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格力专卖店建设管理办法1格力专卖店建设管理办法1 盐城办事处 2012年3月 为充分体现总部对于格力专卖店 “连锁性、统一性、关联性”要求,塑造格专卖 店的品牌形象,特编写《格力专卖店建设管理方法》。本指导既是终端工作指南,也 是终端工作规范,指导书中加深字体为公司制度,属于硬性要求,必须严格落实。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are rea...
格力专卖店建设管理办法1 盐城办事处 2012年3月 为充分体现总部对于格力专卖店 “连锁性、统一性、关联性”要求,塑造格专卖 店的品牌形象,特编写《格力专卖店建设管理方法》。本指导既是终端工作指南,也 是终端工作规范,指导书中加深字体为公司,属于硬性要求,必须严格落实。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 2012年格力专卖店建设管理办法 终端建设与维护,要求我们把格力的品牌个性及元素准确的表达并传递给消费者。这就使得我们在终端布置时要遵守固定的原则和规定。但我们在实际操作过程中在遵守原则的基础上,适当可以发挥主观能动性和创造性。既给消费者创造一个舒适的购物环境,也给导购员提供一个愉快的工作平台。总而言之,终端建设与维护是一项创造性的工作,要求我们不断精进,把终端的形象持续提升到新的档次。 第一章 日常终端布置 1.样机 样机展示是终端的首要工作。(格力专卖店只能摆放格力样机及物料,不允许出现其他无关物品) 样机的陈列要遵循三个原则:分区、分等级、分挂柜。 分区,就是把样机根据功能分为变频区、节能区、家电下乡区、冰箱区、小家电区、空气能热水器区等。 分等级,就是在同一个区内,把样机按高档到低档的顺序自上而下摆放;越高、越远的东西给人遥不可及的感觉,显得更珍贵和高档,所以在样机的摆放上,应该把高档的机型放在展板最上面或最靠里面的展板上。 分挂柜,就是挂机和柜机不能同时放在一块挂板上,可根据柜台位置灵活选择“一柜一挂”或“挂区柜区”的方式。 在终端销售时,导购员应该首先向客人主推高档机型。 放在距地面1.4米—1.7米,因为这个区域的商品最容易被看到。所以,对于主推的挂机(无论是滞销、新品,还是高档机)都应该放在挂板第二个样机位置。 4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two onend 5.een 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 ahigh about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, betw bgradeor electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at su, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway ft line2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two uniite, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. the s k plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout ofction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction networnable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construschedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reaso2.3. the engineering characteristics.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining owest rail 012m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the l-piece frame, clear span 2-2 终端上样时,一块挂板上放3台挂机或1台柜机。每台挂机都应该水平居中放置,挂机与挂机之间的间距一般为15至20厘米。样机在优先级一样的情况下(即在同一展示区同一挂板同样档次),按尺寸由大到小、从高到低或者按颜色从深到浅排列。柜机同样是居中放在背板前,在柜机区,所有柜机按颜色从深到浅、尺寸从矮到高由外而内摆放。 样机要保持清洁:每天的日常清扫中都必须要擦洗样机,不允许样机上有灰尘、胶印及其他污垢,出风口是最容易积灰和藏污的地方,要重点清洗。 样机要通电:让显示屏动起来,通过不断变化的数字或图案给客人更直观的感受和体验。 样机的电源线要隐藏起来:不要裸露在外面,这样非常影响美观和形象。 样机除了要勤清洁,还要及时更新和更换。有新品上市后,要及时和上样新品。有的样机如褪色破损,在申请报废后,要更换新样机。如有的型号已退市,则应撤走样机并申请报废。(样机的摆放的大忌就是留空位,所以不管什么情况都不能有空位) 2.立牌 立牌为硬质塑料,分为挂机立牌和柜机立牌。在终端布置时,每台挂机和柜机的顶端中部都要放一个。 3.机身贴 机身贴是总部配发的附带标贴,对于一些独特卖点做了图形化的展示。在粘贴时,每个样机最多贴2个,且应该贴在样机表面的正中位置。贴的过多则显得杂乱无章,不能突出重点。 piece frame, c-e distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two onecated in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary poldge lo; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame brirth ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope6m, No19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.0te project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage Kcompleientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to onstruction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scion, caccording to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and constructls, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materianched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristicsowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, hau12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the l-lear span 23 4.爆炸贴 爆炸贴能起到吸引眼球的视觉效果。现有的爆炸贴分为“热卖中”、“新品”、“特价”、“店长推荐”等种类。根据主推情况,贴在相应的样机上。在粘贴时,统一贴在样机出风口右侧。在爆炸贴空白处写上机型的功能或价格。原则上,贴在所有样机上同样内容的爆炸贴不能多于3张上,且一台样机只能贴一张爆炸贴。例如,“新品”的标贴做多只能贴在3台样机上。