
报道称日饮3升水年轻10岁 孕妇猛喝4天后尿血

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报道称日饮3升水年轻10岁 孕妇猛喝4天后尿血[提要]每天喝水3升,4周后容貌年轻10岁。10月30日,英国《每日邮报》报道了女记者Sarah Smith因头痛、消化不良体验了一个月的饮水疗法后,除了病痛得以改善,相貌更是年轻了10岁。一名孕妇效仿其做法,结果突然尿血了,她以前得过急性肾炎,医生说如此大量地喝水,可能对肾脏造成了极大负担,饮水疗法并不适合每个人。   每天喝水最佳时间   ●6:30:经过一整夜的睡眠,身体开始缺水,起床之际先喝250毫升的水,可帮助肾脏及肝脏排毒。   ●8:30:清晨从起床到办公室的过程,时间总是特别紧凑,情绪也较紧张,身体无形中会...
报道称日饮3升水年轻10岁 孕妇猛喝4天后尿血
[提要]每天喝水3升,4周后容貌年轻10岁。10月30日,英国《每日邮报》报道了女记者Sarah Smith因头痛、消化不良体验了一个月的饮水疗法后,除了病痛得以改善,相貌更是年轻了10岁。一名孕妇效仿其做法,结果突然尿血了,她以前得过急性肾炎,医生说如此大量地喝水,可能对肾脏造成了极大负担,饮水疗法并不适合每个人。   每天喝水最佳时间   ●6:30:经过一整夜的睡眠,身体开始缺水,起床之际先喝250毫升的水,可帮助肾脏及肝脏排毒。   ●8:30:清晨从起床到办公室的过程,时间总是特别紧凑,情绪也较紧张,身体无形中会出现脱水现象,所以到了办公室后,先别急着泡咖啡,给自己一杯至少250毫升的水。   ●11:00:工作一段时间后,一定得趁起身动动的时候,再给自己一天里的第三杯水,补充流失的水分,有助于放松紧张的工作情绪。   ●12:50:用完午餐半小时后,喝一些水,可以加强身体的消化功能。   ●15:00:以一杯健康矿泉水代替午茶与咖啡等提神饮料吧,能够提神醒脑。   ●17:30:下班离开办公室前,再喝一杯水,增加饱足感,待会吃晚餐时,自然不会暴饮暴食。   ●22:00:睡前1至半小时再喝上一杯水。今天已摄取2000毫升水量了。不过别一口气喝太多,以免晚上上洗手间影响睡眠质量。   每天喝水3升,4周后容貌年轻10岁。10月30日,英国《每日邮报》报道了女记者Sarah Smith因头痛、消化不良体验了一个月的饮水疗法后,除了病痛得以改善,相貌更是年轻了10岁。   看到这篇报道,本已打算放弃饮水疗法的长沙孕妇黄慧如获至宝,“我也每天喝3000毫升,结果尿血了。”11月4日,本省多位医学专家称,Sarah Smith是一个个案,长沙的爱美女性千万不能如法炮制。      多喝水想变美,结果尿血了   黄慧怀孕8个月,10月25日,她的孕检结果显示:羊水过少,省妇幼的医生建议利用饮水疗法来补充羊水。   “每天上午8点-10点,2个小时内,必须饮水2000毫升,要坚持一个星期。” 一周后,黄慧再次进行B超检测,结果却让她大跌眼镜,“羊水比饮水疗法前更少了,这几天都在打营养针补充羊水。”   10月30日,黄慧偶然看到女记者Sarah Smith因饮水疗法意外“返老还童”的报道后,立即重拾了水杯,“就算不能补充羊水,好歹可以使我的面色好看点。”   从10月31日-11月3日,为了更美,黄慧竟也学起了Sarah Smith,每天喝够3000毫升才罢休。直到今早,突然尿血了,她后悔死了,“以前得过急性肾炎,医生说如此大量地喝水,可能对肾脏造成了极大负担。”   专家   饮水疗法并不适合每个人   南华大学附属二医院中医科副主任吴小慧称,就像Sarah Smith的头痛和消化不良一样,饮水疗法是一种辅助性治疗方法,对胃炎、肠炎、慢性消化系统疾病、纠正羊水过少、矫治胎位异常有一定疗效,但不能代替药物。   “但饮水疗法并不适合每一个人。”吴小慧担心湖南女性在不了解自己体质的情况下盲目效仿Sarah Smith,“多喝水并不适用于心脏、肾脏功能不好的人,以及6个月以下的婴儿、服用胃溃疡药物的患者、长跑运动员、青光眼病人等。”   省中医附一治未病中心教授李定文也认为,多喝水能一定程度上起到祛斑、改善皮肤暗黄等作用,但喝水过量则可能造成水中毒,“每天喝3000毫升水已超过了成人的一般限量。”   长沙市中心医院中西医结合科主任黄建乐则认为,喝水与美白祛斑之间没有必然联系,“一个人的面部肤质还受日照、空气等其它自然条件的影响。”   提醒   喝水有限量   30毫升/公斤(体重)   连日来,雾霾侵城,呼吸道疾病患者数量也大幅增加,很多人感觉咽部和呼吸道不适。更有爱美女性,借着Sarah Smith的“正能量”疯狂喝水。对此,专家的建议总是“多喝水”,但到底要喝多少,众说纷纭。   “湖南的秋天特别干燥,市民确实需要多喝水,但‘多’也有一个量。”吴小慧说,一般50公斤左右的成人摄水量是1500-2000毫升,10岁左右的小孩每天约摄入800毫升的水,“每个人的需水量是根据个人体重来界定的,为30毫升/公斤。此外,还需根据个人的呼吸道、汗液排泄等来决定。”   此外,每天2000毫升的需水量是指白开水或清茶,切不可把饮料当水。很多养生人士说,每天要喝8杯水。但大伙都不知道,每次喝水到底要喝多少。吴小慧说,喝水一定要少量多次,一次以200毫升为宜,“一般来说,2000毫升水可分4-7次摄入,除三顿饮食摄入一定量的水外,晨起、上午10时左右、下午3时左右、晚睡前等时段还要各摄入300-500毫升水。老年人可在床头放一个温水杯,晚间起夜可以喝几小口水。   吴小慧建议,秋季不如夏季叫渴,市民千万不要等到口渴时再饮水。因为在你感觉到口渴的时候,身体已经处于脱水状态了。   水中毒案例   ●2013年8月,重庆的张女士看到网上有空腹猛喝水可洗肠子的段子,她准备了4大可乐瓶白开水,半天时间内全部喝下,且整天未吃东西,晚上10点张女士被送急诊,诊断为水中毒。   ●2012年7月,南京一20岁小伙猛喝两瓶冰水晕倒,医生诊断为水中毒。   ●2007年1月,美国加利福尼亚州一名女子参加一项喝水比赛后,头部剧痛,不久被人发现死亡,死因为水中毒。   支招   三招避免水中毒   李定文说,所谓的水中毒,并不是水有毒,而是指短时间内过量饮用水,导致人体盐分过度流失,一些水分会被吸收到组织细胞内,导致细胞肿胀,严重的可能导致脑水肿。   水中毒的症状表现为头晕、口渴、恶心、头晕、头痛、全身无力、肌肉抽搐、肌肉痉挛性疼痛等,而在极端情况下,还有可能致死。   要避免水中毒,必须掌握好喝水的技巧:   一要及时补充盐分。适当地喝一些淡盐水,以补充人体大量排出的汗液带走的无机盐。   二要喝水少量多次。口渴时不能一次猛喝,应分多次喝,且每次饮用量不多于500毫升,以利于人体吸收。如果喝水喝到感觉恶心,请立即停止。   