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景泰蓝英文导游词景泰蓝英文导游词 景泰蓝英文导游词 内容简介: 因其在明朝景泰年间盛行,制作技艺比较成熟,使用的珐琅釉多 以蓝色为主,故而得名景泰蓝下面是由我为大家带来的关于景泰蓝英 文导游词,希望能够帮到您! 景泰蓝英文导游词 Cloisonne is a famous traditional enamel are, knon as 景泰蓝,中国的著名特种瓷器工艺品之一,春秋时已有此技术,到 明代景泰年间这种瓷器工艺技术制作达到了最巅峰,用这种技术制作 的瓷器最为精美而著名,故后人称这种瓷器为景泰蓝。景泰蓝正名铜 胎掐丝珐琅,俗名...
景泰蓝英文导游词 景泰蓝英文导游词 内容简介: 因其在明朝景泰年间盛行,制作技艺比较成熟,使用的珐琅釉多 以蓝色为主,故而得名景泰蓝下面是由我为大家带来的关于景泰蓝英 文导游词,希望能够帮到您! 景泰蓝英文导游词 Cloisonne is a famous traditional enamel are, knon as 景泰蓝,中国的著名特种瓷器工艺品之一,春秋时已有此技术,到 明代景泰年间这种瓷器工艺技术制作达到了最巅峰,用这种技术制作 的瓷器最为精美而著名,故后人称这种瓷器为景泰蓝。景泰蓝正名铜 胎掐丝珐琅,俗名珐蓝,又称嵌珐琅,是一种在铜质的胎型上,用柔 软的扁铜丝,掐成各种花纹焊上,然后把珐琅质的色釉填充在花纹内 烧制而成的瓷器器物 。因其在明朝景泰年间盛行,制作技艺比较成 熟,使用的珐琅釉多以蓝色为主,故而得名景泰蓝。下面是由我为大 家带来的关于景泰蓝英文导游词,希望能够帮到您! 景泰蓝英文导 游词 Cloisonne is a famous traditional enamel are, knon as the Blue of Jingtai in China, ith a histor of over 500 ears. it as so alled blue as the tpial olour used for enamelling and Jingtai as the reign title of the 7th Ming Emperor. Enamel are beame ver popular during the Emperors reign. There is a great variet of produts, suh as vase, jar, bol,plate, box and ash-tra. The are brilliant in olours and splendid in design. Cloisonne is one of the famous arts and rafts of Beijing.The making of loisonne requires rather elaborate and pliated proesses; base-hammering, opper-strip inla, soldering, enamel-filling, enamel-firing, polishing and gilding. The produts are featured b exellent qualit. The skill and orkmanship have been handed don from the Ming Dnast. Quite a number of ne varieties have been reated. it enjos a high reputation both at home and abroad. The are mostl for export. CLOISONNE-MAKING The first step is bod making. The material used for making the bodis opper, beause opper is easil hammered and strethed. This step requires a sound judgement in shaping and uniformit of thikness and eight. It is in fat the ork of the opper smith. The onl differene is that hen an artile is ell shaped, the opper smiths ork is finished, hereas the loisonne raftsmans ork is just on the the start. The seond step is filigree soldering. This step requires great are and high reativeness. The artisan adheres opper strips onto the bod. These strips are of 116 inh in diameter and of lengths as the artisan desires. The strips or filigree thus adhered make up a pliated but plete pattern. The artisan has a blueprint in mind and he an make full use of his experiene, imagination and aestheti vie in setting the opper strips on the bod. The third step is to appl the olour hih is knon as enamel filling. The olour or enamel is like the glaze on eramis. It is alled falang. Its basi elements are bori aid, saltpetre and alkaline. Due to the differene in the minerals added, the olour differs aordingl. Usuall one ith muh iron ill turn gre, ith uranium, ello, ith hromium, green, ith zin, hite, ith bronze, blue, ith gold or iodine, red. In time of filling, all the olours, ground beforehand into minute poder and ontained in plates, are plaed in front of the orkers and are then applied to the little partments separated b filigree. The fourth step is enamel firing. This is done b putting the artile, ith its enamel fillings, to the ruible. After a short moment, the opper bod ill turn red. But after firing, the enamel in the little partment ill sink don a bit. That ill require a refilling. This proess ill go on repeatedl until the little partments are finall filled. The fifth step is polishing. The first polish is ith energ. Its aim is to make the filigree and the filled partments even. The hole piee is again put to fire. Polish one more ith a het stone. Finall, use a piee of hard arbon to polish again so as to obtain some lustre on the surfae of the artile. The sixth step is gilding. This is done b plaing the artile in fluid of gold or silver. Add eletri urrent. The exposed parts of the filigree and the metal fringes of the artile ill be smoothl and evenl gilded. After that, the metal part of the artile ill not get rust. Then the artile ill again undergo another eletroplating and a slight polish. 