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中科院英语A翻译中科院英语A翻译 第十课 1:What’s so frightening about this so-called silent killer is that it often does not produce symptoms for years ,secretly damaging arteries and organs throughout the body until it erupts in the form of stroke ,heart attack,congestive heart failure or...
中科院英语A翻译 第十课 1:What’s so frightening about this so-called silent killer is that it often does not produce symptoms for years ,secretly damaging arteries and organs throughout the body until it erupts in the form of stroke ,heart attack,congestive heart failure or kidney disease. 这种被称为无声杀手的病之所以如此可怕,在于它常常多年都可以不 产生症状,但是它却在不知觉间损害全身的血管和器官,直到以非常 剧烈的形式爆发出来,比如说突发性心脏病、充血性心力衰竭或者是 肾病。 2 Found that people who consumed 1300 milligrams of calcium a day were 12 percents less likely to develop hypertension than those consuming only 300 mg a day. 研究发现,那些一天摄入1300毫克钙的人患上高血压的可能性要比 那些一天只摄入300毫克的人低12%。 3 Our studies shows that people who try the low-soddium approach don’t stay with it very long. 我们的研究发现,那些想通过低盐饮食方法控制高血压的人们并不能 长久坚持下来。 4 Soon doctors may urge some hypertension patients to increase their calcium intake, much the way they now advise sodium restriction. 很快医生们会建议一些高血压患者增加钙的摄入量,就像他们现在建 议限制钠的摄入。 第十一课 1 If a foreign film is captivating – say the Chinese drama Raise the Red within a few minutes the subtitles melt away. Lantern– 如果一部外国影片让人入迷,如中国戏剧大红灯笼高高挂,那么它的 译文字幕在数分钟之内将便得微不足道。 2 One forgets that the characters are speaking a different language, and the message of the film, its plot, its humor, come through. 观众会丢开演员们讲的不同的语言这一事实,而影片的信息、情节、 幽默,均会被传达。 第十二课 1 Is hunting, as Oscar Wilde said ,” the unspeakable pursuit of uneatable ,”or is it a countryside tradition, misunderstood and defamed by over-sentimental city dwellers? 狩猎是什么,是像奥斯卡?王尔德说的对非食用东西的无法形容的追 求,还是被感性的城市居民所误解和诽谤的乡下习俗, 2 They use guerrilla tactics to disrupt hunts and end up in violent struggles with the riders , much to the delight of television crews. 他们用游击战术破坏狩猎,最后同狩猎者发生武力冲突结束,而这正 合电视台工作人员的心意。 3 They see hunting as cruel , elitist and an inefficient way of controlling animals that may not to be controlled anyway. 他们认为狩猎是残忍的,以非正常以及低效率的手段来控制动物的活 动,而这些动物们其实并不需要人为的方式来控制它们。 4 They accuse hunters of abusing not only the foxes , deer and hares that they chase, but also of cruelty to the hounds and sometimes to their horses. 他们控告狩猎者不仅滥杀他们追逐的狐狸、鹿和野兔,而且残忍对待 他们的猎犬,有时还虐待他们的马。 第十三课 1 Unmarked and trackless though the ocean may seem to us,its surface is divided into definite zones,and the pattern of the surface water controls the distribution of its life. 对我们来说海洋是无形无迹的,但是它的面被分成了特定的区域, 表面海水的颜色控制着其中生命分布。 Seasonal abundance of certain forms containing reddish or brown pigments may cause the “red water” known from ancient time in many parts of the world, and so common is this condition in some enclosed seas that they owe their names to it—the Red Sea is an example. (in some enclosed seas this condition is so common that they owe their names to it ) 自古以来在世界很多地方都有发现,含有微红色、棕色色素的特定组 分的季节性富集可能会形成―红水‖,在一些封闭的海域这种情况是很 常见的以至于用它做名字—红海是其中的一个例子。 第十四课 1 The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly ,experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as laptops, mobile telephones, radio and cassette players and game machines. 虽然仍没有确认产生干扰的原因,但渐渐地,专家指出产生这些干扰 应归咎于便携式电子设备,像便携式电脑,手机,收音机,录音机和 游戏机等。 2 Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights 一些专家甚至更进一步地要求在整个飞行过程中都应禁止使用(电子 设备)。 3 And although some airlines prohibit passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing, most are reluctant to enforce a total ban, given that many passengers want to work during flights. 