
第一讲 绝对优势理论

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第一讲 绝对优势理论第一讲 绝对优势理论 一、背景 亚当?斯密 (Adam Smith,1723—1790)是西方古典经济学的主要奠基人之一,也是国际贸易理论的创始者,是倡导自由贸易的带头人。亚当?斯密花了将近10年的时间,于1776年写出了一部奠定古典政治经济学理论体系的著作《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations),简称《国富论》(The Wealth of Nations )。在这部著作中,斯密第一次把经济科学所有主要领域的知...
第一讲  绝对优势理论
第一讲 绝对优势理论 一、背景 亚当?斯密 (Adam Smith,1723—1790)是西方古典经济学的主要奠基人之一,也是国际贸易理论的创始者,是倡导自由贸易的带头人。亚当?斯密花了将近10年的时间,于1776年写出了一部奠定古典政治经济学理论体系的著作《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations),简称《国富论》(The Wealth of Nations )。在这部著作中,斯密第一次把经济科学所有主要领域的知识归结成一个统一和完整的体系,而贯穿这一体系的基本思想就是自由的市场经济思想。 1776年正是英国资本主义的成长时期,英国手工制造业正在开始向大工业过渡,英国产业的发展,在很大程度上受到了残余的封建和流行一时的重商主义的限制政策的束缚。处在青年时期的英国资产阶段,为了清除它前进道路上的障碍,正迫切要求一个自由的经济学说体系为它鸣锣开道。《国富论》就是在这个历史时期,负有这样的阶级历史任务而问世的,此书出版以后,不但对于英国资本主义的发展直接产生了重大的促进作用,而且对世界资本主义的发展也产生了重要影响,没有任何其他一部资产阶级的经济著作曾产生那么广泛的影响,有些资产阶级学者把它奉为至宝。可是,历史很快就把它的局限性和缺点错误显示出来。在这部书出版后将近一百年左右的19世纪七八十年代,资本主义经济已开始逐渐由自由竞争阶段进入垄断阶段,从此,亚当?斯密强调的自由而又自然的体制已经失灵了,再往后不到半个世纪时间,第一个社会主义国家登上了历史舞台,被斯密所强调的资本主义的永恒性就遭到彻底否定。 二、主要内容 在《国富论》中,亚当?斯密通过对国家和家庭进行对比来描述国际贸易的必要性。他认为,既然每个家庭都认为只生产一部分它自己需要的产品而用那些它能出售的产品来购买其他产品是合算的,同样的道理应该适用于每个国家。 斯密首先从劳动分工开始论述国际贸易问题,他认为,国民财富的增长有两条途径,一是提高劳动生产率;二是增加劳动数量,其中前者的作用尤其大,而劳动生产率的提高则主要取决于分工。以制针为例,每个工人单独劳动时,一日helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to 绝对制不成20枚,说不定连1枚也造不出来。但经过较精细的分工后,一人一日竟可制成4800枚针,劳动效率提高了百余倍。这表明,劳动生产率的极大提高正是来自分工的作用。同样,一国内部的劳动分工原则也应适用于各国之间。据此,他得出结论,国际贸易应该遵循国际分工的原则,使各国都能从中获得更大的好处。 一国内部的劳动分工原则也适用于各国之间,那么,国际分工如何进行呢,他强调,国际分工的基础是在各自占有优势的自然禀赋中后天获得的有利条件。前者是指导致自然赋予的有关气候、土壤、矿产、地理环境等方面的优势。一个国家在生产某些特定商品时,或许有非常巨大的自然优势,使得其他国家无法与之竞争。后者是指通过自身努力而掌握的特殊技艺,或称之为技术。各国应当按照各自的优势进行分工,然后交换各自的商品,从而使得各国的资源、劳力、资本都得到最有效的利用。相反,不注意发挥优势进行生产,只能导致国民财富的减少。譬如,苏格兰可以用暖房栽培葡萄,然后酿出上等美酒,但成本要比国外高30倍。如果苏格兰禁止一切外国酒进口而自己来生产,那就十分荒唐可笑。 亚当?斯密所讲的优势实际上是绝对优势或绝对利益,意在说明为了更多地增加国民财富,一国应该专业化生产和出口那些本国具有绝对优势的商品,进口那些本国具有绝对劣势,即外国具有绝对优势的商品。所以通常称之为“绝对优势理论”(Absolute Advantage)。一国的自然优势和后天获得的优势又总是体现为生产某产品的成本优势,即该国生产特定商品的实际成本绝对地低于其他国家所花费的成本,因此这个理论又称“绝对成本说”(Absolute Cost)。 根据绝对优势贸易理论,各国应该专门生产并出口其具有“绝对优势”的产品,不生产但进口其不具有“绝对优势”的产品。那么,怎样确定一国在哪种产品上具有绝对优势呢,绝对优势的衡量有两种办法: (1)用劳动生产率来衡量,即用单位要素投入的产出率来衡量。产品j的 Qj QjL劳动生产率可用()来表示,其中是j产品的产量,L是劳动投入。一国如果在某种产品上具有比别国高的劳动生产率,该国在这一产品上就具有绝对优势。 (2)用生产成本来衡量,即用生产1单位产品所需的要素投入数量来衡量。 itia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared toris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve milnt debto fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrestreet lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together cing e Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advanenvironment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed th uralcultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and r rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of income housing, public rental housing, renovate-education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of lowMore limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood.helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 2 L QajLi单位产品j的生产成本(劳动使用量)可用=表示。如在某种产品的生产中,一国单位产量所需的要素投入低于另一国,该国在这一产品上就具有绝对优势。 为了进一步理解“绝对优势”贸易理论,我们用一个例子来说明。 我们假设有两个国家“英国”和“法国”,两国都生产两种产品“小麦”和“布”,但生产技术不同,劳动是唯一的生产要素。在国际分工发生前,英、法两国各自生产小麦和布两种产品,所消耗的劳动力数量如下: 表1 国际分工前 小 麦 布 劳动力(人) 产量(吨) 劳动力(人) 产量(匹) 法国 100 50 100 20 英国 150 50 50 20 合计 250 100 150 40 按照判断绝对优势的方法,我们判断两国各自具有绝对优势的产品。从劳动生产率的角度说,法国生产小麦的劳动生产率,即每人生产小麦的数量是0.5吨,英国生产小麦的劳动生产率,即每人生产小麦的数量是0.33吨,法国生产小麦的劳动生产率高于英国,所以法国在小麦的生产上具有绝对优势。法国生产布的劳动生产率是0.2匹,英国生产布的劳动生产率是0.4匹,英国生产布的劳动生产率高于法国,所以英国在布的生产上具有绝对优势(见表2)。 QjL表2 两国的劳动生产率(/) 小麦(人均产量) 布(人均产量) 法国 0.5 0.2 英国 0.33 0.4 从生产成本的角度来说,法国生产小麦的成本,即生产1吨小麦的所需投入的劳动力数量是2人,英国生产小麦的成本,即生产1吨小麦的所需投入的劳动力数量是3人,法国生产1单位小麦的生产成本低于英国,所以法国在小麦的生产上具有绝对优势。