首页 > 陕西组建第三大能源集团-陕西榆林能源集团有限公司


2018-08-05 12页 doc 35KB 8阅读




陕西组建第三大能源集团-陕西榆林能源集团有限公司陕西组建第三大能源集团-陕西榆林能源集团有限公司 7月6日,陕西第三大能源集团公司--陕西榆林能源集团有限公司挂牌成立。榆林,54%的土地下都埋藏着煤炭的能源之都,一个国家规划的大型煤炭建设基地,一个让外界钦羡不已的黑金之地,在经过中国煤炭产业发展的十年黄金期后,终于有了属于自己的大型能源企业。 7月6日,陕西第三大能源集团公司--陕西榆林能源集团有限公司挂牌成立。 仪式简单而低调,一如陕西人一贯的作风。 “我们将按照省政府组建榆能集团的批复精神,在省委、省政府,市委、市政府的坚强领导下,理清发展思路,扩大产业规模,延...
陕西组建第三大能源集团-陕西榆林能源集团有限公司 7月6日,陕西第三大能源集团公司--陕西榆林能源集团有限公司挂牌成立。榆林,54%的土地下都埋藏着煤炭的能源之都,一个国家规划的大型煤炭建设基地,一个让外界钦羡不已的黑金之地,在经过中国煤炭产业发展的十年黄金期后,终于有了属于自己的大型能源企业。 7月6日,陕西第三大能源集团公司--陕西榆林能源集团有限公司挂牌成立。 仪式简单而低调,一如陕西人一贯的作风。 “我们将按照省政府组建榆能集团的批复精神,在省委、省政府,市委、市政府的坚强领导下,理清发展思路,扩大产业规模,延伸产业链条,深化资源转化,提升产业水平,坚持‘向管理要效益、向人才要效益、向项目要效益’的理念,走出一条又快又好的发展路子。”榆能集团掌门人王荣泽用榆林乡音透露出陕西第三大能源集团未来的轨迹。 尽管王荣泽的发言显得低调而谨慎,但业界人士都十分清楚,陕西榆林能源集团公司成立,对整个陕西能源发展和布局的意义--亿吨级的产量目标,整合榆林市现有优质资源,以深化当地资源转化为责任,以科学技术引领为理念,以现代企业为框架„„这一切都让榆能集团充满了生长的张力,也成为陕西能源行业让人期待的新星。 榆林,54%的土地下都埋藏着煤炭的能源之都,一个国家规划的大型煤炭基地,一个让外界钦羡不已的黑金之地,在经过中国煤炭十年的发展黄金期后,终于有了属于自己的大型能源企业。 尽管落户榆林,但是陕西榆林能源集团的意义远在区域经济之上。《陕甘宁革命老区振兴规划》提出的“四区一基地”战略定位中,如果没有一个属于这一地区的规模企业是难以想像的。 产能上,陕西“十二五”能源发展规划的6亿吨原煤产量目标中,新成立的榆能将独自承担5000万吨。 转化上,重大影响力的大型煤电、煤化能源产业将以榆能为平台进行打造。 制度上,现代企业制度的架构为陕西能源企业的发展寻找着深层次的力量。 当我们为榆林诞生这样的企业而感到高兴时,一个显见的事实是,全球最大的煤炭港秦皇岛积压了史上最多的煤,同时煤炭价格半年下跌近两成。更有专家预测,中国煤炭十年黄金期已过,煤炭冰冻期将至。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 是陕西能源的时至势成,是榆林能源的锦绣前程,抑或是全球能源形式下的凤凰涅盘陕西榆林能源集团似乎要承载的很多很多。 亿吨产能的榆能目标 对于任何能源企业来说,产能无疑就是塔之基、河之源。“没有产能,任何发展都是纸上谈兵。”身为陕西省能源局长的贺久长非常清楚产能对于新组建的陕西榆林能源集团的意义。 王荣泽在揭牌仪式上的承诺是:“到‘十二五’末,集团煤炭产能达到5000万吨,力争实现年销售收入500亿元。”而在6月18日,省长赵正永主持召开省政府第11次常务会议上对榆能的要求是,打造亿吨级大型能源化工企业。 也许对于像陕煤、神华这样的企业来说,这样的目标并不算困难,而对整合后现有产能仅为1895万吨的榆能,还是需要十二分的努力的。 榆能的压力,王荣泽是十分清楚的,尽管这位身材魁梧的董事长看起来充满了陕北人特有的豪放,但是对于榆能的发展他竟是心细如发:“通过挖潜和技术升级改造,现有资源可以达到2300万吨。其余的就要靠新的资源配置了,我们现在正在申请快速启动乌苏海则、郭家滩和吴堡横沟三个大型矿井。预计乌苏海则建成后产能将达到1500万吨、郭家滩为1200万吨、吴堡横沟为300万吨。这样就初步达到5000万吨的‘十二五’目标。” 对于一个综合性的能源企业,榆能的发展框架绝对不仅仅局限在煤炭生产这一个方面。 火电控股装机容量200万千瓦,完成煤化工转化项目煤制甲醇、合成氨、捣固焦建设,实现营业收入500亿元以上;到“十三五”末,通过扩大产能,配置煤炭资源,煤炭产能达到1亿吨、火电控股装机容量300万千瓦,完成煤制油等转化项目建设,实现营业收入800亿元以上。榆能全面建立着一个属于榆林能源企业应有的光荣与梦想。 “我们必须把榆能建成高素质的能源企业,特别是在科技创新能力,它将成为榆能的最大竞争力。”榆林市市长、“陕西榆林能源集团有限公司筹备领导小组”组长陆治原说。 “我们将以提高能源科技创新能力为核心。