

2017-11-28 12页 doc 40KB 29阅读




爱我中华,爱我樟树爱我中华,爱我樟树 樟树市位于江西中部,樟树具有悠久历史、灿烂文化、优越区位和较强经济实力, 说历史源远悠久一点不假。早在4500年前,境内已有繁荣的城邑。公元938年设立清江县,樟树(原清江县)以其经济繁荣、人文昌盛、军事要地而名冠华夏。新中国成立后,清江县治所由临江迁至樟树。1988年12月26日,清江县撤县设立樟树市(省计划单列),历史上是江西四大名镇之一。 樟树文化底蕴厚重。特别樟树古文化、道教文化、药文化三大特色的旅游资源十分丰富。境内考古发现有13处新石器时代遗址,其中以筑卫城、营盘里、樊城堆为最,被考古学家命...
爱我中华,爱我樟树 樟树市位于江西中部,樟树具有悠久历史、灿烂文化、优越区位和较强经济实力, 说历史源远悠久一点不假。早在4500年前,境内已有繁荣的城邑。公元938年设立清江县,樟树(原清江县)以其经济繁荣、人文昌盛、军事要地而名冠华夏。新中国成立后,清江县治所由临江迁至樟树。1988年12月26日,清江县撤县设立樟树市(省计划单列),历史上是江西四大名镇之一。 樟树文化底蕴厚重。特别樟树古文化、道教文化、药文化三大特色的旅游资源十分丰富。境内考古发现有13处新石器时代遗址,其中以筑卫城、营盘里、樊城堆为最,被考古学家命名为樊城堆文化。筑卫城被联合国教科文组织专家认定是迄今为止保留最完整的新石器时代古城。吴城商代遗址是商代方国都邑,属20世纪100项重大发现之一,被考古学家命名为吴城文化,吴城遗址的发现打破了史学界“商文化不过长江”的论断。1996年吴城遗址被列为国家重点文物保护单位。樟树东南隅20公里处的阁皂山是充满灵气的中国道教三座名山之一,唐代御赐阁皂山“第三十三福地”,与龙虎山、茅山同为道教传箓圣地。 樟树目前以药、酒、盐、保险设备、机械制造、商、农六大支柱产业支撑市域经济大厦。通过营造发展环境,大力实施科教兴市、人才强市和可持续发展战略,市域支柱产业、特色经济步入了良性快速发展轨道 一、药 业 樟树药业源远流长。始于汉晋,成于唐末,盛于明清,历1800年而不衰。公元202年,著名丹术医药家、道教灵宝派始祖葛玄在阁皂山attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 采药行医,筑灶炼丹前后40余年,开樟树药业先河。到清乾隆年间,樟树已有80%的人“吃药饭”,樟树人开的药店遍布全国各地,成为我国药业界名声大噪的“樟树药邦”。樟树中药炮制,不论炒、浸、泡、炙或烘、晒、切、藏均十分考究,独树一帜,成为南北药材集散和炮制中心。樟树药帮的先贤通过千百年的努力,争得了“药不到樟树不齐,药不过樟树不灵”的金字招牌,成为海内外药界同仁认可的中国药都。 近几年来,樟树药业企业发展势头迅猛,至现在,有医药企业47户,有药业各类专业技术人员千余人,其中中高级技术人员近200人,大部分生产设备均为近两年购置,达到国内先进水平。产品技术含量高,市场竞争力强,企业发展势头强劲。生产企业主要以中成药、中药饮片及保健品为主,其中中成药有丸剂、片剂、颗粒剂、胶囊剂等14大剂型,计300多个产品;通过继承“樟帮”饮片加工炮制精髓,结合现代高科技生产技术,生产中药饮片千余个品种。建于2001年5月樟树市福城医药园,规划布局合理,配套设施齐全,集中了全市18家优势医药企业,已初具规模和影响力,2004年10月被确定为省级医药工业园。 樟树市土地资源丰富,气候温和,雨量充沛,有种植中药材的传统历史。市内有野生中药材近百科,上千种,可开发利用的有156种,其中尤以“三子一壳”闻名,“三子一壳”即黄栀子、吴茱萸、车前子和枳壳,都是在长期的种植过程中形成的道地药材。目前,全市中药材基地面积已达15万亩(按GAP化种植的中药材基地面积达3万亩),其中1000亩以上基地18个,100亩以上基地81个。其中枳壳1.8万亩,黄栀子4.6万亩,吴茱萸4万亩,车前子1万亩,其它中药材3.6万亩。attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 全市中药材年产量2.3万吨。全市从事药材种植的有8900户,药农数万人,占全市农业人口的近十分之一。2004年10月,吴城乡的汇仁黄栀子基地已通过国家的GAP现场验收,成为我省首批通过国家认证的中药材生产基地。 建国初期,樟树药市就被国务院认定为全国十大中药材市场之一,1996年经国家批准,樟树中药材专业市场成为全国17家国家级中药材专业市场之一,是江西省唯一的国家级中药材专业市场,市场经营区占地235亩,总建筑面积20万平方米,可同时容纳1000户药商入市经营,2003年5月6日正式投入使用。现有16个省(市)、72个县(市)的300余户药商在场内经营,年成交量10万吨,交易额5亿元,辐射全国21个省(市)、港澳台以及东南亚地区。 