

2017-08-29 7页 doc 24KB 11阅读




幼儿园保健知识春季是小儿传染性疾病的多发季节,常见的传染性疾病包括:流行性感冒、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、风疹、猩红热、手足口病等,尤其近几年手足口病、麻疹增多,威胁着儿童的健康和生命,如何预防小儿传染病,让儿童健康度过春天很重要。 春季小儿常见传染病 1、流脑 流行性脑脊髓膜炎简称流脑,它是由脑膜炎双球菌引起的急性呼吸道传染病,传染性较强。流脑发病初期类似感冒,流鼻涕、咳嗽、头痛、发热等。病菌进入脑脊液后,头痛加剧,嗜睡、颈部强直、有喷射样呕吐和昏迷休克等危重症状。传染源主要是病人或带菌者,传播途径以空气飞沫直接传播为主,...
春季是小儿传染性疾病的多发季节,常见的传染性疾病包括:流行性感冒、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、麻疹、水痘、腮腺炎、风疹、猩红热、手足口病等,尤其近几年手足口病、麻疹增多,威胁着儿童的健康和生命,如何预防小儿传染病,让儿童健康度过春天很重要。 春季小儿常见传染病 1、流脑 流行性脑脊髓膜炎简称流脑,它是由脑膜炎双球菌引起的急性呼吸道传染病,传染性较强。流脑发病初期类似感冒,流鼻涕、咳嗽、头痛、发热等。病菌进入脑脊液后,头痛加剧,嗜睡、颈部强直、有喷射样呕吐和昏迷休克等危重症状。传染源主要是病人或带菌者,传播途径以空气飞沫直接传播为主,潜伏期一般为2-3天,最长为一周。人群普遍易感,好发于小年龄段儿童。 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 2、麻疹 麻疹是由麻疹病毒引起的急性传染病,潜伏期8—12日,典型的临床症状可概括为“三、三、三”,即前驱期3天:出疹前3天出现38度左右的中等度发热,伴有咳嗽、流涕、流泪、畏光,口腔颊粘膜出现灰白色小点;出疹期3天:病程第4-5天体温升高达40度左右,红色斑丘疹从头而始渐及躯干、上肢、下肢;恢复期3天:出疹3-4天后,体温逐渐恢复正常,皮疹开始消退,皮肤留有糖麸状脱屑及棕色色素沉着。麻疹是通过呼吸道飞沫途径传播,病人是惟一的传染源。患病后可获得持久免疫力,第二次发病者极少见。未患过麻疹又未接种过麻疹疫苗者普遍具有易感性,尤其是6个月-5岁幼儿发病率最高。 3、水痘 水痘是传染性很强的疾病,由带状疱疹病毒引起。水痘的典型临床现是中低等发热,很快成批出现红色斑丘疹,迅速发展为清亮的卵园形的小水疱,24小时后水疱变浑浊,易破溃,然后从中心干缩,迅速结痂。临床上往往丘疹、水疱疹、结痂the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 同时存在,呈向心性分布,即先躯干,继头面、四肢,而手足较少,且瘙痒感重。接受正规治疗后,如果没有并发感染,一般7-10天可治愈。传染源主要是病人。传播途径为呼吸道飞沫传染和接触了被水痘病毒污染的食具、玩具、被褥及毛巾等的接触传染。人群普遍易感,儿童多见。由于本病传染性强,患者必须早期隔离,直到全部皮疹干燥结痂为止 4、流行性腮腺炎 由腮腺炎病毒引起的急性、全身性感染的传染病。典型的临床症状是发热、耳下腮部、颌下肿胀疼痛,腮腺肿大的特点是以耳垂为中心向前、后、下方蔓延,可并发脑膜脑炎、急性胰腺炎等。传染源是腮腺炎病人或隐性感染者,病毒经过飞沫使健康人群受感染。多见于儿童及青少年,预后良好,病后有持久的免疫力。 5、风疹 风疹是一种由风疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,开始一般仅有低热及很轻的感冒症状。多在发病后1到2天出现皮the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 疹,出疹迅速由面部开始发展到全身只需要1天的时间,发热即出疹,热退疹也退,枕后、耳后、颈部淋巴结肿大。风疹患者、带有风疹病毒却没发病的人和先天性风疹患者是此病的传染源。儿童及成人都可能得此病,发病前5天至7天和发病后3天至5天都有传染性,起病当天和前一天传染性最强。感染后基本上能获得永久保护。空气飞沫传播是风疹的主要传播途径,日常的密切接触也可传染。 6、猩红热 猩红热为主要由A组链球菌引起的急性呼吸道传染病。早期咽部充血、扁桃体红肿,表现为发热、咽痛、头痛、恶心、呕吐等症状。一般发热24小时内出现皮疹,开始于耳后,颈部,上胸部,一日内蔓延至全身。