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南京市中考满分作文-2011年江苏南京中考优秀作文南京市中考满分作文-2011年江苏南京中考优秀作文 也是一堂语文课 小时候,我就喜欢看书,而且还有一个特点:速度很快,大有一目十行的感觉。到了小学四、五年级时,我的“功力”日益加深。一部大块头的书,两三天就“解决”了。可是爸爸、妈妈却说我看书不认真。不过,他们并不能说服我,原因很简单,我还没有这方面的“小辫子”被他们抓住。 我依旧用这种方式看书,直到那件事发生„„ 那是一个星期日,我在街上闲逛,突然看见一个旧书摊,我急忙走过去,翻了一本《古代诗词选集》就看了起来。看着看着,我心血来潮,想找一首诗回去考考爸爸,给爸爸上一...
南京市中考满分作文-2011年江苏南京中考优秀作文 也是一堂语文课 小时候,我就喜欢看书,而且还有一个特点:速度很快,大有一目十行的感觉。到了小学四、五年级时,我的“功力”日益加深。一部大块头的书,两三天就“解决”了。可是爸爸、妈妈却说我看书不认真。不过,他们并不能说服我,原因很简单,我还没有这方面的“小辫子”被他们抓住。 我依旧用这种方式看书,直到那件事发生„„ 那是一个星期日,我在街上闲逛,突然看见一个旧书摊,我急忙走过去,翻了一本《古代诗词选集》就看了起来。看着看着,我心血来潮,想找一首诗回去考考爸爸,给爸爸上一堂语文课。于是拿出笔,把苏东坡的一首《水调歌头》抄在手上。 跑到家中。太好了,爸爸正在看报。我走上前,模仿语文老师的语气说:“老爸,我考你一首词,怎么样?”爸爸微笑着点了点头。 “人有悲欢离合。”我摇头晃脑地读着,“下一句是什么?” “月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。”爸爸不慌不忙地回答着。“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。” “好。”我心里暗暗称赞,“最后一个问,这首词的作者是谁?” “唐宋八大家之一——苏轼。”爸爸响亮地回答。 “哈哈,你错了。作者不是苏轼,而是苏东坡,怎么样?”我得意洋洋地说。 “哈哈!”爸爸也笑了起来,“儿子,你可真逗,苏东坡不就是苏轼吗?” 怎么可能,我这个小老师不会错。但看爸爸那认真劲儿,又不像是在骗人,为了“安全”起见,我转身跑出家门,向旧书摊奔去。爸爸似乎看懂了什么,没有追上来问我原因。 到了旧书摊,还好,那本书没被卖掉。我找到那首词,原来,下面还有个作者简介:“苏东坡,原名苏轼,字东坡,号东坡居士„„” 我完全信服了,而且深深感到:这确实,不过爸爸成了老师,他让我改掉了阅读课外经典不细心的毛病。 点评:这篇考场作文构思十分精巧,作者从旧书摊上的《古代诗词选集》写起,先写“我”给爸爸上了一堂语文课,详写了父子俩关于苏东坡其人其名争论的镜头,而后略写了“我完全信服”,点明“这确实也是一堂语文课,不过爸爸成了老师”,从而告诉人们一个道理:阅读课外经典切忌粗心。这样写有详有略,有张有弛,很能吸引阅卷老师的眼眸。全文尽去雕饰,语言朴实,给人以淳朴自然的感觉。 height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation 也是一堂语文课 生活中处处有语文,语文课无处没有,无时不在。 ——题记 放学前,语文老师给每个同学发了一个蒜头,要同学们回家栽到盆子里,每周观察一次蒜头的变化。一个月后,到班级汇报蒜头的成长情况。 同学们都奇怪了,语文老师怎么不务正业,干起生物老师的行当了?但要我们动手实验,谁不愿意?于是全班同学各自回家悄悄忙开了。 一月后,同学们把栽蒜头的盆子搬到了班级。小张同学实验失败了,因为他把蒜头放在瓶子里,瓶子里有水没有泥土,蒜头埋在水里,还盖上盖子,蒜头在瓶子里烂掉了。我的实验成功了,而且我栽的蒜头长得最好,嫩嫩的,绿绿的,直直的,自豪地从泥土中钻出来。失败的,心情沮丧。成功的,心情喜悦。但无论失败了,还是成功了,同学们每周观察的写得都很具体、生动、精彩。 老师问我们:“为什么今天大家写的文章都很成功?” 我们各抒己见,贪玩的小王说:“我们没有交作文的压力。” 好动的小明回答:“这是我们喜欢做的事。” 我也争先恐后地答道:“写我们亲身经历的,当然会生动。” 老师又紧跟着追问:“那么,我们过去经历过许多事,但写得却不生动呢? 语文科代表振振有辞:“许多事我们虽然经历了,但没有留心,没有积累,所以我们虽有生活,但大脑里没拥有生活素材。” 