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学警代表发言稿学警代表发言稿 学生代表发言稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们:(大家下午好) 我是来自南京森林警察学院治安10大队交管1011区队的范广彦,刚刚获得的先进标兵荣誉称号让我此时的心情无比激动,感谢各位领导给我这次机会代表学院参加这意义非凡的表彰大会。 随着大运会的胜利闭幕,我们卸下了肩头上沉甸甸的安保责任,顿时感觉无比轻松。回首在大运安保的一个多月里,每一天我们都会有新的任务,每一天我们都会面临新的挑战,每一天我们都在努力的付出,在自己的岗位上坚守。现在我们的努力得到了各级领导的肯定,受到各界的一致好评,在此我谨代表南京...
学警代发言稿 学生代表发言稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们:(大家下午好) 我是来自南京森林警察学院治安10大队交管1011区队的范广彦,刚刚获得的先进标兵荣誉称号让我此时的心情无比激动,感谢各位领导给我这次机会代表学院参加这意义非凡的表彰大会。 随着大运会的胜利闭幕,我们卸下了肩头上沉甸甸的安保责任,顿时感觉无比轻松。回首在大运安保的一个多月里,每一天我们都会有新的任务,每一天我们都会面临新的挑战,每一天我们都在努力的付出,在自己的岗位上坚守。现在我们的努力得到了各级领导的肯定,受到各界的一致好评,在此我谨代表南京森林警察学院随车护卫组全部学警向各级领导在这一个多月中一直关心和爱护我们的各级领导表示崇高的敬意与衷心的感谢~ 我清晰的记得,7月28日上午,深圳市委常委、公安局局长李铭莅临我们驻地龙岗中专,亲切慰问了我院师生,赠送了慰问金和防晒用具。7月22日上午,深圳大运会随车护卫指挥部总指挥杜鹏主任在百忙之中赶到我们营区,亲切慰问随车护卫组全体师生,还在烈日下讲话,为我们鼓劲加油。杜主任叮嘱说,此次随车护卫工作责任重大,任务艰巨,我们要加强责任感、荣誉感和使命感,发扬胆大心细的精神,落实岗位责任制,做好自己的本职工作,相信我们一定会圆满完成任务。杜主任的讲话让我们深切的明白使命的重要,也使我们受到了巨大的鼓舞,更使我们坚定了必胜的决心,成为我们圆满完成attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 任务的一种强大的精神动力。龙岗中专也十分关心我们,出资为我们购买食品饮料,以备我们上下岗间隙的不时之需。在领导的关怀下,我们顶着烈日,冒着暴雨,一直工作在最前线,因为只有这样才对的起领导的期望,对的起老师对我们的深切教诲,对于大运的成功我们有的是一种满足,是一种发自内心的自豪感。 作为南京森林警察学院随车护卫组的一名普通成员,我深深的感觉到护卫岗位工作的艰巨和责任的重大,每天最早的一班是3点40分开始上岗,上岗时间每天都要超过10个小时以上,刚刚开始工作的时候平均每天都要跑4、5趟,有的甚至一天出,趟车。因为工作原因有时候我们错过用餐时间,吃饭都要在车上解决,由于车内外气温相差大,不少同学都感冒了还有好多同学中暑,在这样艰苦的条件下我们没有一个人掉队,每个人都在属于自己的岗位上战斗。为了确保车辆安全,每次上车前都要仔细的检查车辆,用警惕的眼神观察是否有危险物品带入车内,同时认真按照规定查验证件,我们一刻也不敢忘记自己的责任,以一种认真负责的态度去完成每次出车任务。我们注意发扬传统美德,展示中华礼仪,竭力为运动员服务,一旦发现运动员遗落在车内的物品,我们马上收好立即联系失主以最快速度归还,无法联系失主的我们就上交场站指挥部,这种拾金不昧的行为在大运会期间频频发生。我们时刻注意学警的形象,保持最好的精神面貌,我们每次接送运动员上下车时都会保持规范严整的军姿,努力给各国运动员留下良好的印象。我们知道我们随车服务是展示深圳风采的第一道窗口,在运动员从抵到离的整个过程中都不敢有丝毫放松,attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 奉献大运始终是我们护卫学警坚定的信念。当然同学们的辛苦也是不言而喻的。特别是开幕式当晚,个别学警最长工作时间长达,,多小时,很多学警当晚都没有合过眼。在出车高峰期间,我们普遍感受到疲惫感到不堪重负,心中也有过彷徨、痛苦与烦躁,但我们都能够坚守因为我们牢记领导的教诲。