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美男上错身第一季英文脚本台词01[精彩]美男上错身第一季英文脚本台词01[精彩] 美女上错身第一季英文剧本台词01 看美女上错身学英语 Drop Dead Dive 第一季第一集:Pilot -Deb: Do my knees look fat? knee:膝盖 look:看起来 fat: 胖的 我的膝盖看起来胖吗? -Grayson: What? 什么? -Deb: I don't know. Maybe I should just wear pants. maybe:可能,大概 wear: 穿着 pants:裤子 好难决定。我还是穿裤子好了。 -...
美男上错身第一季英文脚本台词01[精彩] 美女上错身第一季英文剧本台词01 看美女上错身学英语 Drop Dead Dive 第一季第一集:Pilot -Deb: Do my knees look fat? knee:膝盖 look:看起来 fat: 胖的 我的膝盖看起来胖吗? -Grayson: What? 什么? -Deb: I don't know. Maybe I should just wear pants. maybe:可能,大概 wear: 穿着 pants:裤子 好难决定。我还是穿裤子好了。 -Grayson: Deb, you don't get nervous. What's going on? nervous: 紧张的 Deb,你从不紧张的,怎么了, -Deb: You didn't answer the question. answer: 回答 question: 问题 你还没回答我。 -Grayson: You and your knees look perfect. Breakfast? perfect: 完美的 breakfast: 早餐 你和你的膝盖都完美极了~吃早餐吗, -Deb: Only a... only: 唯一,只 只吃 „„ -Grayson: Grapefruit, two splendas. Deb, you got to relax. You kill at auditions. grapefruit: 葡萄柚 relax:放松 kill: 杀 audition: 甄 选,试演,试唱 葡萄柚,两半。Deb,放轻松~甄选对你来说只是小菜一碟。 -Deb: A prize model on "the price is right" is not just an audition. It's a career. prize:奖赏,奖金 model : 模特儿 career:事业,职业 当"全民估价王"里的举牌模特儿。不只是个甄选,这是一种事业。 -Grayson: And with knees like yours, it's a lock. knee: 膝盖 lock:锁,(对某物的)完全控制 加上那对膝盖,价格牌你拿定了。 -Jane: Hey, Teri. 嘿,Teri。 -Teri: You didn't go home... Again. again:又,再 你又没回家了~ -Kim: Good morning. Jane, we have Marcus Newsom this afternoon. 早安~Jane,我们下午要和Marcus Newsom会面。 -Jane: Yes, Kim, I know. I've been working on our brief. brief: 概要,摘要 work on :致力于„ 是的。Kim,我知道,我一直在整理简报。 -Kim: It's your suit. The client was here yesterday. And at $300 an hour, we should at least be wrinkle-free. suit: 西装 client: 客户 at least: 至少 wrinkle: 皱纹 wrinkle-free 无皱 问题是你的套装,客户昨天已经看过你穿这套了。一小时三百的律师费,我们至少该穿得像个样。 -Teri: And how many hours did that purse cost? purse: 钱包,女用小提包 cost: 花费„ 你那包包又花了你多少小时的律师费, -Kim: Hermes. Ostrich leather. There's a two-year wait, but I pulled some strings. Hermes: [早年以制造高级马具闻名于法国巴黎,后推出的箱包、服装、丝巾、香水、珐琅饰品及家居用品,令品牌更全面多样化] wait: 等待 string: 关系 ostrich: 鸵鸟 leather: 羽毛 爱马仕鸵鸟皮。要等两年,但我靠了点关系。 And, Jane, for what it's worth, no one under 50 wears a brooch. worth: 值得 under: 不到,„以下 brooch: 胸针 还有,Jane,告诉你吧,只有五十岁以上的人才别胸针。 -Teri: Hermes bitch. bitch: 贱人 爱马仕贱人~ -TV: You and your guests can have fun with this new karaoke machine! Vocopro's duet easy-to-use digital... guests: 客人 machine: 机器 fun: 有趣 karaoke: 自动伴奏录音 easy: 简单的 digital: 数字的 你和你的客人可以用这台点唱机尽情欢唱,Vocopro的双人合唱机简单就上手。 -Deb: Did you find it? find: 找到 有找到吗, -Grayson: One bottle of ironic taffy... Behind the pepto. bottle: 瓶 ironic: 讽刺的 ironic taffy: 一种指甲油[Deb认 为右手小手涂上这种指甲油会带来好运] behind: 在...