
DV 影像价值论纲之九:DV的文化价值外文翻译

2017-12-06 13页 doc 42KB 11阅读




DV 影像价值论纲之九:DV的文化价值外文翻译DV 影像价值论纲之九:DV的文化价值外文翻译 DV 影像价值论纲之九:DV的文化价值外文翻译 DV这个全新的文化概念,在当今社会生活中具有独特的文化价值。随着文化产业的兴起,非物质性、非实用性的消费变得越来越重要,DV正在逐渐摆脱个人消遣形式的自娱自乐,日益成为一种大众消费的产品,成为一个产生巨大文化价值影响的产业。 DV解决了这样一个问题,它真正使影视艺术成为大众的互动视听艺术,真正成为了大众百姓容易直接参与的视听文化。大众使用DV的过程是一种文化变革,它的价值凸现在从专业化走向大众化,从高高的艺术殿堂走向日常生活。...
DV 影像价值论纲之九:DV的文化价值外文翻译
DV 影像价值论纲之九:DV的文化价值外文翻译 DV 影像价值论纲之九:DV的文化价值外文翻译 DV这个全新的文化概念,在当今社会生活中具有独特的文化价值。随着文化产业的兴起,非物质性、非实用性的消费变得越来越重要,DV正在逐渐摆脱个人消遣形式的自娱自乐,日益成为一种大众消费的产品,成为一个产生巨大文化价值影响的产业。 DV解决了这样一个问题,它真正使影视艺术成为大众的互动视听艺术,真正成为了大众百姓容易直接参与的视听文化。大众使用DV的过程是一种文化变革,它的价值凸现在从专业化走向大众化,从高高的艺术殿堂走向日常生活。DV是一个革命性的视听变革,对推动影视文化的深入发展,对完善人类素养教育和展示人文艺术与科学,对推动人类整体文化的开拓和发展,是一个革命性的转折。 DV是一种文化自由,是抛开压力、市场和审查的个性化达。它之所以会吸引我们,是因为DV给我们提供了一种新的自由,一种思想和创作的自由。DV具有配合先进的剪辑器材进行非线性剪辑的优点,并且采用了数码信号的方式,在现有的电视系统中,其播放质量达到了专业摄像机拍摄的图像质量,并且还统一了视频格式,省却了选购时的麻烦。制作一部DV作品,只需借助一台小小的数码影像机,轻巧的机身在拍摄时又不易觉察,这就使得表达个体心智、揭露腐败黑暗、社会低层的民间影像运动,如同奔流的地火呼之而出。不但记录,而且可以把作品传输到网上,让全世界的人与你一同分享DV创作的快乐。也许,这种相对粗糙的影像制作和交流方式不能真正取代电影院的存在,但至少我们可以宣布:个人影像传播时代到来了。没有商业票房的压力,DV业余导演和演员们尽可以从容自由的尝试他们的拍摄实验。就像世界著名的纽约电影节,干脆不设任何奖项,为的就是让从组办人、导演到观众都彻底地放松心情,展示和欣赏电影的魅力,展现真实的个性。凤凰卫视中文台《DV新时代》自开播以来,已经展映了140多部作品。这些每部长约11分半的作品,倾泻了两岸三地DV爱好者对社会变迁的认知与感悟、对身边人物的审视与理解、对社会弱势群体的关注与同情,引起了社会的震撼。 DV文化价值还在于对大众传播媒介的革命性超越,形成一种新的流行文化传播方式。从技术层面看,DV传播导致了影像传播方面的革命,使大众传播传受失衡的状况得到很好的改变。在大众传媒完全主导信息的生产、经营甚至接受的情况下,广大受众所能做的只是打开开关,等待信息的涌入,或消极地选看哪些不十分讨厌的内容。由于DV使用便利和经济上廉价的优点,打破了传统媒介那种进入媒介的技术障碍和经济障碍。原先的受众也可以拿起DV,像传播者一样,记录和传播自己对生活的观察和思考。在传媒产品(报纸和广播电视节目)生产周期越来越短的背景下,往往乐衷于采集、传播那些“引人瞩目”的事件的共同信息,来获得较大的经济效益,不愿深入挖掘社会事件发生的深层原因和社会背景。DV作品在一定程度上摆脱了市场的取向,将自己的话语空间放置在中国的“城市”,通过时间与时代的流逝展现一个个普通个体遭遇到的生存的压力、危机和困境,流露出命运的脆弱、无奈和不适应感,进而呈现一种摄制者对于历史与时代的理解。如在《铁路沿线》中,作者杜海滨深入到铁路涵洞里的乞丐生活中,录下了他们南腔北调的歌声,而胡庶的《我不要你管》则是和几个三陪女一起生活了数月,拍下的她们令人揪心的堕落。虽然,大多数DV人没有多少DV的专业知识,也没有掌握了多少DV的拍摄技术,但是他们是一群绝对有思想的人,他们对现实生活有着很多的思考和想法,用热情和真诚创作着生活、创造着独有的DV文化。他们不为名利而创作,不为赶潮流、追时尚而拍摄,只为自己的思想开创释放的天地,只为生活找到一片更加纯净的沃土。他们是现实中一群真正懂得生活的人,也是一群最快最敏锐地体察到生活丝毫、点滴变化的人。DV对于DV这个热爱文化的群体是一个真正体验生活的过程。DV人把对生活的观察、体验和感受用DV真实的表达出来,也用DV让更多的人 可以读到他们的感受、他们的语言。我国的DV人已经深深地卷入了和技术的发展保持对话,并且探讨中国式的语言风格的道路,进而进入对于新媒体艺术的全球化现象的思考。 DV诞生的这个时代是互动传播的时代。在这样一个传播符号、传播媒介和传播科技相互叠加,相互整合的时代中,传播的方式呈现了空前的繁荣,信息流动的自由度也达到了前所未有的高度。信息的泛滥迫使处在信息社会中的受众比以往任何时候都更具有主动性,也更富有独立的个性。人们从被动地阅读、收听和观看他们所“不讨厌的内容”,变为主动地去寻求信息,追逐信息,积极地参与到传播交流中去。人们始终在追求传播信息、表达自我更为完美的形式,更为自由的空间。在DV没有出现以前,电影电视这些影像传播工具和技术只掌握在少数人的手中,在大众参与性上有一道难以逾越的鸿沟。DV的出现与普及打破了以往影像制作权只掌握在少数一部分电影电视从业人员手中的垄断局面,让过去一直站在局外的普通人也能制作影像,表达自我,这恰好契合了信息时代受众更为主动参与传播过程的内在需求,对于整个传播历史的发展可说得上是革命性变革。 特别值得我们注意的是,DV作为一种青年流行文化传播方式的影响。根据北京大学青年流行文化调查报告,对北大学生中间哪种原创文艺样式的影响更大的一项专题调查显示,在文学作品、原创歌曲、校园DV、舞台剧、曲艺作品、原创动漫等共六类原创文艺载体中,调查结果显示,选择了解它们的分别有32.3%、53.1%、41.5%、21.6%、10.5%、7.6%,其中校园DV是学生中间较为流行的原创文艺样式。 从最早中国民间群众性的DV活动兴起看,这种非职业化的民间影像运动首先就是从民间DV青年爱好者涌动起来的,校园DV活动是带动中国非职业化DV影像运动兴起的原动力,大学生DV是最具活力和文化理念的新生力量,它有力地带动了社会各阶层民间DV活动的开展。而且今后仍将是DV文化的重要构成力量。 我们已经身处于后现代视觉文化的浪潮中。人们对艺术品的接受由凝神专注式向消遣式转变,与此同时,日常生活与艺术的界限逐步消失。正如DV文化现象所显示的那样,人人都是DV艺术家,影视艺术高不可攀的神话一去不复返。 与专业创作理念和作法完全不同,DV的艺术表现具有很大的叙事空间和表现视角。民间DV的出现,正如网络文学的出现一样,消解了传统影视艺术的神圣感和优越感。中国传媒大学胡智锋教授认为,“DV运动的出现也使纪录片创作更加容易的普及化„„从总体来看,DV运动整体体现出来的对生活纪录的个人化、片段化、多样化和无统一模式等趋向,具有一定的后现代意义。” DV的这种后现代文化意义还可以概括为DV影像对主体性的消解。在后现代视觉文化中,主体性以及由主体性建立起来的意义世界被全面解构,主体性失却了地位。一方面是主体性的遗忘与放逐。当我们被海量的影响所包围,并沉浸在新奇刺激的视觉快感中时,主体性被遗忘;另一方面,主体性无力对抗图像的霸权和暴力,最终成为漂流在影响洪流中的一叶孤舟。目前DV创作中的一些争议性讨论就集中暴露了主体性的无力,一些DV作品所表达出的这种困惑也正越来越引起多方面关注和批判性的思考。 