,让其代转发。 退信,而是投递到转发服务器B 3.如果转发服务器B也不能投递,则投递到我们的海外转发服务器上去转发。 4.如果海外转发服务器还是无法投递到收件人的服务器上,则最终产生退信,退还给收件人。 概述: 退信转发主要用来处理可补救的,短暂性的投递失败问题,对于不可补救,持久性的投递失败问题才去产生退信,尽可能减少了投递失败的几率。结合海外服务器来实现退信转发,可以实现发送到海外的邮件,不用特别注明,就可以间接的通过海外服务器转发出去,省却了用户多于的操作。 邮件不小心被删除了怎么办, 我们的邮局服务器实时自动备份邮件。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 易通邮产品资料—内部使用 客户不小心删除邮件,我们也可以帮客户马上恢复邮件内容。 易通邮功能价格一览 支持附件大小 1G 单用户空间 100M 邮局配置 空间大小 用户数×100M 用户面版 独立 1. SMTP/POP3支持 STMP/POP3发送与接收协议,与通常使用的邮箱客户端工具兼容,如 OUTLOOK、Foxmail。 2. 超大附件 推出支持断点续发功能的附件中转站,用户可在将附件保存在中转站达30天之 久,无需再为大附件无法传输而伤透脑筋。 3. 邮件监控 如果您是公司的管理者,为了防止公司资料通过邮件外泄,邮件监控是个不错的 选择。可以任意设置想要监控的邮箱对象。 4. 海外转发 由于众所周知的中国墙CGW,中国发往国外的很多邮件无法正常通过CGW,因 而采用专设的海外转发通道将是外贸型公司的首选。。 5. 防病毒 实时病毒库,病毒邮件将无地容身。 6. 反垃圾 多种技术手段反垃圾功能,反垃圾能力有效力超过95%。采用黑白名单技术/灰邮局功能 名单技术以及反垃圾联盟数据库 7. 接收邮件退信转发 能为防止因邮局服务器之间的网络连接不畅通造成的短暂性的投递失败问题,易 通邮可以间接的通过转发服务器转发,尽可能减少了投递失败的几率。 8. 实时自动备份邮件 如果您不小心误删了重要邮件,易通邮可以通过备份的邮件帮您恢复,确保您的 邮件安全。 9. 64位计算功能 采用AMDX86_64,超强的计算功能,保证邮件收发快捷。 10. 多线路支持 邮局服务器由厦门电信,上海电信,海外服务器等N台服务器支持接收和发送邮 件,提高了稳定性和速度。 11. Web登录日志 能在web里查看几个月内所登陆该用户邮局的IP,能查询到可疑IP的所在地, 能做到自我防范的意识。保证了邮局的安全。 用户数 1个 10个以上 50个以上 100个以上 价 格 120 110×用户数 100×用户数 90×用户数 (元/年) 邮局报价 如需支持邮局海外转发功能加收30%的费用 备 注 如需增加邮局空间,按0.1元/M计费 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the
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