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外国人来中国旅游的礼仪外国人来中国旅游的礼仪 精品文档 外国人来中国旅游的礼仪 中国是世界四大文明古国之一,具有悠久的历史,被称 为礼仪之邦。神秘的国土,好客的中国人民,吸引着越来越 多外国友人选择到中国旅游。以下是出国留学网为大家搜集 整理的外国人来中国旅游的礼仪,欢迎阅读! 中国礼仪文化 Chinese courtesies have always been formal to follow strict rules, although sometimes Chinese people seem to be impolite acco...
外国人来中国旅游的礼仪 精品文档 外国人来中国旅游的礼仪 中国是世界四大文明古国之一,具有悠久的历史,被称 为礼仪之邦。神秘的国土,好客的中国人民,吸引着越来越 多外国友人选择到中国旅游。以下是出国留学网为大家搜集 整理的外国人来中国旅游的礼仪,欢迎阅读! 中国礼仪文化 Chinese courtesies have always been formal to follow strict rules, although sometimes Chinese people seem to be impolite according to Western norms in public places. To well understand Chinese, some concepts should not be ignored: 尽管在西式标准的公共场合下,中国人有时似乎显得不 够礼貌。但中国式的礼貌,却有它自己的严格规则。要更好 的了解中国,下面的这些概念你就不该忽视: The idea of shame, usually expressed as "face" could be loosely defined as the "status" or "self-respect" in Chinese and by no means alien to foreigners. It is the worst thing for a Chinese to lose face. Never insult, embarrass, shame, yell at or otherwise demean a person. Since all these actions would risk putting a Chinese in a situation that he 1 / 24 精品文档 might lose face. Neither try to prove someone wrong nor shout at him in public. In order to get a successful effect without letting a Chinese lose face, any criticism should be delivered privately, discreetly and tactfully, or else, just opposite to what you wish. Throughout much of Chinese history, the fundamental glue that has held society together is the concept of guanxi, relationships between people. It is very important for the Chinese to have good relationships. They often regard good social relations as a symbol of personal ability and influence. Someone who has no connections would be despised and is only half-Chinese. Keqi not only means considerate, polite, and well mannered, but also represents humbleness and modesty. It is impolite to be arrogant and brag about oneself or one's inner circle. The e?xpression is most often used in the negative, as in buyao keqi, meaning "you shouldn't be so kind and polite to me," or "you're welcome." Besides, Chinese seldom express what they think 2 / 24 精品文档 directly and they prefer a roundabout way. Neither show their emotions and feelings in public. They rarely greet people with a handshake, though it is very popular among foreigners, say nothing of embracing or kissing when greeting or saying good-bye. Consequently, it is better not to behave too carefree in public, even though you are well-intentioned. Also, it is advisable to be fairly cautious in political discussions. Do not particularly push yourself forward, or else you are unwelcome. To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and amiable and will not mind your nonproficiency. 