老师笑了:“对,这就是语文,它从我们身边悄无声息地走过,我们要学会留心观察,认真思考,真切记录,才会学好它。”此时,我才恍然大悟,老师让我们栽蒜头,原来这呵! 点评:这篇考场佳作构思新颖独特,立意高远非凡。文章记叙了一次难忘的语文实践活动“观察蒜头的成长情况”,以小见大中感悟了“语文即生活”的道理。运用题记别具匠心,题文相谐,十分贴切,篇末点题,浑然一个严丝合缝的整体。没有华丽词句的堆砌,没有虚伪造作的矫情,考生用朴素的文字,淡淡地叙写着自己对语文的独特感受,却让我们的心深深地被打动,这是文章的又一亮点。 height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation 也是一堂语文课 又是春来时,我偷偷约了伙伴,骑着单车,来到草长莺飞、流翠泄玉的大自然中。我们的闯入打破了原野的寂静,听着无数飞鸟的鸣叫,我们感到无法用言语表达的愉悦。我的心一下子贴近了大自然! 我曾经无数次闷坐在令人窒息的卧室里,望着窗外吐着黑烟的烟囱,用自己枯燥的笔触描写婉转的鸟鸣。可我哪里知道,这原野里的天籁之音是在任何文章里都无法体验到的。我曾经无数次抒写潺潺的流水,也曾经写过凋零的红花,哪知道原野中柔软的泥土里,总有这样一个声音:“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。”我曾经无数次为大自然而讴歌,却从未如此细心地观察过大自然:蚂蚁在共同搬运食物时,表现出的顽强与团结;鸟雀巢里,母鸟喂雏鸟时流露出的温馨;树木草藤创造的盘根错节„„一切的一切,又岂能是简简单单地从课本中就能领会得到的?即使是生花的妙笔,也未能诠释大自然的奥秘。 假使没有那一次出游,那次“胆大包天”的举动,我不会如此兴奋,不会写出充满激情的优美文字。只有在此时,我可以骄傲而又诚恳地说:“在莽莽原野中,我与大自然的亲密接触,发现了许多,领悟了许多。呵,这,与大自然的亲密接触。” 谁敢否认:亲近大自然不是一堂语文课! 点评:这篇考场作文的亮点主要有三:一是选材新。作者另辟蹊径,从大自然的课堂里学语文这个角度切入,体现了“人无我有”。二是写法新。作者淡化了与大自然亲密接触的“语文课”具体情节的展开,而用散文式抒情的笔调写出自己在大自然的课堂里学语文的体验与感悟,将叙事、抒情融为一体,议论水到渠成,结尾干脆简练,不落俗套。三是语言新。文章篇幅不长,短小精悍。 height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation 也是一堂语文课 自小学到现在,我学语文的时间也不算短了。虽比不上那些大作家、大诗人,但我也不差呢!他们的语文是出口成章、才华横溢,而我从生活中实实在在的语文课上学有长进。不信,你看„„ 网上的语文 读初中后,我已成了一个“网虫”。往电脑前一坐,喝着汽水,敲着键盘——感觉好极了!浏览网页,看些文章,这是我的首要任务„„咦?这篇报道怎么这么多错字啊?说时迟,那时快,我迅速就给网站的信箱发了封“伊妹儿”,指出了报道中的错字。 一星期后,我打开自己的邮箱,看到了那个网站发来的邮件:“感谢你的支持,以后一定多加注意。”心情特好,立刻有种当伟人的感觉。这不吗? 艺术节上的语文 每年的11月,学校要办艺术节,主要是从各班挑选出好的节目,汇成一台演出。这可是各班展现自己的好时机呀!我参加了我们班的配乐诗朗诵节目。最后,这个节目通过了两次审评,终于登上了艺术节的舞台,而且大受好评。当时全班同学的心里甭提多美呢!这也是一堂语文课嘛! 春节联欢中的语文 “饺子包好喽!”随着外公的一嗓子,家里喜庆劲儿更浓了。虽说每年的春节都这么过,可我却怎么也过不腻。正想着呢,一家人有说有笑朝客厅走来——不用说,准是该开联欢会了。这可是我家每年的保留节目。记得去年的联欢内容是“成语接龙”,我不幸第一个被淘汰,今年不管是什么游戏,我都得拿个名次。一会儿,家里人都已坐好了,外公开始发话。内容先是祝词,后是这一年里的事儿,最后好容易才说到游戏题目。我赶紧竖起耳朵仔细听„„“什么?接对联?”听到题目后,我呆住了,“哎!今年又没戏了。” 游戏开始了,父母已经答对几道题,而我在旁边像个摆设似的。时间一分一秒地流走,此时只剩最后一个上联了。“年年岁岁道平安”,外公念完了上联正等着人接。我没怎么想就脱口而出了“团团圆圆闹春节”的下联。家里突然静了几秒,然后便是如潮水般的夸赞声。我自己刚明白过来怎么回事儿,就已经陶醉在这快乐中了。这还是一堂语文课啊! 