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重庆市长寿区教委重庆市长寿区教委 重庆市长寿区教委 长寿区少工委 关于开展“弘扬中华文化 我是世博小使者” 活动的通知 各街镇教管中心、直属学校,单位,: 2010年上海世博会即将召开~为了让更多的少年儿童更加深刻地感受世博氛围~在了解世博的同时弘扬中华国学文化精神~经研究决定~区教委、区少工委将开展“弘扬中华文化~我是世博小使者”活动。现将有关事宜通知如下: 一、 举办“手牵手~我是世博小使者”选拔赛。活动方案见附件。 二、 各学校结合“讲读唱传”红色系列活动和和学生养成教育~以多种形式开展活动~达到“走近世博~参与世博~了解...
重庆市长寿区教委 重庆市长寿区教委 长寿区少工委 关于开展“弘扬中华文化 我是世博小使者” 活动的通知 各街镇教管中心、直属学校,单位,: 2010年上海世博会即将召开~为了让更多的少年儿童更加深刻地感受世博氛围~在了解世博的同时弘扬中华国学文化精神~经研究决定~区教委、区少工委将开展“弘扬中华文化~我是世博小使者”活动。现将有关事宜通知如下: 一、 举办“手牵手~我是世博小使者”选拔赛。活动见附件。 二、 各学校结合“讲读唱传”红色系列活动和和学生养成教育~以多种形式开展活动~达到“走近世博~参与世博~了解世博~宣传世博”和宣传中华传统文化的目的。 三、 请于2010年5月30日前将活动简报报至csqjytgw@163.com。 二?一?年四月八日 and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 重庆市长寿区“手牵手 我是世博小使者” 选拔赛方案 一、活动主题 争当世博小使者~弘扬中华文化传统 二、活动目的 以朗诵、讲故事、绘画、唱歌等方式~弘扬中华文化“仁、义、礼、智、信”等国学文化精神~推广世博知识和礼仪知识~让我区的少年儿童参与世博、共享世博~努力让优秀的代有机会代表长寿,重庆,向世界介绍中国。 三、活动对象 全区少年儿童 四、活动安排 ,一,选拔方式 各学校进行初选后~报优秀者参加区级比赛~区赛优胜者参加重庆赛区的比赛。 ,二,报名 以学校,教管中心,为单位~在2010年4月18日前将本校参赛学生的报名表,见附件,发邮件至cqcssgw@163.com~纸质件可交至团区委办公室,行政中心南楼520,。 ,三,比赛时间与地点 20104年4月24日,星期六,~寿星广场。 ,四,比赛分组 区级比赛分幼儿组、少儿组两个组进行选拔。 幼儿组:3,7岁,2002年5月1日—2007年4月30日期间出生, 2on type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project forload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumptitime information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active up-er realplatform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data centement cluded in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any managdisplayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is inually quirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visp editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own reth madisplayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system wiof the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be cationn the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the loth the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed oage wilarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkidentification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire aand out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the 少儿组:8,14岁,1996年5月1日—2002年4月30日期间出 生, ,五,比赛内容 1(表演类 器乐:民族乐器、古典乐器 歌舞:民歌、民族舞、古典舞 杂艺:武术、茶艺、戏曲、剪纸 朗诵:古诗词、经典古文 讲故事:仁、义、礼、智、信相关内容 2(展示类 书画、书法、国画 3(附加类 礼仪文化、传统文化等 ,六,比赛要求 1(紧扣主题~精心设计~过渡自然~展示完整~表演整体效果 好。 2(所展示的才艺有一定水平。 3(服装道具、音乐与展示内容艺术统一。 4(形象设计体现少年儿童风貌~展示长寿,重庆,形象。 4(展示类作品须设计一定形式的综合表演。 5(表演时间原则上不得超过3分钟,不含30秒自我介绍,。 五、奖项设置 ,一,长寿赛区 1、设幼儿组一等奖2名~二等奖3名~三等奖5名~优秀奖若 干, 3and charges Member, project forator, rding to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can accotime information sharing through databases. POS mach-al and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center realn system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet interncartoovelop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly deone, e centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zthe order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plan ermineolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to detaccording to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isutes ss control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation rointerface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, acce serialthe front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or n the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through and out of the project withi 2、设少儿组一等奖2名~二等奖3名~三等奖5名~优秀奖若干。 长寿赛区两组的一等奖共4名选手将参加重庆赛区的复赛和决赛。 ,二,重庆赛区 选手如果成功晋级重庆赛区前10名~他们将获得以下奖励: ,1,获得世博小使者称号 获得重庆赛区的前10名优胜者将获得世博小使者称号~成为唯一代表重庆前往世博的小使者。 ,2,获得荣誉证书 ,3,亲子世博游 10名优胜者将成为世博小使者~亲临上海参观场馆、去马戏团观看“欢乐马戏”、 夜游黄浦等,主办方将为每位优胜者免费提供2个家长、1个儿童在沪期间4天3夜的食宿、交通、景点门票、保险、礼品,。 ,4,代言“天友贝贝星” 10名优胜者的照片将有机会在赛后登上天友贝贝星的产品包装。 ,5,成为安琪尔2010—2011年的签约模特 10名优胜者将成为安琪尔2010—2011年的签约模特~安琪尔将针对其个人特点进行个性形象包装~每季推出形象主角~并进行系列进行平面宣传、户外宣传、T台秀、公益捐助活动。 组委会对入围作品以及入围者形象图片、视频等有用于资料汇编、展示等使用权。 4on type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project forload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumptitime information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active up-er realplatform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data centement cluded in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any managdisplayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is inually quirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visp editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own reth madisplayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system wiof the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be cationn the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the loth the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed oage wilarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkidentification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire aand out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the 附件 重庆市长寿区“手牵手,我是世博小天使”选拔赛报名表 单位: 姓 名 性 别 籍 贯 民 族 出生年月( 岁) 照片 监护人姓名 手机 家庭地址 本人特长 特长等级 监护人工作单位 通讯地址 邮编 就读学校/幼儿园 (包括获奖时间、名称、发奖单位,级别) 个人 特长 的获 奖情 况 此表一式两份,一份由所在学校保管,一份于2010年4月18日前交团区委存档,或发电子邮件至:cqcssgw@163.com。 5and charges Member, project forator, rding to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can accotime information sharing through databases. POS mach-al and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center realn system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet interncartoovelop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly deone, e centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zthe order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plan ermineolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to detaccording to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isutes ss control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation rointerface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, acce serialthe front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or n the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through and out of the project withi
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