羞耻这个概念,通常被表达为“面子”。在中文中大致 的含义是“地位”或者“自尊”,这和外国人的观念并不相 同。在中国,最糟糕的事莫过于失了面子。所以,千万不要 对一个人进行侮辱、羞辱或者对其大吼,让其尴尬等。因为 这样会让一个中国人感觉到失了面子。千万不要证明某人错 了,或者在公共场合对其吼叫。为了能有效的传达意见而不 让中国人丢了面子,任何的批评都应该私下传递,而且方式 要巧妙而谨慎。否则,你将事与愿违。 3 / 24 精品文档 纵贯中国的历史,一个维系社会的基本粘合剂就是关系这个概念,也就是人与人之间的关联。对中国人来说,有良好的关系是十分重要的。他们往往将拥有良好的社会关系看成是一个人能力和影响力的象征。一个毫无关系的人将会被轻视,而且最多只能算半个中国人。 客气并不只是包含考虑周详、礼貌文雅和举止端详,还表现在谦逊和谨慎。对自己或者自己的圈内人表达的傲慢或者自夸都是不礼貌的。表达的时候,通常要以否定的形式,比如“不要客气”,意思是说“你不必对我这么关心、礼貌”或“不用谢”。 此外,中国人很少直接表达自己的想法,而喜欢用侧敲旁击的方式。从不在公共场合表现自己的情绪或者感觉。尽管在西方握手的见面礼非常普遍,但在中国这样做的人还不是很多,更不用说见面和道别时的拥抱和亲吻了。因此,即使你是出于好意,在公共场合也不要表现的太自由自在。同样,在政治话上保持相对慎重也是明智的。不要太特立独行,否则你将会是不受欢迎的。 总之,入乡随俗,但你也不必对这些文化障碍担心,因为大多数中国人都是好客和和蔼的,他们不会介意你的不熟悉。 来中国旅游的 不要理所应当地接受表扬 4 / 24 精品文档 You mayfind yourself at a loss for words when you compliment a Chinese host on awonderful meal, and you get in response, "No, no,the food was reallyhorrible." They expect you to say works like " mama huhu(马马虎虎)"or " Na li, Na li哪里哪里" whenever they tell you words like, "yourChinese is very good" while some will say, "your Chinese is veryguda" (No, disrespect but just keeping it real). These people aren't being nasty„just humble and polite. A little less boastingand fewer self-congratulatory remarks go a long waytowards scoring culturalsensitivity points with the Chinese. 当你赞美中国朋友厨艺精湛时,在听到中国人的回答 “不,不,我做的饭挺难吃”时,一定感到困惑。中国人对 你说“你的中文很guda(这样说没有任何的鄙视之意,只是 保持中国人真正的发音而已)”,他们希望你的回答是 “mamahuhu(马马虎虎)或者Na li,Na li(哪里哪里)”。 他们并不是难相处,而只是过分谦虚而已。少一点自夸 自擂能让你与中国人保持更长久的关系。 不要一开始就用中国人的名叫他们 Chinesepeople have first and last names like everyone else. However, inChina, the lastname always 5 / 24 精品文档 comes first. The family (and thecollective in general) always takesprecedence over the individual. For example, my Chinese name is L? Míng,assuming I am a Chinese, you can safely refer to me as Mr. L? (not Mr. Míng). Unlike people in the West, the Chinese don't feel very comfortable calling eachother by their first names. Only family members and a few close friends everrefer to the man above, for example, as simply "Míng." They may,however, add the prefix lao (lao; old) or xiao(xiao; young) before the familyname to show familiarity and closeness. Lao L? (Old L?). 像其他人一样,中国人的姓名包括姓和名。然而,中国 人通常使用名。例如,假如我是中国人,中文名叫李明。保 险起见,你可以叫我李先生(而不是李明)。 