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手机旅游助手开题报告手机旅游助手开题报告 河南XXXX学院 本科生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 题 目: 旅游助手 院 系: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2013年 11月 11日 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixe...
手机旅游助手开报告 河南XXXX学院 本科生毕业(论文)开题报告 题 目: 旅游助手 院 系: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2013年 11月 11日 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 一、立题依据: (一)目的与意义: 随着我国经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,国内旅游需求多元化的发展以及旅游服务项目的不断丰富,人们安排旅游活动的方式也发生了很大变化。与传统的散客旅游和团队旅游不同,在旅游消费领域日益崇尚自我个性的时代,自助游方式被越来越多的人所接受,这也使得自助旅游在我国发展迅速,已经成为一种旅游新时尚和潮流。自助旅游已成为我国旅游市场的主导力量,在旅游市场中占据重要地位,今后几年中将会成为主流旅游方式,自助旅游涉及的其它产业也会有很大发展空间。 随着科学技术的发展,二十一世纪几经迈入了一个集数字化,网络化,信息化的时代,以网络为核心的社会。中国的网民充分领略到“畅游天地间,网络无极限” 所带来的畅快。安卓手机应用平台具有稳定性、可靠性、普及性等特点,随着各种移动应用和手机软件等内容需求日益增加,越来越多的基于安卓平台的手机应用软件会被开发。河南自助游小助手是基于Android手机的一款单机版应用软件,实现旅游信息查询,路线安排,食宿信息查询等功能。应用此软件,用户可以轻松便捷地安排自己的旅游行程,旅游中所涉及的吃、住、行、游、购、娱,所有事情全由自己搞定,操作起来比较繁琐,但却摆脱了从前旅行社预先安排好的行程模式,更加随心所欲,自由自在,充满了多元化的个性元素。 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer (二)国内外手机旅游现状: 1.国外关于手机旅游的现状 日本和韩国是世界上手机增值业务较发达的地区,原因在于其半开放式的增值业务运营模式,即信息产品由内容服务商提供,然后出售给移动运营商,由内容服务商提供的信息内容比较完善。另外,用户手机更新快,功能发达,用户渗透率高也是重要原因。日本在1999年推出的i-mode旅游产品,提供了强大的信息查询功能,主要有实时路况、地图查询、美食情报攻略、旅馆订房、旅游景点行程规划等功能。之后,许多旅游企业相继推出类似服务。 2.国内关于手机旅游的现状 在中国,这项服务发展迅速,越来越多的手机用户开始使用手机上网查询旅游信息。2009年1月8日中国移动广东分公司3G专属188号段开始放号,着具备更高数据传输速度的第三代移动通信系统的开始在中国普及。目前,旅游信息手机上网查询服务的主要提供形式分为手机网站和手机软件,前者通过手机安装的浏览器软件(如IE、UCWEB等)访问特定网站进行信息查询,浏览器能登陆所有WWW及WAP网站;后者则是通过安装在手机上的客户端软件浏览和下载相关信息,软件所提供信息类别固定,具体信息内容随时联网更新。目前旅游信息手机上网查询服务的主要提供者有旅游在线零售商、第三方软件开发公司、地方旅游局等。 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 二、研究主要内容: (一)解决的关键问题 根据前期用户的需求,设计基本框架,根据编程知识写系统,完成后进行反复测试;若是系统运行错误则及时修改,直到系统正确运行;对系统进行功能测试,满足用户需求,根据用户意见进行修改,直到系统实现相应功能。 在系统支持手机应用的基础上完善系统。不断收集用户反馈来的信息,在确保系统正确运行的基础上定期对系统进行升级,修改系统的不足,使系统实现越来越多的功能,以不断满足用户的需求。 (二)系统的基本模块及功能 通过对河南自助游旅游助手的建设,从游者的角度出发,所涉及到的食、宿、行、游、娱在旅游网站中都充分的展现出来。网站主要包括“城市介绍”、“景点推荐”、“城市攻略”、“旅游线路”、“酒店介绍”、“美食特色”、“人文历史”、“游客评价”八大板块。 旅游者关心的是与自己旅游活动相关的吃、住、行、游、购、娱方面的信息和内容,面向旅游者的旅游信息内容如下: (1)景点景区信息:景区的名称、简介、开放时间、线路安排、门票价格、景区地址、联系电话、交通状况、景区小贴士。 (2)城市攻略:人文历史、地方美食、酒店宾馆、热门景区。 (3)宾馆酒店信息:宾馆饭店的位置、价格及联系电话。 (4)旅游线路:介绍旅游时候的一些安排以及线路方向。 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer (5)景区小贴士:该景区的开放时间、优惠政策、预计游玩时间、等。 (6)游客评价:游客对于该景区的评价内容以及认可度,该模块主要是方便用户与管理者进行沟通与交流,用户可以发表自己的意见,也可方便其他用户的浏览。 三、研究方法与实验条件: 系统开发工具简介: Android是Google公司在2007年11月5日公布的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统。早期由Google开发,后由开放手机联盟(OHA)开发。自OHA成立以后,Android的发展加快了速度。 Android是一款开源手机操作系统,由Google和开放手机联盟(中国移动、摩托罗拉、T-Mobile等30多家技术和无线应用的领军企业)合作开发。它是以Linux为底层技术而开发的,它完全开源,几乎可以运行在所有硬件设备上。Google通过与运营商、设备制造商、开发商和其他有关各方面结成深层次的合作伙伴关系,希望建立标准、开放的移动电话软件平台,在移动领域内形成一个系统的开放式的移动生态系统。 