法国生产布的成本,即生产1匹布所需投入的劳动力数量是5人,英国生产布的成本,即生产1匹布所需投入的劳动力数量是2.5人,英国 eam medu Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee tenvironment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji ment of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settle oise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, constructioning, nnt. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandontions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and developmeondiincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing c-we development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of loote thattaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise helping build the team, set up an accmbers, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to3 生产1单位布的生产成本低于法国,所以英国在布的生产上具有绝对优势(见表3)。 aLi 表3 两国的生产成本() 小麦 布 法国 2 5 英国 3 2.5 通过两种方法确定两国各自具有的绝对优势的产品是一致的,所以按照绝对优势的贸易理论,法国应该专业化生产小麦,英国应该专业化生产布。进行国际分工后,两国各自生产的商品数量如表4: 表4 国际分工后 小 麦 布 劳动力(人) 产量(吨) 劳动力(人) 产量(匹) 法国 200 100 英国 200 80 合计 200 100 200 80 两国进行专业化分工后,法国专门生产小麦,英国专门生产布,法国将其所有的劳动力资源200人用于生产小麦,可生产100吨小麦;英国将其所有的劳动力资源200人用于生产布,可生产80匹布。所以,在同样的劳动投入情况下,小麦的生产总量并没有变化,但布的生产总量由原来的40匹增加到80匹。因此,从世界范围来看,虽然技术条件等并没有变化,而仅仅是由于开展了国际分工,两国都专业化生产其具有绝对优势的产品,使世界范围内的总产量增加了。现假定国际市场上按照1吨小麦换1匹布的交换比例开展国际贸易,则交换后两国各自可供消费的两种商品的数量如表5: 表5 开展国际贸易后 小 麦(吨) 布(匹) 法国 50 50 英国 50 30 合计 100 80 按照1小麦:1布的交换比较开展国际贸易后,虽然两国小麦的消费数量没 itia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared toris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve milnt debto fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrestreet lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together cing e Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advanenvironment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed th uralcultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and r rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of income housing, public rental housing, renovate-education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of lowMore limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood.helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 4 有发生变化,但布的消费数量都增加了。这说明,两国按照绝对优势理论进行专业化生产并开展国际贸易,对英、法两国都有好处,使两国的可供消费的商品的数量都增加了。 亚当?斯密还论述了自由贸易所带来的好处,概括说来,大致有三个方面:第一,互通有无,交换多余的使用价值。就是说,把本国多余的商品输出国外,换回本国无法生产或生产不足的商品,满足了双方需要;第二,增加社会价值,获取更大利益。由于各国的社会劳动生产率参差不齐,商品价值的货币表现自然不尽相同,这样,通过对外贸易得到的某些商品的数量会超过本国所可能生产的,从而节省了本国的劳动力或增加了使用价值;第三,互惠互利,共同富裕。一国从对外贸易中得到的主要利益在于输出了本国消费不了的剩余货物,因此,即使两国贸易平衡,由于都为对方的剩余货物提供了市场,双方还是都有利益。所以对外贸易具有共同利益,而不是一方得到,一方受损。 三、评述 不难看出,亚当?斯密关于国际分工和国际贸易利益的基本上是正确的。他对国际贸易的产生原因首先作了理论探讨,同样应予肯定。同时,他指出,国际贸易可以是一个“双赢”的局面而不是一个“零和游戏”。可以说,斯密把国际贸易理论纳入了市场经济的理论体系,开创了对国际贸易的经济分析。但绝对优势贸易理论的局限性很大,因为在现实社会中,有些国家比较先进发达,有可能在各种产品的生产上都具有绝对优势,而另一些国家可能不具有任何生产技术上的绝对优势,但是贸易仍然在两种国家之间发生,而斯密的理论无法解释这种绝对先进和绝对落后国家之间的贸易,从而暴露出他的理论具有明显的缺陷和不足。 mbers, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared toeam medu Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee tenvironment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji ment of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settle oise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, constructioning, nnt. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandontions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and developmeondiincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing c-we development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of loote thattaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise helping build the team, set up an acc5
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