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鹿特丹nullRotterdamRotterdamnullRotterdam EmblemFlag of Rotterdam Introduction Introduction the City location the Urban functions the Urban area and population the Climate characteristics the History the Famous Tourist Attractions the Festival the University the...
nullRotterdamRotterdamnullRotterdam EmblemFlag of Rotterdam Introduction Introduction the City location the Urban functions the Urban area and population the Climate characteristics the History the Famous Tourist Attractions the Festival the University the city location the city location Rotterdam is the second largest city in the Netherlands, Europe's largest port, located in Europe, the confluence of the Rhine and the Maas River. latitude 51 ° 55 ', longitude 4 ° 29' (北纬 51°55', 东经4°29' ) nullhttp://ditu.google.cn/maps?client=aff-360daohang&hl=zh-CN&tab=wlnullnullnull鹿特丹旅游图 null欧洲桅杆高塔市政厅火车站贸易中心伊拉斯谟大桥鹿特丹港港口博物馆黄色:生活区 橙色:艺术区 粉色:港口区 紫色:经济区the Urban functionsthe Urban functionsBecause of the special geographical location, so that the port of Rotterdam is very well-developed . It is Europe's largest harbor, Until recent years, even once the world's largest port. Rotterdam is connected to Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australia and an important port on five continents, known as the "gateway to Europe," said. nullnullUnmanned vehicles handle containers at Europe Container Terminals (ECT), the largest container terminal operator in Europe.the Urban area and populationthe Urban area and populationAn area of 200 square kilometers of urban areas, port 100 square kilometers. Urban population of 570,000, including a total of 1.024 million satellite towns around. Rotterdam, flat, low areas in the Netherlands, about 1 m below sea level. Its satellite towns northeast of Alexandria, near Sittard 6.7 m below sea level, the lowest point for the Netherlands, there are 175,000 residents. the Climate characteristics the Climate characteristics Rotterdam mild climate in winter, cool in summer January is the coldest average temperature of 1 ℃, july is the hottest month, average temperature 17 ℃, annual precipitation is 700 mm.。null秋天的鹿特丹被评为世界十大美景之一the Historythe HistoryRotterdam in the history of the rise and fall several times. It was originally a fishing village near the river deer, especially the ancient river from the marsh areas of South Netherland Flows into the Maas River, Rotterdam because Rotterdam is named after the river.nullTo the 16th century, Rotterdam, the gradual development of urban construction, digging in the mud on the ground out of many ports, external transport and trade for the foundation. To the 18th century; Rotterdam, the boom of foreign trade is more concentrated on France and the UK trade. nullTo the 19th century, Rotterdam's position in re-exports increasingly important. As the German unification in 1870, in the Rhine region, especially in the industrializing Ruhr region, the Rotterdam accordingly be developed. Urban expansion, the establishment of port and transport network, extending in all directions, criss-cross the rivers and canals together as one, jumped to the early 20th century and became the first Dutch Rotterdam port, the world's best-equipped ports. nullDuring World War II, Rotterdam has suffered huge losses. null Port and industrial area since the Second World War to the mid-1970s to expand the 26.3 square kilometers to 100 square kilometers, Rotterdam jump since 1965 for the world's largest port. Currently, it has 400 sea routes leading to the world, each year about 31,000 seagoing vessels and inland vessels calling at 18-20 ten thousand. Port equipment advanced, with mechanized loading docks, large warehouses and cold storage, is one of the world's largest container portnull于2007年5月15日荷兰鹿特丹举行的火线纪念活动,纪念1940年纳粹德军轰炸鹿特丹事件null the famous Tourist Attractions the famous Tourist AttractionsChild levee guide Erasmus Bridge European mast tower Delfshaven The Cube Houses Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen nullChild levee guide小孩堤防风车村nullErasmus Bridgenull有着“天鹅大桥”美誉的伊拉斯谟斯大桥(Erasmus Bridge),也是鹿特丹的之一,被评为世界上最美的13座大桥之一nullEuropean mast tower欧洲桅杆高塔null185-meter-high European mast tower, keep looking at the rise and fall of the port of Rotterdam.185米高的欧洲桅杆高塔,守望着鹿特丹港的兴衰。