努力建立能源领域技术研发中心,引进国内外先进技术,提高研发能力和技术创新能力。让科学技术成为榆能的第一生产力。”王荣泽规划着榆能的科技未来。 让能源的华丽转身更有资本 十年前,第一次陕北能源化工基地建设座谈会在榆林召开。那时陕北的能源发展远不是今天的规模。然而,煤向电、煤电向载能工业、煤油气盐向化工产品转化的“三个转化”战略的勾画,足以看出当年领导者们超前的眼光。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the 十年后,依然在榆林,赵正永省长明确指出:“十年发展,坚持‘三个转化’是能化基地科学发展的坚实基础。”而此时诞生的榆林能源集团注定需要承载“三个转化”战略所赋予的意义。 从榆能集团所吸纳的六家能源企业,也不难看出陕西建立榆能的长远考虑。榆神煤炭公司、煤炭运销集团、煤炭出口集团、资源勘探公司、盐田开发公司、煤炭物资经销公司,他们是榆林市国资委监管的六家能源企业,注册资本金总计12.52亿元。这些企业不仅长期经营着煤炭生产和销售,同时在发电、供热、盐化项目上也多有建树。 “集团公司围绕资源勘查转化、煤炭开采与运销、发电与热力供应、煤炭出口4个板块,按照债随资走、人随资走、业务保持相对稳定的原则,对子公司进行整合。”王荣泽对榆能未来的转化战略成竹在胸。 而在榆能的筹建框架中我们更是能清晰地感受到,榆能对实践“三个转化”战略的力度。 煤盐资源勘探有限公司。由原市资源勘探公司、盐田开发公司组建成立,属榆能集团全资子公司。其主要职责是,对榆林境内外各种矿业资源进行投资勘探。持有矿业权管理职能,采取参股合作、合资、收购等方式,最大限度地获取资源储备。参与煤炭生产转化、盐化项目建设、盐资源规划、管理和基础设施建设、工业盐和盐化产品的运销。 榆林煤炭集运公司。以市煤炭运销集团为主,整合市煤炭物资经销公司及能源类企业的煤炭运销业务组建成立,属榆能集团控股子公司。其主要职责是:经营全市煤炭集装站;统一负责全市煤炭铁路运销专线的管理、落实;集团公司各子公司所生产原煤的运销业务;煤炭物资、五金交电的经销。 榆林煤电热有限公司。以榆神煤炭公司为主设立,属榆能集团控股子公司,其主要职责是:筹建大型热电企业,开展煤电热联营,承担现有煤矿的资源开采,发电企业的生产运营,市区供热业务。 榆林煤炭出口有限公司。对原煤炭出口集团公司进行更名,属榆能集团控股子公司。主要职责是煤炭出口、内销、中转及原有生产经营业务。 “我们将依托原有方圆化工等化工企业迅速做大化工板块,同时加紧建设大型坑口电站,让我们生产的电能通过国家高等级电网进行对外输出。未来我们还将依据地域优势筹划建设太阳能、风能等新能源。让榆能成为一个全产业链的先进能源企业。”王荣泽说。 在榆能的蓝图中,我们很容易找出陕西对能源转化,能源输出模式的期待。 “榆林建立的能源企业努力实践能源转化战略,其意义不仅仅在于他自身的长远发展。更是给其他到这里来投资的企业作出了一个标杆,其他的利益诉求会在这样铁的要求下变得苍白。它将是榆林乃至陕西能源发展的一个重要实践。”对于统揽着全省能源发展的能源局长贺久长来说,他更希望看到榆能起到的转化带动作用。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the “如果说过去零散的资源不利于发展方式的转变,那么在榆林能源集团成立后,雄厚的资本将使榆林能源发展实现华丽转身。”西北大学经济管理学院院长白永秀说。 “榆能不仅仅要坚定不移地实施‘三个转化’战略,更要加快实现‘三个深化',即化工产业高端化、电源建设大型化、载能工业特色化。同时要推动榆能实现’三个转变‘,即向更加注重生态环保、能源民生和社会和谐转变。”陆治原市长似乎要用“三个转化”、“三个深化”、“三个转变”完成对榆能更深层次的期盼。 属于榆能的制度期待 “我从干能源行业以来,一直希望有这么一天,让能源产地的人民拥有属于自己的企业。这对于资源地的人民来说是一种回报,会增加凝聚力和热情,他们会为此而骄傲。”贺久长对陕西榆林能源集团的建立充满了深情。 一个无法回避的问题是,榆能所能拥有的凝聚力必须建立在一个有效的现代企业制度基础上,它也为陕西能源企业的制度发展提出了时代命题。 我们所能了解的是,榆能集团与下属有关企业是以产权为纽带的母子公司体制,形成集团总部、全资子公司、控股子公司并存的组织架构,职能定位和内设机构做到人事、资源、规划、资金统一垂直管理。 “人事统一管理,就是榆能集团对人事和人力资源规划、计划与配置实行统一管理,建立完善的管控体系;资源统一管理就是省、市政府配置给榆能集团的煤炭资源,由榆能集团统一配置管理;规划统一管理,包括研究与编制榆能集团发展战略规划,拟定集团公司重大项目投资,根据公司发展规划分解集团年度发展目标;资金统一管理是通过建立资金结算中心(财务公司),实现资金的统一筹措、分配、使用、管理和监督。”王荣泽一一解释着四个统一管理的细节。 不难看出这样的管控模式发挥出了国有企业最大的凝聚力,极其有利于发挥大集团作用,使企业形成规模效应。