

2018-04-10 18页 doc 57KB 10阅读




女性例假提前的原因女性例假提前的原因 伊香初蕊官网: 月经总提前是什么原因 正常女性的月经周期为28天左右~如果月经来潮周期总是提前7天以上~甚至1个月内两次来潮者~则称为“月经先期”~亦称“经期提前”或“经早”。如仅超前3-5天~且无其他明显症状~属正常范围。偶尔超前一次~也不算经期提前。 月经提前的成因: 中医认为~月经能否正常来潮~与肝、脾、肾以及冲任二脉关系最大。而导致月经提前的原因~主要与以下两种因素关系最为密切。 因素一:血热 素体阳气盛~或过量食用辛辣食物和补品~或情志抑郁~或久病失血较多的人~都容易血热。血得热则枉...
女性例假提前的原因 伊香初蕊官网: 月经总提前是什么原因 正常女性的月经周期为28天左右~如果月经来潮周期总是提前7天以上~甚至1个月内两次来潮者~则称为“月经先期”~亦称“经期提前”或“经早”。如仅超前3-5天~且无其他明显症状~属正常范围。偶尔超前一次~也不算经期提前。 月经提前的成因: 中医认为~月经能否正常来潮~与肝、脾、肾以及冲任二脉关系最大。而导致月经提前的原因~主要与以下两种因素关系最为密切。 因素一:血热 素体阳气盛~或过量食用辛辣食物和补品~或情志抑郁~或久病失血较多的人~都容易血热。血得热则枉行~流速也加快~以致经期提前。《丹溪心法》说:“经水不及期而来者~血热也。”血热又有实热、虚热~肝郁化热之别。 因素二:气虚 饮食失节或劳累过度的人最易损伤脾气。脾是血的“管理者”~“管理者”孱弱~“被管理者”难免乘机“兴风做浪”~circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 导致月经提前来潮。如《景岳全书妇人规》云:“若脉证无火~而经早不及期者~乃心脾气虚~不能固摄而然。” 遏制月经提前的中医之道: 对月经提前的治疗~国医国药比现代医学疗效更为确切。祖国医学认为~月经提前的治疗原则~重在调经以治本~一般而言~如先病而后月经提前~当先治病~病去则经自调;若因经不调而后生病者~当先调经~经调则病自除。 月经提前之实热型: 信号:月经提前~量多~颜色深红或紫红~质地黏稠~心胸烦闷~面红口干~尿黄便秘~舌红苔黄。 治宜清热凉血~方用清经汤加减。 方例:丹皮10克~地骨皮10克~生地15克~白芍15克~青蒿12克~黄柏10克。 若口干口渴较重者~则加元参、知母清热生津;若经血量多且数日不减者~加黄连、炒栀子、侧柏炭、阿胶等清热止血。 药膳: 藕柏饮:取生藕节300克~侧柏叶100克~捣烂取汁~加冰糖适量~用温开水冲服~每日两次~经前连服3-5天。 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 疗效很好的缩阴产品 地黄粥:鲜生地洗净切片~煮浓汁滤出~粳米粥加蜜(或冰糖)适量~入地黄汁100毫升~调匀~每日服两次~每次250毫升左右~经前连服4-6天。 大蓟速溶饮:鲜大蓟2500克~洗净切碎~加水适量~中火煮1小时~去渣~以文火浓缩。停火待温~入白糖500克~搅拌均匀~冷却晾干。每次10克~沸水冲服~每日3次~经前服用。 食疗: 取干芹菜500克~加水1000毫升~煎取500毫升汁液~可常服~疗效显著。 取丝瓜籽50克~刺菜30克~水煎~加白糖适量内服。 取干芹菜50克~金针菜15克~加水300毫升~煎取200毫升汁液~月经前每天服1剂~连服5-7天。 月经提前之虚热型: 信号:经期提前~量少~颜色红~质地黏稠~手足心热~两颧潮红~舌红少苔。 治疗大法以养阴清热为主~方用两地汤。 方例:生地15克~玄参10克~白芍15克~麦冬10克~地骨皮10克~阿胶10克(烊化)。 伊香初蕊缩阴circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be ins talled in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 若午后潮热者~加青蒿、鳖甲。 