

2018-08-04 10页 doc 36KB 3阅读




旋钮式冰箱如何调节温度旋钮式冰箱如何调节温度 不同季节温控器的指示范围为:夏季2,3;春秋季3,4;冬季4,5,当室温低于10?C时,温度补偿开关应打开、温控器调到6. 不能调7、否则冰箱会不停机的。 我有一个小型冰箱,冷冻冷藏都有。冷藏室里面有一个旋钮式温度调节装置,上面有数字0-7,请问,数字代表什么,是冰箱内部的温度吗, 调整的数字愈小,说明压缩机工作时间愈短;数字愈大,压缩机工作时间愈长。当然,压缩机工作时间短,冰箱内的温度就高一些,压缩机工作时间长,冰箱内的温度就低一些。不同星级冰箱,其数字的大小所代表的温度也不同,另外,设定为同一...
旋钮式冰箱如何调节温度 不同季节温控器的指示范围为:夏季2,3;春秋季3,4;冬季4,5,当室温低于10?C时,温度补偿开关应打开、温控器调到6. 不能调7、否则冰箱会不停机的。 我有一个小型冰箱,冷冻冷藏都有。冷藏室里面有一个旋钮式温度调节装置,上面有数字0-7,请问,数字代表什么,是冰箱内部的温度吗, 调整的数字愈小,说明压缩机工作时间愈短;数字愈大,压缩机工作时间愈长。当然,压缩机工作时间短,冰箱内的温度就高一些,压缩机工作时间长,冰箱内的温度就低一些。不同星级冰箱,其数字的大小所代表的温度也不同,另外,设定为同一数字,在春、夏、秋、冬所代表的冰箱内温度也不会是一样的,因为这与外界温度有关系。一般情况下,设定的数字最大,其冷冻室的温度(3-4星级)可达零下18度,冷藏室的温度可达0-4度。当然,这不是准确的数字,要使冰箱达到您需要的温度,应根据外界温度的变化,适时调整压缩机的开停时间(即调整数字的大小)才能满足需要。 春天终究还是来了,虽然经历了雨雪、大风,但是温度不断回升的天气让很多人都心情雀跃,渐渐升高的温度,您家的冰箱做好准备了吗,人们习惯地认为,环境气温较高,食物易腐烂变质,所以电冰箱的箱内温度应调得低一点。其实,从食物短期保鲜和省电角度来看,电冰箱内的温度不宜过低。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 三星级冰箱的冷冻室温度可控制在,18?、冷藏室平均温度为,5?。这是设计时可达到的温度。在此温度下,冷冻食品的保鲜时间约为3个月。而在实际使用中,电冰箱的箱内温度可按需调节。到了夏季,如果我们仍然将箱内温度调得太低,则箱内外的温差增大,这样非但不利于电冰箱的正常使用,而且对食物保鲜也没什么根本性的提高,反而增加耗电。倒不如将电冰箱内的温度适当调高,如将冷冻室温度调高到,15?,冷藏室平均温度调至7?左右,此时的冷冻食品仍可保鲜1.8个月。而且,还能获得一些意想不到的好处: (1)贮藏时间短,风味营养佳 冷冻室温度调高,似乎不利于食品久存,但贮藏时间短的食品恰恰能满足食用的营养性和风味。因为食品在长时间贮藏过程中会发生干耗,食品中的水分逐渐被蒸发掉,干耗会影响食品的风味和营养。所以,从提高饮食质量、保护人体健康的角度讲,冷冻食品的贮藏周期越短越好。 (2)内外温差小,冰箱耗电少 电冰箱内的储存温度不会随环境温度的高低自动调节,但箱内温度调定后,箱外温度的高低却会影响到电冰箱的耗电量。如当电冰箱冷冻室温度调到,18?、冷藏室温度为,5?,若箱外气温是32?的话,则电冰箱箱内外的最大温差已达50?。温差越大,箱外传入箱内的热量也越多,压缩机的运转率就越高,耗电量就越大。如将冷冻We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 室温度调高到,15?,冷藏室平均温度控制在5,7?,一般可省电10%左右。 可见,夏季高温时,若适当地调高电冰箱内的温度,既不影响食品的短期保鲜储存,又可省电,可谓一举两得 使用内置温控器:春天1和2档 夏天3和4档 秋天 3和4档 冬天1档 外置温控器,夏天开机80-100分钟,停机10-20分钟 春天 秋天 冬天 开机30-60分钟,停机15-20分钟 电冰箱(冷柜)在使用过程中,其工作时间和耗电受环境温度影响很大,因此需要我们在不同的季节要选择不同的档位使用。 