

2018-09-07 12页 doc 90KB 25阅读




电脑连接手机用手机流量上网电脑连接手机用手机流量上网 作者:seekerwei 步骤 这里的意思是电脑连手机用手机流量上网,在没电脑网络的时候可以应急,但是请注意你的流量,要不然,费用可观啊 步骤/方法 进入开始-程序- Internet 共享选项,会发现 对于 PC 的连接,这里只介绍 USB 的连接方式,第一项的选择,自然就是: USB Internet 共享选项中的网络连接方式,有三种不同的接入方式分别是: 移动梦网( GPRS )、 GPRS 连接互联网以及拨号连接互联网,针对不同的资费,你可以自由选择适合你的拨号方式,就以手机移...
电脑连接手机用手机流量上网 作者:seekerwei 步骤 这里的意思是电脑连手机用手机流量上网,在没电脑网络的时候可以应急,但是请注意你的流量,要不然,费用可观啊 步骤/ 进入开始-程序- Internet 共享选项,会发现 对于 PC 的连接,这里只介绍 USB 的连接方式,第一项的选择,自然就是: USB Internet 共享选项中的网络连接方式,有三种不同的接入方式分别是: 移动梦网( GPRS )、 GPRS 连接互联网以及拨号连接互联网,针对不同的资费,你可以自由选择适合你的拨号方式,就以手机移动梦网 wap 接入的方式,选择“移动梦网( GPRS )”,(如果想只用WAP流量请注意这里一定要设置成手机WAP模式,或者是移动梦网GPRS ) 其它网络连接,这里就不再说明,大约只有你使用到 cmnet 接入时,才会用到它。 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 选择正确之后,点击“连接” 拨号成功之后 手机拨号成功,可以为你的手机接入 USB 数据线了…… is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 无论是要同步,还是手机当猫,电脑都需要安装同步软件 ActiveSync v4.5 才行,在论坛下载 安装好同步软件之后,只要手机已经拨号成功,连上数据线,就不怕被电脑的同步软件给同步,这时,会在电脑的“网上邻居”中,看到一个 Windows Mobile 的本地连接 再做一些简单的设置,凡是涉及到代理的,都得进行代理设置才行,比如 IE 的代理设置问题;不过,由于 IE 浏览器,连接速度慢,而且,会受到移动多重的限制,用 Opera 浏览器的网络设置. Opera 浏览器的连接速度不仅比 IE 快,受到的限制也少得多,我们使用 wap 的“移动梦网”代理,通过 IE 连接手机论坛时,就会提示“网页上有错误”的提示,而没法正常进入论坛,而 Opera 就不会,不仅能够正常进入论坛发帖,还能贴图呢,这里就只介绍 Opera 的设置方法 当安装好 Opera 浏览器之后,进入:工具,首选项,高级,网络,代理服务器 如果图片显示不清楚,则按如下设置 HTTP 代理设置为: 端口: 80 此项 选勾 为代理启用 HTTP1.1 此项 选勾 之后,按确定保存退出即可 。 好了,随便点击一个 www 网页进行测试一下,要说明的是, Opera 比 IE 浏览器快,但也不是说,就没了移动的限制,只是能说明,用 Opera 浏览器可以比IE连接到更多的 www 网站。经过测试,GPRS的连接速度,一般稳定在大约6,7K左右,因为本地没EDGE网络,就不能进行评测了,应该会比GPRS快很多 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination QQ 的代理设置,登陆 QQ 时,点击“设置”-“网络设置”-类型: HTTP 代理,地址:端口: 80 ,然后,可以测试一下网络,如果测试通过的话,一般就能正常登陆 了,但有时,也存在登陆比较困难的时候,那就只能多登陆几次吧 。 使用 wap 代理上 QQ ,经常会出现系统假死,掉线的情况,推荐大家使用 TM ,连接方 式,也和 QQ 一样 注意事项 另外一种办法是用USB驱动也可以带电脑上网,在没电脑网络的时候可以应急,但是请注 意你的流量。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 你是不是每个月都会碰到流量不够使的情况,小编今天就来介绍一下安卓手机用USB连接电脑上网的方法。 【方法一:usb连接线,手机有线上网】 1、将手机通过usb线连接到电脑,勾选“设置 -> 无线和网络 -> 绑定与便携热点 -> USB绑定”选项,电脑上会出现虚拟网卡, 为便于分辨,给虚拟网卡改个名字叫:android ; 2、共享电脑网络至android网卡; 3、打开超级终端,su变身超级用户,查询手机ip # busybox ifconfig 手机ip:每个人不一样) 4、把电脑上android网卡的ip改为192.168.43.1; 5、添加默认网关 #busybox route add default gw 辅助软件:busybox、z4 root 关键点:手机上的网关IP和电脑上的IP一样。 【方法二:无线网卡,手机AP】 此方法适用于笔记本有无线网卡,但不支持adhoc,支持anhoc的建议使用方法三。 1、勾选“设置 -> 无线和网络 -> 绑定与便携热点 -> 便携式Wi-Fi热点”选项,并设置AP(比如:myAp); 2、电脑连接到myAp并获取ip地址(比如:; 3、添加默认网关 #busybox route add default gw 辅助软件:busybox、 z4root 关键点:手机上的网关IP和电脑上的IP一样。 【方法三:支持adhoc的无线网卡,组建wifi如果电脑本身带的无线网卡不支持】 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 的话,可以买一个支持adhoc的usb无线网卡(一般都带驱动,可以直接模拟AP供手机用)。 这里以win7为例,说下大致流程: 1、以管理员身份运行命令提示符; 2、启用并设定“虚拟Wifi网卡”模式; 运行以下命令启用虚拟无线网卡: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=(这里写无线网名字) key=(这里是密码) 3、启用“Internet连接共享(ICS)”; 4、开启无线网络 :netsh wlan start hostednetwork 5、手机连接设置的wifi is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination
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