

2018-02-04 9页 doc 30KB 43阅读




催眠的花园催眠的花园 1.Welcome to the hypnotic garden. 欢迎来到催眠的花园。 2.Latest scientific investigations of the mind has been able to prove ancient wisdom. ;有最近对人类心灵的科学调查已经可以证明古代的智慧。 3 The fact of the intimate connection between the mind and body. ;那就是我们心灵和身体之间有着密不可分的关系。 4The bo...
催眠的花园 1.Welcome to the hypnotic garden. 欢迎来到催眠的花园。 2.Latest scientific investigations of the mind has been able to prove ancient wisdom. ;有最近对人类心灵的科学调查已经可以证明古代的智慧。 3 The fact of the intimate connection between the mind and body. ;那就是我们心灵和身体之间有着密不可分的关系。 4The body produces what the mind dictates.;身体会听从心灵的命 令去生产和制造。 5 Whatever is held in the mind, the physical body will produce. 不管心灵想的是什么,身体都会随着产生变化。 6 Diseases of the body can and mostly are caused by ill feelings, or bitterness towards another person.;大多数身体上的疾病情都和 负面的情绪有关,例如老想着自己生病了,对人有所怨恨。 7 All the of emotions: intense passion, hatred and longstanding jealousy, affect the body negatively.;被强烈的感情所淹没,憎恨或 长期的嫉妒,都对我们的身体有着负面的影响。 8 And corroding anxiety and bad temper actual induce physical diseases. ;而焦虑和坏脾气更是会侵蚀我们的健康。 9 The heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and body cells are destroyed. ;破坏身体的细胞,产生和心脏,肝脏,肾脏,脾脏及胃相关的疾病。 10 Worry causes untold life-threatening diseases such as heart troubles, nerves breakdowns, and blood-pressure problems. ;而忧虑更是造成许多与生命威胁的疾病,像心脏方面的毛病,神经衰弱 及血压方面的问等。 11 If the bad thoughts are destroyed, bodily diseases and problems will vanish. ;假如我们能将不好的想法消灭,那么大多数身体上的疾病都会随着消 失。 12 This is the hypnosis technic which can help self-healing. ;以下是一段催眠的技巧可以被用来帮助自我医治。 13 It is a relaxation technic that you can utilize just to simply relax. ;它同时也是一段让身心放松的练习,你可以只是用来让自己好好放 松休息一下。 14 I just want to give you some idea of how it feels, to experence the wonderful euphoric feeling of hypnosis relaxation.;我只想要 让你去体验一下催眠所带来的那种美妙愉悦的感觉。 15 If you have any discomfort in any area of your body, or diseased, ;假如你身体有任何不舒服的地方,或有什么疾病, 16 I want you to send a loving thought to that area.;我现在要你传 送爱的能量到那部分。 17 Visualize -;运用想象力, 18Put pictures in your mind of your body becoming healthy and well again. ;在你的心灵呈现一张自己的照片,照片中的你再次变得健康,令你 满意。 19 That area of your body you can see in your mind's eye becoming healthy and well again. ;而那有病痛的部位也在你的想象中变得完好和健康。 20 Healthy as it should be.;你的身体将恢复到它本来应有的健康状 态。 21 Nature made our bodies to stay healty,;大自然的设计使我们的 身体能保持在健康的状态, 22 to heal itself.;身体是会自我痊愈的。 23 Nature only needs the cooperation and assistance of the mind to operate naturally and heal. ;我们身体所需的是心灵的合作和协助,让它能自然地运作和抑制。 24 I want you to get you a comfortable position,;现在我要你让自 己处于一个舒服的姿势, 25 preferably to stretch out on the floor or on a bed,;最好是能全 身平躺在地上或床上, 26 with a small pillow to support your neck or possibly roll up some clothing and place under your neck.;并在头下垫块枕头,若 找不到枕头也可以卷起一些衣服来代替。 27 Get comfortable.;让自己感到舒服, 28 Place a light cover or ....???;并在身上盖一层薄薄的毯子或大浴巾 ,由胸部盖到脚掌。 29 We'll just have a small break while we get prepared.我们自定要 稍停一下让你去准备这些东西。 30 Now you're ready to visit the garden of your mind.;现在你已经 准备好去探访你心灵的花园 31 Check that your head is in line with your spine.;检查你的头和脊 椎是否已成一直线不要弯曲。32 Let your feet just fall slightly apart.;让你的双脚微微打开与肩同宽。 33 Your arms can rest limply at your side.;双手背可轻轻地在身旁放 松。 34 Turn your hands so the palms are slightly facing upwards,;将两 手的掌心微微朝上, 35 the sides of your hands on the floor.;不用太刻意。 36 Close your eyes now, and just listen to our voices.;现在请闭上 你的眼睛,请听着我们的声音。 37 And if you listen to our voices, you will find a wonderful relaxing thing happen to you. ;而当你听我们的声音,你将经验到一种美妙放松的经验会发生在你 的身上。 38 You'll find the muscles in your body right down your spine are completely relaxing. ;你会发现全身的肌肉延伸到脊椎以下的部分都将完全地放松。 39 Be aware of your breathing.;去意识到你的呼吸。 40 Don't force or strain the breath.;不要刻意用力地呼吸。 41 Just be aware of the slow, deep breath;只要去感觉到你的呼吸 变得缓慢和深沉。 42 that go right down to the bottom of the stomach as you inhale. ;在你吸气时候这气会带到腹部的下方。 43 Be conscious of your stomach rising very gently as you inhale. ;并且意识到在你每次吸气时,你的小腹会微微地鼓起。 44 When you exhale, feel yourself letting go completely, ;在呼气的时候将所有的气完全地呼出,让自己所有的烦恼也一起呼 出, 45 and sinking down heavily to the floor.;并感到全身非常地沉重, 下沉到地板里了。 