不像西方国家的人,中国人不习惯别人叫他们的姓。只 有家人和关系非常铁的朋友才会只叫名,例如,“明”。然而, 有时候中国人会在名前面加上修饰词老(老代表年长的意思) 或小(小代表年轻的意思)来显示关系亲近。老李?(很老的李 先生?) 别让中国人丢面子 Theworst thing you can possibly do to Chinese 6 / 24 精品文档 acquaintances is publicly humiliateor otherwise embarrass them. Doing so makes them lose face. Don't point out amistake in front of others or yell at someone. Thegood news is that you can actually help someone gain face by complimenting themand giving credit where credit is due. Do this whenever the opportunity arises.Your graciousness is much appreciated. For example, "Give a round of applausefor Laoshi, for giving us a wonderful lesson today," THEY LOVE THAT. 对于你的中国朋友,你最不该做的事就是在公共场合羞 辱他们或者让他们感到尴尬,这样会让你的中国朋友丢面 子。不要在其他人面前指出你朋友的错误,或者对你的朋友 大吼大叫。 好消息是你可以通过自己的实际行动帮助朋友挽回面 子。你的赞美之言,你的诚信意识都可以给你的朋友脸上增 光。例如,“用热烈的掌声感谢老师今天给我们上了一节精 彩的课”。中国人喜欢掌声。 不要静待他人买单 In thepast, I was stunned the first time I witnessed the many fairly chaotic, noisyscenes at the end of a Chinese restaurant meal. The time to pay the bill 7 / 24 精品文档 hascome and everyone is simply doing what they're expected to do — fight to be theone to pay it. The Chinese consider it good manners to vociferously andstrenuously attempt to wrest the bill out of the very hands of whoever happensto have it. This may go on, back and forth, for a good few minutes, untilsomeone "wins" and pays the bill. The gesture of being eager andwilling to pay is always appreciated. 以前,当我第一次看到中国饭馆喧闹嘈杂的场面时,我 惊呆了。买单时,每个人互相推攘,争相买单。中国人认为 争着买单是一种优秀的行为。这个过程会持续几分钟,直到 有人胜出付账。争着买单会得到他人的欣赏。 不要空手串门 Giftsare exchanged frequently between the Chinese, and not just on special occasions.If you have dinner in someone's house to meet a prospective business partner orfor any other pre-arranged meeting, both parties commonly exchange gifts assmall tokens of friendship and good will. Westerners are often surprised at thenumber of gifts the Chinese hosts give. The general rule of thumb is to bringmany little (gender non-specific) gifts when you travel toChina. 8 / 24 精品文档 Younever know when you'll meet someone who wants to present you with a specialmemento, so you should arrive with your own as well. 中国人经常互送礼物,不仅仅是在特别的场合。如果你 要去中国人家里去见未来的商业伙伴或者去参加会议,双方 通常会交换象征着友谊长存和美好祝愿的礼物。西方人在看 到中国人送的礼物数量时都会惊呆的。当你到中国旅游时, 一般的经验是带点儿小(不限性别)礼物。你不知道你将见到 谁,不知道他是否会送你特别的礼物。所以,你去拜访他时 也要带上礼物。 不要把中国人的第一次说的“不,谢谢”当真 Chinesepeople automatically refuse food or drinks several times — even if they reallyfeel hungry or thirsty. Never take the first "No, thank you"literally. Even if they say it once or twice, offer it again. A good guest issupposed to refuse at least once, but a good host is also supposed to make theoffer at least twice. 