后面 一瓶讽刺太妃,放在胃药后面。 -Deb: Thank you, thank you. 谢谢~谢谢~ -Grayson: You really think it's lucky, huh? really: 真的 lucky: 好运 你真觉得这会带来好运, -Deb: I had it on when I met you. I'd call that lucky. Why are you wearing your interview tie? have sth on: 穿着,戴着 met: meet的过去式,遇见 wearing: wear的现在进行时穿着 interview: 面试 tie: 领带 我遇到你的时候,就涂着它。这就是好运。你为什么戴面试领带, -Grayson: Babe, for the third time... third: 第三 宝贝,我说过三次了。 -Deb: You have a final interview with the new firm. final: 最后的 firm: 公司,企业 你要到新公司做最后面试。 -Grayson: With the better partnership track. partnership: 伙伴关系 track: 轨道,路线 他们有比较好的合伙制度。 -Deb: The tighter the knot, the broader the shoulders. tight: 紧的 knot: 结 broad: 宽的 shoulder: 肩膀 结打紧一点,肩膀看起来会更宽。 -Grayson: What would I do without you? without: 没有 没有你,我该怎么办, -Deb: Lanisha thinks she is all that. With her hip dip/ shoulder swoop. Grayson, check this out. hip: 臀 dip: (降而复升的)一动 swoop: 猛扑,突然下降 check „out: 看看,试试 Lanisha以为她就多厉害。她提臀,甩肩那招。Grayson,看着。 I call it the toe tap/booty bounce. That's better than Lanisha, right? toe: 脚趾 tap: 轻敲,轻拍 booty: 鞋舌內套 bounce: 弹起,弹跳 我叫这招“ 轻步-抖臀”。比Lanisha厉害,对吧, -Grayson: She'll want to claw your eyes out. want to do: 想要做 claw: 抓,撕 eye: 眼睛 她会气的想把你眼珠挖出来。 -Deb: You always know what to say. always: 一直,总是 你嘴巴总是这么甜~ -Teri: Kim hosted a cocktail party last night... For the partners. host : 主办,主持(活动) cocktail : 鸡尾酒 party: 排队 partner: 伙伴 Kim昨晚办了一个鸡尾酒派对,邀了合伙人。 -Jane: She was supposed to be helping me. suppose : 料想,猜想,以为 be supposed to do: 应该 她应该要来帮我的。 -Teri: Yeah, well, you are smarter, you work harder, and our clients actually like you. But she does know how to work it... smarter: smart的比较级聪明 client: 客户 actually: 事实上 这样说吧,你比她聪明,比她认真。而且客户是真的喜欢你。她倒是很懂的耍小手段... -Jane: Teri, I can't have this conversation. Not right now. conversation: 谈话 right now: 现在 Teri,我现在没时间,跟你讲这些。 -Teri: I'm worried about you. be worried about: 担心 我很担心你~ -Jane: Well, worry about the Middle East. I'm fine. Really. I got to get back... Middle East: 中东 get back to„回到„(正题,正事) 去担心中东问题吧~我好得很。真的。我要继续„„ -Teri: To work. I know. 工作,我知道~ -Jane: Damn it. damn: 诅咒 该死的~ -Jane: Teri? Teri, -Teri: Jane. Jane。 -The killer: Lady, get your ass down. ass: 屁股 小姐,趴下来~ -Teri: Apparently, this gentleman has an issue with Parker. apparently : 明显地 gentleman:绅士 issue:问题,议题,争论点 这位先生很明显的和Parker有过节。 -The killer: Your boss slept with my wife. boss: 老板 sleep with: 和„上床 wife: 老婆 你们老板跟我老婆有一腿~ -Parker: I didn't know she was married. married: marry的过去式已婚的 我不知道她结婚了~ -Jane: Look, sir... 听着,先生~ -Deb: You got Deb. 我是Deb。 -Stacy: Scott dumped me. dump: 与(某人)结束恋爱关系 Scott甩了我~ -Deb: Oh, Stacy. I'm so sorry. 喔,Stacy,我很抱歉~ -Stacy: He said I was... I am... Shallow. shallow: 浅的 他说我都... 