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胃窦癌饮食注意些什么胃窦癌饮食注意些什么 胃窦癌饮食注意些什么,................. 研究表明: ? 癌症不能在弱碱性的人体中形成; ? 癌症只能在酸性身体中形成; ? 如果你有癌症,说明身体是酸性的; 癌症只能在一个酸性的身体扩展; ? ? 如果你的身体变弱碱性,癌症不能扩展; ? 如果你能平衡你的身体PH值,让你的身体转变成弱碱性,不管你得的是什么癌症都有转变和被治好; ? 不管你的情况多么糟糕,哪怕只能活6个月,如果你能转变你的身体PH值到弱碱性,你的癌症就不会扩展,就会好; ? 不用担心你的家族中你的妈妈、...
胃窦癌饮食注意些什么 胃窦癌饮食注意些什么,................. 研究表明: ? 癌症不能在弱碱性的人体中形成; ? 癌症只能在酸性身体中形成; ? 如果你有癌症,说明身体是酸性的; 癌症只能在一个酸性的身体扩展; ? ? 如果你的身体变弱碱性,癌症不能扩展; ? 如果你能平衡你的身体PH值,让你的身体转变成弱碱性,不管你得的是什么癌症都有转变和被治好; ? 不管你的情况多么糟糕,哪怕只能活6个月,如果你能转变你的身体PH值到弱碱性,你的癌症就不会扩展,就会好; ? 不用担心你的家族中你的妈妈、爸爸或任何人有癌症,只要你的身体是弱碱性的,你不会得,如果你已经有了,它将会转变; ?癌症都是酸性体液中生存的,没别的。如果你的身体是酸的,你就会得癌症。如果是弱碱的,你就不会得癌症。如果你已有了癌症,只要你能调整你身体的PH值到弱碱性,癌症就会离你而去。 预防癌症的秘诀十分简单,就是常吃碱性食物以防止酸性废物的累积,因为酸化的体液环境,是正常细胞癌变的肥沃土壤,调整体液酸碱平衡,是预防癌症的有效途径。 A)养成良好的生活习惯,戒烟限酒。吸烟,世界卫生组织预言,如果人们都不再吸烟,5年之后,世界上的癌症将减少1/3;其次,不酗酒。烟和酒是极酸的酸性物质,长期吸烟喝酒的人,极易导致酸性体质。 B)不要过多地吃咸而辣的食物,不吃过热、过冷、过期及变质的食物;年老体弱或有某种疾病遗传基因者酌情吃一些防癌食品和含碱量高的碱性食品,保持良好的精神状态。 C)有良好的心态应对压力,劳逸结合,不要过度疲劳。可见压力是重要的癌症诱因,中医认为压力导致过劳体虚从而引起免疫功能下降、内分泌失调,体内代谢紊乱,导致体内酸性物质的沉积;压力也可导致精神紧张引起气滞血淤、毒火内陷等。 D)加强体育锻炼,增强体质,多在阳光下运动,多出汗可将体内酸性物质随汗液排出体外,避免形成酸性体质。 E)生活要规律,生活习惯不规律的人,如彻夜唱卡拉OK、打麻将、夜不归宿等生活无规律,都会加重体质酸化,容易患癌症。应当养成良好的生活习惯,从而保持弱碱性体质,使各种癌症疾病远离自己。 F)不要食用被污染的食物,如被污染的水,农作物,家禽鱼蛋,发霉的食品等,要吃一些绿色有机食品,要防止病从口入。 酸性体质是人体大量摄入高脂肪、高蛋白、高热量食物的结果 ?常见食物的酸硷性: ?强酸性:蛋黄、乳酪、白糖、西点、柿子、乌鱼子、柴鱼等。 ?中酸性:火腿、鸡肉、鲔鱼、猪肉、鳗鱼、牛肉、面包、小麦、奶油、马肉等。 ?弱酸性:白米、花生、啤酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤(蚬)、章鱼、泥鳅等。 ?弱硷性:红豆、萝葡、苹果、甘蓝菜、洋葱、豆腐等。 ?中硷性:萝葡乾、大豆、胡萝葡、番茄、香蕉、橘子、香瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅乾、柠檬、菠菜等。 ?强硷性:葡萄、茶叶、葡萄酒、海带、天然绿藻类 海带可以说是硷性食物之王,多吃海带能有效调整酸性体质。所以平时常感到劳累、疲lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla". 乏、浑身酸痛的话,不妨多吃海带。 此外,人们常说喝茶能解乏,除了茶叶中的兴奋成分外,茶硷能「中和」体内的酸性物质,也有缓解疲乏的作用。 再有素食是最好的方法,只要坚持素食一段时间,身体自然就会变成碱性体质。 ?哪些人的身体容易「发酸」: ?熬夜一族...晚上1:00以後不睡觉,人体的代谢作用会转由内分泌燃烧,用内分泌燃烧产生的毒素会很多,会使体质变酸,通常熬夜的人得慢性疾病的机率会比抽烟或喝酒的人都来得高。所以每天尽量在晚上12:00以前睡觉,不要常熬夜,若非要熬夜,一星期以一次为限~熬夜时不要吃肉,尽量吃碳水化合物,这样隔天才不会很累,可把伤害减至最低。 ?宵夜一族...凡是晚上8:00以後再进食就可称作宵夜。吃宵夜隔天易疲倦、爬不起床,肝也会受损,因为睡觉时,人体各器官活动力降低,处於休息状态,这时让食物留在肠子里会变酸、发酵,易产生毒素、伤害身体。 ?早餐的「逃兵」...一天三餐中,早餐最重要,但许多人不吃早餐,一早空著肚子,体内没有动力,会自动使用甲状腺、副甲状腺、下脑垂体等腺体,如此易造成腺体亢进、体质变酸,长期下来易导致各种慢性病。 ?「精食」一族...少运动且整天坐在办公室的上班族最容易犯这种错误,因为吃得少,又刻意选择很精致的食物、少吃粗粮,这类人的肠子老化得特别快,肝功能也会变差,排便是黑色的而且常会便秘。因为精致食物缺乏纤维素,会导致肠子功能变差,甚至萎缩,你所吃的食物变成了毒素,使你体质变酸,慢性病也开始了。 癌症让许多人觉得恐怖,但并非完全不能从它的魔爪下逃离。美国“网络医学博士”网站近日刊出美国癌症协会专家总结出的“男人和女人最容易忽视的癌症症状”,提醒大家要抓住癌症的蛛丝马迹。因为有调查显示,与较晚期病人治疗后的5年生存率只有10%—30%相比,早期癌症病人正规治疗后的5年生存率能高达70%—95%。 这些前兆中,男人和女人各自应注意的分别为两个,都应该注意的共有13个: 男人应该注意的: 1.睾丸变化。睾丸癌多发年龄段为20—39岁。美国癌症协会建议,男性每月应自我检查睾丸情况,包括睾丸大小变化、出现明显的肿大或缩小、阴囊内出现包块、阴囊坠痛感等,有问题应及时就医。特别是感到阴囊坠胀,感觉里面像是放了一个煤球,并持续一周以上,要马上找医生诊断。这是睾丸癌最典型的前兆,需要进行血液检测和阴囊超声检测。 2.小便问题。随着年龄增加,男性小便问题日渐普遍,尿频、尿急或尿不净较常见。如果症状加重,特别是小便有强烈的紧迫感,应警惕前列腺癌。通常应做直肠指检,医生会告诉你是否前列腺肥大,它是前列腺癌的主要症状。 女人应该注意的: 1.腹胀。很多女性认为腹胀极为常见,不必大惊小怪。但是,这可能是卵巢癌的症状。天津市肿瘤医院肿瘤预防医学中心主任刘俊田介绍,腹部持续肿胀、有压迫感及疼痛、肠胃不适,出现进食困难或极易有饱腹感,持续数周,都可能是卵巢癌的征兆。 2.不规律出血。美国肿瘤学家戴利博士表示,月经周期之间的阴道异常出血及大小便出血很容易被女性忽视。它们很可能是妇科常见癌症———子宫内膜癌的一大征兆,有至少3/4的女性有此征兆后,被检查出患上子宫内膜癌。而大便出血则可能是结肠癌的征兆。 男女都应该注意的: 1(乳房硬块。乳腺癌不是女人的专利,男女都应该积极预防。