首页 > 一个好老婆的作息时间


2018-06-04 32页 doc 102KB 14阅读




一个好老婆的作息时间一个好老婆的作息时间 第 五 册 第 五 单元《 周长 》单元教学设计 一、本单元知识框架 二、本单元学习内容的前后联系 已学过的相关内容: 本单元的主要内容: 后续学习的相关内容: 一年级 ?认识周长 三年级下册 ?认识长方形、正方?计算长方形、正方?认识面积的意义 形、三角形、圆 形、三角形、平行四边 ?认识面积的单位 二年级下册 形等直线图形周长 ?认识角 ?运用周长等知识解?计算长方形、正方形 ?认识长方形与正方决生活中的简单问题 面积 形的特征;认识平行四四年级上册 边形 ?认识线与角 三、与本单元相...
一个好老婆的作息时间 第 五 册 第 五 单元《 周长 》单元教学设计 一、本单元知识框架 二、本单元学习内容的前后联系 已学过的相关内容: 本单元的主要内容: 后续学习的相关内容: 一年级 ?认识周长 三年级下册 ?认识长方形、正方?计算长方形、正方?认识面积的意义 形、三角形、圆 形、三角形、平行四边 ?认识面积的单位 二年级下册 形等直线图形周长 ?认识角 ?运用周长等知识解?计算长方形、正方形 ?认识长方形与正方决生活中的简单问题 面积 形的特征;认识平行四四年级 边形 ?认识线与角 三、与本单元相关知识学生的学习情况分析 本单元前测内容主要有以下这几部分组成:长度单位有哪些、长度单位之间的换算、测量长度、计算物体的周长。通过前测发现学生出现的问题有: 1.不能正确地写出以学过的长度单位。虽然认识长度单位是二年级下学期所学的内容之一,但由于学生在生活中没有太多的留意和接触,因此对所学过的长度单位已有所遗忘。 2.简单的长度单位之间的换算大部分学生能正确填写;但对于稍微复杂的换算就错误率较高。 3.对于量整厘米数的线段能正确测量,但不是整厘米数的线段只有54,的学生能准确测量并标出长度。 4.虽然学生并不了解什么是周长,但要他们计算四种物体的长度时,一部分学生能正确把各种物体的每条边的长度相加就得出它的周长或能根据长方形、正方形的特点列式计算。另一部分学生则出现未能理解题目的意思进行正确列式。 四、本单元教学目标 1. 结合具体事物或图形,通过观察、操作等活动,认识并理解周长,明确周长是一种长度。 2. 通过观察、度量及比较、归纳等活动,根据周长概念,探索并掌握一般平面图形及长方形、正方形的周长的计算方法。 3. 能运用长方形、正方形的周长计算方法解决实际生活中的简单问题。 五、本单元教学重点、难点 教学重点:1.结合具体事物或图形,通过观察、操作等活动,认识周长。 2.通过观察、度量及比较、归纳等活动,探索并掌握长方形、正方形的周长的计算方法。 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 教学难点:能运用长方形、正方形的周长计算方法解决实际生活中的简单问题。 六、本单元评价要点 1. 探索并掌握长方形、正方形周长的计算方法。 2. 能测量和计算具体物体和三角形、长方形、正方形等图形的周长。 3. 能用长方形、正方形周长的计算方法等知识解决简单实际问题。 七、各小节教学目标及课时安排 本单元课时数:9 节 计划课授课教学内容 教学目标 时 日期 1.结合具体事物或图形,通过观察、操作等活动, 认识周长。 什么是周长(认识 1 2.能测量并计算三角形、平行四边形、梯形等图周长) 形的周长。 能结合具体情境,感知周长与实际生活的结合具体情境,初步探索多边形周长的计算方游园(图形的周 1 密切联系。 法。 长) 学会计算多边形的周长。 1.结合具体情境,探索并掌握长方形周长的计算 方法。 花边有多长(长方 1 2.能正确计算长方形的周长。 形的周长) 3.能运用长方形的周长计算方法解决实际生活 中的简单问题。 1. 结合具体情境,探索并掌握长方形周长的计 算方法。 地砖的周长(正方 2 2.能正确计算长方形的周长。 形的周长) 3.能运用长方形、正方形的周长计算方法解决实 际生活中的简单问题。 1.巩固周长概念 2.能根据周长的概念,进一步掌握各种图形的周练习六 2 长的计算方法。 3.能运用长方形正方形周长计算方法解决一些 较复杂的求周长的问题。 e Bureau take the lead inarmed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, th confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-tem of selfy syscal orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theorthe ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, politi ngthenf a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To streloyees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation ohe emprry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched te to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to cation time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiativaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectificaes: (LED Lehere do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measurise tworking to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterpr er. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department isdiscipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each oth-sness and selftalk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciou of bigh emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too muc) are avior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (fivegle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behstrug ty", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity andcattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong qualiorkers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, sdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-2 1.运用时钟知识解决生活中的实际问题。 2.了解并能解决买票中的数学问题。 交通与数学 1 3.根据多种行走路线,初步了解解决问题方法的 多样化与最优化的思想。 检测本单元的学生学习情况,及时进行查漏补 单元测试及分析 1 缺。 合 计 9 八、各课时教学设计 第1节 《周长》教学设计 一 、教学目标 1.结合具体事物或图形,通过观察、操作等活动,认识周长。 2.能测量并计算三角形、平行四边形、梯形等图形的周长。 3.结合具体情境,感知周长与实际生活的密切联系。 二、教学重点、难点 1. 教学重点:结合具体事物或图形,通过观察、操作等活动,认识周长。 2. 教学难点:能测量并计算三角形、平行四边形、梯形等图形的周长 三、预计教学时间: 1 节 四、教学活动 (一 )基础训练 【口算】 20×4= 13×3= 12×7= 40×8= 14×6= 21×3= 38×2= 30×9= 【解答题】(只列式不计算)学校买来8箱图书,每箱300本,平均分给6个年级,每个年 级分多少本, (二) 新知学习 【典型例题】一)周长概念的学习 1.什么叫周长,有哪位同学说一说。 2.同学们,请拿出你们收集到的树叶,它们的形状各不相同,能沿着树叶的边绕一周吗,这 片树叶有周长吗, y and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" morkers to studdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-ind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead inarmed m confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-uously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of selfcontinstruction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, he special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political cont of tision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatmencance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervignifive full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special singjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Giaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mspeak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Leterests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people al inis the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with person assing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team thatdiscipline, relegates, p-speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and selfinterests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small the of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem workTake a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. nd theediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit a3 1)摸树叶的周长 2)画树叶的周长:请同学们用一笔画出一片你所熟悉的树叶的外形。 