中国人即使真的很饿或者很渴,他们也会习惯性地拒绝 别人的食物或者饮料好多次。永远不要把中国人第一次说的 “不,谢谢”当真。一个有礼貌的客人至少要拒绝一次。但 是一个好的主人应该至少询问客人两次。 9 / 24 精品文档 不要立刻接受别人给的食物、饮料或礼物 Noself-respecting guests immediately accept whatever may be offered to them insomeone's home. No matter how much they may beeager to accept the food, drink,or gift, proper Chinese etiquette prevents them from doing anything that makesthem appear greedy or eager to receive it, so be sure to politely refuse acouple of times. 在别人家里,任何一个有自尊心的客人都不会立刻接受 主人给的礼物。无论多么想要食物、饮料或者礼物,通常中 国人的教养会让他们避免去做那些让他们看起来十分贪婪 的事。因此,推让几次会被看作是有礼貌。 不要在祝酒前喝酒 Chinesebanquets include eight to ten courses of food and plenty of alcohol. Sometimesyou drink rice wine, and sometimes you drink industrial strength Má o Tái, knownto put a foreigner or two under the table in no time. One way to slow thedrinking is to observe Chinese etiquette by always offering a toast to the hostor someone else at the table before taking a sip yourself. This not onlyprevents you from drinking too much too quickly, but also shows your gratitudetoward 10 / 24 精品文档 the host and your regard for the other guests. If someone toasts youwith a "gan bei!" you should accept it in a polite way. "Ganbei" means "bottoms up, or drink all," and you may be expectedto drink the whole drink rather quickly. Don't worry. You can always take justa little sip instead. 中国人的宴会会上8至10道菜,随后会上许多酒。有 时你喝的是米酒,有时喝的是著名的茅台。茅台酒劲大,外 国人很快就会喝醉。一个减缓喝醉的方法就是观察学习中国 人的酒桌礼仪。中国人通常会向主人祝酒,而酒桌上的其他 人只会啜饮一下。这不仅会放慢你喝酒的速度,也能显示你 对主人以及酒桌上其他人的尊重。如果有人和你干杯,你应 该起身与他干杯。 “干杯”指的是“喝完或者一饮而尽”。你应该一口气 喝完杯子里所有的酒。别担心。通常情况下,你只需小口啜 饮一下就行。 中国饮食礼仪 In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someone’s home. Learning the appropriate way to act 11 / 24 精品文档 and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits. 同其他国家文化一样,在中国,无论是在餐馆还是在家, 用餐时也有很多禁忌。适当了解一些中国的餐桌礼仪,不仅 能让你更加入乡随俗,融入其中,而且能让别人注意到你, 而不是你特别的用餐习惯。 The customs surrounding Chinese tables’ manners is ingrained with tradition, and some rules are not to be broken. Failing to understand and follow all of the rules could result in offending the chef and ending the night in an unfavorable way. 有些餐桌礼仪是随着传统延续下来的,是决不能违反 的。如果不了解这些餐桌礼仪并且破坏了这些规矩,到时可 能得罪厨师,扫兴而归哦。 1. The food is served via large communal dishes, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main dishes to your own. You should use the communal chopsticks if they are supplied. If they are not or you are unsure, wait for someone to serve food to their 12 / 24 精品文档 own plate, and then copy what they do. On occasion, an eager Chinese host may place food into your bowl or on your plate. This is normal. 