女性如果发现乳房皮肤发红、有肿块,就要分外当心。“尤其是乳房出现皮疹,并且持续数周不退,必须去检查。”肿瘤学家汉娜?林登博士说。此外,她指出,非哺乳期的女性,乳头凹陷,并且常常流出液体,也lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla". 是不好的信号。对于男性来说,如果乳房皮肤起皱、乳头收缩或不对称、乳头大小和形状改变、乳房红肿、出现硬块等,都是乳头发炎的表现,也是乳癌的症状。刘俊田进一步解释,这种乳房肿块一般不疼,但会逐渐变大。 2(疼痛。美国癌症协会表示,随着年龄增加,身体疼痛会增多。但是身体某部位莫名出现疼痛并持续一周以上时,应尽快查明原因,因为无缘无故的疼痛可能是癌症征兆。比如,长期腹痛是大肠癌的症状,胸部疼痛可能是肺癌引起的,骨头酸痛则可能是癌症转移的症状。刘俊田指出,胰腺癌会表现在上腹区,如脐周或右上腹出现顽固性钝痛或绞痛,可阵发,也可呈持续性,通常会逐渐加重,向腰背部放射。 3(淋巴结变化。林登博士表示,不管身体哪个部位,尤其是腋窝或颈脖出现淋巴结肿大,切不可掉以轻心。如果淋巴结持续增大,超过1个月,则很可能是乳癌或脑癌的症状。 4(发烧。发烧一般由流感、肺炎或其他炎症所导致,然而,不明原因的发烧就可能是危险征兆了。美国癌症协会表示,癌症扩散至身体其他器官时,通常会导致发烧。淋巴瘤、白血病等血癌也有发烧症状。中国医学科学院肿瘤医院防癌科主任徐志坚补充,淋巴瘤在早中期会表现为持续低热,体温在38摄氏度左右,当合并感染时则可能高烧。必要检查包括:X光胸透、CT扫描、核磁共振检查等。 5(体重莫名降低。不用费劲就能减肥的确令人高兴,但是如果一个月内既没增加运动量,又没减少饮食,体重却莫名其妙下降10%,那就应该及时就医。体重急剧下降、厌食、反复腹泻和便秘是最常见的肺癌、胃癌、肾癌及大肠癌症状,对女性而言也可能是甲亢。 6(持续腹痛且伴抑郁。美国癌症协会官员莱昂纳多?李奇顿菲尔德博士表示,如果腹部持续疼痛且伴有抑郁症状,极可能得了胰腺癌。因为专家发现,抑郁与胰腺癌关系极大。其他症状还包括:黄疸或大便呈反常的灰色。 7(疲劳。一般来说,感觉疲劳,是癌症已有所发展的征兆,但对于白血病、肠癌和胃癌来说,可能发病初期就会感到疲劳。癌症的疲劳和普通疲劳有什么区别呢,美国癌症协会专家表示,普通疲劳休息一下就会消失,而癌症的疲劳不论怎么休息,都会觉得很难改善。 8(咳嗽不止。美国乔治城大学医学院拉尼特?米歇里博士表示,如果莫名其妙的咳嗽持续不断,超过3—4周,就应该及时看医生,有可能是肺癌或喉癌的征兆。 9(吞咽困难。李奇顿菲尔德博士表示,长期的吞咽困难,可能是喉癌、食道癌和胃癌的征兆,应该尽早接受X光胸透或胃镜检查。所谓吞咽困难,刘俊田介绍,一般指进食时出现胸骨后疼痛、食管内有异物感,有人即使不进食,也会感到食管壁像有菜叶、碎片或米粒样物贴附,吞咽下食物后会感到食物下行缓慢,甚至停留在食管内。 10(皮肤变化。美国费城福克斯蔡斯癌症研究中心肿瘤学家玛丽?戴利博士提醒,皮肤突然出现包块或者色素沉着,并且变化明显,都可能是皮肤癌的征兆。观察几周后就应该立即就医。另外,无论年老年轻,一旦皮肤突然出血或者出现异常剥落,也应该去看医生。 11(异常出血。米歇里博士表示,便血除了痔疮外,很可能是肠癌的症状,必要时应该接受结肠镜肠癌筛查。北京同仁医院泌尿外科主任医师陈山也提醒,40岁以上的中老年人,除女性经期之外,如出现无痛尿血或排尿困难,应警惕膀胱癌或肾癌。肠癌除了便血以外,如果肿瘤生长在靠近肛门处,还可能出现大便变细、次数增多等症状,甚至引起大便困难。 