

2017-09-01 10页 doc 219KB 10阅读




最详实的淘宝开店教程之二(支付宝绑定注册(账号绑定、实名认证))最详实的淘宝开店教程之二(支付宝绑定注册(账号绑定、实名认证)) 二、支付宝注册(账号绑定、实名认证) 特别说明:淘宝是用来开店购物买卖的。而支付宝是用来交易资金的往来支付。淘宝账户和支付宝账户是两个不同的账户~可以分别单独申请,请看我之后的教程,。淘宝是阿里巴巴旗下的网店系统平台~而支付宝也是阿里巴巴旗下的网银支付系统平台。由于是同一家公司拥有~所以淘宝和支付宝账号可以合二为一。即淘宝账号注册资料中的手机号码或者电子邮箱作为支付宝账户名~用淘宝登录密码作为支付宝的登录密码。并且淘宝账号和支付宝账号自动绑定在一起。很多淘宝...
最详实的淘宝开店之二(支付宝绑定注册(账号绑定、实名认证)) 二、支付宝注册(账号绑定、实名认证) 特别说明:淘宝是用来开店购物买卖的。而支付宝是用来交易资金的往来支付。淘宝账户和支付宝账户是两个不同的账户~可以分别单独申请,请看我之后的教程,。淘宝是阿里巴巴旗下的网店系统平台~而支付宝也是阿里巴巴旗下的网银支付系统平台。由于是同一家公司拥有~所以淘宝和支付宝账号可以合二为一。即淘宝账号注册资料中的手机号码或者电子邮箱作为支付宝账户名~用淘宝登录密码作为支付宝的登录密码。并且淘宝账号和支付宝账号自动绑定在一起。很多淘宝亲们在这个地方被搞的晕头转向。这里首先给出说明~让淘宝的亲们有一个清晰的认识。 每一个人可以注册拥有多个淘宝账号,用不同的手机号码或者邮箱,~也可以注册拥有多个支付宝账户,用多个银行卡,。但一个人只能开一个个人淘宝网店,和开店者的身份证号绑定~身份证号来自身份认证或者银行卡中的身份证号。,。通过身份证号来判别是否开过个人网店。若已有和该身份证号绑定的网店~则不允许在开第二家网店。当然淘宝商城,企业,另外。要开多个个人淘宝店的话~可以借助亲朋的多张身份证。 下面介绍淘宝账号和支付宝账户绑定注册的过程。在该过程中~不仅实现了淘宝账户和支付宝账户自动绑定~而且还借助银行卡中的身份号来完成淘宝店的身份确认认证过程。 1、登录访问我的淘宝~点击我的支付宝 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 2、在首页的左上角点击免费注册 说明:因为是通过淘宝账户登录~在支付宝注册信息中自动提取淘宝 账户中的手机号码,如果淘宝注册时用的是邮箱~那么这里就用邮箱 作为支付宝账号名,作为支付宝的账号名~用淘宝的登录密码作为支 付宝的密码,当然可以修改不同,~见图中2.2.1。这一步中即自动 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 汇众团销:共同抱团销售,共同抱团拿货,形成销售优势,拿货优势,价格优势,是中小网络店铺亲们(淘宝、拍拍等)抗衡大卖家、商城的立足和出路 实现了淘宝账户和支付宝账户绑定。 3、身份实名认证 说明:该步操作完成了支付宝账户和银行卡绑定~并通过银行卡身份证号~和你前面第2步输入的身份证对照来验证你的真实身份来完成实名认证。因为你的银行卡对应的身份证号码~你申请银行卡时银行认证了。 ,1,点击实名认证 ,2,点击“个人支付宝个人实名认证”按钮 ,3,单击“立即申请”按钮 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's ,4,选取所在地区~和认证方式 说明:认证方式有两种~通过开通支付宝卡通和确认汇款来认证。 这里我选择开通支付宝卡通方式来介绍。 ,5,选择银行卡~这里我选择工商银行的储蓄卡为例。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 汇众团销:共同抱团销售,共同抱团拿货,形成销售优势,拿货优势,价格优势,是中小网络店铺亲们(淘宝、拍拍等)抗衡大卖家、商城的立足和出路 ,6,输入真实姓名、身份证号码和支付密码 说明:名字和身份证号不能用假的哦~否则和银行卡上对照不一致~认证通不过。就是通过此一致来认证你的真实身份而实现实名认证。 ,5,进入银行页面~输入信息资料~完成委托代理开通支付宝支付,以工商银行为例, 说明:选择的银行卡不同时~进入此页面是分别进入银行卡对应的银ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 行页面操作~所以这里的操作因银行卡不同而不一样的。 ,5,等待淘宝人工认证审核通过 说明:审核一般要2-3个工作日~各位亲们~耐心的等吧。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's 汇众团销:共同抱团销售,共同抱团拿货,形成销售优势,拿货优势,价格优势,是中小网络店铺亲们(淘 宝、拍拍等)抗衡大卖家、商城的立足和出路 ,5,实名认证审核通过 通过实名认证之后~你就成为淘宝会员了~就具备开店的条件了。 ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the military's battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiang's
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