内容简介: 下面是由我为大家带来的关于四川九寨沟英文导游词,希望能够 帮到您! 四川九寨沟英文导游词 Jiuzhaigous entrane gate as built shortl after Jiuzhaigou as listed into the World Natural Heritage Catalog in9 The gate 九寨沟: 世界自然遗产,世界生物圈保护区网络,国家AAAAA级旅游景区, 国家级自然保护区,全国文明风景旅游区示范点,中国著名风景名胜 区。下面是由我为大家带来的关于四川九寨沟英文导游词,希望能够 帮到您! 四川九寨沟英文导游词 Jiuzhaigous entrane gate as built shortl after Jiuzhaigou as listed into the World Natural Heritage Catalog in9 The gate reflets the features of Tibetan remote areas. The bark of logs raps round the hole gate that appears primitive, but also displas the flavor of the modern arts. It seems to tell us that ou ill find ourselves in the orlds most exiting and unspoiled nature. As ou kno, Jiuxhaigou has been roned ith several titles: The World Natural Heritage, The World Bio-sphere Reserve, the Green Globe 21 and The State 4A-Level Sener. Besides,eah site and eah image shos something more-the true essene, the spirit, and the magi of Jiuxhaigou, Jiuxhaigous onders inspire the ountrs top photographers and artists beause the best of their ork is here. Others express their feelings through ords, and there are numerous es from riters or visitors. Hoever, man others artiulate this land that seems indesribable. As the saing goes, it is better to see one than hear a hundred times. I think Jiuzhaigous reputation attrats all of ou to e here for a vidit. I believe, hether ou are a frequent visitr or someone ho simpl enjos beautiful plaes, the visit to Jiuzhaigou ill be a perfet a to remember the unique sites and beaut of jiuzhaigou in das to e. Jiuzhaigou sener is liated in jiuzhaigou Count, the ASbe Tibetan and Qiang Nationalit Autonomous Prefeture in Sihuan Provine. Jiuzhaigou literall means nine Tibetan village gullies, hih are all sattered in the seni area. The names of the villages are Hee, Shuzheng, Zeh XX, Heijiao, Pana, Yala, Jianpan, Rexi and Guodu. Jiuzhaigou sener has taden shape due to the geographi movement in glaiations, earthquakes and alifiation. Hoever, there is some folklore that vividl desribes the formation of Jiuzhaigou. Here is a stor. A long tome ago, a male and female hill deities fell in love ith eah other. The man is alled Dage and oman Wonuosemo, ho deided to reside in Jiuzhaigou beause the deepl loved Jiuzhaigous birds and animals, and forests and mountains. Unexpetedl a devil alled Shemozha found out that the female deit as so beautiful that ho fool in love ith her, too. To devil didnt like the male deit to live here in Jiuzhaigou. Therefore the devil aged a ar in orser to drive the male deit out and marr the female deit. A fiere battle ourred beteen the deit and the devil. During the battle, the female deit as snathed XX b the devil. Beildered, the female deit dropped don to the ground her preious mirror given b the male deit. The mirror as broken into over a hundred piees, hih immediatel turned into over hundred high mountains and beautiful lakes. The battle ontinued, and the male deit and the devil fought all the a from inner Jiuzhaigou to the entrane. Despite that, there as no sign indiating ho ould in the battle. At this ritial moment, Zhaizhaga, the king of multi-mountains arrived to join the fight on the side of the male deit. The king first put a huge sreen-shaped liff behind the devil and then rashed the devil beneath the liff. The devil as buried there, eith his head off the liff. Afterards lial people alled the liff the Devil Cliff. No ot os alled the Preious Mirror Cliff. Sine then Jiuzhaigou returned to peae and looked more beautiful due to the nel added over a hundred olorful lakes and mountains. The man and omand lived together in Jiuzhaigou forever as the important deities to safeguard jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou is 47 km long from the south to the north, 29 km ide from the east to the est, overing an area of 720sq. km. In90 Jiuzhaigou beame one of 40 best seni spots in the ountr; in 201X Jiuzhaigou as evaluated as one of the first atate 4A-level seneries in China; in92 Jiuzhaigou as listed on the World Bio-sphere Reserve. In Jiuzhaigou seni area there are three gullies that seem to be in the shape of . There distributed 108 lakes, 47 splashed aterfalls, 12 tirbi;emt srea,s. 5 shoals and 3 Tibetan villages. All these seni sites reate a unique landsape of jiuzhaigou, to China and the rest of the orld. If ou get loser to vie the liff that is over a thousand-ren liff, ou ma see a bizarre figure image on the liff. What does it look alike? It is a devils fae, and it is no alled the Preilous Mirror Cliff. Don the liff is a gull alled Zharugou, here stands Zharu Monaster. In Sihuan Tibetan areas loal Tibetan people believe in hat an be properlu desribed as Lamaism, an anient strain of Tantri Indian Buddhism, oupled ith Tibetan Shamanism. It flourishes in regions inhabited b the Tibetan and Mongolian people. During the reign of Songzan Gapu in the 7th to 9th entur, monks from India rossed the HimalXXs through Nepal and arrived at Tibet to spread Tantrism. Tantrism, MahXXna and Bon, the indigenous religion of Tibet, intermingled and developed into Lamaism that strongl believes in reinarnation. Lama means teaher or superiorbeing. A lama must be a monk, but not all monks an bee lamas. Lamaism has several sets: the Yello, the Red, the Blak and others. The YelloSet, founded b Tsong kha pa in the earl 15th entur, and rapidl gre into the dominant set thanks to the support of the Qing government. The Yello Set perfeted the Tibetan Buddhism and greatl promoted the evolution of the mergene of govetnment administration ith religion the Tihetan a Buddha in our present lifetime. The monks in Zharu monaster believe in the Blak Set Buddhismthat is also alled Bon. The religious ativit of the Blak Set, muh more influened b the indigenous religilon, has entered on the primiplkes that everthing has spirit; the Blak Set folloers pra to gain happiness and drive out disasters. Yo ma be XXre of the dense forest groing along the sides of the road. it mirrors together theseni sites of main plants in Jiuzhaigou. The evergreen plants onsists of Chinese pine, hemlok, fir and dragon sprue; the red-leaf plants are maple, little tiller, smoke tree and others; the ello-leaf plants are birhm, golden-rain tree, elm, larh, poplar mix together in harmon, offering a rainbo of natural pitures that easil please to our ees, It is monl believe that the olerful plant sener is one of the main features manifested in Jiuzhaigou. As autumn arrives, the plants keep hanging their olors. As olorful leaves and forests are mirrored on the lakes around, the stunning olor images seem to allure vieers into a dreamlike orld beause it is too beautiful to absorb all of them during a time-limited tour. As ou enter into Shuzheng seni site, and start alking through it, the garden-patterned landsape might inspire our passion to rite poems or paint pitures. Here is the Reed Sea. If ou lose our ees, ou ma feel as if ou ere in the region of rivers and lakes in southern China. Atuall the sea is a kind of moisture land that suits the groth of varied ater plants. Some fiah sims in the shallo sea, and the have a strange name, allednaked arpor the has no sales, but belong to the famil of the arp. The ater in Jiuzhaigou is a big attration, and is monl onsidered the soul of Jiuzhaigou beause ot remaons muh less touhed b human beings. Ginerall the ater is so lean that ou an see to the bottim even at 30m in depth. No e rrive at the first lake in Jiuzhaigou alled Shuanglonghai. You an diml see to alified loer banks in the shape of tibbon. One aves in the lake surges, the to banks seem