Android自面世以来,受到了业界的广泛关注,Google已推出一套完整的基于Java语言的SDK,开发者可以利用SDK提供的工具gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 方便地进行基于Android移动平台的软件开发。同时,Google也同步推出了各个SDK版本对应的模拟器,方便基于Android移动软件的部署和测试。 Android 作为一个庞大的系统,包括了Linux操作系统、各种本地程序、虚拟机和运行环境、Java框架和Java应用程序多方 [1]面的内容。 [2](一)Android体系结构 android 平台大的方面的层次可以划分成三个层次,包括一个操作系统,中间件和应用程序,android 的系统框架图如下: 图中的软件层次自上而下分成4个层次 1、应用程序(Application) 2、用用程序框架(Application Framework) 3、各种类库(Libraries)和android运行时( Adnorid Runtime) 4、操作系统(OS) (二)Android应用程序可以分成四种主要类型: 1、活动(Activity) gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 活动在一个称为视图类的帮助下,为应用程序提供UI。视图类实现各种UI元素,如文本框、标签、按钮等。一个应用程序可以包含一个或多个活动。这些活动通常与应用程序中的屏幕形成一对一的关系。 2、视图(View) Android活动通过视图显示UI元素。视图采用以下布局设计之一: LinearVertical,LinearHorizontal,Relative,Table。选择一种布局之后(就可以用各个视图显示UI。视图是在一个XML文件中定义的。每个元素有一个或多个属于Android命名空间的属性。 3、服务(Service)和接收器(Reciever) 与其他多任务计算环境一样,Android可以在后台运行着一些应用程序。 Android把这种应用程序称为服务。服务是没有UI的Android应用程序。 接收器是一个应用程序组件,它接收请求并处理Intent。与服务一样。接收器 。在一般情况下也没有UI元素。服务和接收器通常都在AndroidManifest(xml文件中注册。 4、ContentProvider进行数据管理 Content Provider是Android的数据存储抽象机制。Content Provider对数据存储的访问方法进行抽象,在许多方面起到数据库服务器的作用。对数据存储中数据的读写操作应该通过适当的Content Provider传递(而不是直接访问文件或数据库。 [6] (三)Android应用框架API类型 在Android SDK中,应用框架层表现为一系列组件,开发者可gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 以利用这些组件开发出各种应用程序。这些组件也是第三方应用和Android系统交互的接口层。这部分API主要有以下几大类:Views、Intents、Activity、Permissions、Resource Types、Services、Notifications、ContentProviders、以及XML支持等。每种类型都有对应的一套管理机制。 [10] (四)Android开发环境搭建 Android开发环境主要是eclipse+ADT+Android SDK。 下载eclipse,解压就可以使用,并安装ADT插件。ADT是专门为Android开发的一套插件,该插件集成了对Android工程和工具的支持,它包含大量功能强大的扩展,使得创建、运行、调试Android应用程序变得简单便捷。下载Android SDK,并将其解压。打开eclipse,如果安装ADT成功,则可以在工具栏看到Android工程对 应的图标。或者在“新建”中可以看到Android工程。在SDK配臵中选择刚刚下载的SDK路径,系统将自动加载各个版本的Android SDK。接下来,就可以新建Android工程了。 四、研究与进度安排: 2012年12月—2013年1月:搜集资料,分析旅游助手的功能以及初步框架。 2013年1月—2013年2月:旅游助手的页面设计,框架结构,内gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 容的采集等 2013年2月—2013年4月:旅游助手的程序开发、系统整合,写论文。 2013年4月—2012年5月:旅游助手的运行及调试、修改,同时完成论文,准备答辩。 五、主要参考文献,指撰写开题报告所参考的学术文献~不得低于10篇。参考文献为近三年内发表的文献~在引用处标明~并按照引用顺序排序,参考文献的格式应符合毕业论文中参考文献格式。): [1] 林城著.Android 2.3应用开发实战.北京: 机械工业出版社. 2011.06 [2] 朱桂英.Android开发应用从入门到精通.北京: 中国铁道出版社. 2011.02 [3] 张元亮.Android开发应用实战详解 .北京: 中国铁道出版社. 2011.02 [4] 林城.Google Android 2.X应用开发实战.北京: 清华大学出版社. 2011.01 [5]刘军林.范云峰. 智慧旅游的构成、价值与发展趋势[J]. 重庆社会科学. 2011(10) [6]黄宏程.Android移动应用设计与开发.人民邮电出版社.2012 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer [7]李伟梦 、何晨光、 李洪刚.Android 4编程入门经典:开发智能手机与平板电脑应用.清华大学出版社 . 2012.11 [8]侯风波. 基于Android系统的徐水旅游信息系统的实现[D]. 电子科技大学 .2012 [9]贾文杰.基于Android平台的智能旅游系统的设计与实现[D]. 浙江大学 .2012 [10]杨云君.Android的设计与实现(卷1).机械工业出版社 2013.05 六、指导教师意见: 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 七、院系意见: 盖章: 年 月 日 gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer
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