1. 食物是通过大的公用盘子盛装的,基本上都会提供 公用筷方便你将食物分到你自己的盘子里。如果有公用筷子 就用公共筷子分开食物。如果没有公共筷,或是不确定是否 有公共筷子,可以先等待,看其他人是怎么做的,然后效仿 就行。有时候热心的中国主人会帮你将食物分到你的盘子 里,这很正常。 . It is rude to not eat what you are given. If you are offered something you absolutely can't stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your plate. Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full. . 分到你盘子的食物你不吃是很失礼的。如果有些食物 你真的吃不下可以先把其他能吃的吃掉,然后把不想吃的剩 在盘子里就行。通常盘子里剩下一点儿食物说明你已经吃饱 了。 . Don't stab your chopsticks into your bowl of rice. As with any Buddhist culture, placing two chopsticks down in a bowl of rice is what happens at a funeral. By doing this, you indicate that you wish death upon 13 / 24 精品文档 those at the table. . 不要把筷子插在装满米饭的碗里。因为在佛教文化里, 将双筷插在碗里是葬礼时的祭祀仪式。如果你在餐桌上这么 做,意味着你希望餐桌上在座的人死掉。 . Do not play with your chopsticks, point at objects with them, or drum them on the table - this is rude. Do not tap them on the side of your dish, either, as this is used in restaurants to indicate that the food is taking too long, and it will offend your host. . 不要把玩筷子,比如用筷子指手画脚,或是在桌上敲 击筷子,这些都是很失礼的,也切勿用筷子敲击你的盘子, 这在餐馆里是暗示上菜太慢,很有可能会触怒待客的主人。 . When setting down your chopsticks, place them horizontally on top of your plate, or place the ends on a chopstick rest. Do not set them on the table. . 当你想放下筷子时,要将筷子水平放置在你的盘子上, 或者将筷子搁置在筷子架上,别将筷子放置在桌子上。 . Hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the table. . 应该右手持筷,用大拇指和食指夹紧筷子。吃饭时, 14 / 24 精品文档 左手托碗,使碗离开桌面。 . Do not stab anything with your chopsticks, unless you are cutting vegetables or similar. If you are in a small, intimate setting with friends, then stabbing smaller so as to grab items is okay, but never do this at a formal dinner or around those who adhere strictly to tradition. . 不要用筷子戳东西,除非是将大片蔬菜或其他食物分 开。如果是跟亲密朋友的小型聚餐,将食物用筷子分成小块 方便夹取是可以的,但在正式宴会上,或是同桌人都非常遵 守传统的场合千万别这么做。 . When tapping glasses for a cheer, be sure that the edge of your drink is below that of a senior member, as you are not their equal. This will show respect. . 举酒干杯时要确定你酒杯里酒的平面刻度要比在座的 长者低,以显示你们的辈分不同,这是为了向长辈表示尊重。 . When eating something with bones, it is normal to spit them out onto the table to the right of your plate. . 在吃有骨头的东西时,要将骨头分离装在你右手边的 盘子里。 10. Do not get offended if your fellow diners eat 15 / 24 精品文档 with their mouth open, or talk with their mouth full. This is normal in China. Enjoy, laugh, and have fun. 10. 