我很...肤浅~ -Deb: Hello? Has he seen the Indie movies in your netflix que? movie: 电影 拜托,他知道你租了多少印度电影吗, -Passers-by: Watch it! passer-by: 路人 看路~ -Deb: Sorry. 抱歉~ -Stacy: Deb, I can't afford this place on my own. can't afford: 负担不起 own: 自己的 place: 地方 Deb,我付不起这里的房租了。 -Deb: Maybe you should get, like, a job. job: 工作 也许你该去找份工作。 -Stacy: I'm a model. And a damn good one. model: 模特儿 damn: 该死的可恶的 我是模特儿耶~很正的模特儿~ -Deb: But, you haven't work since Jessie's painting spread. since: 自从 painting : 油画 spread : 传播 但,自从Jessie那张封面流出去后,你就没再工作了。 -Stacy: That layout was painted on me recycled-green paper, added ten pounds. layout:版面设计 recycled: 再生的 add : 增加 pound: 磅 那个封面用的是回收纸类,我看起来胖了十磅。 -Deb: Being green can be so cruel. Listen, sweetie, after I rock my audition, I’m gonna swing by and... cruel: 残酷的 rock: 来回摆动,使震惊 sweetie: 甜心 audition : 甄选 swing: 摇摆; (使)突然转向 gonna: going to 将要会 环保真是残酷~这样吧,甜心,等我拿下甄选,我就过去找你„„ -Stacy: Deb? Can you hear me now? Okay, call me back. call „back: 回电话 Deb?这样有听到吗?好吧,再打给我。 -Fred: Ms... Dobkins, I'm Fred. I'm your gatekeeper. Apologies for your sudden demise. gatekeeper:守门人,接待 apology: 道歉,歉意 sudden: 突然 demise: 死亡 Dobkins小姐,我是Fred,你的天堂接待。对您的猝死我深遗憾~ -Deb: Demise? 猝死? -Fred: It's a lot to process. Follow me. process: 过程, 进程 follow: 跟着 我知道很难接受。跟我来。 -Deb: So, this is the Pearly Gate? gate: 门 这就是天堂之门, -Fred: You sound disappointed. sound : 听起来好像 disappointed: 失望的 你好像很失望。 -Deb: It's just... I expected puppy clouds a few angels, maybe even a harp. I really need to get back to earth now. expect: 期望 puppy: 小狗 cloud: 云 a few: 几个 angel: 天使 even: 甚至, 即使 harp: 竖琴 need to do: 需要做某事 只是,我以为会有小狗形状的云,几个天使。或者来个竖琴。我真的 该回凡间了~ -Fred: Come on... sweetie. Have a seat.seat: 座位 别这样,甜心,请坐。 -Deb: What are you doing? 你在做什么, -Fred: Reviewing your life... You know, heaven or hell. Hold on a second. review: 复习,回顾 life: 人生 heaven: 天堂 hell: 地狱 hold on: 等一等 second: 秒 回顾你的一生,决定你该上天堂或下地狱。等等。 I've never seen this before. Ms. Dobkins, according to my records, never :从没 seen: see 的过去分词 before: 从前according to : 根据„„ record: 我从没遇过这种情形。Dobkins小姐,根据我的资料, you have not done a single good deed or bad act in your entire life。 have done: 干过 single: 仅有一个的,单独的 deed : 行为 act: 行动 entire: 全部的,整体的 你的一生中,没做过善事,也没做过坏事。 You are my first adult 0/0. first : 第一个 adult: 成人 你是我的第一个零零客户。 -Deb: You know, I am a good person, all right? Lots of deeds. person: 人 lots of „很多 哪有,我是好人,好吗,我做过很多好事。 -Fred: Ms. Dobkins, I've seen a lot of bad people and you're not one of them. have seen: 看到过 one of „其中之一 Dobkins小姐,我看过很多坏人。 But you're not one of the good ones, either. either: 也不是 而你不像他们,但你也不像那些好人。 