三要避免喝冰水。夏季气温高,人的体温也比较高,喝下大量冷饮容易引起消化系统疾病,最好不要喝5℃以下的饮品。专家建议,喝10℃左右的淡盐水比较科学。   李定文还补充道,运动后过量补水并不是造成水中毒的唯一原因,“过量输液、B超憋尿狂喝水、担心腹泻脱水大量喝水等都可能导致水中毒。” [Abstract] every day to drink 3 liters, 4 weeks after looks 10 years younger. In October 30th, the British "Daily Mail" reported that the female reporter Sarah Smith because of headache, indigestion experienced water treatment after a month, in addition to pain can be improved, looks more is young 10 years old. A pregnant woman to follow, the result of a sudden blood in the urine, she had acute nephritis,the doctor said so drink plenty of water, may cause a great burden on the kidneys,drinking water treatments are not suitable for everyonelxbiao.com. The best time to drink water every day 6:30: after a night of sleep, the body began to water, get out of bed when the firstdrink 250 ml of water, can help kidney and liver detoxification. 8:30: get up early to the office from the process, time is always very tight, emotions are more intense, the body virtually will appear dehydration, I got to the office, don'tgive yourself a cup of coffee, at least 250 ml of watesunnytechusa.net 11:00: after a period of time, when you have got up, give yourself a day third glasses of water, replenish moisture, helps to relax the tense emotions at work. ● 12:50: spent half an hour after lunch, drink some water, can strengthen the digestive function of the body. 15:00: a glass of mineral water instead of healthy refreshing drinks such as tea and coffee bar, can be refreshing. ● 17:30: leave the office before work, drink a cup of water, increase satiety, afterdinner, will naturally not overeatinggobo-turbo.com. ● 22:00: 1 to half an hour before going to bed drink a cup of water. Today has beeningested 2000 ml of water. But don't drink too much, so as not to affect the quality of sleep at night on the restroom. Every day to drink 3 liters, 4 weeks after looks 10 years younger. In October 30th, the British "Daily Mail" reported that the female reporter Sarah Smith because ofheadache, indigestion experienced water treatment after a month, in addition to paincan be improved, looks more is young 10 years old. See the report, this has decided to give up drinking water treatment of Changshapregnant Huang Huiru won the treasure, "I drink 3000 ml every day, the results ofblood in the urine." In November 4th, the province a number of medical experts said,Sarah Smith is a case, Changsha love beauty do not follow suit. Casetaowujiangong.com Drink plenty of water to become beautiful, results hematuria Huang Hui was 8 months pregnant, in October 25th, her pregnancy test results show:oligohydramnios, doctors suggest drinking water treatment by women to supplementthe amniotic fluid. "Every morning at 8 -10, 2 hours, must drink 2000 ml, to stay for a week." A week later, Huang Hui once again by B ultrasound detection, results let her