46 Feel yourself sinking down deeper and deeper...;感到你自己深 深地陷入地板里, 47 down deeper into the floor.;越来越深,深入到地板里。 48 You are calm, your whole body is relaxing,;你感到很平静,你的 全身正在放松, 49 relaxing more with each gentle breath you breathe. ;而在你每次缓缓地呼吸后,你将更加地放松。 50 Leave your eyes closed, your eyelids are begining to feel heavy and relaxed. ;让你的双眼闭上吧,你的眼皮开始感到非常地沉重和放松。 51They feel comfortably heavy.;它们感到舒服地沉重。 52 So relaxed you don't want to open them again.;是那样地放松 你不想再把你的花园里一切是那么地美好:宁静、安详,具有生气和活力。 85 You feel at home,;你觉得好象回到了自然的家一样, 86at one with nature.;你就像是自然的一部分。 87As you slowly walk down a green grassy bank and come to a little stream of bubbling crystal clear water,;当你慢慢地沿着青草 地走向一条水晶一般清澈的小溪流, 88 the light is dancing of the water in many directions.;看见阳光在 水面上闪闪发光。 89 Just imagine yourself slowly and quietly walking down a pathway beside the stream, ;继续想象看到你自己正慢慢安静地走向溪旁的一条小路, 90 absorbed in nature.;整个人容入自然中。 91 Feel yourself peaceful and calm;感到自己很平静与安详, 92 at one with the garden.;就好象是花园的一部分。 93 Beside the stream is a still deep pool of crystal clear water. ;在小溪的旁边有一个平静深沉的池塘,里面充满了清澈的水。 94 Pause for a moment, and look down at your own reflection. ;暂停一下,看看自己在池中的倒影吧。 95 There's warmth in your heart;在你的心中升起一股暖流, 96 and a smile on your face,;而你的脸上也浮现出微笑, 97 because you have discovered the path - the pathway to good health within yourself. ;因为你已经发现到通往健康的路就在你里面。 98 You realize you alone you are the keeper of this path. ;你觉悟到只有你自己一人才是这条路的管理者。 99 You realize and certainly know that even though the path can sometimes be blocked by the events of life,;你也同时认知到即使 有时候这条路会被生活上一些事而阻碍, 100 you know you can come down this path and be free anytime you wish. ;但你知道你可以在任何时候自由地走回这条路上。 101 You can free yourself from all the feelings of injustice. ;你可以让自己由不平的情绪中释放出来。 102 And injustice will no longer stalk you.;不平的感觉将不再跟随 着你。 103 Rid yourself of anger and guilt.;摆脱掉一切的愤怒和罪恶感。 104 No difficulty has power over you unless you give it that power. ;再也没有任何外在的力量可以掌控你,除非你将控制权权交给他。 105 Let past events just fade away.;让过去的种种都消失离开吧。 106 Don't let them darken your future.;不要再让他们为你的将来蒙 上一层阴影。 107Forgive yourself for past mistakes.;为着过去的错误原谅自己吧 。 108 You cannot change the past.;你不可能改变过去。 109 Now that you know better, forgive yourself and let all negtive thoughts go. ;现在你必须要懂事了,原谅自己并让所有负面的思想都离开吧, 110 Go from your mind.;离开你的心灵。 111You can change your future by changing your thoughts.;你可 以改变你的未来由改变你的思想开始。 112 We are the creators of our own thoughts.;我们都是自己思想 的创造者。 113 Change your thoughts and you change your world.;改变你的 思想你将能改变自己的世界。 114 There is nothing more absolute than change.;没有什么是比改 变更确定的了。 115 Everything changes.;每一件事物都在变化, 116 Nothing ever remains the same.;没有什么是停止不变的。 117 Remember the good passes,;记住好的会过去, 118 and so does the bad.;而同样坏的也会过去。 119 When we are down, there's only one way to go,;当我们跌落到 最低处的时候, 120- that is: up.;只有一条出路就是:向上。 121 If we only wait a little, the cycle, the unfailing tide of things, ;只要我们再多忍一下,那自然的循环,宇宙不止的潮汐, 122 will sweep us up again.;将会再次将我们往上带起。 123 The essence of the desired state is already in yourself. ;你所期望的状态那本质早已生殖在你里面。 124 The fruit is already in the seed.;就好像果实的本质早已经在种 子里了。 125 You can have everything now that you know how to ask. ;你可以拥有每一样东西,现在你已知道如何去要求了。 126 Formulate your images and ask.;形成你的意向然后去要求。 127 Everything that happens to us is the result of the seed planted. ;每一件发生在我们身上的事都是过去所种下的结果。 128 Plant your seeds carefully.;所以小心地播种, 129 Your thoughts are your seeds.;你的思想就是你的种子。 130 They will bud and blossom and bear fruit.;它们将萌芽,开花 和结果。 131 By changing your thoughts today, will build your world of tomorrow. ;从今天改变你的思想做起,你将建立明日你的世界。 132 I'm going to stop talking now, while you keeping your mind images of your body being restored to good health. ;我现在将暂停说话,但请你继续在你的心灵中想象着你的身体正恢 复健康。 133 See yourself as you would like to be.;看到你自己成为你想成为 的样子, 134 See a picture in your mind,;在你的心中看到这样的照片, 135 visualize what you feel is right for you.;想象什么才是对你好的 , 136 Remember your thoughts are seeds.;记得你的思想就像种子, 137 Sow them now wisely.;现在明智地播种。 138 and they will bud and blossom and bear fruit.;它们将萌芽,开 花和结果。 139 I want you to always think of your mind as a lovely garden. ;我要你总是把自己的心灵想象成一座美丽的花园。 140 If you look after it, it
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