药膏: 两地膏(两地汤改型):取生地、地骨皮各30克~玄参、麦冬、白芍各15克~加水煎取浓汁300毫升。阿胶30克~加水60毫升烊化~对入药汁内~再加白蜜40毫升~放文火上调匀。每次服20毫升~每日3次。 冬地膏:天冬、麦冬、生地各250克~水煎去渣~加蜜适量收膏~每次服10毫升~每天3次~经前3-5天开始服用。 月月经提前之肝郁化热型: 信号:经期提前~经血量或多或少~颜色或红或紫~或夹有淤血块~乳房、胸胁、小腹胀痛~心烦易怒~口苦咽干~苔薄黄。 治宜舒肝清热~方用丹栀逍遥散加减。 方例:柴胡6克~当归15克~白芍15克~白术10克~茯苓10克~丹皮10克~栀子10克~薄荷6克~丹参20克~制香附10克~生甘草10克。 若胸闷嗳气~加枳壳、青皮;乳房、胸胁胀痛明显者~去白术~加郁金、青皮舒肝理气;经血涩少~血块多者~加泽兰~益母草以活血化淤。 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 疗效很好的缩阴产品 药膳: 取青皮6克~山楂肉15克~当归10克~白芍12克~加水适量~煎15分钟~温服~经前每天1剂~服3-5天。 取当归10克~白芍15克~益母草30克~鸡蛋两个~加水适量同煮~鸡蛋煮熟后去壳~再煮数分钟~吃蛋~喝汤~经前每天服1次~连服3-5天。 食疗: 韭菜100克切段~羊肝150克切片~共放铁锅内急炒~加调料佐餐~于经前连服1周。 月经提前的血热型患者~饮食宜清淡~苦瓜、西瓜、黄瓜等最适宜常吃。最好不吃辛辣刺激性食品、温燥性香料如胡椒、八角以及羊肉、狗肉等。肝郁化热型患者~还要特别注意保持平和乐观的心态~尽量避免生气动怒。 月经提前之气虚型: 信号:经期提前~量多~颜色淡~质地稀薄~心悸气短~精神疲倦~小腹有空坠感~舌淡苔薄。 治宜补气摄血~健脾固冲~方用归脾汤加减。 伊香初蕊缩阴circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be ins talled in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 例:人参10克(或党参15克)~黄芪15-30克~当归12克~炒白术10克~茯苓10克~远志10克~龙眼肉10克~白芍15克~熟地15克~乌贼骨15克~牡蛎30克~甘草6克。 血量多者可加陈棕炭、血余炭等止血。 药膳: 乌骨鸡1只~当归10克~黄芪15克~茯苓10克。鸡洗净去内脏~再将诸药放入鸡腹内~用线缝合~放砂锅内~煮至烂熟~去药加调味品后食肉喝汤~分1-2日服完~经前每天1次~连服3-6天。 取黑豆30克~黄芪15克~党参、莲子各10克~加水适量~煎20分钟~再加红糖30克调服~经前每天1剂~连服5-7天。 参芪大枣粥:黄芪~党参各30克(或人参10克)~莲子15克~大枣10枚。加水适量~用文火煮至汤甜为度~去黄芪~吃党参、大枣与莲子~喝汤(有外感实热者不宜)。 经期提前是月经不调中常见的一种~轻者只要注意调节饮食即可~重者连服几剂中药也可缓解或恢复正常~所以~没必要为 月经不调时~推荐你使用伊香初蕊~伊香初蕊是可此忧愁烦恼。 以治疗女性妇科炎症~能够调整月经是广大女性朋友信赖的缩阴产品 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 疗效很好的缩阴产品 伊香初蕊香体研发背景 伊香初蕊的研制开发严格按照世界卫生组织,WHO,原则和细胞美容学原理中针对女性生殖粘膜组织细胞的用品,包括保健、保洁、治疗,应该遵循无刺激、无副作用、滋润、保护粘膜细胞分泌的原则。采用现代生物技术对天然生物材料进行筛选~科学配伍并精制而成妇科缩阴圣品。 伊香初蕊香体的五大精华成份 1、蜂胶:蜂胶~是一种经过蜜蜂自身颌腺、蜡腺分泌物反复混合而成~蜜蜂把它涂抹在蜂巢的四壁及入口处~防止细菌、病 毒的侵袭。