DV是一个文化概念,正因为有了这个概念并具备了自身的优点长处,才需要我们努力去开拓它、爱护它。受到社会的排斥、审视和评判,应有一个整体文化政策与社会道德价值观的互为认识过程。所以,这是一种必然会发生的检验观照与价值衡量的认识阶段。是不奇怪的。否则,如果对DV文化没有客观的体认和客观的文化评判标准与,也就谈不上引导,没有引导就没有正常的推广和交流,如果任其自生自灭的活,它应有的文化和社会价值很容易地流失掉。流失是一种不负责任,因为确立DV文化的导向,是我们时下新世纪发展先进文化的一个重要组成部分,普通大众对DV文化的需求,正反映了人们对现实新生活方式的需要和当代人对大众素养培育的需求。既然创造了DV这样一个文化概念,就应当逐步用实 践去检验和丰富这个文化概念。而DV文化概念在它的生长空间中,的确是需要用大众的资 源来灌注和扶持它。在扶持它的过程中,提炼它的形态,充分利用主流媒介的平台去整合去 推广,才有可能创造出中国新世纪DV文化的价值体系。北京师范大学影视传媒学者于 丹教授认为:“DV的表现形态是非常感性的,而DV的核心是非常理性的。DV直面人生 的真实与贴近,跟现代娱乐是不同的。DV是捕捉生活中的事实和这些事实的细节,是了解 事实背后的原因及对于原因的考究和对真像的一种探访与看法。所以,DV必须要有一种观 点,一种正确的认识,一种看待和理解生活的客观观点。如果DV没有观念的正确传递,而 仅仅是作为生活的碎片去呈现,那么,DV就会很快被人抛弃。” DV The new concept of culture, social life in today’s unique cultural values. With the rise of cultural industries, non-material, non-relevance of the consumer is becoming increasingly important, DV is gradually emerging from the individual forms of fun entertainment, is increasingly becoming a mass consumer product, into a huge cultural the value of the impact of the industry. DV to solve such a problem, it really became popular film and television art interactive audio-visual arts, really easy to become directly involved in the mass population of the audio-visual culture. Public use of the DV is a cultural change process, it highlights the value of specialization in the direction from the affordable to the public, from high art to everyday life. DV is a revolutionary audio-visual changes in the promotion of film culture in-depth development of quality education and improve the display of Human Arts and Sciences Humanities in promoting the overall culture of human development and development of a revolutionary turning point. DV is a kind of cultural freedom, the pressure is put aside, markets and censorship of the expression of personality. The reason why it will attract us because DV has provided us with a new freedom, a freedom of thought and creativity. DV with advanced non-linear editing equipment, the advantages of editing and using a digital signal way, the existing TV system, the quality of their players reached the professional image quality cameras, and video formats unified, save the trouble of making trouble at the time of purchase. DV to produce a work, just with a small digital imaging machine, lightweight body when not aware of the shooting, which allows the expression of individual minds, the darkness to expose corruption, recording low-level civil society movement images, as torrents of the call out to the fire. Not only records but also can be transmitted to the Internet works, so that people all over the world to share with you the joy of creation DV. Perhaps, this relatively crude way of video production and exchange can not really replace the existence of cinema, but at least we can declare: the spread of personal video era has arrived. No commercial pressure on the box office, DV amateur directors and actors the freedom to do could easily try to shoot their experiments. As world-renowned New York Film Festival, not just any award, in order to do is to let people from the group, director to the audience to relax completely, display and appreciation of the charm of the film, to show the true personality. Phoenix Chinese "DV a new era of" self-launch has been featured more than 140 works. Minister of these about 11 minutes each half of the work, pouring the