12(口腔变化。美国癌症协会指出,吸烟者要特别注意口腔及舌头上出现的白色斑块,这可能是口腔癌的前兆———黏膜白斑病。 13(消化不良。男性(尤其是老年男性)以及女性(孕期除外)长时间不明原因持续消化不良,可能是食道癌、喉癌、胃癌的症状。 此“马铃薯生汁疗法”搜集于《健康杂志》,《佛说疗治病经》转载介绍,被称为“真正成为起死回生的魔杖”。 lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla". 开始为日本禅宗僧侣,富泽知芳师提供,由冀公孙建永搜集整理,据介绍对治疗癌症有特效,有些人喝不了可加蜂蜜或半个苹果。重病患者需在医生指导下服用。每一个看到此偏方的好心人应大力宣传,造福广大民众。 喝马铃薯生汁治好疾病的人越来越多,可以控制癌细胞蔓延—— “进入今年有好几十名癌症患者实行这种疗法,而且有很多患者逐渐康复,甚至有些人已经感到必死无疑了,但后来因此得救,纷纷来电告知他们内心的无限喜悦。” 提倡马铃薯生汁疗法的禅宗僧侣——富泽知芳师在自家接到来自日本全国各地癌症患者的热烈回响,所以再度刊出,马铃薯生汁疗法的临床试验例子。 将生的马铃薯擦碎,每日持续喝其汁一至二杯。马铃薯生汁疗法不仅可以治癌,也治好了很多人肝脏病、糖尿病、胃溃疡、肾病、心脏病、高血压、腰痛和肩膀痛等病。还有各式各样其它疾病治愈的患者也陆续出现。如果是正被慢性病所苦的人,请务必尝试。 没有任何副作用,可以立刻实行,长期使用—— 富泽师有一本著作《健康道——癌症并不可怕》,他说过以下一段话: 即使做癌症手术,但可能因为担心会蔓延或者未全部切除干净,反复不断地使用抗癌剂或做放射线疗法。但是却很少听到因此而把癌症治愈的。而且那些治疗的副作用相当大,会使人失去食欲,使身体急剧衰弱下去。 与此相对的是,马铃薯生汁疗法完全没有任何副作用,而且可以恢复体力,提高自然治愈力,实在是一种高营养的食品。若长期持续此疗法,就具有抑制癌细胞的神奇力量。 马铃薯生汁疗法没有任何危险,任何人都可以立刻实行,而且在极短时间内就可以实际感受到效果。患部有痛感的人,只要喝过一至二周,痛感就会逐渐减轻,没有痛感的,只要持续一些时间,食欲随即增加,血色好转,体力可以渐渐恢复。 真正起死回生的魔杖,介绍一下马铃薯生汁的制作方法—— 第一次准备的马铃薯的分量,大个的二、三个,小的三、四个。 把马铃薯清洗干净,然后去除马铃薯长芽部分。【注意:发芽土豆及青色块茎肉,含龙葵碱,可使人中毒,产生严重的胃肠炎症状,用时须谨防之。】 再连皮一起(不要去皮)用擦菜板擦碎,擦完后裹入干净纱布或孔较粗的棉质麻布内用力挤出汁来用力挤出汁来。一次可以挤出一杯大约(180-200ml)的生汁。 将这些汁每天早晚餐前30-60分钟前空腹喝下。可能的话,在晚餐之前也喝一杯。每次做完立刻喝,而且每日持续才是最重要的。 身体衰弱的人,一次无法喝一杯的人,可以分做几次喝完。或者不喜欢光喝马铃薯生汁的人,可以掺入酵素果汁约30毫升或蜂蜜,苹果榨汁搅拌混匀时喝起来更容易。 lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla". 【注意:生汁挤出后要立刻喝完,而且每天坚持。连服两周,治疗见效。见效后继续持续服用。】 但是富泽师严厉地告诉患者,不可以把马铃薯生汁当作药物来看。他说:只喝马铃薯生汁但是依然不改变过去纵欲生活的人,可以说就是把马铃薯视同药罐子,当自己已经生病了,但自己却不节制不养生,只是吃药就想轻易治好疾病。 我们生病都是事出有因。例如暴饮暴食、喜欢美食、漫无节制的熬夜,都是造成疾病的原因。 