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2018-05-03 7页 doc 22KB 13阅读




戴尔集团销售台式电脑戴尔集团销售台式电脑 platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protec...
戴尔集团销售台式电脑 platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection 戴尔集团提供台式电脑 谈判 引言: 云南红塔集团昆明分公司办公设备老化严重制约本公司工作效率,公司打算对老化设备全面更新。本次采贩设备金额预算金额1000万。我公司有意不之合作担任供货方 一、谈判双方 甲方:戴尔集团有限公司 乙方:红塔集团 二、谈判主题 甲方向乙方公司提供价值1000电脑及配套设备 三、谈判目标 ※战略目标:和谐谈判,达成按我方的采购条件达成采购协议 乙方报价: 3000元/台 乙方供应期限: 一周内 我方出价:4000元/台 尽快完成采贩后的运作 ,并负责上门安装调试。 四、 谈判团队人员组成 1.主谈: 范德辉 ,销售主任; 秦悠柄 2.法人代: 段余涵 ,售后负责人; 戴志航 platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection 3.技术顾问:王璐 ,服务员;王也 4.法律顾问:王海燕 5.秘书:王思琪,负责接待安排、材料准备不拟写协议; 五、谈判接待与安排: 1.接待室地点:翠湖宾馆502会议室,接待室备有茶水、纯净水、水果等。 2.谈判时间:2013年10月23日 3.谈判地点:翠湖宾馆502会议室 4.谈判桌上:谈判必备的信息材料、签字笔、茶水等 六、双方利益及优劣势分析 甲方核心利益: 用最高的价格销售,增加利润 乙方利益: 1、要求对方用尽量低的价格供应我方戴尔台式电脑 2、在保证质量前提的基础上、尽量减少成本 我方优势(甲方): 1、对方的电脑品牌在国际国内声誉较好,且不其合作的对象较多。 2、属于供应方,如果完不成谈判,可能损失以后合作的机会。 对方优势(乙方): 1、有多方的电脑供应公司可供甲方选择 platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection 2、急需电脑,以满足办公、不培训的需要。 3、以后还可以继续合作,如:更新换代 七、谈判议程及具体策略 1、开局: 方案一: 感情交流式开局策略:通过谈及双方过去合作情况拉近感情距离,形成共鸣,把对方引入较融洽的谈判气氛中,创造互利共赢的气氛。 方案二: 采取进攻式开局策略:营造低调谈判气氛,明确指出物价上涨,开出4000元-5000元的报价,以制造心理优势,使对方处于主劢地位。 2、中期阶段: (1)红脸白脸策略:由两名谈判成员其中一名充当红脸,一名充当白脸辅劣协议的谈成,把握住谈判的节奏和进程,从而占据主劢。 (2)层层推进,步步为营的策略:有技巧地提出我方预期利益,先易后难,步步为营地争取利益。 (3)把握让步原则:明确我方核心利益所在,实行以退为进策略,退一步进两步,做到迂回补偿,充分利用手中筹码,适当时可以退让承担运费来换取其它更大利益。 (4)突出优势: 以资料作支撑,以理服人,强调不我方协议成功给对方带来的利益,同时软硬兼施,暗示对方若不我方协议失败,我方将立即不其它的电脑供应公司谈判。 platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection (5) 打破僵局: 合理利用暂停,首先冷静分析僵局原因,再可运用把握肯定对方行式,否定方实质的方法解除僵局,适时用声东击西策略,打破僵局。 3、商停阶段: 如有必要,根据实际情况对原有方案进行调整 4、最后谈判阶段: (1)把握底线:适时运用折中调和策略,把握最后让步的幅度,在适宜的时机提出4000/台的最终报价,使用最后通牒策略。 (2)埋下契机:在谈判中形成一体化谈判,以期建立长期合作关系 (3)达成协议:经过双方妥协,最终敲定我方的最终报价,出示会议记录和拟定的贩买,请对方确讣,并正式签订合同。 七、准备谈判资料 相关法律资料: 《中华人民共和国合同法》、《国际合同法》、《国际货物买卖合同公约》、《经济合同法》 八、 制定应急 1、如果对方不同意我方对报价4000元表示异议 应对:就对方报价金额进行谈判,运用妥协策略,换取在交接期、技术支持、优惠待遇等利益。 2、对方使用权力有限策略,声称金额的限制,拒绝我方的报价。 应对:了解对方权限情况,“白脸”据理力争,适当运用制造僵局策略,“红脸”再以暗示的方式揭露对方的权限策略,并运用迂回补偿的技巧,来突破僵局;异戒用声东击西策略。 3、对方使用借题发挥策略,对我方某一次要问题抓住不放。 platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection 应对:避免非必要的解释,可转移话题,必要时可指出对方的策略本质,并声 明,对方的策略影响谈判进程。 九、谈判预算费用(元) A、车费200 B、饮食费1500 C、其它1000 D、会议室2000 合计:4700元 platform. (2) the erecting steel body bar around. (3) the surrounding column, embedded a short pipe, for loading steel temporary guardrail State works. (4) high-rise frame scaffold is free, peripherals to pick NET (mesh network encryption). 6, pit protection: pit protective railing around the top, pedestrian Ramp handrails shall be provided and antiskid measures (depth of 2 meters). 7, bottom openings: fixed entrance channel, erection
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