surprise,"amniotic fluid than drinking therapy less, these days are called nutritionalsupplement amniotic fluid needle." In October 30th, Huang Hui happened to see the female reporter Sarah Smith fordrinking water treatment accident "renew one's youth" report, immediately picked upthe cup, "if not complement amniotic fluid, I can make my face look good." From October 31st -11 month 3 days, in order to be more beautiful, Huang Huijingalso learn from the Sarah Smith, every day drink 3000 ml until. Until this morning,suddenly hematuria, she regret is dead, "before the acute nephritis, the doctor saidso drink plenty of water, may cause a great burden on the kidneys." Experts Drinking water is not suitable for everyone. The two Affiliated Hospital of University of South China, deputy director of Department of traditional Chinese medicine, Wu Xiaohui said, as Sarah Smith headache and dyspepsia, water therapy is a treatment of abnormal, have certain curative effect on gastritis, enteritis, chronic diseases of digestive system, correct treatment ofoligohydramnios, fetal position, but can not replace drugs. "But the drinking water is not for everyone." Wu Xiaohui is worried about women in Hunan do not understand their own physical condition blindly follow Sarah Smith,"drink more water is not suitable in the heart, kidney function not good person, and 6 months following the baby, taking patients, runners, glaucoma gastric ulcer drugsetc.." Chinese a preventive treatment of disease center Professor Li Dingwen also think,drink water more can play to a certain extent, improve dark and yellow skin freckleeffect, but excessive drinking can cause water intoxication, "drink 3000 milliliters of water per day has exceeded the adult general limited." Changsha City Center Hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine department director Huang Jianle think, drink plenty of water and have no necessary connection between the "whitening freckle, affect a person's facial skin by sunlight, air and other natural conditions14se.net." Remind Drinking water is a limited 30 ml / kg (body weight) In recent days, haze invaded the city, but also a substantial increase in the number ofpatients with respiratory disease, many people feel the throat and respiratorydiscomfort. The more the beauty of women, through Sarah Smith "positive energy"crazy drink. In this regard, expert advice was "drinking water", but in the end how much, public opinions are divergent. "Autumn in Hunan is particularly dry, people really need to drink plenty of water, but the 'more' also has a volume." Wu Xiaohui said, generally 50 kilograms of adult water intake is 1500-2000 ml, about 10 years old the child every day intake of 800 milliliters of water, "water required for each person is a human again according to thedefinition, standard 30 ml / kg. In addition, also according to the