

2017-12-06 18页 doc 58KB 6阅读




三种人夏季不宜洗桑拿三种人夏季不宜洗桑拿 * 患有心脏病、重症高血压、低血压、糖尿病、肾脏炎症等疾病的人,一般不宜举行桑拿浴。 *油性和干性皮肤的女士不宜洗桑拿,油性皮肤分泌旺盛,高温会使本来就扩张的毛孔越来越大,皮肤更易花生油;干性皮肤自己缺乏水分,再大量失水造成皮肤更加干燥,到冬季可诱发皮肤瘙痒。 *未生儿育女的男性需要特别注意,不要为洗桑拿浴的一时惬意,而走入养生误区。 怎样有用地预防中暑 *健身后要多饮开水,出汗多的人可饮淡盐水,喝盐水时要少量多次地喝。 *空调不要对着身体直吹,外出时要免受阳光的直接照射。 *穿着应宽松,多穿...
三种人夏季不宜洗桑拿 * 患有心脏病、重症高血压、低血压、糖尿病、肾脏炎症等疾病的人,一般不宜举行桑拿浴。 *油性和干性皮肤的女士不宜洗桑拿,油性皮肤分泌旺盛,高温会使本来就扩张的毛孔越来越大,皮肤更易花生油;干性皮肤自己缺乏水分,再大量失水造成皮肤更加干燥,到冬季可诱发皮肤瘙痒。 *未生儿育女的男性需要特别注意,不要为洗桑拿浴的一时惬意,而走入养生误区。 怎样有用地预防中暑 *健身后要多饮开水,出汗多的人可饮淡盐水,喝盐水时要少量多次地喝。 *空调不要对着身体直吹,外出时要免受阳光的直接照射。 *穿着应宽松,多穿棉质布料、色彩较浅的衣服。 *充分苏息,不要开夜车以免降低身体抵当力。 夏季睡眠有禁忌 . 入睡后忌开风扇,因入睡后人体的血液循环减慢,抵当力减弱,开着风扇易受凉引起感冒。 * *忌裸露胸腹,会因受凉而发生拉稀、腹痛。 *忌凉水抹席,水分的蒸发要依赖空气的流通,室内空气流通较慢,水分滞留在空气中使室内湿度增大,人们会感应更加闷热难当。 盛夏宜洗温水澡 在酷热难耐的盛夏,洗温水澡时人的排汗量约为正常排汗量的25倍,能使汗腺更加通畅,更好地发挥散热功能,并能把皮肤洗患上更干净,有利于防止暑湿并袭而生疮。 穿鞋如何不臭脚 夏天闷热且出汗多,鞋子穿一天就会臭不可闻,长期下去,还会形成脚气。解决要领:前一晚在干净鞋内喷射些酒精,第二天阴干后再穿就不会有臭脚的困扰了。 夏日去困倦 夏日工作容易困倦,小窍门来啦~取一杯温水,连续漱口5-10分钟,可引起中枢神经器官系统愉快,相当于给“大脑”做了按摩,顿时精神百倍~ international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in centralexternal traffic link between the groups still need to be resolved through through the old town, causing pressure organized by OLC took on too much traffic, the city is becoming more and more restricted by this mode of transportation. Meanwhile, across the bridge for the bridge-building standards, increasingly difficult to host a growing number of traffic across the river channel gradually becomes the bottleneck of urban transportation organization, city is relatively inefficient. Figure 2.1-5 Yibin city land-use Figure 2.2 urban nature and development 2.2.1 city properties is a national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 2.2.2 development mainly in the center of the city, Yibin city functions the following functions: (1) central area of Yibin city, an important manufacturing base in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River form the famous liquor industry development base depth, comprehensive energy development base, major equipment manufacturing base, of new chemical and textile material base, green food processing base, strategic emerging industries base "six industrial bases" for the characteristics of the construction of advanced manufacturing base. (2) Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou combines modern services centre in Yibin city in Sichuan province, into rivers and the sea transport hub, trade and Logistics Center, South City Group in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River financial center, South Innovation Center for science, education and culture, southern Business Center for the development of goals, promote service ... 2.3.1 city development total target Yibin as chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department integrated strength most strong of Center City, should jumped out of South, led regional open, looking 大西瓜皮妙除痱子 取新鲜大西瓜皮若干,洗净捣汁,涂抹身上5到6分钟后用温水洗净,或直接用大西瓜皮轻擦10分钟,再用水冲净,每天1次。 夏季染头发更容易过敏 . 人们夏季皮肤相对脆弱,毛孔大开,受日晒等影响,因此更容易发生染发过敏,在选择染发产品前最好先把染发剂涂在耳后皮肤上,如果两天内没发生异样反应方可染发,在染发前,一定要保证皮肤状态正常。 孕妇遭蚊虫叮咬不宜用风油精 如果孕妇被蚊虫叮咬,最好不要使用风油精,因为风油精和清冷油中含有樟脑、薄荷及桉叶油等成分,可能会对胎儿发育造成影响,特别是在有身的头3个月更要注意。 教你科学地睡午觉 *午睡时间不宜太长:最好在1小时以内。如许既能有用消除委顿,又不至于睡患上过沉而不易醒来。 *不宜饭后立即午睡:正确的做法是吃过午饭后,先做些轻细的活动,如散步、揉腹等,然后再午睡,如许有利于食物的消化吸收。 *要讲究睡眠姿势:一般认为困觉姿势以右侧卧位为好,但由于午睡时间较短,可以不必强求卧睡姿势,只要能迅速入睡就行。 洗澡时做皮肤冷护理 每天洗完热水澡后,用冷水刺激手、足等末端部位,坚持1个夏天,不但可以紧缩毛孔,促进血液循环,还可以有用增强怕冷体质,令肌肤更健康红润。 如何解除高考后身心委顿 . *睡眠恢复法:科学的睡眠恢复,并不等于整天酣睡不起。考后的睡眠恢复,一般一次不要超过10小时,可以每天中午加睡一次午觉约1个半小时。 *运动恢复法:考后运动锻炼,要遵循“循序渐进”的原则,不然可能造成运动性毁伤。 *远足法:同家人或伴侣去远足,呼吸一下大自然的新鲜空气,不失为解除委顿的好要领。 *谈天法:测验过后找同窗就一些轻松话题聊一谈天,不仅能解除考后的紧张感,而且能加强同窗间的交往,互通信息。 