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玩电脑游戏的利弊玩电脑游戏的利弊 引: 电脑游戏包含两大类:硬件游戏和网络游戏,而绝大多数的学生喜欢玩网络游戏中的角色扮演类。由玩家们控制自己的角色在虚拟的世界中闯荡,体会另一种人生的苦与乐。这正是网络游戏如此受欢迎的原因,使它能在较短的时间内风靡全球,然而正是这样一个虚拟世界给学生们带来了许多利弊。 一、电脑游戏导致学业荒废: 虚拟世界是非常适合学生的,但学习压力大和逆反心理等因素导致了他们选择了一个发泄的空间——虚拟空间。他们可以摆脱现实生活中的一切,去做平时在现实中做不到的事情。这使他们越陷越深,学习成绩自然大幅下降。 二、电脑...
玩电脑游戏的利弊 引: 电脑游戏包含两大类:硬件游戏和网络游戏,而绝大多数的学生喜欢玩网络游戏中的角色扮演类。由玩家们控制自己的角色在虚拟的世界中闯荡,体会另一种人生的苦与乐。这正是网络游戏如此受欢迎的原因,使它能在较短的时间内风靡全球,然而正是这样一个虚拟世界给学生们带来了许多利弊。 一、电脑游戏导致学业荒废: 虚拟世界是非常适合学生的,但学习压力大和逆反心理等因素导致了他们选择了一个发泄的空间——虚拟空间。他们可以摆脱现实生活中的一切,去做平时在现实中做不到的事情。这使他们越陷越深,学习成绩自然大幅下降。 二、电脑游戏损害学生的身心健康: (1)长时间使用电脑危害学生们的身体健康:电脑显示器和电视机一样,在产生图象过程中,会产生对人体有害的射线与电磁场,青少年正处于发育阶段,大脑极易受到损害,长期在电磁波辐射下,会使血液速度减少,严重者还会导致失明症、白血病、乳腺癌等病症。 (2)心理疾患不容忽视: 许多学生因为沉迷于电脑游戏而患上网络成隐症,网络疏离症等新型精神疾病。严重者还可能玩游戏受到刺激,没有得到及时的疏导,从而导致间断性精神失常。 (3)诱导学生犯罪,学生们沉迷于网络游戏中难以自拔,用身上的零钱难以维持后发展为向父母骗钱,再发展为向低年级学生勒索,最终发展为偷窃、诈骗。因此,说一些电脑网络游戏对学生们的危害不亚于毒品,人们将其比做“电子海洛因”。所以学生应该好好控制自己,不能沉迷与网络游戏。 青少年最喜欢的电子游戏中有50,带有暴力内容。暴力电子游戏增加了游戏者的攻击行为、攻击认知、攻击情感、生理唤醒。调查研究了11,15岁男孩玩网络游戏的群体特征~发现其网络游戏群体具有层级性~且各群体之间经常发生言语或身体冲突。 有专家认为玩暴力电子游戏可能会减少游戏者对受害者的同情并使其更倾向于把周围世界看作是一个危险的地方。1999年美国哥伦比亚高级中学校园枪击案之后~人们开始关注电脑游戏这一新兴的媒体暴力形式。很多研究证明了游戏中的暴力会增加人的攻击性。 1)造成心理疾患。儿童期的孩子身心发育都不成熟,如果长期沉溺于电脑游戏,对他们逻 辑思维能力的发展是十分不利的,并且在情感上会对游戏、网络虚拟的世界产生眷恋和依赖。 这种情况在独生子女身上现得特别突出。他们本来人际交往就少,独立生活能力也比较差, 更容易被精彩的虚拟世界所吸引。长期打电脑游戏的孩子,情绪不稳定、易怒、易沮丧,变 得喜怒无常。 2)易产生攻击行为。电脑游戏的内容大都是战争、打斗、扑克、麻将之类,其积极的教育 意义十分有限,而它的消极内容却往往把孩子引上邪路。有的孩子在学校里模仿游戏打斗方 式向同学大打出手、拉帮结伙、玩世不恭、胸无大志,荒废了学业,甚至走向犯罪道路。 3)损害眼睛,影响发育。孩子长时间近距离紧盯荧屏,这样会使眼部睫状肌处于紧张状态, 造成眼球的肌肉疲劳,从而出现视力疲劳、视力下降等问题。另外,电子设备正常运转都要 释放大量的电磁波,这种隐形杀手,会使人头昏脑胀,恍恍惚惚,长此以往会使人的免疫功 能受到不同程度的损害,破坏体内激素的平衡,影响孩子的身心健康,导致各种病症的发生。 4)降低学习的兴趣,影响学习成绩。 三、电脑游戏对学生们的利是显而易见的: 首先,可以改善身体和精神状态。学生们是一个特殊群体。学生们的学习是 很紧张的,在繁重的课业负担下,偶尔放松一下心情也是很有好处的。 其次通过适当的电脑游戏,可以提高大脑协调手、眼睛的配合。在很多游戏 中,脑部可以得到锻炼。 结束语: 电脑游戏作为一种生活的调节剂,对于学生们的生活,还是有一定的影 响。所以,这把双刃剑,我们不能完全否定它利的一面,也不能完全否定它弊的 一面。而应该扬长避短,利用它的优点为我们服务。然而,我们的家长还有很大 一部分不能正确地认识电脑游戏,根据某项调查显示:80,的父母反对子女玩 电脑游戏,因为他们认为玩游戏会影响孩子成绩,所以只要发现自己的孩子玩电 脑游戏就阻止,没有因势利导应当疏堵结合,这样才有利于学生健康发展。 hen a child sits down in front of a computer, it is not only the material he views but the length of time he spends on the computer that can influence his total social, physical and mental well-being. Too much computer time, even on "educational sites," can have a profoundly negative influence on a child's overall health. Carefully monitored computer usage can be a great way to supplement a child's learning; however, with computers, moderation is key. Computer Use and a Child's Physical Well-Being , It doesn't matter if a child is using the computer for learning or for fun. Excessive screen time is hazardous to a child's health. The greatest physical risk of extensive computer use is eyestrain. According to Dr. John Jacobi, eye doctors are seeing a "humongous increase in the need for both vision therapy and occupational therapy because two-dimensional visual experience without related motor experience doesn't set the necessary base." Staring at a bright computer screen for hours on end can cause nearsightedness, blurred vision and a problem focusing. In turn, this can affect a child's ability and even desire to read. Eye problems resulting from prolonged computer usage hit children harder than adults because children are still developing physically. Secondary computer-related health risks include poor posture, eyestrain, obesity, and repetitive-stress injuries, which have the potential to damage muscles, tendons and nerves in the hands, arms, neck and shoulders. Computer Use and Developmental Problems , Too much time in front of the computer screen can hinder a child's ability to synchronize his visual sense with actual movements, which can in turn cause development delays. Children who spend too much time alone with their computer lack important social skills, are more easily frustrated