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跟领导喝酒的学问跟领导喝酒的学问 跟领导喝酒的学问:教你如何喝出生产力和讲出前途 编者按:凭着“如簧巧舌”,哈尔滨婚庆主持修伟良开班授徒,炙手可热。从“酒桌班”到“当众讲话班”,教授如何“喝出生产力”和“讲出前途”。他的学生是官员、商人和有志于从政从商的大学生。 学员们在谙熟官场和职场潜规则外,还结成人脉圈子互利。修伟良现在又抓住商机筹备“脱稿讲话班”,外界质疑这是“新厚黑学”和“恶俗培训”,但修伟良爱教学生朗诵一篇《热爱丢脸》。 在修伟良看来,喝酒体现智慧,更是生产力。掌握方寸圆桌的觥筹之法往往能解决很多问题。 中央提倡新会风后,...
跟领导喝酒的学问 跟领导喝酒的学问:教你如何喝出生产力和讲出前途 编者按:凭着“如簧巧舌”,哈尔滨婚庆主持修伟良开班授徒,炙手可热。从“酒桌班”到“当众讲话班”,教授如何“喝出生产力”和“讲出前途”。他的学生是官员、商人和有志于从政从商的大学生。 学员们在谙熟官场和职场潜外,还结成人脉圈子互利。修伟良现在又抓住商机筹备“脱稿讲话班”,外界质疑这是“新厚黑学”和“恶俗培训”,但修伟良爱教学生朗诵一篇《热爱丢脸》。 在修伟良看来,喝酒体现智慧,更是生产力。掌握方寸圆桌的觥筹之法往往能解决很多问。 中央提倡新会风后,修伟良看到新的商机。他筹备“脱稿讲话班”,坚信这是紧跟风尚,弘扬精神文明之举。 修伟良和学员结成一个资源互利的圈子。他认为这远胜于钱。“孔老二挣了多少钱?但他有弟子三千,可以流芳百世。” 一顿酒能喝出多大的生产力?陈明的最高纪录是3000万。 2010年3月的一天,在哈尔滨最高档的海鲜大酒楼,这位市政工程承包商设宴款待某地记和市长,他举起一杯上好的法国干红,起身暖场:“读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如跟上在座领导的脚步。” 领导开怀大笑,趁他们吃东西的空当,陈明顺势插入话题,从当地经济发展聊到国际形势,末了,一笔三千多万元的基建大单也谈成了。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 这不是陈明的临场发挥,而是他花一千多块从一个酒桌技巧速成班上学来的“敬酒术”,开课的人名叫修伟良,哈尔滨伟良人际沟通艺术学校校长。 “一次宴请可以改变一生,三寸之舌胜过百万雄师。”修伟良操着一口东北话,侃侃而谈,“成功学大师卡耐基说过一句名言:一个人事业的成功15%是靠专业技术,85%是靠人际沟通。” 不是满嘴跑火车的称兄道弟,不是事事迎合的溜须拍马,按照修伟良的理解,人际沟通艺术的精髓,在于火候,在于细节。 除了酒桌班,修伟良开的社交速成班类型,从当众讲话、人际沟通、声音SPA美容,到教人助兴的好声音KTV、趣味魔术,一应俱全。眼下,趁着党政部门改进会风的东风,他正准备开个脱稿讲话班。 “喝酒也是生产力” “喝好酒是一种品位,把酒喝好是一种智慧。中央现在禁酒,更要懂得如何科学饮酒,喝出感情。” 2013年4月6日下午5点,在哈尔滨市中心一栋简陋的居民楼里,修伟良的酒桌班开课了。 “最忌讳的是领导夹菜,你转桌,领导喝酒,你唠嗑。”修伟良的王牌讲师、卖过多年名酒的庄克霞说,“喝好酒是一种品位,把酒喝好是一种智慧。中央现在禁酒,更要懂得如何科学饮酒,喝出感情。” 修伟良原来是一名婚礼司仪,1994年开办了哈尔滨第一家婚庆公司。但2005年随着竞争的激烈,生意渐淡,这个号称黑龙江“五大天王司仪”的男人决定转型,将如簧巧舌转为一盘更大的生意,“人power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 际沟通艺术学校”由此成立。 学校第一项课程是当众讲话班,却只有一个人报名。修伟良此前积攒的人脉起了作用,不少亲朋都被他拉来当“托儿”,商人、公务员、干部、大学生逐渐闻风而至。2009年,为进一步贴近“国情”,课程设置进一步延伸,“酒桌班”开课。 