to riggle. The loal dlegend sas that the are to simming dragons. It is said that there are four dragons in Jiuzhaigou. The dragons in the laks here are to of the four, ho take harge of raining and hail. Mabe beause the have no strong sense of their dut responsibilit, the often make mistakes, and therefore there is no rain hen it should rain; there is no hail hen ot should hail. Therefore Geshaer, the Tibetan hero has subdued the to evil dragons and imprisoned them at the bottom of the lake. No ere setting foot on Hunlunbeier Grassland. All of us have esaped from the it and its lamour and entered a plae like a dreamland,Look! The grassland looks like asoft, green erpet, Noou an enjo the beautiful sener in the distane; numeros kinds of ild floers are in bloom, and isps of smoke are rising ontinuousl from the urta sattered on the grassland. When the gentle breeze brushes against the grass, herds of horses and attle and flok of sheep seem to be drifting from here ro there. What a beautiful piture! This is the urt e sa from the bus just no. Look!The host and his famil have e out of the to greet us. Of ouse, this is not an arranged reeption, to be sure. But before e enter the urt, Idlike to make a brief introdution on the folk ostoms here. No matter hih urt ou happen to visit, ou ill finethat on hesring our footsteps the Mongolian people ill extend a arm ele outsite the urt, to do justie to their reputed hospitalit. When greeting ou, the ill put their hands against their hests and bo slightl. With a ho do ou do, The invite their guestsin. Male guests are invited to sit on the left and female on the right, hile host sits in midle. The moment ou take our seats, our host ill have milk tea and various kinds of milk produts pleaed in front of ou. After a hite, ou ill most probabl probabl be asked to help ourself to a speial ourse alled shouba lamd. As a a of shoing respt to his distinguished guest, our hast ill prsent ou ith a hada Under the blue sk and hite louds, ou ill see a vivid piture of floks of sheep and herds of attle, galloping horses and skillful herdsen on horsebak brandishing horsehips. Do ou ant to go for a ride ? If ou are skilled at riding, h not ride a Mongolian horse for a hile or ander about on amelbak?If ou are afraid of riding horses or amels,never mind. You still an enjo the nomandi life b taking a speial Mongolian vehile alled a Lele. No ou have had a look at the grassland ith our on ees, but did ou notied that the Mongolian girls are graeful,elegant and vigorous, and the oung fello are robust, heroi and musular? It is said that this has muh to do ith their life s hih are onneted ith horse sports,running and pursuing.Further,the important role plaed b milk tea and milk produts in developing their musles and bones anot be underestimated. Lets start ith milk tea,The host mines the tea and put it in a kettle to boil it. When the kettle starts boiling ith a gurgling sound, the host pours the fresh milk into it. Thus the herdsman ing in from a snostorm ill arm up immediatel after having suh a up of milk tea. A bol of milk tea, stir-fried rie, several piee of a dr milk produt and some lamb is regarded as a deliious meal b the ordinar Mongolian herdsman. Milk produts inlude the skin of boiled milk, milk urd, milk ine, heese, butter and so on. The formal meal ma be served ith meat and a flour-base produt. While ou are here on the grassland, it ill be a great pit if ou do not tr Shouba Lamb The Mongolian robe is unique to this ethni group. The robe is often mathed ith a belt and head deorations.With its high ollar and long sleeves, the robe protets people from mosquitoes. The middle part of the robe is made loose for the onveniene of riding horses and is long enough to keep the knees arm. You an find all kinds of lothes here toda, but the robe is the ultural heritage of the Mongolians and has bee a smbol