全身皮肤潮红,可见呈鲜红色,针头大小皮疹,有些象“鸡皮疙瘩”,面部充血潮红,但无皮疹,口唇周围及鼻尖则显得苍白,舌乳头红肿。猩红热的传染源为病人和带菌者,主要通过呼吸道飞沫传播,偶可经接触传播。人群普遍易感,儿童少年多the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 发。该病早诊断、正确治疗是关键。 7、手足口病 手足口病是由肠道病毒感染引起的临床症候群,多数病例临床表现较轻,以发热和手、足、口腔等部位的皮疹或疱疹为主要特征。少数病例出现呼吸系统、中枢神经系统损害,引起脑炎、心肌炎、肺水肿、弛缓性麻痹等症状,个别重症患儿病情进展快,导致死亡。引发手足口病的肠道病毒有20多种,包括柯萨奇病毒A组、肠道病毒71型(EV71)、埃可病毒的某些血清型等。 EV71感染引起重症病例的比例较大。 预防措施很重要 1、居室必须要每天通风、保持空气流动。每天至少两次,每次应在半小时以上。开窗自然通风,可有效降低室内空气中微生物的数量,改善室内空气质量,是最简单、最安全、行之有效的室内空气消毒。 2、养成良好的卫生习惯,是个人保护的关键。饭前便后、乘车、外出归来一定要the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 洗手,打喷嚏、咳嗽不要对着他人,应用纸巾掩盖,勤换、勤洗、勤晒衣服、被褥,不随地吐痰,个人用品切勿混用。幼儿玩具、用具定期消毒。 3、多进行户外活动,减少到人多拥挤的公共场所,尤其是通风差的地下商场、游乐场所。 4、接种疫苗。接种疫苗是预防传染病发生的最佳手段。幼儿应按接种疫苗,有漏种的要及时到当地卫生防疫站接种。 5、多锻炼,保证充足的睡眠,增强免疫力。要合理安排好作息,做到生活有规律,保证每日的户外活动,劳逸结合,身体过度劳累,会导致抵抗力下降,容易受到病原体的感染。 6、注意衣、食细节。春季气候多变,要根据天气变化,适时增减衣服,切不可一下子减得太多,也不要捂得太多,幼儿活动后大汗淋漓,易受风寒侵袭。合理安排好饮the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine 食,多饮水,摄入足够的维生素,宜多食些富含优质蛋白、糖类及微量元素的食物,如瘦肉、禽蛋、大枣、蜂蜜和新鲜蔬菜、水果等。 7、如有不适及时就医。由于许多传染病初期症状与普通感冒相似,易被忽视,因此幼儿出现发热、咳嗽、出皮疹应及时就诊,尽早明确诊断,及时进行治疗。如有传染病的情况,应立刻采取隔离措施,以免范围扩大 the needs of future rehabilitation centre. facilitates future expansion of the hospital-wide voice communications, reducing costs due to expansion. Taking into account the special nature of public hospital, from a security point of view, the internal network of centres for the rehabilitation of the project system and Internet construction independently. to protect data within medical rehabilitation center from influence of external network, ensure safe and reliable medical information. Intranet for the hospital's internal network and not the hospital external link external network and an external network and data Association, two independent sets of network equipment. Medical network to four-room for 2 large Gigabit switches at the core, double-machine
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