Based on our brief period of time together, I would conclude that you're simply shallow. based on: 据,就 brief: 简短的 period: 时期 together: 一起,共同conclude: simply : 简单地,纯粹 shallow: 浅 的 就我们短短的相处时间看来,我觉得你算是肤浅。 -Deb: Shallow? Well, who do you think you are, in your dress-for-less shirt and your poly-yesterday pants? shirt: 衬衫 pant: 裤子 肤浅,你觉得你是哪根葱,穿出清衬衫,老气休闲裤, You're rude, and I am not gonna sit here and take it. rude: 粗鲁 gonna: going to take: 承受 你很没礼貌,我才不要坐这听你废话。 -Fred: Yeah, well, what are you gonna do about it, right? 好阿,你又能怎样,对吧, -Deb: Let's find out. find out: 找出,查明 我们试试看~ -Doctor: Gel. Clear! Wait a minute! 导电胶。准备~等等~ She is one lucky lady. Bullet just grazed her. Didn't require a stitch. bullet: 子弹 graze: 轻擦,轻触 require: 需要,依靠 stitch: (伤口)缝线 她很幸运。子弹只是擦过,缝针都不用。 -Nurse: But the EKG... She flat lined. nurse: 护士 flat: 平的 line: 排成一行 但是心电图,显示心跳停了。 -Doctor: There must have been some kind of short in the monitor. It's happened before. kind of: 有点 monitor: 显示屏 happen: 发生 应该是荧幕短线之类的,之前就发生过。 You a friend? 你是她朋友吗, -Fred: Sure. 对。 -Doctor: Temporary amnesia is not uncommon with a slight concussion, so we'll be keeping her under observation. temporary: 短暂的 amnesia: 记忆缺失 uncommon :不寻常的 slight: 轻微的 concussion: 脑震荡 observation: 注意,观察 轻微脑震荡,造成短暂失忆,蛮常见的。我们让她会留院观察。 -Fred: Wake up! wake up: 醒来 醒醒~ -Jane: I just had the strangest dream. strange : 奇怪的 dream: 梦 我刚刚做了个超怪的梦。 -Fred: It wasn't a dream... Sweetie. 那不是梦,亲爱的。 -Jane: Fred? Why do I feel bloated? My... God. You sent me to hell? feel: 感觉 bloat: 膨胀,肿起 send: 送 hell: 地狱 Fred?我怎么觉得肿肿的。我的天阿~你送我下地狱了吗, -Fred: Relax. Your soul entered a recently vacated vessel. Your old body... relax: 放松 soul: 灵魂 enter: 进入 recently: 最近 vacated: 空的,腾出的 vessel: 容器 body: 身体 放轻松~你的灵魂进入了一个刚空出来的躯壳。你原本的身体... -Jane: No, No, no. 不不不! I'm going back to sleep, and when I wake up... go back to: 回 wake up: 醒来 我要继续睡,等我醒来之后... -Fred: Her name... now your name... is Jane. 她的名字,现在是你的名字,叫做Jane。 -Jane: This doesn't work for me. I've never been more than a size 2, and that's only 'cause of the freshman 15, work: 作用,生效 more than: 多于 size 2: 美国衣服码数的最小码 freshman: 大一新生 这样不行~我身材从来没有超过二号,最重的时候,是因为大学压力大。 which is why I quit community college. quit: 退出,停止 community college: 社区学院 所以我才休学。 So, who do I have to talk to? have to : 必须 talk to: 对... 我应该找谁申诉, -Fred: Look on the bright side... You're alive. And not only do you get Jane's body, but you get her brains, too. Her I.Q. is off the charts. bright: 明亮的 side: 方面 alive:在生的,活着的 body: 身体 not only...but also: 不仅...而且 brains: 智力 I.Q.: Intelligence Quotient 智商 chart: 图表 往好的方面想...你还活着,而且你不只有Jane的身体,还有她的脑 子,她的智商高到破表。 -Jane: Fred... Tell me how to get "me" back. Fred...