

2017-10-14 13页 doc 206KB 13阅读




路由器连接出来的网线再连接无线路由器连接设置路由器连接出来的网线再连接无线路由器连接设置 局域网中多台路由器联接配置方法 随着无线网络的普及,无线路由器也逐渐进入我们的生活中;但如果你购买了无线路由器,而且还要同时使用以前的有线路由器或你的宽带本身就是从邻居家路由器中接入的(即同一局域网中使用两台以上的路由器),那如何配置无线路由器,这成了一个重要的问题。 接触过宽带路由器的用户,大都了解宽带路由器上的端口有WAN口和LAN口之分。宽带路由器在工作过程中有这样一个特点:从LAN到WAN方向上的数据流默认不受限制通过路由器,从WAN到LAN方向上默认不能通过。(注:...
路由器连接出来的网线再连接无线路由器连接设置 局域网中多台路由器联接配置方法 随着无线网络的普及,无线路由器也逐渐进入我们的生活中;但如果你购买了无线路由器,而且还要同时使用以前的有线路由器或你的宽带本身就是从邻居家路由器中接入的(即同一局域网中使用两台以上的路由器),那如何配置无线路由器,这成了一个重要的问题。 接触过宽带路由器的用户,大都了解宽带路由器上的端口有WAN口和LAN口之分。宽带路由器在工作过程中有这样一个特点:从LAN到WAN方向上的数据流默认不受限制通过路由器,从WAN到LAN方向上默认不能通过。(注:无线宽带路由器的无线接入部分从属于LAN的范围)也就是说,默认情况从局域网内电脑上发出的数据包进入路由器的LAN口,可以顺利通过路由器从WAN口被发出,但是从WAN这一端主动过来的数据包进入WAN口以后,路由器默认是不让那些数据包通过的。 通过耗子的实际测试,其实从有线路由器接出的网线,可以通过联接无线路由器的WAN口和LAN口的方式,都可实现无线网络的使用。 注意,本文的前提是,你有一条从正常有线路由器中接出的网线;此网线联接无线路由器的WAN口,是通过静态IP的方式来实现联接,如联接无线路由器的LAN口,即是将无线路由器当做一个无线AP来使用。下面,耗子将分别介绍两种联接方式: 耗子使用的有线路由器是TP-link R460 无线路由器是TP-link WR541G。因此第一种联接方式是:联接无线路由器的WAN口即:R460 LAN口---WR541G WAN口 第二种联接方式是:联接无线路由器的LAN口即:R460 LAN口---WR541G LAN口。 一、联接无线路由器的WAN口即:R460 LAN口---WR541G WAN口(这里假设R460的LAN口采用默认的IP地址192.168.1.1,即可以通过192.168.1.1进入R460路由器设置,并且R460已经正常设置好,可以上网) 首先在一台电脑上使用网线联接无线路由器(WR541G)LAN口,进入设置界面(默认也是192.168.1.1,其它无线路由器,根据实际默认IP地址);首先进入无线路由器WR541G中的LAN接口,将其设置成172.16.1.1,然后保存重启路由器,此时无线路由器WR541Gleading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 默认 IP将改成172.16.1.1。 然后在当前电脑网卡属性中,将IP地址修改为172.16.1.X (X取自然数范围2—254),如下图: 设置完成后,打开IE,在地址栏输入172.16.1.1,重新进入无线路由器WR541G设置界面,设置无线路由器的WAN口,在WAN 口联接类型中选择静态IP,将其设置为:IP地址192.168.1.X (X取自然数范围2—254) 子网掩码255.255.255.0 默认网关 。注意IP地址192.168.1.X,其中X,一定要是在局域网中没有用过IP地址,否则会造成冲突。 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 联接完成后,查看无线路由器WR541G的联接状态如下: 设置完成保存重启无线路由器WR541G即可。对于网络无线网络设置,请参考主页以前无线局域网(路由器)详细安装设置过程。 说明一下:为什么开始要先设置无线路由器的LAN IP。这是因为对于无线路由器WR541G 来说R460的LAN口IP地址就是它的默认网关地址,由于无线路由器WR541G的默认IP是192.168.1.1,而R460默认IP也是192.168.1.1;因此要避免二者IP冲突,必须设置无线 路由器WR541G的默认IP。 注意:1、此时无线网卡的IP一定要设置成172.16.1.X(X取自然数范围2—254),网关和DNS都设置成172.16.1.1即可。但如果无线路由器WR541G打开DHCP服务,可能不需要设置,不过,耗子没有设置成功。 2、此时进入路由器设置IP地址,R460有线路由器是192.162.1.1 WR541G无线路由器是176.16.1.1 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 3、联接完成后,由于无线路由器WR541G,也起到路由器的功能。所以连接在无线路由器WR541G上面的电脑它们的TCP/IP属性要和无线路由器WR541G保持一致~ 4、如果上一级路由分出来的网线是自动分配IP,即网线插到电脑上不需要设置什么就可上网;那么你在无线路由WAN口设置中,选择动态联接即可。 二、联接无线路由器的LAN口即:R460 LAN口---WR541G LAN口(这里假设R460的LAN口采用默认的IP地址192.168.1.1,即可以通过192.168.1.1进入R460路由器设置,并且R460已经正常设置好,可以上网) 这种连接方式因为没有使用无线路由器WR541G的WAN口所以也就没有必要配置WAN口了,因此比较简单。 