

2017-11-24 9页 doc 116KB 9阅读




海马取法海马取法 Step1 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: This is a dorsal view of a mouse?s skull, in order to access the brain you can cut along the coronal suture and sagittal suture then pull off both sides of parietal bone and interparietal bone Ste...
海马取法 Step1 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: This is a dorsal view of a mouse?s skull, in order to access the brain you can cut along the coronal suture and sagittal suture then pull off both sides of parietal bone and interparietal bone Step2 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: Now the skull is open and you can see the brain clearly, in order to get the hippocampus you?d better keep the brain in the cranial cavity so the brain will not move when you continue with the following steps Step3 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21g Body Weight: Procedures: In order to expose the hippocampus you need to remove the cerebral cortex covering it. The first incision is at the end of the hemisphere; the incision should be about 0.7mm deep for most adult mouse that you might not hurt the hippocampus while to expose it. The 2nd incision is about 1.5-2mm in front of the first one, this incision you need cut into the lateral ventricle, both of the incisions go to the ventral of the brain and meet there. Now this piece of cortex is free, pull it up, you will see the hippocampus just like in this picture, also you can see the CSF in the opened ventricle. Step4 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21g Body Weight: Procedures: Keep working on the other side of the brain pull up both sides of the cortex that covering the hippocampus along the ventricle. Now you can see the dorsal part of the hippocampus. Separate the rest of the hippocampus from the cortex covering it along the surface of the hippocampus towards the ventral part of the hippocampus. Step5 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: Keep working on the other side of the brain pull up both sides of the cortex that covering the hippocampus along the ventricle. Now you can see the dorsal part of the hippocampus. Separate the rest of the hippocampus from the cortex covering it along the surface of the hippocampus towards the ventral part of the hippocampus. Step6 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: Now you need to free the hippocampus from the surrounding tissue. Step7 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21g Body Weight: Procedures: Here is the hippocampus picked out from the brain. Step8 Step9 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: Now we are going to pick out the cerebellum. In front of the cerebellum is the inferior colliculus separate it from the cerebellum and you will see the connection of the cerebellum and the brainstem. Step10 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: Cavity between the cerebellum and the brainstem is the 4th ventricle, in which you have enough space to operate, cut off the tissue that connect the cerebellum and the brainstem. Step11 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21g Body Weight: Procedures: Cut off the right side tissue that connect the Cerebellum and the brainstem. Step12 Step13 DBA/2J Strain ID: 21 g Body Weight: Procedures: Now go ahead with the left side, cut off the connection. Free the Cerebellum from the brainstem. Step14
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