在中国,喝酒是一门不便明言的“显学”。“方桌上解决不了的事到圆桌上往往事半功倍。”讲师庄克霞当过酒企的酒文化战略顾问和大型企业的办公室主任,“尤其我们北方人,把酒与感情几乎画等号,正所谓‘感情深一口闷’‘酒品看人品’。” 对此,哈尔滨某大学教授史大鹏就深有体会。此时他正端坐在第一排,边听边记笔记。他曾是个闷头搞学问的理工男,一上酒桌就不知该说啥,自己尴尬,人家也对他没啥印象。 现在,在修伟良的所有学员中,史大鹏被认为是进步最大的一个。以前对方敬酒,史大鹏会直接回绝:“不好意思,晚上开车,不能喝。”现在他会说:“今天虽然开车了,但车就放在学校了,陪你喝。” 经过学习,史大鹏已经成为各类饭局中调节气氛的老手,并谙熟一套酒桌流程:先提三杯酒,两个感谢一个祝福。一感谢请客的,二感谢领导培养,三祝福在座的。 祝酒词也是信手拈来,甚至会创作。“端月逢正冬遇朔,烛炮喧嚣白帝柝,筝声悠扬檀气香,煮酒笑谈非今昨。”在一次新年聚餐中,他念起这段自创新年贺词。 “你把话讲到一定高度,别人会觉得你很有社会经验,也更信任power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 你。”史大鹏说。最终,这些社交能力为他的专业能力锦上添花。2006年,不会喝酒的史大鹏留校,经过酒桌班的锻炼后,2011年就当上了系党委书记。 懂了如何敬酒之后,哈尔滨某机关单位科员王晓娟的人缘也变好了。名牌大学毕业的王晓娟,十年过后依然还是个小科员。这让她很纳闷。 在单位饭局上,王晓娟是典型的一声不吭埋头吃菜的那种,别人敬她酒,她微笑着小抿一口,心里却特别憋屈:“我不会喝,还让我喝。” 看不到前途的王晓娟,有一天从报纸上看到了酒桌班的广告,将信将疑来听了一堂课,她发现有这个困扰的不止她一个,很多还都是社会成功人士。 “说白了,(来这儿的)都是有钱有地位的人。”修伟良说,“一个普通工人喝酒不需要文化,但是成功人士要,喝酒可以让他们认识不少朋友,可以喝出生产力。” 从酒桌到嘴皮 修伟良带领学员高声朗诵他写的《热爱丢脸》:“只会干,不会说;该讲时,不敢讲,才是真正的丢脸„„” 无论在官场还是职场,懂得喝酒还远远不够,问题的解决还得最终落到话头儿上。李易就遇到这样的难题。他是第一期酒桌班班长,也是身家过亿的粮油公司老总。 在黑龙江,李易也算是个有头有脸的人物,但一到关键场合说话power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 就卡壳。有一回,国家级农业会议请他上台,他提前花钱雇人写了讲稿,一上场还是紧张得磕巴。 参加了修伟良的培训班后,李易每天5点起床背祝酒词,有时候一练就是好几个小时。现在,从祝寿、婚礼,到生日宴会,不管什么类型,他都烂熟于心。在一次宴会上,他背了段介绍哈尔滨的,赢得领导们一片叫好声:“这里春夏秋冬,四季分明,春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪„„” 做过十年婚礼司仪的修伟良发现,一个再有文化、再有钱、官再大的人,一到陌生人很多的大场合,也未必镇得祝领导们在婚礼上“丢脸”的事俯拾皆是:有祝两位新人“长命百岁”的,有用开追悼会的嗓音讲话的,还有晾在场上一句话说不出来的„„ 2013年4月6日下午,第108期当众讲话班开课。他以一个极普遍但容易被忽略的反面教材开唱—“王局长、马书记„„”修伟良拉高嗓门,模仿一位官员,主动伸手欢迎远道而来的领导。“别忙着献殷勤,这么握手是错的。”他突然停下了,收起笑脸,“地位高的伸手,地位低的才能伸手”。 这节课讲的是当众讲话的20个误区。紧张自负,语速太快,肢体语言不配合统统都在禁忌范围,讲到“忌语句啰嗦,缺乏条理性”,修伟良举了一个正面典型:“2001年,江主席参加北京庆祝申奥成功大会,只说了三句话。第一句祝贺,第二句感谢,第三句希望。干净利落。” 