

2017-09-01 11页 doc 116KB 37阅读




汽车的各种变速箱:手动挡,自动挡,手自一体,CVT,双离合汽车的各种变速箱:手动挡,自动挡,手自一体,CVT,双离合 手动挡/自动挡/手自一体/CVT/双离合 变速箱暗战 手动挡:最便宜也最辛苦 东风雪铁龙C2VTS的手动挡变速器 发动机的物理特性决定了变速箱的存在。首先,任何发动机都有其峰值转速;其次,发动机最大功率及最大扭矩在一定的转速区出现。变速箱的意义就是在汽车行驶过程中在发动机和车轮之间产生不同的变速比,使得发动机始终在其最佳的动力性能状态下工作。 手动挡变速箱,顾名思义就是通过驾驶员的手动换挡,实现发动机和传动系统的最佳匹配,它的工作过程是:踩下离合器踏板离合...
汽车的各种变速箱:手动挡,自动挡,手自一体,CVT,双离合 手动挡/自动挡/手自一体/CVT/双离合 变速箱暗战 手动挡:最便宜也最辛苦 东风雪铁龙C2VTS的手动挡变速器 发动机的物理特性决定了变速箱的存在。首先,任何发动机都有其峰值转速;其次,发动机最大功率及最大扭矩在一定的转速区出现。变速箱的意义就是在汽车行驶过程中在发动机和车轮之间产生不同的变速比,使得发动机始终在其最佳的动力性能状态下工作。 手动挡变速箱,顾名思义就是通过驾驶员的手动换挡,实现发动机和传动系统的最佳匹配,它的工作过程是:踩下离合器踏板离合器分离——拨动变速拨杆换挡(前挡齿轮分离/新挡齿轮胶合)——松开离合器踏板离合器结合,这三个动作是先后进行的,驾驶员须踩下离合器脚踏,令不同挡的齿轮作出齿合动作,而动力就在换挡其间出现间断,令输出表现有所断续。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 优点:便宜、燃油经济性突出,另外对于驾驶员来说,手动挡车型独具操控的魅力。 不足:舒适感降低,操作最辛苦。 自动挡:操作简单但油耗偏大 东风标致307的自动挡变速器 随着车主追求舒适性的提高,自动挡变速箱现在已经逐渐取代手动挡变速箱成为主流,而自动挡变速箱本身也在不断发展和进化,从早期的四挡,发展到五挡、六挡,而现在,在奔驰、宝马的部分车型上,甚至已经出现了七挡的自动变速箱。由于挡位越多,变速器与发动机动力的配合就会越紧密,发动机的性能也能发挥得更好,所以,在一定程度上,挡位越多,也意味着这辆车开起来更平顺。 优点:操控简单舒适。 缺点:油耗较大。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 舒适配置版 手自一体:比自动挡略省油的“自动挡” A6L的手自一体变速器 当年,12万元的派力奥Speedgear让手自一体变速箱“飞入寻常百姓家”,事实上,目前比较有代表性的手自一体变速箱还有标致的Tiptronic、奥迪的Multitronic、福特的Durashift5以及保时捷的Tiptronic等,其中,保时捷(报价 图库 点评)又堪称手自一体变速箱的鼻祖。 手自一体变速箱实际上还是自动变速箱的一种,只是通过电控系统模拟出手动变速箱的操作。驾驶员可以自己选择自动模式和手动模式,不过即使在手动模式下,它也不需要驾驶员踩离合器进行换挡操作,更具舒适性。 优点:比自动挡更省油,同时在手动模式下,具备一定的操控感。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 缺点:维修成本较高,在一定程度上解决了手动挡和自动挡的 , 但却没有进一步发挥两者的优点。 3月2日,一汽大众新迈腾正式公布价格上市,和2007年才在中国市场上市的老迈腾(报价 图库 点评)相比,新迈腾最大的变化就是,被无数大众迷奉为经典的大众“TSI涡轮增压发动机和DSG双离合变速箱”的“黄金搭档”终于在新迈腾身上现身,大众的TSI我们已经不再陌生,那么DSG双离合变速箱又是何方神圣, 随着中国市场的迅速扩大和成熟,更多的先进技术开始被迅速引入到国内,2008年,新一代天籁问世,CVT无级变速成为日产最津津乐道的事情,而现在,新迈腾上市,DSG双离合变速箱又当仁不让成为一汽,大众宣传的主角,作为变速器最新发展的两朵奇葩,无级变速和双离合究竟谁执高科技之牛耳, 豪华配置版 CVT无级变速:油耗低,换挡平顺 东风日产奇骏的CVT无级变速器 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's CVT(Continuously Variable Transmission),直接翻译就是连续可变传动,操作上类似自动变速箱,但是速比的变化却不同于自动变速箱。 传统的自动挡变速箱是通过传动齿轮实现换挡,因此在换挡过程中,会有顿挫感,挡位越少,顿挫感相应就越明显。