有时同桌的人嘴里满含食物跟你交谈时不要觉得被冒犯了。在中国这比较正常,因为人们的理念就是吃饭时大声欢歌,尽情享受。 最受欢迎旅游城市推荐 中国是世界四大文明古国之一,具有悠久的历史,被称为礼仪之邦。神秘的国土,好客的中国人民,吸引着越来越多外国友人选择到中国旅游。古老的文化,丰富的特产,诱人的美食,特有的民俗等让人流连忘返。在中国众多旅游城市中,最受外国人欢迎的城市有哪些呢? 世世代代艺术家们钟情之处。 拥有900年古老历史的宏村一直以来就吸引着中国四面八方的游客,他们钟情于这里静谧安详的氛围和造型独特的建筑——就连背后惹眼的黄山也未能使其魅力减少一丝一毫。 漫步于狭窄的青石板小道,眺望远处稻田里辛勤劳作的农民,身畔的湖水里倒映着古屋的倩影:这一切都让你忍不住想要妙手绘丹青。 黄山被联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产评为“中国最美的山”,它也是许多中国人一生不渝的向往。 16 / 24 精品文档 海拔1863米的黄山以其“奇松,怪石,云海,温泉”闻名于世。(中国古语说)黄山归来不看岳,足见对其推崇之至。 作为中国东南地区的主要标志和联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录之一,武夷山以其身为程朱理学的起源与发展地备受推崇。11世纪以来,程朱理学在东亚一直影响深远。 九曲河低谷的竹筏漂流很受游客欢迎,历时2小时,行程8千米的旅行让你一览壮丽的武夷美景。要欣赏武夷平缓的山峰,澄澈的河水,漂流绝对是最佳选择。 水墨画般美丽的景致绝非偶然。 不错,就这样一个看似普通的滩涂却深得中国摄影家的青睐。 虽然只是中国东南沿海的一个小地方,霞浦却拥有全国最大的滩涂——面积40万平方千米,还有延伸400多千米的海岸线。 狭长斑驳的滩涂上,三三两两的散布着竹房、竹篙、浮筒和渔具等器物。这些人工制品与此地美丽的自然景观交相辉映。 戈壁之旅。 不,这可不是海市蜃楼!这是中国西北大戈壁滩上实实在在的风景! 环抱月牙泉的鸣沙山由一系列小山丘组成。鸣沙山以其 17 / 24 精品文档 独一无二的外形和随风而鸣的特点而闻名于世。风从山丘上刮过时,可以听到山体响亮的回声。游客可以骑骆驼爬上250米高的山丘。月牙泉边园林里盛开的繁花则与周围漫天的黄沙形成了有趣的对照。 很多海外华人都是从开平过去的。为什么要离开这美丽的地方呢? 0世纪初期,流亡海外的开平人借鉴融合国外众多的建筑风格建造了这些碉楼,其中有伊斯兰风格,罗马风格甚至还有希腊风格。 碉楼既是财富的象征,也是保护当地居民免受战争和劫掠之苦的有效途径。现在开平广袤的田野里依然矗立着大约1800座碉楼。 当中国人想要赏玩国家最美的山水风光时,他们就会前往阳朔畅享竹筏漂流。阳朔,中国南部一个滨水小镇,以其众多的卡斯特丘陵和传统渔村的生活方式广为人知。 在市中心的旅游区,游客可以租一辆自行车,去恣意追寻那让人心情舒缓的风景:竹筏沿着河流缓缓飘过,渔民轻轻放出捕鱼的鸬鹚,而农民则在田野间辛勤劳作,田野坐落在高耸的郁郁葱葱的山峦里。 作为亚洲最高的瀑布,宏伟壮观的黄果树瀑布高约77.8米,宽约101米。它也是世界上首屈一指的大型瀑布,从上下左右前后,几乎所有方位都可以览其胜景。 18 / 24 精品文档 站在三亚海滩上向远处眺望,可以看到世界最大的观音像,矗立在南山脚下——这是位于中国最南端的山。 据说一体化三尊造型的佛像分别朝向中国大陆,中国台湾和南中国海,寓意为观音菩萨不仅保佑中国,也保佑全世界。 这座108米高的佛像建成于2005年,并于同年举行了开光仪式。这也是世界上最高的雕像之一。 在海南可以领略到中国最美的热带风情,亚龙湾则是最美中的最美。亚龙湾是一个绵延7.5km的月牙形沙滩,它是海南南端海岸线上最受欢迎也是最繁华的沙滩。在这里,你可以尽情享受东南亚度假的一切精华。因为亚龙湾既有高大茂盛的棕榈树,也有豪华奢侈的高星级宾馆——沙滩上散布着20多家具有国际水准的豪华宾馆。沙滩也是水上运动爱好者的天堂。在这里从日出到日落,冲浪爱好者都可以乘风破浪,披荆斩棘。 被列入世界文化遗产名录的承德避暑山庄曾是清代皇帝们消暑度假的夏宫。现在山庄内仍然保留着精致优雅的皇家园林和一座高达70米的宝塔。苍翠繁茂的草地漫山遍野,莽莽群山巍峨伫立以及峡谷风光的宁静悠闲,这一切使得山庄至今仍不失为避暑胜地。 远东地区最大的东正教教堂坐落在哈尔滨——这座中国最有俄国风味的城市。20世纪初期日俄战争结束后,流亡 19 / 24 精品文档 的俄罗斯人建立了这座占地721平米,高54米的拜占庭式建筑,作为当地东正教团体的精神支柱。 有20年的时间里,大教堂曾是中国共产党的存储仓库,现在它则作为一座国有的博物馆,向人们诉说着这座城市的建筑艺术和历史文化。 犹他州?不,这里是河南! U字形的龙潭峡谷长约12km,这是中国“最窄的峡谷”,谷内紫红色的石灰岩绣出一条条清晰的脉络。峡谷陡峭险峻的悬崖,郁郁葱葱的植物以及蜿蜒逶迤的山谷吸引着来自全国各地的游客。 这可不是比克布偶的大块头中国表亲哦!这是屹立在长达108km的恩施峡谷崇山峻岭之间的一根石灰柱。另人难以置信的是:这根高达150米,宽仅4米的擎天香柱,不仅能够安然无恙的巍峨耸立,甚至历经几次大地震依然屹立不倒。相传,这是天神送给勤劳的恩施百姓的一炷香,如遇苦难,点燃香柱,天神就会下凡相助。 大脚怪信徒的营地。 过去的100多年里,400多人声称在神农架的丛林里见过大脚怪,但是至今仍未找到确凿证据。 养育着着5000多种动植物,占地3200平方千米的自然保护区,有着中纬度地区保存最为完整的亚热带森林生态系统。 20 / 24 精品文档 这里也是中国珍稀保护动物金丝猴的家园。 凤凰吊脚楼式的房屋是中国文艺爱好者的理想居所。