虽然有一些航线会在起飞和降落的时候禁止乘客使用这些设备,大部 分航线还是不愿意强迫乘客全程禁止使用这些设备的,因为他们考虑 到大部分乘客想要在乘飞机的时候工作。 4 Experts know that portable devices emit radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication. 专家知道,便携式电子设备会发射射线,这些射线会对飞机上用于航 行和通信所使用的无线电波产生影响。 5 The fact that aircraft may be vulnerable to interference raises(增加, 引发) the risk that terrorists may deliberately(故意地) tamper with radio systems in order to sabotage navigation(航行) equipment. 事实是,飞机对于外界干扰的敏感的可能性,会增加飞行危险性,因 为恐怖分子可以故意地干预无线电系统来怕坏航行设备。 第十五课 1 The foot-binding of upper-class Chinese girls and the Nigerian custom of loading women’s legs with pounds of heavy brass wire are extreme examples, but all over the world similar stratagems have been employed to make sure that once you have caught a woman she cannot run away, and even if she stays around she cannot keep up with you. 中国上层社会的姑娘的裹足现象和尼日利亚风俗中将姑娘双腿绑上 几磅重黄铜线的行为是比较极端的例子,但是放眼整个世界,人们都 在用类似的方法来确保一旦你追上一个女性她就跑不掉,即使她在你 旁边,她也跟不上你。 2 The lotus foot, which seems to us a deformity, was passionately admired in China for centuries, and today most people in Western society see nothing ugly in the severely compressed toes produced by modern footwear. 在我们看来十分畸形的莲花足在中国却流行了很多世纪,今天很多西 方社会的人并不觉得挤在时髦的女鞋里的极度压缩的脚趾有多么的 丑陋。 3 The high –heeled, narrow-toed shoes that for most of this century have been an essential part of woman’s costume are considered sexually an extended attractive, partly because they make the legs look longer— leg is the biological sign of sexual availability in several animal species—and because they produce what anthropologists call a ―courtship strut.‖ 在这个世纪的大部分时间中高跟的窄面的鞋成为女性时装领域的主 要部分,它被认为是性感的诱惑,部分原因是它们能让女性的腿看起 来更加修长,在一些种类的动物中,长腿是可以交配的生物学信号, 因为它们可以跳出被人类学家称为的―求爱舞步‖。 4 Worst of all, if they are worn continually from adolescence on, they deform the muscles of the feet and legs so that it becomes even more painful and difficult to walk in flat soles. 最坏的一点是,如果她们从青春期就开始持续的穿高跟鞋,脚部和腿 部的肌肉会由此变形,因此再穿平底鞋走路时她们会感觉到更加痛苦 和艰难。 第十七课 1 It says if the cause is medicine the person may be using ,then he or she should ask the doctor for a similar medicine that does not produce dry mouth. 这篇杂志认为,如果口干是由患者正在服用的药物引起的,那么,他 (她)应该让医生开与此相似的却不会导致口干的药物。 第十八课 1 Although this may have been true for some Arctic region Eskimos, it was not indicative of the life of most Alaskan Eskimos. 尽管有些北极地区的爱斯基摩人的生活是这样的,但并不表明居住在 阿拉斯加州的大多数爱斯基摩人的生活也同样如此。 2 The kind of life-style that a particular group of Alaskan Eskimos followed at the time of the first European exploration of their homeland largely depended on the enviroment. 就在第一批欧洲人探索阿拉斯加州地区的时候,那里的爱斯基摩人的 特殊族群所沿用的生活方式在很大程度上是由环境所造成的。 3 In the center of the community was a large structure known as a men’s club or communal house. 在这个族群的中心位置是一个很大的建筑物,它被称作是人们的俱乐 部或公共的房屋。 4 Also included in most communities were drying racks for meat and fish and storage pits where supplies for use during the winter months might be kept. 在很多部落里,这个房子里还有用来晾晒肉和鱼的架子,还会有用来 储存冬季所用储备物资的储藏洞。 第十九课 1 Such migrations optimize the environment for the organisms, as they move to areas where food is plentiful, breeding is safest or temperatures are optimal. 对于生物来说,这样的迁徙是为了改善生存环境,正如他们迁徙到 那些食物充裕、繁殖安全或温度适宜的地方。 2 There is little experimental evidence for celestial navigation in animals other than humans, since the organism must localize itself on the earth’s surface as well as maintain compass heading. 因为生物体可以在地球表面上给自身定位,并且也具有磁定向能力, 所以很少有实验证据表明动物的天文导航不同于人类的天文导航。 3 They seem to be due not to genetic or inborn traits, but rather to a sort of environmental imprinting 它们似乎不能归因于遗传或天生的特征,而是一种环境印迹。 4 In other words, the animal has learned some recognizable aspect of its environment, and navigation consists of a search pattern followed until some environmental feature is recognized. 