

2017-11-24 16页 doc 48KB 22阅读




住房公基金提取细则住房公基金提取细则 以广州为例住房公积金如何提取: 1、什么情况下,职工可以提取住房公积金, 职工有下列情形之一的,可以申请提取职工本人住房公积金账户内的存储余额: (1)购买、建造、翻建或大修具有所有权的自住住房的; (2)偿还购房贷款本息的; (3)租房自住的; (4)离休、退休(或达到法定退休年龄) 的; (5)完全丧失劳动能力,并与所在单位终止劳动关系的; (6)出境定居的; (7)非本市户口职工与单位终止劳动关系的; (8)户口迁出本市,并与所在单位终止劳动关系的; (9)下岗、失业人员,男性...
住房公基金提取细则 以广州为例住房公积金如何提取: 1、什么情况下,职工可以提取住房公积金, 职工有下列情形之一的,可以申请提取职工本人住房公积金账户内的存储余额: (1)购买、建造、翻建或大修具有所有权的自住住房的; (2)偿还购房贷款本息的; (3)租房自住的; (4)离休、退休(或达到法定退休年龄) 的; (5)完全丧失劳动能力,并与所在单位终止劳动关系的; (6)出境定居的; (7)非本市户口职工与单位终止劳动关系的; (8)户口迁出本市,并与所在单位终止劳动关系的; (9)下岗、失业人员,男性45岁(含45岁)、女性40岁(含40岁)以上,且连续下岗、失业12个月以上的; (10)职工死亡或被宣告死亡,其继承人、受遗赠人可以提取职工住房公积金账户内存储余额的。 依照上述1,3项提取的,提取金额保留到十位整数;依照4,10项提取的,需同时注销职工住房公积金账户。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 职工购买、建造、翻建、大修自住住房时,若提取本人名下住房公积金不足时,对房屋拥有所有权的家庭成员可以提取本人住房公积金账户内的存储余额,但所提住房公积金总额不得超过购买、建造、翻建、大修自住住房的费用或偿还购房贷款本息。在申请提取本人住房公积金账户内的存储余额时,需提供产权证明(配偶需提供结婚证或户口簿)及上述有关证明材料。 2、提取住房公积金需提供哪些证明材料, 职工提取住房公积金时,须提供经单位盖章的个人住房公积金提取申请表(一式三份)、提取人身份证原件及复印件一份及以下证明材料: (1)非按揭购买自住住房的,提供以下证明材料: 购买一手楼的,首次提取时,提供购房(或预售契约)、购房发票(或收据)原件及复印件一份;以后提取时,提供《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。 购买二手楼的,首次提取时,提供房地产权证、契税完税证原件及复印件一份;以后提取时,提供《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。 征地补偿购买增大住房面积的,首次提取时,提供房屋拆迁安置、购买增大住房面积发票原件及复印件一份;以后提取时,提供《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。 (2)偿还购房贷款本息(按揭购买自住住房)的,首次提取时,提供与银行签订的借款合同原件及复印件一份;以后提取时,提供《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。 (3)建造自住住房的,提供镇(乡)以上城建部门同意用地证明(或房地产权证)、镇(乡)以上规划部门同意建房的批文、购买建筑材料发票(或收据)原件及复印件一份。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 翻建自住住房的,提供镇(乡)以上城建部门同意翻建的批文、房地产权证、购买建筑材料发票(或收据)原件及复印件一份。 大修自住住房的,提供镇(乡)以上房屋安全鉴定机构出具的房屋安全鉴定证明、房地产权证、修缮费用发票(或收据)原件及复印件一份。 (4)租房自住的,首次提取时,提供租赁合同(指经房管部门登记备案的合同或与单位签订的公房租赁合同)、房租发票(或收据)原件及复印件一份;以后提取时,提供《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。 (5)离休、退休的,提供离、退休证原件及复印件一份。 (6)完全丧失劳动能力,并与所在单位终止劳动关系的,提供市级以上医院证明、职工与所在单位终止劳动关系的证明原件及复印件一份。 (7)出境定居的,提供签证和护照原件及复印件一份。 (8)非本市户口职工与单位终止劳动关系的,提供职工与所在单位终止劳动关系的证明原件与复印件一份。 (9)户口迁出本市,并与所在单位终止劳动关系的,提供户口迁出证明、职工与所在单位终止劳动关系的证明原件及复印件一份。 (10)失业(或下岗)人员,男性45岁(含45岁)、女性40岁(含40岁)以上,且连续失业(或下岗)12个月以上的,提供失业证(或下岗证)原件及复印件一份。 (11)职工死亡或被宣告死亡的,其继承人或受遗赠人需提供职工死亡证明、经公证机关公证的合法继承权或受遗赠权证明、户口簿原件及复印件一份。本人不能亲自办理提取,and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 委托他人办理的,需提供经公证机关公证的委托书及职工本人、受委托人身份证原件及复印件一份。 3、应在什么时间申请提取住房公积金, (1)非按揭购买自住住房的,在支付房款后两年内提出申请,以后每半年提取一次,至提取额达到实际支付的购房款。 (2)偿还购房贷款本息的,在还款期内提出申请,以后每半年提取一次,至提取的住房公积金总额达到实际支付的首期房款和已偿还贷款本息之和。 (3)建造、翻建、大修自住住房的,在批文有效期内提出申请,只能申请提取一次,且所提取的住房公积金总额不能超过建造、翻建、大修自住住房的费用。 (4)租房自住的,在租赁合同期内提出申请,以后每半年提取一次,至提取的住房公积金总额达到实际支付的房租。 4、职工如何办理住房公积金提取, 符合住房公积金提取条件的职工到住房公积金开户银行领取并填写提取申请表,持有关证明材料到开户银行办理审核手续。 5、职工可否委托单位代为办理提取手续, 职工本人办理有困难的,经职工自愿委托,由单位提出书面申请,经开户银行审核同意后,可由单位代为办理住房公积金提取手续。具体程序如下: (1)单位申请集体办理提取手续时,填写《住房公积金提取委托书》一式两份,开户银行审核同意后,在《住房公积金提取委托书》上加具意见并盖章,一份退单位留存,一份开户银行留存。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of (2)单位代办提取手续时,持由开户银行审核盖章的《住房公积金提取委托书》,并提供单位加具意见盖章的《住房公积金提取委托明细表》一式四联、单位经办人员身份证原件及复印件一份、申请提取公积金职工的身份证及有关证明材料(见《广州市住房公积金提取条件及须提供的证明材料一览表》)原件及复印件一份。 (3)开户银行审核同意后,办理住房公积金支付手续。 6、职工可否委托他人办理住房公积金提取手续, 职工本人不能亲自办理提取的,可委托他人办理,但需提供经公证机关公证的委托书及职工本人、受委托人身份证及有关证明材料原件及复印件一份。 7、集中封存管理的职工如何办理公积金提取手续, (1)“集中封存户”中的职工符合提取条件的,除住房公积金提取申请表上不需要单位盖章外,其他按现行提取规定提供所需的证明材料到集中封存的银行网点。 (2)挂在原单位名下集中封存的职工(即转入集中封存时未能提供身份证的职工)办理提取手续时,还需提供曾是原单位职工的证明(以下任意一项:劳动手册、、劳动部门出具的劳动关系证明、社保部门出具的证明、街道或者居委会出具的证明)。 职工持上述材料向集中封存的银行网点提出转移申请,经审核无误后,银行经办人员办理住房公积金提取手续。 8、职工大修承租的住房或只拥有使用权的住房,可否提取住房公积金, 根据国务院《住房公积金管理条例释义》规定,大修自住住房才可提取住房公积金。“自住住房”是指提取住房公积金的职工居住其内且对该房屋拥有所有权的住房,即产权归职工所有。承租的住房或只拥有使用权的住房大修,不能提取住房公积金。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 9、大修的具体含义是什么,装修能否提取住房公积金, 国务院《住房公积金管理条例释义》第二十四条规定,大修是指由当地房屋鉴定部门鉴定为危房,需要牵动或拆换住房部分主体构件,但不需要全部拆除住房。根据《条例》规定,职工购买、建造、翻建、大修自住住房的,可以提取住房公积金。装修、装饰、中修、小修等行为都不可以提取。 10、广州市户口职工到广州市以外的地区工作,能否提取住房公积金, 职工户口迁出广州市的,可申请提取住房公积金账户内的存储余额。广州市户口职工到外地工作,户口没有迁出广州市的,不能提取住房公积金。 11、非广州市户口职工与所在单位终止劳动关系的,可否支取住房公积金, 《关于提取住房公积金有关问题的通知》(穗公积金管委会[2003]1号)规定,非本市户口职工,与所在单位终止劳动关系的,可申请支取本人名下住房公积金账户内的存储余额。 12、职工购买、建造、翻建、大修房屋的,其家庭成员可否提取各自名下的住房公积金, 根据国务院《条例》的有关解释,对购买、建造、翻建、大修的房屋拥有所有权的家庭成员(包括配偶、父母、子女等)可以提取自己的住房公积金账户内的存储余额。对住房不拥有所有权的家庭成员,不能提取自己的住房公积金。 13、申请核发《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》的条件是什么,该证有什么作用, 申请条件:购买自住住房、偿还购房贷款本息或者租房自住的,办理第一次审核后,由开户银行发给《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。以后每半年提取时,填写《住房公积金提取申请表》,经单位盖章后,持《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》及本人身份证办理提取and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 手续即可。 《登记证》的作用主要有:第一,方便职工办理提取手续;第二,严格控制职工提取住房公积金总额度不超过该住房消费总额度。 14、登记证的发放原则是什么, 住房公积金承办银行各自按规定核发本行(本行指承办银行,下同)范围使用的《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。在本行内,每一本(或房地产证、或)对应一本登记证。若已凭购房合同申请了登记证,则以后换发的房地产证不能再申请登记证。若一个职工购买(租赁)多套住房,则每套购房合同(或房地产证、或租房合同)对应一本登记证,一个人可拥有多本登记证。 15、联名购房的,由谁申请《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》, 原则上由购房合同(或房地产证)中的联名第一顺序人提出申请。房屋产权共有人及配偶为《登记证》的共同拥有人,在第一顺序人领取《登记证》后,可凭《登记证》提取住房公积金,但所提取的住房公积金总额不得超过实际支付的购房款或实际支付的首期房款和已偿还的贷款本息之和。 16、第一顺序人未在广州市缴存住房公积金的(包括在外地、番禺、增城、花都、从化缴存住房公积金的;在铁路、部队缴存住房公积金的;没有参加住房公积金缴存的),由谁申请《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》, 出现上述情况的,由合同联名的第二顺序人提出申请,依次类推。