Taiwan Social Change DV lovers of cognition and perception, to keep track of the characters look and understanding of the concerns of vulnerable groups of society and sympathy aroused shock. DV is also the cultural values of the mass media than revolutionary, the formation of a new mode of transmission of popular culture. From a technical perspective, DV images led to the spread of the spread of the revolution in mass by the mass imbalance to be a good change. Completely dominant in the mass media of information production, management or even accept, the masses of the audience can do is open the switch, waiting for the influx of information, or negative to the election which is not very much annoyed to see the content. DV as a result of the use of convenience and economic advantages of cheap, breaking the traditional media into the media that the technical barriers and economic obstacles. The original audience can pick up the DV, as communicators, the recording and dissemination of their own observation of life and thinking. Products in the media (newspapers and radio and television programs) becoming shorter and shorter production cycle of the background, the music often work in the collection, dissemination of the "attention" of the common information, to obtain greater economic benefits, not depth Mining community events and social background of the underlying reasons. DV works to some extent out of the market orientation of their own discourse space in China’s "city", through the passage of time and the times to show a survival of normal individuals subjected to the pressure of crises and difficulties, showing the fate of vulnerability, a sense of helplessness and not suited, thereby showing a film from the era of the history and understanding. Such as in the "railway", the author went to Mrs Beach railroad culvert in the life of a beggar, to record their north from the south chamber of the songs, while the Hu-shu’s "I do not want you tube" is and a few women have lived together for三陪 few months, they took pictures of the fallen is揪心. Although the majority of DV who do not have much expertise DV, but also do not have the number of shooting DV technology, but they are definitely thinking of a group of people, they have a lot of real-life thinking and ideas, with a creative passion and sincere life, creating a unique culture of the DV. They are not written for fame and fortune, not to drive the trend, fashion and film to recover only for their own ideas of heaven and earth to create a release, only to find a more pure life in the fertile soil. They are in reality a group of people who really know how to live, but also the fastest growing group of the most acutely sensitive to the slightest of life, little change in people. DV for DV-loving culture of this group is a real life experience. DV people living observation, experience and feelings of real use to express DV, DV also let more people can read their feelings, their language. DV in our country have been deeply involved in technology development and to maintain a dialogue and explore the language of Chinese-style road, and then enter the new phenomenon of globalization of media arts thinking. DV born this day and age is an era of interactive communication. Symbols in such a spread, the media and the dissemination of scientific