换句话说,动物已经熟识环境的某些可识别的特征,并且通过识别 这些环境特征这么一种搜索模式来导航的。 第二十课 1 Now they’re doing well in school. But should you be taking credit? 现在孩子们在学校表现优秀。这样你就应该得到称赞吗, 2 In the wake of the controvery that book stirred, The Wall Street Journal published a statement signed by 52 researchers saying studies ―indicate that genetics plays a bigger role than does environment in creating I.Q. differences.‖ 紧随那本书(《贝尔曲线》)掀起的争议而来,《华尔街日报》刊登了 一则有52位研究者署名的文章,其上写道,“研究表明遗传在创造 I.Q.的差异中扮演了一个比环境更大的角色”。 3 Are efforts to improve their kids’ academic skills just time down the drain, 提高他们孩子的学术技能的努力只是浪费时间吗, 4 Indeed, a growing number of research shows that, especially in the early years of life when the brain is still taking shape, parental attention – even such a simple activity as playing peekaboo – helps to construct the complex brain circuitry essential to intellectual development. 的确,越来越多的研究表明,特别是大脑还在发育的幼年时期,父母 的关心,即使一个简单的事情例如玩躲猫猫,也能帮助构建复杂的大 脑回路,这对孩子智力的发展必不可少。 第六课 1 The key to achieving this seemingly unbelievable feat lies in knowing dreaming. how to make the most of a very natural sleep phenomenon – 获得这个貌似难以置信的技能的关键在于知道如何充分利用这个最 自然的睡眠现象—做梦。 2Your dream can provide you with realistic options, spicy subplots, and believable complications for your story. 你的梦可以提供给你的故事现实选择、辛辣的次要情节、可信的复杂 情况。 第七课 1 After some months, the choice was made and work was about to begin when one of the companies which had not been successful complained to the Minister. 几个月之后,入选公司已经确定,并且工作即将开展之时,一家没有 竞标成功的公司向部长提出了申诉。 2 They said that (the official who had been responsible for advising him on the choice of a company to do the work had accepted bribery). 他们说负责在哪一个公司来做这个工作的选择上给他建议的官员接 收了贿赂。 3 The Minister at once ordered an inquiry into the whole matter, and after a month has proof that the official had indeed taken bribes. 部长立即就这件事展开了调查,并且在一个月后查出那个官员确实收 受了贿赂。 4 I did not just take on from the company to which I recommended that you should give the work. I took a bribe from each company to favour it in my choice of the one to recommend. 我不只是从我所举荐做这项工作的那个公司接受了贿赂。我从每 家公司都收受了贿赂,以此来支持对于我所举荐的那个公司的选 择。 第八课 1 The prototypes are frozen solid in huge refrigerators, flooded in artificial rainstorms, driven through mud and water and up hills as steep as the steepest hill in San Francisco. 原型测试车就像大型冰库里的冰块,像人工降雨里的暴雨,像旧金山 形成最陡峭山峰中的泥和水。 2 A special machie opens and slams a prototype's doors 80,000 times, and other instruments test the brakes and the amount of gasoline and oil the engine uses. 一种特殊的机器可以开关原型车门80000次,其他特殊的仪器可以测 试刹车系统和发动机的耗油量。 3 Since the same type cars will be sold to customers in Maine as well as Arizona, and Montana as well as Florida, the engineers want to be sure that they will stand up under all kinds of weather and road conditions. 因为同种型号的车要被卖到缅因州,亚利桑那州,蒙大拿州和福 罗里达州,工程师要保证这些车可以在各种天气和路况条件下行 驶。 4 Among the most severe tests is a head-on collision with another car. 在这些测试中最剧烈的测试是两辆车迎头相撞的测试 5 Through such tests, engineers designed a collapsing steering column and controlled crush front end and frame to protect drivers from serious injury in case of accident. 通过这种测试,工程师们了可粉碎型转向盘和可控型粉碎前端和 框架来保护驾驶者在车祸中不受到重大伤害。 第九课 They didn’t know the groom well enough to be sure of him, and they had no use for his father, a widower. 他们并不了解新郎,也不需要了解他的鳏夫父亲 2. Most people will take just about any advice on how to expand their wealth – but these same people will fail utterly to explore the most economical ways of passing on their assets to their survivors. 大多数人会采纳如何扩大他们财富的建议,但是这些人完全不会寻找最经济的方法把他们的 财产分给后人。
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