human respiratory tract, the excretion of sweat to decide." In addition, each 2000 ml of water requirement refers to the white boiling water or tea,not to drink when the water. Many health professionals said, drink 8 glasses of water a day. But they don't know, each drinkWu Xiaohui said, water to a small number of times, a 200 ml is appropriate, "in general, 2000 ml of water can be divided into 4-7 intake, in addition to three tons ofdietary intake of a certain amount of water, the morning, about 10 a.m., 3 p.m., before sleep time but also the intake of 300-500 ml of water. The elderly can put a warm cupat the end of the evening, night to drink a few little slobber. Wu Xiaohui suggested, in autumn than summer called thirst, citizens don't wait untilthirsty and drinking water. Because when you feel thirsty, the body had dehydrated. Water poisoning cases In 2013 August, Chongqing Ms. Zhang saw a fasting drink water washable intestinespiece online, she prepared 4 large coke bottle of white boiling water, half day timedrink it all, and did not eat all day, night at 10 ms. Zhang was sent emergency,diagnosis of water intoxication. In 2012 July, Nanjing a 20 years old boy drank two bottles of water to faint, the doctor diagnosed as water intoxicationoochina.org. In 2007 January, the United States of California, a woman for a drink after the game,head pain, was soon found dead, died of water intoxication. Weapon Three strategies to avoid water intoxication Li Dingwen said, the so-called water intoxication, and not the water toxic, but a short time excessive drinking water, lead to excessive loss of body salt, some water will beabsorbed into the tissue cells, leading to cell swelling, severe may lead to cerebral edema. Symptoms of poisoning of water for dizziness, thirst, nausea, dizziness, headache,malaise, muscle twitching, muscle cramps, and in extreme cases, there may be fatal. To avoid water intoxication, must master the skills of a good drink: A time to add salt. Appropriate to drink some salt water, inorganic salt discharged to complement the human body sweat awaygqshoubiao.com. Two to drink a small number of times. Thirst is not a fierce drink, should drink several points, and each time the amount of not more than 500 milliliters, to help the body absorb. If drink to feel sick, please immediately stop. Three to avoid drinking ice water. High summer temperatures, the body temperatureis relatively high, a large number of cold drink easily lead to digestive diseases, it is best not to drink below 5 ℃. Expert proposal, drink 10 ℃ weak brine comparative science. Li Dingwen added, excess post exercise water was not the only cause of water intoxication, "excessive infusion, hold water, B ultrasound mad worry diarrhea dehydration, drink plenty of water and so may lead to water intoxication."
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