而CVT无级变速箱是用一对滑轮和一只钢制皮带取代了自动挡变速箱的传动齿轮,每个滑轮其实是由两个锥形盘组成的V形结构,引擎轴连接小滑轮,透过钢制皮带带动大滑轮。玄机就出在这特殊的滑轮上:CVT的传动滑轮构造比较奇怪,分成活动的左右两半,可以相对接近或分离。锥形盘可在液压的推力作用下收紧或张开,挤压钢片链条以此来调节V形槽的宽度。当锥形盘向内侧移动收紧时,钢片链条在锥盘的挤压下向圆心以外的方向(离心方向)运动,相反会向圆心以内运动。这样,钢片链条带动的圆盘直径增大,传动比也就发生了变化。由于CVT变速箱采用钢带和滑轮取代了传动齿轮,因此从理论上说,CVT变速箱的挡位可以无限多,操控也更平顺。 优点:操控平顺,动力输出平滑顺畅,富有驾驶乐趣,燃油经济性大大提高甚至达到手动挡车型的水平。 缺点:成本较高,另外,由于钢制皮带本身的承受力有限,因此大排量大扭矩的轿车不太适合。不过现在随着技术的发展,不少3.5升车型也开始采用这个技术,最经典的就是日产(报价 图库 点评)的天籁公爵3.5。 DSG双离合变速箱:两套变速箱 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 大众迈腾的DSG变速器 在关于谁更先进的争论上,CVT和DSG的拥趸各不相让,而现在大众迈腾的到来,料想会让这场争论变成直接的交锋,那么两者谁的赢面更大一些,这个问题随着两者技术的各自发展和突破,可能很难有明确的答案。 现在我们来说说双离合变速箱的原理。在一般的车上只有手动和自动两种变速箱,手动变速箱换挡常常出现动力传动暂时中断的现象,而自动变速箱换挡却又存在响应迟缓的缺点。DSG变速箱综合了传统手动变速箱和自动变速箱的各自优点,就像是两个变速箱合而为一,一个离合器控制单数挡位齿轮,另外一个离合器控制双数挡位齿轮。也就是说,当变速箱挂入一挡时,二挡齿轮就已经齿合,等到换挡时机一到,第二离合器就与发动机输出轴接合而换入二挡。在此同时,由第一离合器所控制的三挡齿轮组也完成齿合等待换挡指令。ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's DSG变速箱在换挡过程中微小的液压功耗损失和极短的换挡时间使整个换挡过程达到了高效率,从而降低了能量的损耗,自然就提高了加速性和车辆燃油经济性。 现在也许很多人都知道了双离合变速箱,而事实上,双离合变速箱还可细分为“干式”双离合变速器与“湿式”双离合变速器两类,两者可以说是各有所长。简单来说“干式”双离合器优点是比一般“湿式”双离合变速器的反应更加灵敏,但对于离合器片的磨损较严重。而“湿式”双离合器则减少了离合器片的磨损,不过由于是由电子液压控制系统来操控,所以使用中会有一定的延迟。 不过双离合变速箱可不是大众的“独门绝技”,保时捷也是此中高手,在称呼上,大众叫DSG,保时捷叫PDK,而除此两者之外,福特和VOLVO汽车的Powershift、宝马的M DKG和三菱的Twin Clutch SST,都是双离合变速箱,它们的工作原理大致相同。 优点:车辆在加速过程中不会有动力中断的感觉,使车辆的加速更加强劲、圆滑,百公里加速时间比传统手动变速器还短;反应非常灵敏,具有很好的驾驶乐趣;燃油经济性突出。 缺点:价格昂贵,维修成本极高。 在这里,我们和大家共同探讨汽车变速箱的进化简史,谈一谈各种变速箱的大致情况,看看世界上最好的变速箱,究竟出自谁家之手, 相关阅读: 变速箱的前世今生: ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 从MT/AT到AMT 再到CVT/DSG 2001年,堪称是“中国汽车消费元年”,正是从这一年开始,汽车开始大规模进入中国普通老百姓的家庭,但事实上,2001年对中国汽车的意义可能还不止这些,也是在这一年,上海大众的一位高层在经过广泛的调研之后对记者感叹:“我们以后要调整手动挡车型和自动挡车型的生产比例,大量提高自动挡车型的产量。” 自动挡车型在中国市场需求的爆发正是从这一年开始,时至今日,自动挡车型已经取代手动挡车型,越来越成为中国汽车市场的主流,不过让我们难堪的一个事实也在延续,那就是时至今日,国内能完全独立研发生产自动挡变速箱的企业几乎为零。 南京菲亚特现在已是明日黄花,但提到变速箱,南京菲亚特当年的主打车型派力奥却不得不提,2003年初,南京菲亚特在中国市场推出派力奥(报价 图库 点评)Speedgear车型,很多国内车主知道手自一体变速箱,也许正是从派力奥Speedgear开始。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's
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