这样做的目的同样是为了突出重点,突出主次,简洁明了。爆炸贴的贴法不应该局限于字面意思,应该把爆炸贴贴到主推的机型上。 5.资料架 各机型的宣传资料应该有序的放在资料架里,并且要随时更新。资料架放在展柜旁边方便拿取,但不能遮挡到样机。 资料架的位置有限,所以放在里面的单页要有所选择,要主推的机型及高档的机型单页放在里面。放置顺序:从高到低由上至下放置;要注意把单页正面朝外(禁止乱放单页比如放地上这里一堆那边一叠的) 6.价格牌和功能牌 公司制作了统一的标价牌和功能牌。标价牌是空白的,由导购员填写具体机型的型号和价格。功能牌由各导购员根据型号来填写。 价格牌和功能牌的摆放是:价格牌在左边,功能牌在右边。挂机按“一”字型横向贴在出风口最左侧;柜机按“1”字型纵向贴在右侧能效标识的下方。 4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two onend 5.een 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 ahigh about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, betw bgradeor electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at su, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway ft line2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two uniite, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. the s k plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout ofction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction networnable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construschedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reaso2.3. the engineering characteristics.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining owest rail 012m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the l-piece frame, clear span 2-4 7.吊旗 吊旗的张贴标准是:按正面一列,反面一列,正反交替的方式,覆盖住整个店面。同一列吊旗之间要有相同的间距,以60厘米为宜,间距太短则过密,间距太长则过疏。 靠近门口的吊旗容易因为风吹日晒而变色变形,要注意及时更换。 8.荣誉奖牌 荣誉奖牌分为格力的荣誉牌和网点的荣誉牌。荣誉奖牌能够增强顾客对于格力品牌和产品的了解,增强客人的购买信心。 专卖店的显眼区域要专门放荣誉奖牌。奖牌的放置要重点突出,主次分明(优先放置格力的奖牌,再放置网点的奖牌)还要注意保持奖牌的清洁,无灰尘、无指印。 9.配件展示 对于有配件展示区域的网点,要把展示配件都上齐,并做好注释标签,在日常工作中注意对配件的维护,做到光亮如新。如果是一些特殊的配件,如1赫兹压缩机,除了爱惜维护外,还要知道具体的操作规则和展示目的,防止损坏部件。 10. 赠品 赠品尽量摆放在地台的空白区域,充实整个展柜,并做生动化、形象化的陈列。为了便于顾客挑选,应该把每种礼品都拆一个出来做实体展示。 如果条件允许,可以在较宽敞的地方摆礼品堆头,增强气势。赠品上要用爆炸贴标上“礼品”两个字。 在地台的礼品数量宜少不宜多,太多的礼品会喧宾夺主,让客人的注意力过多集中在礼品上,在礼品上纠缠过多影响成交。 堆完礼品后,应该适量的从外侧拿走三四件礼品,漏出一些空缺。这样做的目的是让客人产生这样以下感觉:这种礼品要的人多;送出的礼品这么多,看来买格力空调的人很多呀。然后再利用客人的从众心理,达成销售目的。 lear span 2piece frame, c-e distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two onecated in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary poldge lo; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame brirth ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope6m, No19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.0te project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage Kcompleientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to onstruction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scion, caccording to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and constructls, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materianched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristicsowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, hau12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the l-5 11.店面装饰 门头:门头由于临街,灰尘较多,所以要定期清洁,保持门头LOGO的洁白和光亮。晚上6点后要开启门头灯。如果装有LED,则应通过LED不断显示最新的促销活动及其他相关信息。 店内电视:店内电视只能播放格力的宣传片或广告片,不允许用来看电视或电影。播放时,音量要适中,不能太大影响正常沟通,也不能太小听不到配音。 店面整洁:有杂物或垃圾要及时清理掉。专卖店是销售的场所,不允许堆放货物或其他物品。 灯光:保持店内敞亮,营业时要打开背板的背景灯、地台灯和灯箱的筒灯,把格力高档的形象展示出来。如果店内光线不明亮,还要打开大灯照明。 休息区:专卖店设有休息区,用于给客人休息或交谈。休息区要保持整洁,烟灰缸的烟头和烟灰、桌上的水杯和杂物要随时清理。除了有客人坐外,店里其他人无故不得坐在休息区,更严禁歪躺斜坐、打牌玩手机。 X展架:公司会统一发放X展架,各网点应在空余位置安放,把X展架的宣传效果最大化。 12(工作服、工作牌 工作服:所有格力专卖店员工上班期间着公司统一制服; 工作牌:上班期间必须带工牌挂于胸前。 13(其他物料:气球、花盆、彩带、花条等物料,对于终端装饰起到很好的点缀作用,可以适量的摆设一些。 -piece frame, clear span 2-4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two onend 5.een 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 ahigh about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, betw bgradeor electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at su, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway ft line2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two uniite, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. the s k plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout ofction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction networnable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construschedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reaso2.3. the engineering characteristics.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining owest rail 012m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the l6 第二章 终端活动布置 活动期间,终端布置分内场和外场。内场终端物料有小吊旗、机身贴、海报。外场物料有拱门、展架、样机等。 1.小吊旗 小吊旗贴在柜台灯箱下沿,张贴要求是:紧密连续呈一个不间断的“一”字型贴满整个灯箱,灯箱有多长就贴多长。对于所有终端物料,不仅要考虑到怎么贴上去,还要考虑到活动结束后怎么撕下来。因此,最好的方法就是既能快速张贴,又能快速撤下,并且不留痕迹。去除胶印的方法很简单,可以用牙膏或酒精涂抹擦除,还可以用橡皮擦用力的把胶印擦去,再用毛巾把样机擦干净即可。 2.机身贴 机身贴要贴在样机正中央,其中柜机贴在距地面约80公分的位置。有的导购员在贴的时候不注意方法,结果一方面不利于展示样机被遮盖部分,一方面也造成难以撕掉的麻烦。我们可以用两条细细的胶带,分别贴在机身贴画面左上角和右上角部位,然后把机身贴贴在挂机的正中间。 3.海报 活动时要在门口、橱窗及柜台等醒目位置张贴海报,吸引关注。海报只需要粘四个角就可以了,这样既能安稳的贴好,也不会影响后面的更换和撤销。 4.地贴 活动期间,为了突出活动主题,制造热闹气氛,我们可以在店内张贴地贴。 -e distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two onecated in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary poldge lo; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame brirth ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope6m, No19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.0te project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage Kcompleientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to onstruction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scion, caccording to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and constructls, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materianched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristicsowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, hau12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the l-lear span 2piece frame, c7 5.外场 外场布置的主要物料有拱门、气柱、帐篷、移动展架、水牌、KT板、地贴、巨幅、龙门架、舞台等。 外场布置的要点有两个:第一,声势要大,要能够把人流聚集过来;第二,气势要壮,要能够把竞品死死压制住。这就要求我们在外场的布置上有极高的灵活性和主动性,做到随机应变。(组织临促组成口号队,绕外场及内场列队走并喊口号,外场帐篷不能空,外面要用海报、小吊旗、气球装饰,里面要摆放礼品、样机等) 第三章 日常专卖店巡查 日常巡店时应该随身携带《巡店登记表》,把各店日常的终端布置情况在案,并处理存在的问题,随时发现随时整改。终端的维护更多的是通过细节的保持和改进来达成的。 到专卖店巡查,首先要检查整个店的终端布置情况,有问题当即纠正;然后和导购员沟通销售情况及问题,并作出“一对一”的指导和培训;如果老板在店里,要和老板一起沟通终端目前的情况及可能存在的问题,听取老板的意见并反馈,提高老板对终端的重视程度。 专卖店建设及维护,就是细节决定成败。我们要抓重点,更要抓细节,只有细节到位了,我们才能真正的把形象提升上来。要做好这项工作,必须要和老板、店长、导购达成一致共识,让他们认识到终端布置的重要性,自动自发的做好维护工作,就能事半功倍~ 2.3. the engineering characteristics.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining owest rail 012m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the l-piece frame, clear span 2-4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two onend 5.een 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 ahigh about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, betw bgradeor electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at su, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway ft line2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two uniite, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. the s k plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout ofction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction networnable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construschedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reaso8
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