申请人到开户行提出申请时,需提供另一家公积金承办银行出具的《广州市住房公积金提取审核情况证明》。例如:申请人在建行开户缴存公积金的,需到工行开具《广州市住房公积金提取审核情况证明》。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 17、共同提取人不在同一家承办银行缴存住房公积金的,如何申请《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》, 购房合同(或房地产证)中的其他联名人为共同提取人。共同提取人不在同一家承办银行的,需分别向两家承办银行申请《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》。若合同联名的第一顺序人不在本行开户,则需他行出具《广州市住房公积金提取审核情况证明》后,取合同(或房地产证)中的第二顺序人,由其开户银行核定,依次类推。 18、如何核定《广州市住房公积金提取登记证》可提取的总金额, ?购买自住住房的: 一手楼,按照购房合同中房屋的成交价金额; 二手楼,按照完税契证上的评估价金额; 征地拆迁补偿面积,按照补偿协议中的付款金额。 ?偿还购房贷款本息: 等额本息还款:首期付款+每月供款额*供款月数; 等额本金还款:成交价+贷款金额*月利率*(供款月数+1)/2。 利率变动引起供款额的变化,不调整已核定的提取总额。 ?租房:月租*租赁月数。 19、共同提取人不在同一家承办银行的,如何核定可提取金额, 共同提取人都在一家承办银行开户时,可共同使用可提取总金额,无需划分额度。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of 对于共同提取人存在非同一承办银行开户的情况时,由“户名”的开户银行先审核可提取总金额,由提取人确定在该承办银行开户的共同提取人的可提取金额,剩余的额度则作为他行核发登记证的可提取金额。该银行核准后向他行出具《广州市住房公积金提取审核情况证明》。 20、丢失提取登记证的,如何申请补发, 若丢失提取登记证,登记证的“户主”需要提供身份证,到登记证的核发银行申请补发新的登记证,在系统中注销原登记证。 and difficulties of 1, the construction process to ensure railway operation safety is key. 2, high water table in the project areas, the soil softer and Grouting to bridge is required, how to control the Grouting, satisfactory effect to ensure safety operations are good, is a priority in the construction of this project. 3, in the course of jacking bridge, preventing the subgrade collapse is another focus of this project. 4, when jacking bridge, rectifying and elevation control is difficult. 3. construction organization plan 3.1. construction organization scheme 3.1.1. construction organization and responsibilities of the Department in order to ensure railway safety and the safety, quality of construction, ensure that the owners of the quality, duration, target, Tianjin, as well as requirements for construction and environmental protection, safe, civilized, this engineering project construction will be used. I unit in jacking construction of frame bridge has extensive experience in the management, technical staff project manager as a construction organization, with overall responsibility for the management and operation of projects management, complete and professional and technical personnel and skilled workers to undertake the construction tasks. Also committed to the key management personnel are not other works part-time. Project management leadership by the project manager, Assistant Project Manager, Chief Engineer, Chief Security Officer, and consists of
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