and have a tendency to be more aggressive than children who spend less than an hour a day in front of the computer. Computers vs. Active Play , Active play is crucial for a child's development. Perhaps the greatest concern about the overuse of computers in homes and in schools is that it interferes with a child's active playtime. Active play is necessary for overall physical health and greatly reduces the risk of childhood obesity. There is mounting evidence that links the reduction of active play with a series of mental disorders, including depression, as active play provides a way for a child to relieve unneeded stress. Computers as Learning Tools , When used in moderation, computers are still useful tools for learning. Since the advent of computers, students' nonverbal intelligence scores on tests like the Raven Progressive Matrices have greatly increased. Computers help kids better understand visual images like diagrams, graphs and grids. Thanks to the Internet, kids are writing more than ever. For the first time, children are spending time writing elaborate reviews of video games and movies. These activities advance essay-writing skills and teach kids how to write for a specific audience. Practice Computer Safety , To make sure computers are helping and not harming your children, reduce glare on the computer, make sure the computer supplements learning, and don't forget to install child safety software so children don't stumble across dangerous, pornographic or adult-oriented websites. A computer is a useful tool only when used in moderation. 1. The Advantages of Computers for Children t is hard to find a household or a business that does not have at least one computer. Computers are in the schools, at friends' houses, at the library, almost everywhere your child goes. He will be exposed to them and will spend a lot of time using them. This can be a positive thing, as long as the time is scheduled and the activities are monitored. Creativity o It is amazing what you can create on computers, and that applies to children as well as adults. Children can use their imaginations and make a multitude of creations on the computer. You can download a program that allows them to create their own cartoon characters. They can write a short story and illustrate it, with the illustrations appearing more realistic than anything they could've drawn. On social networking sites, they can even create their own virtual farm that involves plowing land, planting, growing and harvesting virtual crops, and raising livestock. Cultural Understanding o Most of the people in the world are connected with one another through the Internet. Today's children have the opportunity to learn more readily about different cultures than children did in the past. If your child comes home from school and has an assignment to write a report on Japan, she can go on the Internet and start speaking to someone who is native to Japan. This will give your child a more thorough understanding of the culture than what could be gained through a book alone. Through her interaction with people from different parts of the world, your child has the opportunity to develop an interest in other cultures and an acceptance of them. Toddler Development o Toddlers who have supervised computer access show greater developmental gains in intellect, abstract thinking, dexterity and memory capacity. However, it is important that the toddler be at least 3 years of age before being granted supervised computer access. Children younger than 3 still have to develop a longer attention span and better hand-eye coordination. General Learning o Children want to learn, and their young minds are hungry for new information. The Internet provides a plethora of information at your child's fingertips. As long as the Internet