小结:即把刚才摸的周长画下来。摸的和画的都是树叶的周长。 3.想一想,还有哪些可以沿着边绕一周, 教师引导学生从周围物体和所画图形两方面去想 4.用不同长度的小棒围出一个图形并同桌说一说它的周长 【小结】:同学们都很聪明、能干,你们刚才摸的或者画的摆的封闭图形一周的长度,也就 是图形的周长。我们把一个图形一周的长度叫做这个图形的周长。 二)周长的测量和计算 1、你们有办法知道自己所围的图形的周长是多少吗, 1)独立思考,小组内说一说你怎么做。 2)全班汇报 2、说一说你们有什么办法知道所画的那片树叶的周长, 请同学们说一说测量方法和结果。 (1)用直尺一段一段地量,然后加起来。 (2)先用线来测量这条曲线,再用尺来量线的长度。 (3)用皮尺沿着所画的边线直接测量。 3、老师拿出一些比较规则和不太规则的几何图形,让学生摸一摸它们的周长。 量一量并算一算其中一个图形的周长 【小结】先沿着图形的边,直接量一量,然后把围成图形的所有边的长加起来就算出周长了。 (三) 巩固练习 【基础练习】1.摸一摸。 (1)课桌面的边线。 (2)数学书封面的边线。 2.连一连(一笔画) (1)用彩色笔描出下面图形的边线。 (2)用彩笔描出下列图形的周长。 -confidence and self-tem of selfy syscal orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theorthe ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, politi ngthenf a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To streloyees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation ohe emprry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched te to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to cation time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiativaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectificaes: (LED Lehere do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measurise tworking to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterpr er. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department isdiscipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each oth-sness and selftalk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciou of bigh emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too muc) are avior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (fivegle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behstrug ty", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity andcattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong qualiorkers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, sdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-e Bureau take the lead inarmed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, th confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the4 【提高练习】判断:1)一个圆形的周长是18千克. ( ) 2) 课室里黑板的周长大约是6厘米。( ) 3) 周长是一种长度,都可以用长度单位示。( ) 4)三角形的周长肯定小于四边形的周长。( ) 5)用两根长20厘米的绳子各围成一个圆形和一个四边形,它们的周长不相同。 ( ) 【拓展练习】比一比:每小题两个图形的周长一样吗, ? ? )教学效果评价(小测题)量一量、算一算它们的周长是多少。 (五 第2节 《平面图形的周长》教学设计 一 、教学目标 1. 探究三角形、正方形、长方形、四边形、六边形等平面图形周长的计算方法。 2. 继续培养小组合作交流的良好习惯。 二、教学重点、难点 1. 教学重点:探究三角形、正方形、长方形、四边形、六边形等平面图形周长的计算方法。 2. 教学难点:探究三角形、正方形、长方形、四边形、六边形等平面图形周长的计算方法。 三、预计教学时间:1 节 四、教学活动 (一 )基础训练 armed m confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-uously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of selfcontinstruction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, he special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political cont of tision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatmencance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervignifive full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special singjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Giaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mspeak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Leterests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people al inis the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with person assing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team thatdiscipline, relegates, p-speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and selfinterests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small the of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem workTake a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. nd theediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit ay and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" morkers to studdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-ind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in5 【口算】 70,0= 16×3= 35×2= 31×4= 70,0= 13×6= 35,2= 13×4= 【解答题】(只列式不计算)用8个边长是1厘米的小正方形拼成如下图形,图形的周长是 多少, (二) 新知学习 【典型例题】出示小公园的挂图. 1.学生读题并说一说看到了什么,问题是什么, 2.想一想,求小公园的周长是多少其实是求什么图形的周长, 3.学生独立完成 4.四人小组交流讨论 5.汇报计算情况 【小结】把围成平面图形的所有边长加起来就是这个图形的周长 (三) 巩固练习 【基础练习】课本第46页算一算。 小结:怎么求这些图形的周长, 板书:把围成平面图形的所有边长加起来就求出平面图形的周长。 【提高练习】小雨用5根长30厘米长的绳子拼成如下图,求这个图形的周长。 【拓展练习】如图:边长是2厘米的三个正方形在中点处叠加在一起,描一描这个图形的周 长并计算这个新图形的周长是多少, confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-tem of selfy syscal orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theorthe ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, politi ngthenf a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To streloyees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation ohe emprry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched te to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to cation time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiativaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectificaes: (LED Lehere do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measurise tworking to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterpr er. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department isdiscipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each oth-sness and selftalk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciou of bigh emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too muc) are avior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (fivegle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behstrug ty", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity andcattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong qualiorkers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, sdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-e Bureau take the lead inarmed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, th6 (五)教学效果评价(小测题)一个直角三角形的边长分别是3、4、5厘米,如果把最短的 边拼起来如图成一个大三角形,这个大三角形的周长是多少厘米, 第3节 《长方形周长的计算》教学设计 一 、教学目标 1. 结合具体情境,探索并掌握长方形的周长的计算方法。 2. 能正确计算长方形的周长。 3.能运用长方形的周长的计算方法解决实际生活中的简单问题,感受数学在日常生活中的运 用。 二、教学重点、难点 1. 教学重点:结合具体情境,探索并掌握长方形的周长的计算方法。 2. 教学难点:理解长方形周长计算的简便方法。能运用长方形的周长的计算方法解决实际生 活中的问题, 三、预计教学时间:1 节 四、教学活动 (一 )基础训练 【口算】 30?3= 240?6= 45?5= 96?3= 300?3= 420?7= 88?8= 100?2= 【解答题】(只列式不计算)她从家经过超市,来到书店买书再回到家里,一共走了多少米, 240米 170米 每分钟走60米。 家 350米 超市 -ind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead inarmed m confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-uously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of selfcontinstruction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, he special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political cont of tision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatmencance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervignifive full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special singjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Giaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mspeak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Leterests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people al inis the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with person assing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team thatdiscipline, relegates, p-speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and selfinterests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small the of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem workTake a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. nd theediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit ay and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" morkers to studdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w7 (二) 新知学习 【典型例题】班级要开班会,小明先来布置黑板,装上漂亮的花边。黑板长是38分米,宽 12分米,至少需要多少花边, 1.发练习纸独立思考然后在 小组中交流自己的想法:你是怎么算的,为什么可以这样算, 2.小组内全班汇报各自的算法: (1)我把四条边的长加起来。 34 + 12 + 34 + 12 = 92(分米) (2)我把2个长和2个宽加起来。 34 × 2 + 12 × 2 = 92(分米) (3)先把一个长和一个宽加起来,再乘2。 (34 + 12)× 2 = 92(分米) 3.板书方法。 4.看书质疑。 5、出长方形周长的各种计算方法。并板书 【小结】长方形周长=(长+宽)X2或长方形周长=长X2+宽X2。 (三) 巩固练习 【基础练习】1.完成书中第47第48页的做一做 2.求下面长方形的周长。(只列式不计算) 27cm 22cm 15cm 44cm 【提高练习】1.填空。(单位:厘米) 正方形边长 6 , 15 周长 , 20 2.判断。 1)长方形的周长可以用一条长加一条宽的和再乘2。( ) 2)正方形的周长可以用一条边的长乘5。( ) 3)小明用一条铁丝围成了三不同形状的长方形,这三个长方形的周长不相等。( ) depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-e Bureau take the lead inarmed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, th confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-tem of selfy syscal orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theorthe ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, politi ngthenf a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To streloyees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation ohe emprry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched te to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to cation time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiativaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectificaes: (LED Lehere do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measurise tworking to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterpr er. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department isdiscipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each oth-sness and selftalk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciou of bigh emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too muc) are avior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (fivegle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behstrug ty", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity andcattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong qualiorkers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, s8 4)两个完全一样的长方形拼成一个大长方形,它的周长比两个长方形的周长之和要小。 ( ) 【拓展练习】1.如图:沿着的墙的一边,用篱笆围成一个长方形,长是15米,宽是6米。共需要用多少篱笆, 2.如图一个长方形的长是20厘米,宽是10厘米,剪掉一个小长方形后,周长是多少, (五)教学效果评价(小测题)1.先测量,再计算各图形的周长。 2.一个长方形长是10厘米,宽是8厘米,把这个长方形剪开成两个长方形,这两个长方形的周长共是多少, 第4节 《正方形周长的计算》教学设计 一 、教学目标 1. 结合具体情境,探索并掌握长方形、正方形的周长的计算方法。 2. 能正确计算正方形的周长。 3.能运用正方形的周长计算方法解决实际生活中的简单问题,感受数学在日常生活中的运用。 二、教学重点、难点 1. 教学重点:结合具体情境,探索并掌握正方形的周长的计算方法。 2. 