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in centralexternal traffic link between the groups still need to be resolved through through the old town, causing pressure organized by OLC took on too much traffic, the city is becoming more and more restricted by this mode of transportation. Meanwhile, across the bridge for the bridge-building standards, increasingly difficult to host a growing number of traffic across the river channel gradually becomes the bottleneck of urban transportation organization, city is relatively inefficient. Figure 2.1-5 Yibin city land-use Figure 2.2 urban nature and development 2.2.1 city properties is a national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 2.2.2 development mainly in the center of the city, Yibin city functions the following functions: (1) central area of Yibin city, an important manufacturing base in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River form the famous liquor industry development base depth, comprehensive energy development base, major equipment manufacturing base, of new chemical and textile material base, green food processing base, strategic emerging industries base "six industrial bases" for the characteristics of the construction of advanced manufacturing base. (2) Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou combines modern services centre in Yibin city in Sichuan province, into rivers and the sea transport hub, trade and Logistics Center, South City Group in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River financial center, South Innovation Center for science, education and culture, southern Business Center for the development of goals, promote service ... 2.3.1 city development total target Yibin as chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department integrated strength most strong of Center City, should jumped out of South, led regional open, looking 夏季女人养生小常识 夏季常见病食疗 *中暑-夏季出现中暑症状时,要立即离开高温环境,然后以性凉味甘、消暑利尿的绿豆汤为主补水。 *拉稀-可以在少量米熬成的稀饭中加入约啤酒瓶盖一半量的盐分,尽量让患者多喝一些即可。 *呕吐-如果是单纯的呕吐,应放松表情并适量补充糖水,避免水和电解质紊乱。 *感冒发烧-发烧时,身体失去了大量热能、维生素和矿物质,所以此时最好喝点豆浆维持营养。 避暑做到心中有“数” *空气温度指数:33?是防暑降温的起始温度;35?时人体赖以散热的对流、传导形式逐渐减弱或停止,应及时补足水分;37?时人可能因大量出汗而出现脱水;38-39?时体质较弱者的心肺会不堪重负,可能出现意外,应举行物理降温和药物防护。 . 室内最佳温度:最相宜的空调温度为27-28?,不该低于24?。此外,室内温度还应随室* 外温度的变化举行调整,以室内外温差小于5?为宜。 合理安排酷暑中的锻炼 *巧排时间--由于上午10时到下战书4时紫外线最强烈、地面温度较高,因此体育运动锻炼要尽量避开这个时间段,宜在清晨或傍晚时分举行。 *谨慎选项--高温气候下不适合做比较剧烈的运动,比如足球、篮球、网球等。可以选择游泳、慢跑、跳舞、健身操、散步等,这一点对老年人来说尤为重要。运动时间不宜过长,以20分钟到半个小时为宜。 *多喝水--由于高温会导致人体组织液体大量蒸发,所以在运动前后要注意多喝水。锻炼前半个小时,最好补充300到600毫升水,锻炼中也可以遵循少量多次的原则补水。锻炼竣事后不该立即洗沐,最好过半个小时,等身上的汗干了后再洗澡。如果在运动中出现手脚抽筋现象,说明大量的汗液带走了身体的电解质,可以经由过程吃猴的一种桃、喝淡盐水、柠檬水来补充。 夏季车内不宜放的物品 *碳酸饮料:碳酸饮料中含有大量的二氧化碳,这种物质在高温下会分解产生大量气体,冲出瓶罐。 *香水:香水在高温下挥发后,会产生一种非常易燃的气体。 . international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in centralexternal traffic link between the groups still need to be resolved through through the old town, causing pressure organized by OLC took on too much traffic, the city is becoming more and more restricted by this mode of transportation. Meanwhile, across the bridge for the bridge-building standards, increasingly difficult to host a growing number of traffic across the river channel gradually becomes the bottleneck of urban transportation organization, city is relatively inefficient. Figure 2.1-5 Yibin city land-use Figure 2.2 urban nature and development 2.2.1 city properties is a national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 2.2.2 development mainly in the center of the city, Yibin city functions the following functions: (1) central area of Yibin city, an important manufacturing base in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River form the famous liquor industry development base depth, comprehensive energy development base, major equipment manufacturing base, of new chemical and textile material base, green food processing base, strategic emerging industries base "six industrial bases" for the characteristics of the construction of advanced manufacturing base. (2) Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou combines modern services centre in Yibin city in Sichuan province, into rivers and the sea transport hub, trade and Logistics Center, South City Group in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River financial center, South Innovation Center for science, education and culture, southern Business Center for the development of goals, promote service ... 