null德夫哈芬(Delfshaven). 一个位于港口中心右方的区域,几世纪以来的旧建筑依傍于如诗如画的码头,引发人们对荷兰航海黄金时代的怀旧情思。 null 设计师的美好的愿望是还给蜗居在城市里的人们最宽广的视野。每间房屋都装有不同朝向的玻璃窗,可以从不同方向采光,人们也可以透过玻璃窗从不同的角度享受不同的视野。顶层是“树屋”的阁楼,也是最浪漫的隔世角落。 The Cube Houses 鹿特丹立体小屋null 目前,已建成使用的这片“森林”共有51座立体方块屋,38座为私人住宅,其他的则成为办公场所、服装店、小吃店、咖啡馆、酒店乃至学校的一部分。nullhttp://travel.joy.cn/video/1039121.htmnullMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen 博曼斯美术馆null博伊曼斯美术馆(Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen) 鹿特丹最值得参观的景点之一,成立于1849,旨在保护展示经典艺术,以其丰富的古典和现代艺术品闻名, 与国立博物馆和皇家莫里茨美术馆同列为荷兰三大博物馆之一。nullRotterdam's City Hall 鹿特丹市政厅nullGebouw Delftse Poort, one of the highest offices in The Netherlands Gebouw Delftse Poort,在荷兰的最高办事处之一 the Festival the Festival水上音乐节null鹿特丹城市赛车 the university the universityErasmus University Rotterdam 鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学 Motto: Erasmus University Rotterdam. Main Port of Knowledge. nullEntrance鹿特丹大学共有三大学术分支和七个学院:鹿特丹大学共有三大学术分支和七个学院:经济和管理学: Erasmus School of EconomicsESE) Rotterdam School of Management (RSM Erasmus University) 医学和生命科学: Erasmus MC Institute of Health Policy and Management (iBMG) 法律、文化和历史学: Erasmus School of Law (ESL) Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of History and Arts Faculty of PhilosophyErasmus University Rotterdam Erasmus University Rotterdam The school history dates back to the early twentieth century, when the Dutch business people thought that applied to the rapid development of higher education of port and commercial activity is necessary, so in their support, founded the private Dutch school of economics. nullnullIn 1973, the Netherlands school of economics and Rotterdam medical school into a Rotterdam, the university's surrender. This is the only famous scholar named by the Dutch university. The school was founded, already produce more than 1.5million graduates, many of them become political leaders and enterprise top managers. nullIRA, was born in Rotterdam, Tim, is 15 th century Dutch famous scholars and philosophers, in the Netherlands and even the European history has had a significant influence. 伊拉斯姆斯出生于鹿特丹,是15世纪荷兰著名的学者和哲学家 ,在荷兰乃至欧洲历史上产生过重要影响。 nullAncient architecturenullRotterdam School of Management/RSM 鹿特丹大学的管理学院nullErasmusMC鹿特丹大学医学部Unit 14 City development of Rotterdam Unit 14 City development of Rotterdam abstractabstractfrom 1949 onwards the construction of the city(城市的重建) the seventies urban renewal(城市的更新) in 1985 metropolitan projects(大都市规划) Randstad(兰斯塔德——城市群体) bombardmentbombardmentDuring World War II, the German army invaded(入侵) the Netherlands on 10 May 1940. Adolf Hitler (希特勒 )had hoped to conquer the country in just one day, but his forces met unexpectedly fierce resistance. The Dutch army was finally forced to capitulate (投降)on 14 May 1940, following Hitler‘s bombing Rotterdam and threatening to bomb other Dutch cities. The heart of Rotterdam was almost completely destroyed by the Luftwaffe(纳粹德国空军); 900 civilians were killed and 80,000 made homeless. 遭受大轰炸后不断燃烧的鹿特丹市中心 遭受大轰炸后不断燃烧的鹿特丹市中心 1940年轰炸后的鹿特丹鹿特丹中心 1940年轰炸后的鹿特丹鹿特丹中心Paragraph 1Paragraph 1From 1949 onwards the reconstruction of reconstruction [,ri:kən'strʌkʃən] the activity of constructing something again. 再建,重建;改造;复兴 the city was taken up with every endeavor. endeavor [in'devə] effort, struggle, trial n. & vi. & vt. 努力;尽力 nullAlthough the bombardment temporarily bombardment [bɔm'ba:dmənt] n. 轰炸;炮击 dampened the spirits of the city in its dampen ['dæmpən] control, restrain vt. 抑制;使…沮丧;使…潮湿 vi. 潮湿;丧气 process of renewal, modernization gained renewal [ri'nju:əl] recovery, update, reformation n.更新,恢复;复兴;补充;革新 modernization [,mɔdənai'zeiʃən] n. 