由于无线路由器WR541G默认IP为192.168.1.1,点击IE,输入192.168.1.1,进入无线路由器WR541G设置界面,点击DHCP服务器 --DHCP服务,关闭DHCP服务器 leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 然后,更改无线路由器WR541G的LAN口IP地址,比如改为 只要和别的已经使用的IP地址不冲突就可以了。 设置完成后,无线路由器WR541G的联接状态如下,由于此是无线路由器WR541G只是起到无线路由的功能,因此联接状态全部为 空. leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and 设置完成,保存重启后,即可。对于网络无线网络设置,请参考主页以前无线局域网(路由器)详细安装设置过程。 注意:1、由于无线路由器WR541G与有线路由器R460的IP都是192.168.1.1,因此在设置无线路由器WR541G时,一定先不要联想R460路由器接出的网络。 2、设置好无线路由器WR541G后,并联接到R460路由器后,进入无线路由器WR541G的IP地址为:这里你设置的无线路由器LAN口的IP地址是什么,就实际输入什么);R460路由器的联接IP为: 3、由于联接后,无线路由器WR541G只起到无线路由的功能。因此在要进入不同的路由器设置时,一定要注意输入不同的IP地址,是进入不同的路由器设置的。无线路由器WR541G就相当于一台“无线交换机”,所以连接在WR541G上面的电脑它们的TCP/IP属性要和R460保持一致~就相当于这些电脑是连接在R460下面的~ leading role, strengthening the capacity of regional radiation. Urban and rural is an inevitable trend, also required from a broader construction of the rapid transit system. Entering the 21st century, the city has maintained fast development momentum, are feature-rich and enhanced. Inherent of city space tends to saturated, in more fast of development speed Xia, city population scale also constantly expansion, city function too concentrated by brings of problem increasingly serious, how Guide City by single center to core-network mode development, by Center City to peripheral group, and tablets District ordered, and efficient expand is future city development must faced of problem, apparently, track traffic for Guide City axis to development, support city space structure optimization and expand has not alternative of role. In 2014, Yibin city people's Government and the new road bridge stock limited liability company signed the modern streetcar project a strategic cooperation agreement, new road bridge agreement expressly limited shares ... 1.5.1 planning period and long term: as the main planning period to determine future needs of goal nets, planning period to 2030, consistent with the overall urban planning long term life in Yibin city. Vision: planning no specific period according to the overall vision of the city development planning and land use control in urban area and its prediction based on population size, as a condition of network scale of vision control. More in line with the law of network formation and maintain good flexibility in planning more scientific and
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