榆能的组建框架也显示了这样的管理力量: 榆能集团(一级企业)以产权为纽带,通过行使重大决策、选择经营者和资产收益三项权利,对所属全资、控股子公司(二级企业)行使战略管理、产权管理、资源配置、运营监控、投融资、专业服务六项职能。集团公司下设子公司具有法人资格,对集团公司承担资产保值增值责任,遵守集团公司章程,执行集团公司重大决策。 “我很担心这样的大型能源企业的建立虽然有利于提高煤炭生产的规模效益,加强政府调控能力,但是却挤压了民间资本的出路。”白永秀院长很直接地道出了自己的担心。 “原本还计划在榆林进行下一步投资,现在出现了这样的巨无霸,估计要想获得资源会更难了。”某民营企业家道出了自己的担心。 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the “另外我还看到榆能集团公司不设股东会,由市国资委行使股东会职权。这样政府的权利会更加集中,不利于决策民主化,也不利于让市场力量推进经济发展。”作为多年研究经济规律的专家,也作为一个地道的榆林人,白永秀更希望在自己的家乡建立一个更加符合市场规律的能源企业。 制度,是大多数国有企业需要面对的最大课题。好在榆能有自己的打算,“榆能建立后要以市场为导向,创新体制机制,打造具有核心竞争力的优势能源企业;要积极引进战略投资者,实现投资主体多元化,对集团资源进行整合,尽快走向资本市场。”王荣泽还是一贯简单而低调的回答。尽管还算不得完美,但是榆能已经做好了建立一个完全意义上的现代企业的打算。 无论如何,作为陕西建立的第三大能源企业,这本身就足以让陕西人引以为傲,不论还有什么样的道路要走,我们都期待着陕西榆林能源集团能走出一片欣欣向荣~ 来源: for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement "red credit", "red stake" two major project opportunities, strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy, rural collective economy achieve breakthrough; A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations, strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building, Party Secretary. Second, strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption. Seriously implement the honest responsibility, actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system, increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels, strengthen the not Winds of special treatment, treatment of "laid-back luxury and arrogance" and "three-pronged" problem, non-gang, national public officers, serving in leadership positions is not land, above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes, and recreational city of gifts, hospitality, luxury and waste, "emptied the rating" special rectification work. Adhere to the rot will be punishing, corrupt Su, and 1 village, 4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers. Three is to strengthen peace to create a work. Strengthen source management, adhere to prevention, focusing on prevention. Carry out the "big reception, big tour" campaign, petitioning for the cadres of the
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