现代化 momentum after the war as a result of that bombardment. momentum [məu'mentəm] an impelling force or strength n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力nullThe reconstruction proceeded in accordance with in accordance with 依照;与…一致 the ideology of function. ideology [,aidi‘ɔlədʒi] imaginary or visionary theorization n. 意识形态;思想意识;观念学 nullFollowing the American grid or matrixmodel, grid [ɡrid] a network of horizontal and vertical lines that provide coordinates for locating points on an image n. 网格;格子,栅格;输电网 matrixmodel 矩阵模型 large thoroughfares were constructed. thoroughfare ['θʌrəfεə, 'θə:rəu-] a public road from one place to another n. 大道,通路nullAt the edge of the city, conforming to the latest at the edge of 在…… 的边缘 conform to 符合;遵循 insights, were mono-functional city expansions and rustic style garden cities. mono-functional 单一功能的 expansion [ik'spænʃən] the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope n. 膨胀;阐述;扩张物 rustic-style 乡村风格nullThe national port became a world port and adapted port [pɔ:t, pəut] a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country n. 港口,口岸;(计算机的)端口;左舷;舱门 vi. 转向左舷 vt. 持(枪);左转舵 to the demands of a world economy and the latest technological advantages. nullThis increase in scale shifted the harbor activities scale [skeil] the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it n. 规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围 vi. 衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢 vt. 测量;攀登;刮鳞;依比例决定 harbor ['hɑ:bə] a sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge cargo n. 海港;避难所 vi. 居住,生存;入港停泊;躲藏 vt. 庇护;怀有 toward the west. shift sth. toward 将… … 转向 nullIn the city proper, one saw less and less of the proper ['prɔpə] adj. 适当的;本身的;特有的;正派的 adv. 完全地 in the city proper 在市区 hustle and bustle of harbor activities. hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘,忙碌 Paragraph 2Paragraph 2The seventies introduced yet another stage of the city’s development :that of urban renewal. The nineteenth century neighborhoods, which at neighborhoods n. 社区(neighborhood的复数形式);居民区;街道附近地区 the time were constructed at an extremely rapid pace to help house the quickly increasing populace, house [haus, hauz] provide housing for vt. 覆盖;给…房子住;把…储藏在房内 vi. 住 n. 住宅;家庭;机构;议会;某种用途的建筑物 showed a poor quality of construction. nullIn the sixties, those involved with spatial spatial ['speiʃəl] pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space adj. 空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的 planning presumed these neighborhoods to presume [pri'zju:m] suppose, assume vt. 假定,假设,认为 have fulfilled their life spans. span [spænz] the distance or interval between two points n. 跨度,跨距;范围 vt. 跨越;持续;以手指测量 nullMoreover,a number of thoroughfares were planned through these areas, which caused the leveling of some properties. property ['prɔpəti] n. 性质,性能;财产;所有权 The year 1970 however marked a completed reversal in attitude toward these neighborhoods. reversal [ri'və:səl] a change from one state to the opposite state n. 逆转;倒转 nullToward the end of the sixties, inhabitants of these inhabitant [in'hæbitənt] n. 居民;居住者 districts had begun to protest heavily against the protest [prəu'test] express opposition through action or words vi. & vt. 抗议;断言 n. 抗议 adj. 示抗议的;抗议性的 large-scale plans of the municipality and pleaded municipality [mju:,nisi'pæləti] n. 市民;市政当局;自治市或区 plead [pli:d] request for help from someone in authority vt. 恳求;辩解 for a totally different approach focusing on the desires of the occupants. occupant ['ɔkjupənt] n. 居住者;占有者 nullDue in part to the changing spirit of the times, their due to because of, as a result of adv. 由于;应归于 plea was quite successful. plea [pli:] n. 恳求,请求 Paragraph 3Paragraph 3In 1985, the urban development of Rotterdam changed direction once again. Under the motto “the New Rotterdam”, a period of motto [‘mɔtəu] a favorite saying of a sect or political group n. 座右铭,格言;箴言 construction started on metropolitan projects, metropolitan [,metrə'pɔlitən] relating to or characteristic of a metropolis adj. 大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的 n. 