1958年,国家医药管理局确定樟树为全国三大药交会主办地之一,迄今为止樟树已成功举办了35届全国性的药交会。2004年的第35届樟交会到会厂商3800多家,参会代3.5万人,参展品种7820余个,成交额逾10.8亿元。为进一步提高药交会的知名度和影响力,更好的弘扬药都文化,提升药业产业,今年的第36届药交会由江西省政府主办,樟树市政府承办。 二、酒 业 樟树历代就以酒乡著称,村村都有酿酒师,家家户户会酿酒。北宋诗人梅尧臣曾赞清江(今樟树)“自醪烧瓮美”,南宋爱国诗人陆游也有“名酒来清江,嫩色如新鹅”的诗句,到清代晚期,一家名叫“娄源隆”的酒店脱颖而出,几经沧桑,酿出了色香味俱佳的好酒,并在酒坛和酒瓶attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 上贴上两个“特”字,作为标志以示区别;到20世纪30年代,该店启用“大鹏”商标,并贴上四个“特”字,表示特优,“四特酒”由此得名。 四特酒较其他白酒具有“色泽清亮透明,香气幽雅舒适,入口柔绵甘爽,回味悠久甘甜”的独特风格,1959年中央召开庐山会议期间,四特酒作为特供酒,周恩来总理品尝后高兴地称赞:“清、香、醇、纯,回味无穷”,1972年邓小平在樟树考察时喝了四特酒,赞誉它“酒中佳品,味道独特”。2001年6月2日,江泽民在南昌视察品尝四特酒后,满意地赞之“名不虚传上等酒”。2004年,四特商标被评为“中国驰名商标”,全市酒业产量3万吨,实现税收1.18亿元。 三、盐化工业 樟树市岩盐资源储量居全省首位、全国第四位。岩盐储量103.676亿吨,岩盐资源具有四大特点;一是矿床规模大。东西长17公里、南北宽9公里,面积133.6平方公里,矿床多、厚度大,矿层多达54层,单层厚度2,3米,主矿层可达10.8米,累计厚度40-60米,最大可达194.93米;属特大型盐田。二是岩盐质量好,可作为工业用盐和食用盐。三是开采技术条件简单,目前采用水溶法开采,成本低、安全。四是资源开发利用潜力大,按年产100万吨氯化钠计算,可采2239年。 全市现有岩盐企业的生产能力为年产90万吨。其中江西盐矿为80万吨/年;富达为10万吨/年,并正在进行50万吨真空制盐扩改,今年年底竣工投产。 四、机械制造业 保险设备、起重设备制造构成樟树机械制造业主体,是樟树市域经attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 济仅次于药、酒、盐的第四大支柱。保险设备制造从73年起步,通过几十年的技术改造、科技成果转化,提升了产品质量档次,增强了企业市场竞争力,产品占全国市场份额25%以上。目前,全市已发展形成了14家规模以上保险设备制造有限公司,从业人员4000余人,开发产品100多个,“金虎”牌保险柜2004年被评为全国名牌产品,有6家企业通过了ISO900质量体系认证,有一个企业评为江西省特级诚信企业。 五、文化、旅游业 樟树古代文化辉煌灿烂,从未间断,拥有江南首次发现的“吴城文化”,誉满神州的“药文化”,独具特色的“酒文化”,现已调查发现古遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石雕、碑刻近1000多处,其中筑卫城和吴城遗址为全国重点文物保护单位,有省级文物保护单位7处,市级文物保护单位28处,市博物馆珍藏历史文物14000件,堪称文物大市、文物强市。 樟树旅游资源丰富,是一块亟待开发的旅游宝地,国家级森林公园,阁皂山,以其山水风光秀丽,道教文化神奇,药业文化瑰丽,历史上被赐为“天下第三十三福地”。宋时与鹰潭龙虎山、南京茅山并称全国道教三大传箓圣地,以“道灵、药灵、山水空灵”声名远播。境内筑卫城遗址距今4500年,城垣宏大,造型奇特,是迄今为止发现的我国保存最完整的早期文明时期大型土城之一。1800多年药都药业 相继、千锤百炼,还孕育了独具魅力的药市、药苑等药文化景观。 目前,樟树已制订《樟树市旅游业发展总体规划》,大力塑造“名镇酒乡、道教圣地、中华第一药都”旅游整体形象,建设江南商都吴城文化博览园、阁皂山大万寿崇真宫、药文化馆、酒文化馆等项目,将朝药attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 王、探药史、观药景、逛药市、食药膳、品四特为内容的药都特色游与 访古探幽有机融合,使阁山赣水的天成胜迹与药文化酒文化欣赏、道教 朝拜等旅游项目交相辉映。 attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.
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