只要把过去的生活做一百八十度的大转变即可,此时的马铃薯生汁,才算是真正的起死回生之仙杖。 马铃薯在欧洲被称做“大地的苹果”,显然是营养价值相当高的食品。尤其含有非常丰富的维他命C和钙,在德国则自古以来即有喝马铃薯擦碎汁治疗胃溃疡和便秘的方法”。 另外,马铃薯生汁具有抑制致癌的作用,在科学上也慢慢地获得证明。 马铃薯含有丰富的维他命C、维他命B、铁、磷和钙。这些维他命或矿物质一旦被体内吸收,血管中的血液就可以畅通无阻。因此,只要持续喝马铃薯生汁的话就可以使血压维持稳定。 马铃薯含的钾能帮助体内的钠排出体外,有利于高血压和肾炎患者的康复。马铃薯还有减肥、和中养胃、健脾利湿,消炎解毒的功效。 另外,马铃薯生汁还对花粉症、湿疹、便秘有显著效果。重症肝病喝马铃薯生汁之后迅速恢复,严重的便秘治好了。喝马铃薯生汁使尿蛋白完全消失了。马铃薯生汁可以增强全身体力。喝马铃薯生汁使胸痛消失不药而愈。 另外,肩膀僵硬和酸痛的情形已经不再犯了。 狭心症的起因是,心脏内的血液无法通畅所引起的疾病。血液流动若顺畅无阻,当然心脏也可以正常地运作。 另外,肩膀酸痛多半是因为高血压或狭心症影响所致。喝马铃薯生汁使失声的喉咙又可发声。 请大家相互转告,也许你举手之劳就可以解除一个人的病痛、挽救一个人的生命,功德无量。 第一个偏方: (一犯人在执行死刑前三天供出祖传治癌奇方) 药方煎法及服法:红枣大粒八粒,小粒十粒(共用十八粒),白花蛇草二两,铁树一叶,半枝莲一两,四味药共为一剂,可煎二次,第一次煎用水量十五磅(约十五碗水即五磅水瓶三瓶水)煎煮二小时,第二次十磅(约十碗水即五磅水瓶两瓶水)煎煮二小时,然后将煎好的药汤倒在一起,日夜当茶服用。 说明: 一:该药主治各种癌症。根据服法结果,已经治愈肠癌、肝癌、子宫癌、乳癌、胃癌,除乳癌效果较差,其他癌症服之都有良好效果,特别是肠癌,只服4至6小时即起异常效果。 二:平时每月煎一次服食,该药对脏腑之热毒及痔疮、热咳等症,服后都确实生效且能彻底治愈。 三:注意:半枝莲清凉无毒,是排污草药,服后不能饮用开水,恐其冲淡药效。如果癌症三花(即是表面能看见烂的),可将刚生长的鲜草药捣烂,取其渣,将渣敷于患处,取其汁用水烧热当茶饮。此药方不分男女老幼,服用三至四个月方能彻底痊愈,服用后大小便常常有浓血排出,这反应,毒物清除后即止,可勿惊疑。 lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla". 四:此药方是一个犯人在执行死刑前三天供出来的,系祖传秘方,因恐怕死后失传而公开。到目前为止,治愈者无数,是救人一奇方。 第二个偏方: 公开(祖传治癌秘方)治癌千余例,有效率100% 癌症肆虐全世界,每秒死亡好几人,发病率和死亡率越来越高,但医学界束手无策~ 为救拔病苦众生,为光耀如来家业,李清岩居士无私贡献祖传秘方,治疗各种癌症/肿瘤千余例,有效率100% 李家祖传治癌秘方 主治:各种癌/瘤 配方:生五灵脂,,克,生黑牵牛,,克,生香附子,,克,生广木香,,克( 用法:买药时加工成粉,加白醋调糊为丸,阴干(一次,,克(生姜汁送服,每天,,,次(小儿药量减半)(也可以不调糊,服药时加些醋( 注意:不得吃人参。孕妇不可用。 说明:一般病例,,分钟见效,经千余例临验,疗效100%,被称为神方~ 本方前三味药是祖传秘方,第四味药是贡献人研究所加( 献方人:广东饶平县三饶镇西巷头民间医师 李清岩 正告 持方人公开祖传秘方,救死扶伤,功德无量~ 经济困难的同修在给人治病时可以适当收取成本以维生,但绝不能牟取暴利~ 任何人不得私作主张修改药方,那会害死人~若遭天谴,后果自负! 