1夏季温度调节 夏季环境温度高时,应打在弱档2-3档使用。 原因:在夏季,环境温度高,而此时箱内温度每下降1度都很困难,通过箱体保温层和门封冷量散失也会加快,这样就会出现开机时间很长而停机时间却很短。这样就会导致压机在高温下长时间的运行,加剧了活塞与气缸的磨损,电机线圈漆包线的绝缘性能也会因高温而降低,耗电量也会急剧上升,即不经济又不合理。若此时改在打弱档(2.3),就会发现开机时间明显变短,停机时间加长,这样即节约了电能,又减少了压缩机磨损,延长了使用寿命。所以夏季高温时就将温控器调到弱档。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 2、冬季温度调节 冬季一般档位要打到4档以上适用,原因是:您所购产品只有一个冷藏室温控器来控制冷藏和冷冻的温度,因冷藏温度技术要求控制在0,10度之间,而一般在冬季冷藏环境比较低,冷藏很容易到达设定的温度,如果设定温度过高,容易产生冰箱开机时间短导致冷冻制冷效果达不到,而冬季如果环境温度低,主要是要保证冷冻的制冷效果。一般情况下,如果环境温度低于16度,调到5档,低于10度,就可以调到6或7档。有时由于环境温度太低,如0~5度,档位调低后冷藏冻东西,这个时候,完全可以把食品放在冰箱外部存放 3、低温补偿开关的开关 您所购产品系统属于单系统冰箱,只有一个冷藏室温控器来控制冷藏和冷冻的温度,因冷藏温度技术要求控制在0,10度之间,所以当环境温度与藏室温度接近时,冷藏开机时间很短甚至不开机就会达到温度,出现冰箱不开机或开机时间短的现象,而冰箱冷冻温度达不到。为了避免冬季不开机或开机时间短,生产部门对单系统冰箱专门设计有一套低温补偿或切换装置,利用此装置确保冬季环温低也能正常工作,因此在环境温度低于16度时需要打开低温补偿或切换开关(具体祥见说明)。另外还要注意环境温度不能低于10度,将温控器调至偏强档位置。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 4、冬季环境温度不能太低 由于您使用的冰箱是单系统冰箱,也就是说,冷冻温度是通过冷藏温控器的调节和系统匹配来完成的,如果环境温度过低,冷藏温度开机几分钟就可能停机了,造成冷冻温度达不到。有时环境温度比冷藏内的温度还低,冰箱就会不启动。因此冰箱一般情况下不要放在低于5度的环境条件下使用。 冰箱里的温度部位不同温度也不同,一般冷藏室分三层,其中中间一层靠近里面的部分温度最低,,下面的果菜盒温度相对较高,所以在存放物品时应根据需要选择存放位置. 冰箱一般分为2种。分别是:机械冰箱和电脑温控冰箱。而电脑冰箱调温很简单,一般是冷藏室,4摄适度,冷冻室,18摄适度(如是3门,一般中间是 0度或,7度)而机械(容声)冰箱,一般都会有0至7,8个挡位调节。0(强行切断电源)和7(强行通电)档一般是维修用的。而在秋、冬季(外界温度在,10度以下)的时候,一般调在4至6挡(根据自己冰箱所放物品量调整,东西越多挡位调的越大,如有冬季补偿开关的,要拨在冬季,NO,上);而在春、夏季(一般外界温度在,10度以上)的时候,一般调1至3 不同季节温控器的指示范围为:夏季2,3;春秋季3,4;冬季4,5,当室温低于10?C时,温度补偿开关应打开、温控器调到6. 不能调7、否则冰箱会不停机的。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 希望我的回答能帮到你~ We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe
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