大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民 where the scale of the city as a whole became important again. nullThe final gaps in the heart of the city were gap [ɡæp] an open or empty space in or between things n. 间隙;缺口;空白 vi. 裂开 vt. 使成缺口 requisitioned for prime-site urban projects and the requisition [,rekwi'ziʃən] make a formal request for official services vt. 征用;申请领取 n. 征用;要求;申请书;引渡要求 river was discovered as a potential vehicle for urban development. vehicle ['viːɪk(ə)l] a conveyance that transports people or objects n. 车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物 nullVarious urban projects along the river and in the city center were added to the agenda, with the agenda [ə‘dʒendə] a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to n.日程表 wholesale urban development of the disused wholesale [‘həulseil] wide-scale adj. 批发的;大规模的 disused [dis'ju:zd] no longer in use adj. 废弃不用的 harbor area at the top of the list. nullNow at the end of the end of the nineties, Rotterdam has become the kind of city appropriate appropriate [ə'prəuprieit, ə'prəupriət] suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc adj. 适当的 vt. 占用;拨出 to its position as a world port. The relation between the city and the river has been reinstated to its former glory. reinstate [,ri:in‘steit] bring back into original existence, use, function, or position vt. 使恢复;使复原 nullAlong the city’s riverbanks an impressive number of riverbank ['rivəbæŋk] the bank of a river n. 河堤 new districts and urban projects have either been completed or are being developed at present. either or 二者择一的;要么…要么… Paragraph 4Paragraph 4Aside from the city’s development in Rotterdam aside from 除…以外 there was also a strong dynamic occurring on a large scale. dynamic [dai'næmik] an efficient incentive n. 动态;动力 adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的 nullRotterdam is a part of a densely populated densely ['densli] in a concentrated manner adv. 浓密地;密集地 agglomeration built around the four largest cities agglomeration [ə,ɡlɔmə‘reiʃən] the act of collecting in a mass; the act of agglomerating n.大团的集聚,大城市区域 of the Netherlands: Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht. Amsterdam [,æmstə‘dæm] n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) The Hague [heiɡ] 海牙(荷兰西部城市,联合国国际法院所在地) Utrecht ['ju:trekt] 乌特勒支 荷兰首都: Amsterdam荷兰首都: AmsterdamAmsterdam的皇帝运河Amsterdam的皇帝运河荷兰国家博物馆荷兰国家博物馆海牙摩天楼群 海牙摩天楼群 乌特勒支钟楼 乌特勒支钟楼 nullnullRandstadRandstadThe Randstad is a conurbation(卫星城,城市群) in the Netherlands . It consists of the four largest Dutch cities (Amsterdam , Rotterdam , The Hague and Utrecht ), and the surrounding areas. With a population of 7,100,000 it is one of the largest conurbations in Europe , comparable in size to Milan(米兰) or the San Francisco Bay Area(旧金山湾区 ) . The cities of the Randstad more or less form a crescent(新月形) or chain(链). This shape has given the Randstad its name ( rand means rim or edge and stad means city or town). The area that is enclosed by the larger cities is called the Green Heart.nullnullThey and their environment have increasingly begun to show the characteristics of a single city: a spatially and functionally coherent complex, coherent [kəu‘hiərənt] marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts adj. 连贯的,紧凑连接的 positioned and around a green central area, “Green Heart ”, cherished by both planners and politicians. cherish [‘tʃeriʃ] be fond of vt. 珍视,爱护nullThe Dutch currently tend to consider the Randstad currently ['kʌrəntli] at this time or period; now adv. 当前;一般地 Randstad 兰斯塔德 as an area with its own metropolitan identity, identity [ai‘dentəti] the individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known n. 身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式 differing from the test of the Netherlands. The Randstad not only has some six million inhabitants, but also a large international airport and a world-class port. That's all Thanks!!!That's all Thanks!!!团队人员:任若虎 张岩 袁一凡 杨艳丽 鲍丽丽 张颖怡
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