2.3.1 city development total target Yibin as chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department integrated strength most strong of Center City, should jumped out of South, led regional open, looking *老花镜:花镜属于凸透镜,容易将光线聚在一起,时间一长,易起火。 *一次性打火机:由于一次性打火机中有液态丁烷,长时间暴晒后内部压力会随之增加,再加上摩擦、挤压、碰撞,很容易爆炸。 夏季护肤小窍门 *涂防晒品时,注意不要遗忘了脖子、下巴、耳朵这些地方。 *防晒品应该每隔一段时间再涂一遍。 *每一年最好更换新的防晒品,并注意储放于阴凉的地方,以免失效。 *避免在上午11时到下战书3时暴晒,因为这段时间的紫外光最强,杀伤力最大。 比防晒霜更耐用的工具 *大西瓜特别适合夏季补充人体水分的丧失,它含有多种具备皮肤心理活性的氨基酸,对面部皮肤的滋润、防晒、增白效果较好。 *柠檬含有富厚维生素D,能促进新陈代谢、美白淡斑、收秋毫孔、软化角质层及令肌肤有光泽,还能降低皮肤癌发病率。 *番茄是最好的防晒食物,每天摄入16毫克番茄红素可将晒伤的危险系数降落40%。同时吃一些土豆或者胡萝卜会更有用。 *坚果中含有的不饱和脂肪对皮肤很有好处,可以或许从内而外地软化皮肤,防止皱纹,但通常要30牛人能令皮肤有所改善。 . 夏季谨慎选择日头镜 *选购日头眼镜要到正规商店去买,制造粗糙的日头镜,戴上后易引起头痛、眼痛、委顿等不适感,极易导致视力降落。大框架的眼镜会增大眼球调节功能的负担,损害视力。戴日头镜会使小童视网膜所获的光刺激大大减弱,影响视觉发育,严重的甚或造成弱视。 当心夏季“情绪中暑” *定义:当空气温度超过35?、日照超过12小时、湿度高于80,时,人容易情绪失控,频仍发生摩擦或争执,这被称为“夏季情感停滞综合症”,也叫“情绪中暑”。 *解决:尽量保持平和、快乐的心态;多食用苦味物质解热祛暑、消除委顿感;心烦气躁时,可经由过程大吃一顿、谈天、健身等方式适当出气。 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in centralexternal traffic link between the groups still need to be resolved through through the old town, causing pressure organized by OLC took on too much traffic, the city is becoming more and more restricted by this mode of transportation. Meanwhile, across the bridge for the bridge-building standards, increasingly difficult to host a growing number of traffic across the river channel gradually becomes the bottleneck of urban transportation organization, city is relatively inefficient. Figure 2.1-5 Yibin city land-use Figure 2.2 urban nature and development 2.2.1 city properties is a national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 2.2.2 development mainly in the center of the city, Yibin city functions the following functions: (1) central area of Yibin city, an important manufacturing base in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River form the famous liquor industry development base depth, comprehensive energy development base, major equipment manufacturing base, of new chemical and textile material base, green food processing base, strategic emerging industries base "six industrial bases" for the characteristics of the construction of advanced manufacturing base. (2) Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou combines modern services centre in Yibin city in Sichuan province, into rivers and the sea transport hub, trade and Logistics Center, South City Group in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River financial center, South Innovation Center for science, education and culture, southern Business Center for the development of goals, promote service ... 2.3.1 city development total target Yibin as chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department integrated strength most strong of Center City, should jumped out of South, led regional open, looking 夏季防暑应回避的误区 *日头镜色彩越深越能保护眼睛——镜片儿色彩过深会严重影响能见度,以灰色和绿色为最佳。 *天热少穿衣服能凉快些——越是盛夏气温高的气候难熬之时越不该赤膊。 *喝啤酒能解暑——喝太多啤酒会感觉口渴,出汗现象将更加厉害。 *把空调保持恒温状态——不断调节居室温度,可使人逐渐顺应温度的较大变化,不至于经常感冒或患其它疾病。 实用防晒小常识 *究竟上,50%的紫外线都能透过遮阳伞,伞只能隔离会让人有灼热感的UVB(黑色素),而对UVB(衰老因子)则毫无办法。 * 成年人的黑色素瘤大部分起因于儿时所受的暴晒,因此6个月的婴儿不能举行海滨浴,7岁前的幼儿尽量穿长衫长裤,涂抹防晒霜。 *普通人晒5000小时才会引起皮肤癌,但这个日晒时间不仅只是指夏季阳光的暴晒,也包括日常所有与阳光的接触。 *不管是 SPF15还是SPF30的防晒霜,都应该每隔2-3个小时重新涂抹一次。 夏季防晒小而灵巧门 *涂防晒品时,不要遗忘了脖子、下巴、耳朵这些小地方,涂抹要匀称,不然会造成大花脸。 