and technological overlay each other, mutual integration of the times, the mode of transmission has an unprecedented prosperity and freedom in the flow of information has also reached an unprecedented height. The spread of information in the information society forced the audience than ever before, more initiative, but also more independent personality. People from passively reading, listening and watching them "do not hate the content," to take the initiative to seek information, chasing information and actively participate in exchanges to spread. It is always in the pursuit of the dissemination of information, express themselves more perfect form, more free space. DV does not appear in the past, film and television to disseminate these images have only the tools and techniques in the hands of a small number of people in the public participation there is an insurmountable divide together. The emergence and spread of DV to break past the right video production in the hands of only a small number of employees in the hands of film and television as part of the monopoly, so that the past has been at the outside of the ordinary people can create images of self-expression, which happens to fit the audience of the information age more proactive in the dissemination process of the internal demand for the dissemination of the history of the whole can be done on the development of revolutionary change. In particular is worthy of our attention, DV youth popular culture as a mode of transmission of the impact. According to Peking University survey of youth popular culture, among the students of Beijing University which the effects of original literary and artistic style to a more thematic survey shows that literary works, original songs, campus DV, drama, folk art works, original animation, such as total six types of original art vector survey, to understand their choices were 32.3%, 53.1%, 41.5%, 21.6%, 10.5%, 7.6%, which is among the students on campus DV more popular styles of original art. From the earliest Chinese folk activities of the masses of the rise of the DV, this non-professional image of the civil society movement is first of all, young lovers from the civil DV surging up, campus activities are driven DV Professional DV China and Africa the rise of the driving force behind the image campaign, Students DV is the most dynamic new force concept and culture, which powerfully bring people from all walks of life DV activities. DV and the future will continue to be an important component of the power culture. We have been living in the post-modern wave of visual culture. Acceptance of works of art from the concentrated focus of changes in style to the entertainment at the same time, the boundaries of everyday life and art gradually disappear. Cultural phenomenon, as shown in DV as DV are all artists, the myth of Television Arts forever unattainable. Creative and professional ideas and practices entirely different, DV has a lot of artistic expression and performance space of the narrative perspective. The emergence of civil DV, as the emergence of the network literature, the resolution of traditional film and television arts and a sense of superiority of the sacred. Communication University of China Professor Hu Zhifeng that, "DV movement there is also much easier to make a