我们学生处邹处说过:“同学们,知道大家很累,为了大运会的圆满完成我们都在不懈的奋斗着,我希望同学们咬住牙坚持住,拿出我们森警院男儿的本色来。”我们治安系何书记说过:“来到深圳为的是完成任务,而不是为了欣赏美景,我们要时刻铭记自己的使命,苦与累坚持住,圆满完成大运安保任务这才是好样的”。领导的激励使我们明白,严谨工作是我们学警的准则,吃苦耐劳是我们森警公安的特色。为了我们的使命,为了平安大运而奋斗,我们都在不懈的努力坚持着,我十分喜欢学校里面的鼓励语:“青春因大运而精彩,大运因森警而平安”。是的,正是因为我们有着这样的信念才能在一切艰难困苦中披荆斩棘,最终等到今天这个成功的时刻。 我们圆满完成任务,离不开我们带队老师的教导和带队民警的指导。我首先感谢我们的带队民警。李军伟教导员负责整个场站安保工作,不分昼夜的操劳,为了鼓励我们,李教自己出资购买纪念品,对我们优秀学警进行战地表彰;崔健队长负责学警的指挥调度,每天忙个不停,及时高效处理我们出车过程中遇到的各种问题;涂志刚警官负责我们学警任务下达和后勤保障,编制任务单、联系运输车辆、订餐分餐,工作井井有条,有一次为了给回族同学买清真泡面跑遍了附attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 近的大街小巷。民警的奉献精神感染着我们每个学警,民警的安排调度使我们顺利发车有了保障。将来,我们也要像带队民警一样,忘我工作,无私奉献,成为一名克尽职守的优秀人民警察。 我感谢我们的每位带队老师。南京森林警察学院随车护卫组的每一位老师在大运会期间都在积极工作着,随之也涌现出许多的感人事迹。卢峰老师是森警院治安10大队大队长,也是随车护卫组的总负责人,我们平时都亲切的称呼他卢队,每次有大型任务分配的时候总会看到卢队亲历亲为的身影,也许不认识卢队的人见到一个身穿整件警服都被汗液侵湿的人时会忍不住问这人是谁,请不用怀疑,这正是卢峰队长。为了我们随车护卫组成员的辛苦可以得到回报,老师不断的为我们申请补贴,有时见到老师那被汗水侵湿的衣服时我只想说一句话:“老师您辛苦了”。还有我们的赵庆国老师,看着老师那被炎热的太阳沐浴之后留下的黝黑皮肤,听着老师那因为每天在集合中“喊话”而沙哑的声音顿时敬佩之感悠然而生。在此也不由的要提起我们森警院的“父女兵”丁景辉和丁喆父女的感人事迹。正因为有这些辛苦忙碌的老师在前方带领,才有我们今日的圆满成功,在此我谨代表森警院全体随车护卫组同学对各位学管老师说一声:“老师您辛苦了”。 如今我获得了先进标兵的荣誉称号,我认为这是对我的一种肯定,是老师对我的信任,也是随车护卫组对我的关怀。我个人认为获奖并不是重要的,重要的是大运会的成功举行,为平安大运出力,为精彩大运添彩。同时我们随车护卫组的成功也要归结于“三位一体”的服attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers. 务模式,安保的活力四射,阳刚挺拔,与随车助理甜美的微笑、司机严谨的态度相得益彰,打造了一个完美的服务团队。进行安保任务时,抱着永不言弃的信念来实现目标,吃苦耐劳,用汗水浇灌成功,树立主人翁意识,把平安大运作为个人最崇高的使命,只有这样才能顺利并有信心的完成每一项任务。 大运会的结束并不代表我们的使命就此结束,未来还有各种各样的活动等着我们森警院学警去参与,通过这段特殊的经历我体会到一项世界级比赛成功的背后有着无数人辛勤的汗水,这同样也是一次人生中宝贵的历练与回忆,回想出发前邹处在学校动员会上提出的三个目标,如今我们都顺利的完成,能为大运会圆满完成而贡献出自己一份微薄之力对此而感到无比自豪。 我谨代表南京森林警察学院随车护卫组全体师生再次对深圳各级领导对我们的关心表示感谢,希望通过这次大运会可以促进我院与各级领导之间的友谊,增进彼此之间的了解,愿我们双方的友谊之花永远绽放,感谢各位领导对南京森林警察学院的照顾与支持。我相信在各级领导的关心爱护下南京森林警察学院将会在未来发展的更加迅猛,创造出更加灿烂的辉煌! 谢谢大家 发言人:范广彦 2011年8月26日 attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub ... E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.
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