use is supervised, this can be a positive thing. Your child learn about a multitude of things -- animals, weather, history, countries, people. Some software products can even help teach your child how to read. References , Indian Child: Computers, a Blessing or Curse? , KidSource Online: Computers and Young Children , Early Childhood News: Computers in the Early Childhood Classroom; Susan Haugland , Homeschool.com: Reading and Computers, Benefits and Bewares Following the Internet revolution of the nineties, playing games online has turned into an all time favorite activity for children. So much so, that most children prefer to go online for entertainment than going outside to play with their friends. With computer hardware getting cheaper by the minute and broadband connections getting faster and cheaper as well, online games turning it up a notch with more detailed graphics and sophisticated forms of game play. Online games are divided in genres, such as action, flying and adventure games. These genres are not static, new ones are constantly being created following the demands of online game players. One of the newly created genres, which seem to be on the rise are pet games online. There are several reasons why kids tend to prefer pet games over any other. One of the most significant reasons is the overall simplicity of game play. You don't need a masters degree to dominate the use of arrow keys and move your character around. The plot in these games is not at all complicated. Simple to follow story lines include a day at the job in a pet care center, or fetching the stick back to the master. The simplicity inherent in these games act as a magnet for kids of all ages who just want to have some fun, not spend the afternoon reading an instruction manual. Another aspect of pet games online that appeal to a lot of children, are the furry little creatures that make up the cast of characters. Regardless of whether a kid has a pet at home or not, they cannot resist a puppy who wants to play with them. Apparently this is also true with virtual puppies. For example in the game "Puppy Fetch", the player throws a stick as far as he can so the puppy can get it back. This is a simple game, with easy to use controls anyone could play for hours. Several forms of pet games affect children in different ways. There are puzzle games involving animals, pet dress up games and veterinarian games just to mention a few. In pet puzzle games for example, an image of an animal is shown to children and they are then scrambled to be put together again by the player. Dress up games simply offers a number of clothing options for children to dress up their pet. In veterinarian games, the players actually run a clinic, where they have to attend to sick animals as they come through the door. In all instances, players are required to make an effort, either by making choices, activating their short term memory, and learning a little bit about customer service. With all aspects considered, pet games offer one of the safest and friendliest forms of entertainment available online, free. Their simple nature and ease of use appeals to the entire family. Thus, we could conclude that pet games available free online are a rather positive influence on children of today. 来源:杭州青年时报 作者: 黄冉 陈瑶 The game can, through their own efforts to earn money 比如玩开心农场,我会看什么时候粮食的价格最高,然后等到那个时候卖出,这样可以赚到 更多的钱。如果看到存款很富足,我就会考虑再买一些种子;如果存款不多,我会等粮食成 熟后赚到钱了再做打算。 Such as playing happy farm, I'll see when food prices highest, then wait until then sell, so can earn more money. If see deposit is very rich, I would consider to buy some seeds; If the deposits much, I'd wait food after the mature make money the plan again 白手起家,通过自己的辛勤耕耘来收获金钱,这样很好啊 我会为了买喜欢的东西而努力打工赚钱
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