蜂胶具有极强的抗菌消炎、抗病毒、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、强化免疫、 活化细胞的功能~据报道~在蜂巢内检不出来任何病毒。蜂胶非常珍贵~2万 只蜜蜂一年只能生产20g左右~蜂胶是蜜蜂给予人类的恩赐~国内外专家称誉 它为“二十世纪人类发现的最伟大的天然物质”。而初蕊所采用的主要原料是蜂胶原液~每100公斤蜂胶只能提取2公斤蜂胶原液。 2、野生杏弹力纤维生长肽T-vinginie:能迅速修复受损的弹力纤维细胞~让阴道壁恢复张力。 3、玫瑰精油:玫瑰精油是从玫瑰花瓣中提取的精华~是绝佳的保湿和抗衰老的美容品。被誉为各种女性疾病最有效的克星。 4、蛇床子:功效:温肾壮阳、祛风燥湿、杀虫止痒~用于寒湿带下、宫冷不孕、阴部湿疹。 药理化学成分:作用于 伊香初蕊缩阴circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be ins talled in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 阴道滴虫、金葡菌、真菌、杆菌~治疗阴道各种 炎症及其 引发的白带异常、异味、骚痒等~有效率高达96.9,。 由于采用了SFE~因此产品纯度高~并且保留多种生物活性~与其它妇科栓剂、 片剂、洗剂相比~更舒适、更安全、效果更显著。 5、藏红花:抑制、修复肌肤细胞组织~对皮肤细胞损伤恢复有良好效果。 六大功效让您越变越美丽 洁阴缩阴 快速强力收阴缩阴~促进血液循环和细胞再生~使阴道弹力纤维和横纹皱壁恢复到正常的状态,彻底改善女性婚后产后阴道宽松症状和敏感度降低引起的性冷淡~重现少女般紧窄状态~长期使用紧窄不反弹。 香体润肤 蕴含丰富的玫瑰精华~滋润阴道壁细胞~常用可白嫩肌肤~调养气血~体发玫瑰花香~淡雅宜人。 消除炎症 能有效的预防和辅助治疗阴道炎、宫颈糜烂、白带恶臭、盆腔炎、腹腔炎、以及由于真菌感染的性病和慢性妇科疾病。 清除瘀毒 含有抗菌天然素~及多种性传播疾病的病原体有明显的circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 疗效很好的缩阴产品 杀灭作用。深层清理阴道内部~促进阴道内活细胞快速生成~消除真菌病毒感染源~彻底使女性生殖器官内全面清洁环保。 养巢护宫 刺激子宫内壁细胞再生~增强子宫内壁弹性~激活子宫免疫系统~使女性子宫恢复年轻态。 美容祛斑 合理调节气血,活血化淤~疏通经络~改善盆腔慢性淤血~平衡内分泌~延缓衰老~科学的解决经期痛经、腰酸腿软~月经周期不正常等现象和面部灰暗、顽固色斑等皮肤问题。长期使用可使皮肤恢复细腻、光滑、白皙、弹性十足的年轻态~焕发青春的女性风采。 伊香初蕊的产品功效: 卵巢保养:直接给予子宫底部~使其迅速扩展~在整个子宫内形成一层保护膜~超强的渗透性和很高的生物利用度~可很快渗入血液和肌肉组织~加速机体血液与淋巴循环~促进卵巢分泌激素来调节女性分泌系统~使之达到一个平衡调节状态。 子宫护理:对子宫内各种病菌进行靶向性杀灭~同时将病菌以及 伊香初蕊缩阴circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be ins talled in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 月经期间无法正常脱离的附属物进行有效清除~子宫黏膜老化等 进行有效的修复与护理~刺激子宫内壁细胞再生~增强子宫内壁 弹性~激活子宫免疫系统~使女性子滋养修复~把产品效果发挥 到极致。 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high
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