告诉我怎么回去"我"的身体, -Fred: You are Jane. Now and forever. Everything you need to know about her... about you... Is in here. forever: 永远 everything: 所有,每件事 know about: 了解 你是Jane,现在,以后都是。你要了解有关她的一切,你的一切, 都在这里。 -Jane: A Mossimo bag from Target? bag: 包 target: 目标 在Target买的Mossimo包, -Fred: Jane's purse... wallet, license, business cards. purse: 女士包 wallet: 钱包 license: 驾照 business card: 名片 Jane的包包、钱包、驾照、名片。 -Jane: She wears a brooch. Nobody under 50 wears a brooch. wear: 穿戴 brooch: 胸针 nobody: 没有人 她戴胸针~只有五十岁以上的老人才戴胸针~ -Fred: So buy a new bag, buy new jewelry. I don't care. One rule... you don't tell anybody about this. You got it? buy: 买 jewelry: 首饰 care: 在乎 rule: 规定 anybody: 任何人 那你就买新包包、新首饰,我不管。就一条规定,不可以跟别人说。懂吗, -Jane: Why? 为什么, -Fred: Because people will think you're insane. And then I'm gonna have to send you back, and not to the... good place. because: 因为 insane: 精神失常的,疯狂的 gonna: [俚语]going to 将要,会 send: 送 因为别人会觉得你疯了。这样我就得送你回去,回去较不好的那个地方。 -Jane: If I'm Jane, then why do I still remember everything about me? Shouldn't I know all about her? still:仍然 remember: 记得 everything: 每件事 如果我是Jane,为什么我还记得,我自己的每件事,我不是应该记得她的吗, -Fred: Memories remain with the soul. memory: 记忆 remain: 留下,逗留 soul: 灵魂 记忆与灵魂是相连的。 -Jane: Whatever. I'm out of here. whatever: 随便,无所谓 out of: 离开 随便。我要走人了。 -Fred: Nice outfit. outfit: 外套 衣服不错。 -Jane: What are you doing here? 你在这干嘛, -Fred: Firm's looking for a new messenger. I'm applying. look for: 寻找 messenger: 送信员 apply:申请 这里刚好要征送信员,我就来了。 -Jane: Shouldn't you be back up... back up: 回来 你不是应该回... -Fred: Jane... Jane... -Jane: Don't. Stop it! stop: 停止 不要,住口~ I hate her name. I hate her body. I hate her purse. I hate everything! hate: 讨厌,恨 我恨她的名字,我恨她的身材,我恨她的包包,我恨她的一切~ -Fred: Hey, shut up! I'm here because of you, all right? I got demoted from gatekeeper to guardian angel because of you. because of: 因为 shut up: 闭嘴 demote: 使降级,使降职 gatekeeper: 守门人,接待 guardian: 守护者 嘿,闭嘴~我在这都因为你,好吗,我从天堂的接待,被降到守护天使,都因为你。 -Jane: You're my guardian angel? 你是我的守护天使, -Fred: I'm afraid so. afraid: 恐怕,害怕 恐怕如此。 -Jane: Make me skinny and hot... now. skinny: 极瘦的,皮包骨的 hot: 辣的(身材) 把我变瘦变正,快。 -Fred: I'm an angel, not a wizard. And between you and me, it's just a fancy term for "babysitter." angel: 天使 wizard: (男)巫师 between„and: 在„之间 fancy: 花哨的 term: 措词 babysitter: 褓姆 我是天使,不是哈利波特,跟你说个秘密。这工作只是好听一点的"褓姆"而已。 -Jane: How did you find me here? 你怎么找到我的, -Fred: You're in Jane's body. body: 身体 你在Jane的身体里。 -Jane: So? 所以呢, -Fred: So everybody's body has its own needs, own: 自己的 need: 需求 每个身体都会有不同的需求, its cravings, its comfort zones. This firm is where Jane's body feels at ease. It's where her intellect shines. craving: 渴望,渴求 comfort: 安逸,舒适 firm: 公司 ease: 轻松 intellect: 才智 feel: 感觉zone: 地方,区域at ease: 感觉自在的 intellect: 才智 shine: 发亮,闪耀 渴望的东西,感到自在的地方,这家公司,是Jane的身体觉得自在的地方,也是她能发挥才智的地方。 -Teri: Jane? Jane? -Fred: Teri, your assistant. assistant: 助理 Teri,你的助理。 -Jane: I've always wanted my own assistant. always: 一直 own: 自己的 我一直想要有专属助理。 -Teri: Thank God you're okay. Let's get you to your office. 你没事真的太好了~快进办公室吧。 -Colleagues: Hi! colleague: 同事 (同事们)嗨~ -Jane: Why are they clapping? clap: 鼓掌 他们为什么在鼓掌, -Teri: You took a bullet for Parker. take„for : 为„承担„ bullet: 子弹 你替Parker档了颗子弹。 -Jane: No, I don't wear "lame bryant." lame: 烂的,不知情的 不,我不穿,"烂布莱恩"牌子。 -Teri: The doctor said you might have amnesia, but you love Ms. Bryant. They're stretchy and comfortable. doctor: 医生 might: 可能 amnesia: 失忆症 stretchy: 有弹性 comfortable: 舒服的 医生有说你可能有失忆症,但你爱"布莱恩太太"。弹性佳又舒服。 -Jane: I read loser lit? loser: 失败者 lit: [literature]文学 我读输家文学, -Teri: Jane, you live by those books. Get dressed. Jane,那是你的圣经,快换衣服。 -Jane: I look ridiculous. ridiculous: 荒谬的 我看起来很好笑。 -Teri: You look fine. 你看起来很好。 -Parker: Jane. You gave us all quite the scare. The gunman was apprehended, everybody's fine, quite: 十分 scare: 惊恐,惊吓 gunman: 持枪者 apprehend: 逮 捕,拘押 Jane.你吓死我们大家了。嫌犯被逮捕了,一切都没事。 and I promise to enquire about the marital status of all future dates. promise:承诺 promise to do: 保证(承诺)做某事 enquire: 询 问 marital status: 婚姻状况 status: 情况 future: 将来date: 约会 我保证我以后约会,一定先问清楚婚姻状况。 Thank you for... well... thank you. How you feeling? feeling: 感觉 谢谢你帮我... 谢谢你~你觉得怎样呢, -Jane: Not quite myself, but... 不像我自己,但是„ -Parker: Marcus Newsom's on his way up. Given the circumstances, Kim's offered to take over as first chair. on one’s way. 在路上 circumstance: 情况 offer: 提出 take over: 接替 first chair: 首席 as first chair: 作为首席(律师) Marcus Newsom快来了。有鉴于你的情况,Kim自愿做首席律师。 -Teri: Of course she did. Jane brought Newsom to the firm. of course: 当然 brought: bring的过去式,带来 firm: 公 司 她当然自愿, Newsom是Jane带进来的客户耶。 -Parker: Jane, if you need anything at all, you let me know. let sb do: 让某人知道 Jane,如果你有什么需要,尽管跟我说。 -Teri: Kim ditched her last depo for a botox touch-up! ditch: 摆脱,抛弃 touch-up: 修改,改进 Kim上次为了补打肉毒杆菌,翘掉庭前证词。 -Jane: Who's Marcus Newsom? Marcus Newsom是谁, -Teri: That's funny. Yikes. Okay. funny: 可笑的 哈哈,好笑。唉喔,好吧。 Marcus Newsom is suing Upland pharmaceuticals. suing: sue的现在进行时控诉 pharmaceuticals: 医药品 Marcus Newsom要告Upland药剂公司。 His wife suffered a hallucination after taking their sleeping pill, Zolpidem. suffer: 遭受,蒙受 hallucination: 幻觉 take sleeping pill: 服用安眠药 他妻子因为服了他们的安眠药左沛眠之后,出现幻觉。 She thought she was a bird, tried to fly, fell 20 stories. Does any of this ring a bell? thought: think的过去式想 try to: 尝试 fell: fall的过去 式落下 story: 楼层 ring a bell: 唤起记忆 以为自己是只鸟,想飞,就从二十楼摔下来了。