看过了上面的几个故事,你有什么感觉?我可是又一次真真切切地感受到:生活处处有语文课。我在生活中学语文确确实实尝到了甜头。 点评:这篇文章主要有以下几个特点:一是从不同角度选择典型事例来突出中心。给网上的信箱发勘误信,突出了从生活中学语文的自豪感受;参加学校艺术节的朗诵表演活动,突出了从生活中学语文的成果;春节家庭联欢会接对联比赛活动,突出了从生活中学语文的快乐。三件事内容具体,写出了自己的真实经历,且紧扣生活“也是一堂语文课”这一中心,有真情实感。二是结构完整,运用小标题,起到了分清层次的作用。三是详略有致,第三件事很有代表性,也很风趣,作者就突出对话与心理进行详写,而第一、二件事略写。这样处height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation 理有助于凸现了文章主旨 height and strength are in line with the actual needs of the installation; prior to appliance installation, demand for flats will not be flat wall surface, ground level according to the request object level adjustable leveling feet and lines when installing fixed. Coordinates and elevations are not allowed to carefully check level elevations, wall lines and installation of centerline and high accuracy of the horizontal line ... Always in a State of controlled, manufacturing process quality. Third section user service and the engineering warranty user operation maintenance manual of prepared due to electromechanical installation engineering has strong of professional sex, and systemic, for easy owners of using and management, engineering completion Shi, we will for electromechanical installation engineering prepared operation and the maintenance manual, by approved of official manual submitted owners, manual contains system description, and technology description and maintenance maintenance content, each a system independent book, specific following: (1) system description: detailed introduced all system main equipment of specifications model and function; Provide equipment, product brochures and so on. (2) technical specifications: technical descriptions provided by the contract are included in the installation of equipment and technical data and descriptions of the features of the part: (4) security: the correct procedures for various types of equipment, operation
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