高潮出现在最后时分,修伟良带领二十多名学员高声朗诵他写的power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 《热爱丢脸》:“竞争的时代,机会就在眼前„„只会干,不会说;该讲时,不敢讲,才是真正的丢脸„„” 在修伟良的班中,还有众多大学生、公司白领和私企老板。五十来岁的企业家陈明天生内向,属于实干型人才。这受他父母影响很深。“打小父母就教育我们要少说多干,祸从口出。” “中国人的语言是比较压抑的,比如古语讲‘贵人话语迟’‘三思而后行’。”讲师庄克霞说,“由此造成的结果是,到了社会上,尤其在公众场合,有人反对,有人赞同,第三个人一定在和稀泥。” 16岁初中毕业,陈明从木匠干起,当过技工,做过包工头,买卖做大了,陈明才发现光能干活是不行的。 现在,陈明走哪都能说上几句顺口溜活跃活跃气氛,陈明说,这对他的事业帮助很大。几年前,他公司的盘子还只有三百多万,2013年拉到的单子加一块已经突破亿元。 圈子 不管是修伟良还是学员,都通过培训班找到了人脉圈子。“以后有什么事找他们,还不是一句话的事儿?” 老板不会讲话,事关公司形象和生意,但官员不会讲话,则事关面子和仕途。 官员参加修伟良的讲话课的方式比较特殊,他们非常谨慎,要么隐姓埋名悄悄上课,要么请修伟良给他们开小灶。回顾跟修伟良拜过师的学员案例,官员们的苦闷无处不在。 有个公立医院的副院长要竞聘院长,但演说词背了一百多遍,还power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 是背不利索。4月5日下午,修伟良叫来几个老师一起模仿竞聘现常从敲门声的大小,到哪些地方需要停顿,修伟良给他的建议巨细靡遗:“首先要精神抖擞,‘天有三宝日月星,人有三宝精气神’;不能上台就立刻说话,先深呼吸一口,眼神和大家做个交流,不要直勾勾盯着某人,而是要扫视一圈„„” 这套秘诀,修伟良不止跟一个人说过。有个处长啥都好,就是对述职犯难。“我就告诉他,这是组织考察他的一次很好的机会。说得不好,怎么取得领导的信任?领导听了十个八个述职报告,已经迷迷糊糊了,你的述职报告应该如何让领导印象深刻?”修伟良回忆。 还有个副局长刚刚新官上任,不知道拿捏说话的分寸。“稍微有点魄力,大家说你新官上任三把火,但是只说些过去的东西,别人会说你没创新。”修伟良说。 除了自己多年的司仪经验,修伟良还不断从书中和电视里寻找灵感。在他书柜里,从成功学,人脉学,到酒桌礼仪,应有尽有。希特勒、拿破仑在重大战役中的讲话,奥巴马的竞选演说,都是他经常揣摩的对象。 修伟良最常提及的一个反面例子,是某省部级官员在一次国际活动中致词时,两腿直打哆嗦,念稿念得上气不接下气。“领导不会讲话,丢的可能是国家的脸。” 八年里,修伟良教过的学员不下4000,很多场面上的人私下请他点拨,修伟良不收分文。 “以后有什么事找他们,还不是一句话的事儿?”修伟良这样分power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 析利害关系,“钱乃身外之物。孔老二挣了多少钱?但他有弟子三千,可以流芳百世。” 随着关系圈的扩大,修伟良也收获了越来越大的名气。“哈尔滨一家都市报里有一半的记者都认识我。现在省里媒体要跟我商量,写一写伟良现象。” 不仅仅是修伟良自己,学员们也通过学校找到了自己的人脉圈子,2006年成立的伟良学校人脉沙龙协会就是这样的平台。“像中国这样的社会需要讲关系,协会里藏龙卧虎,你需要什么信息,什么客户都能找到。”庄克霞说。 陈明有个项目急需1000万资金周转,给“同学”李易打电话,李易二话没说就给他汇来了,欠条都没打。2013年,陈明又跟另外一个学员对接了一个项目,1800万元。“大家在这都比较信任对方。”陈明说,平时在社会上都端着,在这里才能真正释放自我。 跟上酒桌班的人一样,人脉协会的成员都是成功人士。每周都有一次聚会,联络感情的同时,也能进行酒桌实战。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance
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