有印象吗, -Jane: No. 没。 But I imagine we're suing for wrongful. imagine:想象 suing: 诉讼 wrongful: 过失 death: 死亡 但我想我们要告的是过失致死。 -Teri: Yeah, and failure... failure: 失败 对,还有蓄意... -Jane: Failure to disclose, negligence, fraud, and possible product liability, although that's tenuous. disclose:揭露 negligence: 过失 fraud: 欺诈 possible: 可能 liability: 责任 product: 产品 although: 但是,然而 tenuous: 脆弱的,无力的 蓄意隐瞒资料,过失,诈骗,可能未尽产品责任。但好像不太可能。 Oh, that was intense. intense: 强烈的 喔,感觉好剧烈。 Ask me something, something a smart person would know. ask: 问 smart: 聪明的 person: 人 问我一些事,聪明人才知道的事。 Like, "what's the capital of New Zealand?" Wellington! capital: 首都 例如,纽西兰的首都。威灵顿~ What's the square root of 113? It's a prime number. Trick question! square: 平方 root: 根prime: 基本的 number: 数字 trick: 计谋,诡计 113的平方根是,它是质数,陷阱题。 -Teri: Listen to me. Are you okay? listen to: 听着 看看我,你还好吧, -Jane: I'm smart! 我很聪明~ -Teri: Yeah, you are. 你是啊。 Now march into that conference room and show Kim that brains trump botox. march: 前进,进发 conference room: 会议室 show: 展示 brains: 智力 trump: 胜过 现在快点滚进会议室,让Kim知道,金头脑赢过肉毒杆菌。 -Jane: Why is it so hot in this office? hot: 热的 为什么办公室这么热, -Teri: We've been through this. It's not hot. It's your metabolism. have been through: [和完成式]讲述已遭遇过的事 metabolism: 新陈代谢 我们讨论过了,不是热,是你的新陈代谢。 -Jane: Well, my metabolism is making me sweat, so I need some air. Okay, they don't open. sweat: 冒汗 air: 空气 我的新陈代谢让我一直冒汗,我需要新鲜空气。打不开。 -Teri: We're in an office building. They're sealed. office: 办公室 building : 大楼 seal: 密封 我们在办公室大楼,都是封起来的。 -Jane: Great. Then I'm going out. go out: 出去 太好了,我要出去一下。 -Teri: Jane. I know you've had a really rough day. But I'm here for you. And everything you need to know is in your brief. really : 真的 rough: 艰难的,令人不快的 brief: 简报 need to do: 需要做某事 Jane.我知道今天很遭透了。但我会在这陪你,你需要知道的,都在简报里。 -Jane: Mr. Newsom. Newsom先生。 -Newsom: Jane. Jane。 I- I just heard. Are you really okay? hear: 听到 我刚听说,你还好吧, -Jane: Flesh wound, one band-aid. flesh: 皮肤,肌肉 wound: 伤口 band-aid: 止血贴 小伤,OK蹦就搞定。 -Kim: She's great. She's fine. We should get started. start:开始 她很好。她很好。我们该开始了。 -Teri: It's all in the file. file: 文件夹 都在文件夹里。 -Kim: Tomorrow, the defense will try to rattle you. They'll argue that your wife was suicidal. defense: 辩护 rattle: 喋喋不休地说话,使紧张 argue: 论证, 争辩 suicidal: (人)有自杀倾向的 明天,被告会让你手足无措,他们会说你太太有自杀倾向。 -Newsom: No, that's... that's bull... 不,那真是胡扯。 -Kim: You contend she was happy, but if they undermine your credibility, it'll call Emily's mental state into question. contend: 声称,主张 undermine: 逐渐削弱,破坏 credibility: 可信度 mental state: 精神状态 你声称她很开心,但他们如果故意诋毁你的可信度。大家会质疑Emily 的精神状态。 -Newsom: How can they say anything about Emily? They didn't know her. 