international, Unicom international market, adapted future people on city of development needs, based Yu industry support, and traffic advantage, and Yangtze River culture, and ecological civilization, advantage, established city development target: radiation absorb Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou of regional center, and international ecological landscape culture city. 2.3.2 economic development in Yibin city, goal 2020 GDP reached 300 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 58000 2030 regional GDP reached 800 billion yuan, the per capita GDP reached 138000. 2020 industrial structure adjustment in Yibin city as 9:56:35; 2030 industrial structure adjustment for the 6:47:47. Industrial output by 2020 of 510 billion yuan in 2030 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan. 2.4 of the urban population and land size 2.4.1 Yibin city, population size according to the different forecasting methods and the size of population environmental capacity check, the downtown main future population projections for the year are as follows: downtown main future population projections for the year (unit: million) forecast methods, 2020, 2030, balancing method for 130-150 table 2.4-1 170-190 ultra high speed development of relationship between economic and labour law development of 150 210 140 180 General develop 130 1.7 million people, resources and environment capacity check land population carrying capacity--280 water resources and population capacity-does not constitute a binding comprehensive prediction of ecological resources coupled--310 results of 140-180 in 2020, the actual resident population of about 1.4 million people; 2030 the actual resident population of about 1.8 million people. 2.4.2 the use of scale, Yibin city 2030 per capita index of urban construction land in the center of 100 square meters per person. Yibin city construction land standards and scale of table table 2.4-2 year population size (mass) land size (km2) land per capita ((km2/people) 2012 82.5 76.19 92.4 2020 140 140 100 2030 2030 Yibin 180 180 100 figure 2.4-1 figure 2.5 land-use planning layout of urban space in centralexternal traffic link between the groups still need to be resolved through through the old town, causing pressure organized by OLC took on too much traffic, the city is becoming more and more restricted by this mode of transportation. Meanwhile, across the bridge for the bridge-building standards, increasingly difficult to host a growing number of traffic across the river channel gradually becomes the bottleneck of urban transportation organization, city is relatively inefficient. Figure 2.1-5 Yibin city land-use Figure 2.2 urban nature and development 2.2.1 city properties is a national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 2.2.2 development mainly in the center of the city, Yibin city functions the following functions: (1) central area of Yibin city, an important manufacturing base in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River form the famous liquor industry development base depth, comprehensive energy development base, major equipment manufacturing base, of new chemical and textile material base, green food processing base, strategic emerging industries base "six industrial bases" for the characteristics of the construction of advanced manufacturing base. (2) Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou combines modern services centre in Yibin city in Sichuan province, into rivers and the sea transport hub, trade and Logistics Center, South City Group in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River financial center, South Innovation Center for science, education and culture, southern Business Center for the development of goals, promote service ... 2.3.1 city development total target Yibin as chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department integrated strength most strong of Center City, should jumped out of South, led regional open, looking
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