教学难点:理解正方形周长计算的简便方法。能运用正方形的周长的计算方法解决实际生活中的问题, 三、预计教学时间:2 节 四、教学活动 (一 )基础训练 【口算】 confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-uously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of selfcontinstruction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, he special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political cont of tision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatmencance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervignifive full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special singjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Giaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mspeak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Leterests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people al inis the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with person assing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team thatdiscipline, relegates, p-speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and selfinterests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small the of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem workTake a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. nd theediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit ay and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" morkers to studdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-ind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead inarmed m9 16×8?2= 55,70?2= 148,63×2= 16×8?2= 4×4+3= 42×2,52= 35?5×5= 100,23×3= 【解答题】(只列式不计算)李伯伯家有一个长方形果园,长是35米,宽是20米。如果给果园四周砌上围墙,这些围墙长多少米, (二) 新知学习 【典型例题】小红要给课室的电脑罩的四周缝上花边,电脑罩是正方形,边长是50厘米,小红至少要买多长的花边, 1.求至少买多长的花边实际就是求什么, 2.独立思考并小组内讨论你是怎么算的,为什么可以这样算, 3.小组在班内汇报算法 把四条边加起来 50+50+50+50=200(厘米) 用一条边的长乘4 4=200(厘米) 50× 4、说一说:哪一种方法更简便, 【小结】正方形周长=边长X4 (三) 巩固练习 【基础练习】计算下面每个正方形的周长。 8cm 16m 5dm 【提高练习】填空。 1)周长是36分米的正方形花坛,它其中一条边的长是( ) 2)一个正方形边长是10厘米,对折后,它的周长比原来的正方形的周长少( )厘米。 3)一长方形的周长是40厘米,正方形的边长是20厘米,( )的周长大。 【拓展练习】淘气将两块正方形泡沫地板拼在了一起成一个长方形(如图),你能算出这个图形的周长吗, 60cm (五)教学效果评价(小测题)计算下表各个图形的周长。 orkers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, sdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w-e Bureau take the lead inarmed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, th confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-tem of selfy syscal orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theorthe ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, politi ngthenf a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To streloyees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation ohe emprry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched te to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to cation time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiativaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectificaes: (LED Lehere do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measurise tworking to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterpr er. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department isdiscipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each oth-sness and selftalk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciou of bigh emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too muc) are avior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (fivegle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behstrug ty", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity andcattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quali10 长 宽 周长 长方形 7cm 9cm 长方形 12dm 10dm 正方形 边长25m -ind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead inarmed m confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the-confidence and self-uously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of selfcontinstruction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, he special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political cont of tision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatmencance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervignifive full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special singjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Giaccountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mspeak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Leterests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people al inis the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with person assing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team thatdiscipline, relegates, p-speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and selfinterests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small the of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem workTake a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. nd theediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit ay and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" morkers to studdepth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and w11
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