他们凭什么这样说Emily,他们不了解她。 -Kim: Which is why they'll go after you, try to get you to admit that she was unstable in some way. You've got to remain calm. go after: 追逐,追求 admit: 承认 unstable: 不稳定 in some way: 某种程度上 have got to: 必须 remain: 保持 calm: 冷静 这就是为什么他们会针对你,想逼你承认她精神不稳定,你一定要冷 静。 -Newsom: Calm? Emily's dead because she took their drug. dead: 死去的 drug: 药 冷静,Emily会死,都是因为他们的药。 And if you expect me to remain calm, you have no idea what it's like to lose someone you love. expect: 指望,期望 expect sb to do: 期待某人做某事 have no idea: 不知道 lose: 失去 如果你指望我保持冷静,你根本不知道失去挚爱是什么感觉。 -Kim: Marcus, I'm on your side, but when you're on the stand... on one’s side: 支持,在„一边 stand: 台,座 Marcus,我站在你这边,但当你在庭上... -Newsom: What, I should put on a happy face? put on: 装出,假装 怎样,我就要摆笑脸, -Kim: I think we should take a little breather. Here you go, Jane. breather: 短暂的休息时间 我想我们休息一下好了。给你吧,Jane。 -Jane: I'm fine. 我很好。 -Kim: I'm sorry. It's just, you were staring at them. stare at: 盯着 不好意思,只是你一直盯着它们。 -Jane: You know what? To be honest, I am craving a doughnut because, apparently, I am a doughnut eater. to be honest: 老实说 crave: 渴望 doughnut: [donut]油 炸圈饼apparently: 很明显地 eater: 常食者,吃„的人 你知道吗,老实说,我超想吃甜甜圈。因为,我就是爱吃甜甜圈。 -Kim: Are you all right? 你还好吗, -Jane: You're asking a young widower not to be himself, not to feel his loss, and that is not who he is. young : 年轻的 widower: 鳏夫 himself: 他自己loss: 失 去 你要一个年轻鳏夫假装不难过,这不是他真正的感受。 And that's not the strategy that Jane... I mean, that I outlined in this brief. strategy: 策略 mean: 意思 outline: 画出,标出 也不是Jane的策略,我是说,我的策略。 -Newsom: What's going on? 怎么回事, -Jane: Marcus, under most circumstances I would agree with...Kim, but the jury's not going to sympathize unless they see your pain. under most circumstances: 大多数情况下 agree with: 同意 jury: 陪审团 sympathize: 同情 unless: 除非 pain: 痛苦 be going to do: 将要做某事 circumstance: 情况,环境 Marcus,多数情况,我会同意Kim。但除非陪审团看到你的悲伤,否 则不会同情你。 Don't hide it. Embrace it. hide: 隐藏 embrace: 拥抱,接受 别伪装,真实的表达。 -Newsom: Jane... You're first chair. And we're done here. Jane... 你做首席律师。就这样。 -Teri: How'd it go? 情况怎样, -Jane: I'm back to first chair again. again: 又,再 我又是首席了。 -Teri: Awesome. awesome: 棒极了 太好了。 -Jane: This doughnut is just sweetened dough and congealed chocolate, but wow. Teri, do you want one? There's a whole plate in the other room. sweetened: 加糖的 dough: 生面团 congealed: 凝固的 chocolate: 巧克力whole: 整,全 plate: 碟,盘 甜甜圈就只是甜面团,淋上巧克力外衣,但哇。Teri,你要一个吗, 会议室有一整盘。 -Teri: No, thank you. You have a dinner. New client, Vicky Wellner. dinner: 晚餐 client: 客户 不,谢了。你有晚餐会面,新客户Vicky Wellner。 She's divorcing her husband. You're meeting her at Mozan in 20 minutes. divo
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