体内高浓度高含量的维生素C有极强的维持细胞膜完整性的功能 不受癌细胞侵袭扩散 维生素A也能很强的抑制肿瘤(具体原理忘了) 维生素E也很强(综合营养) 维生素B族略差 但总比没有强 维生素B族不会对病情起反作用 似乎新鲜的大青水萝卜有一种物质(木质素,)能刺激体内巨噬细胞吞噬癌细胞 当然新鲜的大水萝卜也富含维生素C 但是绝不能用水萝卜或者别的蔬菜水果代替维生素药片 建议没必要用复合维生素 不光是性价比的问题 有可能含量不足 用普通的维生素就可以 其实病情危险时一天一瓶维生素C(100粒)不算多 因为维生素C是水溶性维生素 很难产生毒性的 维生素A虽是脂溶性 但也要尽量多吃 至于维生素E没听说有副作用的 跟化疗比这算得了什么 不要咨询一般的医生关于这个 很多医生不知道这个 会提出不良的反对影响治疗 免疫疗在癌扩散晚期同样有效 除了年纪特别大和体质特别虚弱的病人 都能够控制住病情 减缓病情 甚至有完全治愈永不复发的可能性 当经过检查基本治愈 自身感觉恢复到病前的状态 几年内也一定要吃维持量防止复发 绝不要同时吃虾同时服用大量维生素c。否则,可生成砒霜 危害很大 维C遇热易分解 尽量不要用热水服用 还要考虑一下病人的肠胃吸收功能决定用量(尽量多吃) 医生不同意的话 可以同时化疗同时免疫疗 胡箩卜汁含有维A 别的物质也可能有效 据说有个外国人(可能是俄国人)每天饮用大量的鲜榨的胡箩卜汁 居然完全治愈了~~~~~~~~~可以去买个家用榨汁机 不算贵 千万不要煮熟再榨汁 维C遇热易分解(虽然胡箩卜汁VC含量不算多) 而且还有可能失去很多别的营养物质 越新鲜的越有效 (注:绝不能代替维生素药片~~~~~~~~~)曾有个肿瘤转移病人早上起床胃部剧痛 一把维C下去1分钟就不痛了 lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla". 各类晚期癌症注射大剂量维生素C,每天10,30克,能明显地加长患者的生存期。大量摄入维生素C,可以制造大量免疫球蛋白,可以使抗癌的淋巴细胞高效率地发挥作用。 1、短期内服用VC补充品过量,会产生多尿、下痢、皮肤发疹等副作用; 2、长期服用过量VC补充品,可能导致尿酸结石; 3、小儿生长时期过量服用,容易产生骨骼疾病。 4、一次性摄入VC2500-5000毫克以上时,可能会导致红细胞大量破裂,出现溶血等危重现象。(有可能是揉合了其他因素的特例) (以上问题,是指传统的酸性维生素C。如果是无酸的维生素C,这样的事情就不会发生了。) 无酸C是弱碱性。每一个人, 尤其是有肠胃疾病的人都可以长期大量服用。许多医学专家认为: 在有感冒、过敏、糖尿病、癌症等疾病时, 需要用大剂量的维生素C, 每日高达2-lOg,有时还更多, 无酸C才能使这一需要成为可能。(注:强烈建议一天一瓶100粒无酸C) 维生素B17是极为有效的抗癌物质,对癌细胞具有杀灭作用。美国用维生素B17治疗癌症,一般经治疗的250例患者中,有248人获救,至今已用维生素B17挽救了4000名晚期癌症患者的生命 lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory)]. County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: "North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla".
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