古城还有着丰富的苗族和土家族文化,每年都有成群结队的背包客慕名而至。 也有许多人是前来拜访中国作家沈从文的故里。他的小说《边城》,让大家首次认识了这个具有1300年历史的小镇。 现在凤凰依然保留着原始的房屋格局和建筑结构:清清的河流两岸密布着200多栋民居,20条街道和10条蜿蜒曲折的小巷。这些建筑的历史都可以追溯到明代。 现实版的漂浮山 实际上詹姆斯卡梅隆导演就是受到武陵源石灰岩柱的启发,才有了奥斯卡获奖作品《阿凡达》里潘多拉星球上的漂浮山。 事实上,湖南省张家界的武陵源石林里孕育着3000多根这样的石柱,其中最高的高达400米。 沙子在歌唱,你听见了吗? 响沙湾,又名“银肯响沙”,是一座高约110米的小山丘,距离包头50km。微风从45度的斜坡上滑下时,沙子似乎在轻轻吟唱。 中国的建筑一直深受风水和佛教思想的影响,在梵宫更是表现的淋漓尽致。因为梵宫可是占据着最好的风水:它位 21 / 24 精品文档 于小灵山脚下,太湖之滨,侧畔还有高达88米的灵山大佛。梵宫是专为2009年第二届世界佛教论坛而建造的,宫内到处流光溢彩,金碧辉煌。 云海幻游。 庐山国家公园于1996年被列入世界文化遗产名录。这个以庐山为主体的公园,不仅是一个旅游景点,同时也是中 国文化和精神的标志。 古往今来1500多位文人墨客慕名而至—唐朝的李白和20世纪20年代的徐志摩就是两位代表。在庐山崖壁上,随处可见诗词歌赋。 延伸阅读——来中国购物必买榜单 Beijing: cloisonné; fresh water pearls 北京:景泰蓝工艺品,淡水珍珠 Xi'an: replicas of the Terracotta Warriors, Tang Dynasty hand painted china, antique furniture 西安:兵马俑纪念品,唐代彩绘瓷器,复古家具 Shanghai: silk carpets, qipaos 上海:丝绸地毯,旗袍 Hangzhou: Longjing tea, silk 杭州:龙井茶,丝绸 Suzhou: silk 苏州:丝绸 22 / 24 精品文档 Guilin: scroll paintings, South China Sea pearls 桂林:卷轴画,南海珍珠 Yunnan: mounted butterflies, Pu'er tea, Dali batik (tie-dyed fabric) 云南:蝴蝶标本,普洱茶,大理蜡染 Xinjiang: carpets, jade articles, dried fruit 新疆:地毯,玉器,果干 Tibet: thangka (tanka: sheep skin wall hangings) 西藏:唐卡(藏传佛教中一种羊皮转轴宗教画) Guangzhou: wholesale markets for clothes, shoes, toys, electronic products and more. 广州:批发市场(衣服、鞋子、玩具、电子产品„) Rule number one of bargaining: never act like you absolutely must have the item. Keep a straight face and act like you'd rather walk away than pay a fortune, and you'll get a much better price. 砍价规则第一条就是:决不能表现出来你非要不可!要 摆出一副"呵呵,太贵,不想买"的样子,那样你就能以更优 惠的价钱买到啦! Really low. Depending on the market, the starting price could be or times what it should be. Keep this in mind when you throw out your first price. You can 23 / 24 精品文档 always go up from there, but you can't go back down. 价格要真的很低。根据市场的不同,卖家的开价有可能 多要七八倍。第一次回价的时候记住这点。你只能往上加价, 喊高了就减不下来了。 If someone else is buying the same thing for a reasonable price, tell the seller you want the same price. 如果有别人用比较合理的价格买了同样一件东西,告诉 卖家,你也要用相同的价格买。 Don't underestimate the importance of allowing the seller to save face. Sometimes, negotiations do not go the way you planned. Especially in larger clothing markets, sellers may act outraged by a low price, but keep your cool. Often if you say something insulting, or even quote a price that is ridiculously low, the seller may decide not to sell to you at all. 要给卖家留点面子,这点也很重要。有时候,砍价也会 不成功。特别是在大点的服装市场,你出价低,卖家会装作 很生气,但是你要保持冷静。如果你说一些难听的话,或者 报出一个离谱的低价,卖家可能压根就不卖给你了。 24 / 24
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