of their national onsiene and identit. You an see mongolian urta here and there on grassland.But do ou kno the histor and struture of the mongolian urta?Aording to the historial reords of the Xiongnu,an anient ethni group, their anestors lived in the Northland long ago. Their living quarters ere alled urta. In this sense Mongolians, as a ethni group, an date to 4,000 ears ago. So the Mongolian urta are a smbol of the histor of this ethni group. No let`s talk about the onstrution of a urt are a smbol of the histor of this ethni group, No let`s talk about the onstrution of a urt. Herdsmen first build a round foundation ith piees of stones, Then the set up the struture ith odden ods and beams linked together ith ollen or fur ropes,Lastl, the over the struture ith animal skins or felt blankets.The eiling of the urt is round. With suh a struture, the urt an ithstand snostorms and heav rainfalls. The door of the urt is small and don to the ground. The urt an be easil moved and this is suitable for nomadi life.This aounts for the reason h the struture of the urt remains unhanged till toda. If the Mongolian urt is seen as the home of the herdsmen, then the lelearts an be vieed as their mobile homes. lelearts move slol ith big noise. It is hard to tell hen the histor of lelearts began. All the arts are made of birh, so the ill reain in good ondition even in et eather. The heels of the arts are tall and an easil roll aross the uneven roads, lush bushes, thik sno and marshes. lelearts are indispensable for herdsmen hen the move ross sno-overed areas. There are a lot of Mogolian festivals held ever ear on the grassland, but the most famous one is Nadam,the arnival the grassland. Nadamin the Mongolian language means rereation or entertainment. When it es, there ill be a lot of performanes,suh as horse raing, restling, arher and some other speial ethni performanes. The Nadam fair is a time-honored festival and as knon orld ide for 700ears, Noadas the Nadam fair is often held during the harvest season of the grassland, either in June or Jul.During that period, herdsmen often take the opportunit to sell domesti animals and livestok produts and purhasse dail neessilties and livelihood-related goods. Aturall, the herdsmen have fe hanes to get together on suh a vast grassland, so Nadam also plas the role of a big trade fair for them, When e talk about Nadam, e should also talk about offering sarifie at Aobao.Aobao in Mogolian means a pile of roks or earth. On the vast and endless grassland, it is hard to tell diretions, so people thought of pilling roks or earth to mark them, In its long historial development Aobao has bee the shrine to offer srifies to the God of the Mountain and the God of the Road.During the sarifie offering eremon,people insert tree branhes into the Aobao and put piees of olorful loth or paper flags ith ritten sripture on the branhes There are four tpes of memorial eremonies, namel blood,ine,fire and jade. No matter hat tpe it is, a lama ill be invited to butn inenses, hant sriptures and pra for the blessing of the people and their livestok. Partiipants ill alk around the Aobao lokise three times.After the eremon, the herdmen ill not onl enjo horse raes,restling and arher, but also singing, daning and drinking to their heart`s ontent. Around that time, oung lovers ill probabl leave the rod to be in a orld of their on. Dear,distinguished guests,after this tour of this grassland I believe ou must have a general idea of ho the Mongolian pelple live here and ma een feel relutant to leave the beautiful hulunbeier Grassland. I belive the grassland and its people enjoed our visit as muh as ou did and look forard to our next one. Ladies and Gentlemen,I hope to have another hane to meet ou again on this ver land, the Hulunbeier Grassland. Goodbe and good luk.
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