documentary of the universal creation of ... ... Overall, DV reflected the overall movement of the personal records of life, and fragmentation, diversity and non-uniform model and other trends, has a certain significance of post-modernism. " DV’s post-modern cultural significance that can be summed up as DV video on the subject of digestion. In the post-modern visual culture, subjectivity and the subjectivity of the meaning of the world set up by a comprehensive deconstruction, will fall short of the status of subjectivity. On the one hand, the main body of the forgotten and exiled. When we were surrounded by the effects of mass, and immersed in the novel pleasure of visual stimuli, the subject was forgotten; On the other hand, the main image of inability to confront the hegemony and violence, and ultimately become a torrent of drift in the impact of the leaf boat. DV is currently writing some of the controversial discussion on the focus on the main exposed the inability of some expression of DV works of this confusion is also a growing concern and cause many to think critically. DV is a cultural concept, is exactly because we have the concept and has the advantages of their own strengths, our efforts need to explore it, love it. Social exclusion, to examine and judge the overall cultural policy should have a moral and social values of awareness of the process of each other. Therefore, it is bound to arise a test to measure the value of reflection and awareness stage. Is not surprising. Otherwise, if there is no objective for the DV cultural recognition of the cultural and objective criteria and analysis, it is no guide, there is no guidance on the promotion of normal and exchange, if living on its own, it should be cultural and social values is easy to drain away. The loss of an irresponsible, because the establishment of DV-oriented culture, we present the new century, the development of advanced culture, an important component of the general public on the needs of DV culture is a reflection of the new reality of people’s lifestyle needs and contemporary people to cultivate the public’s demand for quality. Since DV has created the concept of such a culture, the practice should be gradually used to test and enrich the concept of the culture. DV and the concept of a culture of growth in its space, is indeed a need to use public resources to perfusion and to support it. To support it in the process of refining the form of it, take full advantage of the platform to the mainstream media to promote integration, will it be possible to create the new century, the Chinese cultural value system DV. Beijing Normal University media scholar film that Professor Yu Dan: "DV manifestations is very emotional, and DV is a very rational core of. DV to face the truth and closer to life with modern entertainment is different. DV is to capture life the facts and the details of these facts is to understand the reasons behind the facts and the reasons for the research and really like to visit with a view. Therefore, DV must be a point of view, a correct understanding, a view and understanding of objective point of view of life. If the DV is not the correct concept of transfer, but merely as a life to show the debris, then, DV will soon be abandoned.
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