

2017-10-07 12页 doc 58KB 8阅读




中国历史上的十大河南籍名相中国历史上的十大河南籍名相 “宰相者,上佐天子理阴阳,顺四时,下育万物之宜,外镇抚四夷诸侯,内新附百姓,使卿大夫,各得任其职焉。” ——《史记?陈丞相世家》 古代社会的宰相是国家最高行政官员,是政治制度中至关重要的一环,任用宰相的得与失直接决定君王事业的成败,历代君王对此都是非常的慎重,非是有大才智不足以任之,而中原作为古代社会长期的文化和政治中心,曾经培育出了一大批优秀的宰辅名相。 1、 伊尹——从奴隶到宰相 伊尹,名阿衡,又名挚,出生在伊水河畔(今河南省洛阳市附近的伊河,又一说 其出生在河南淅川),自幼就被卖到有...
中国历史上的十大河南籍名相 “宰相者,上佐天子理阴阳,顺四时,下育万物之宜,外镇抚四夷诸侯,内新附百姓,使卿大夫,各得任其职焉。” ——《史记?陈丞相世家》 古代社会的宰相是国家最高行政官员,是政治中至关重要的一环,任用宰相的得与失直接决定君王事业的成败,历代君王对此都是非常的慎重,非是有大才智不足以任之,而中原作为古代社会长期的文化和政治中心,曾经培育出了一大批优秀的宰辅名相。 1、 伊尹——从奴隶到宰相 伊尹,名阿衡,又名挚,出生在伊水河畔(今河南省洛阳市附近的伊河,又一说 其出生在河南淅川),自幼就被卖到有莘国(今河南省开封县陈留镇一带, 一说在今山东省曹县附近)作奴隶,由于其会一手出色的烹调技术,有莘国 君经常让他招待各国的贵宾,伊尹就在与这些上层人物的交往中逐渐有了一 付做大事业的胸怀。后来,他作为陪嫁奴隶来到了商国,遇到了一代贤王商 汤。在商的左相仲虺的推荐下,商汤任命伊尹为右相,并授以国政。伊尹遂 辅佐商汤内修德政,外灭敌国,最终在鸣条一战灭亡了夏朝,建立了商朝。 2、 姜子牙——辅佐文武两代贤王的开周名相 姜子牙,名尚,字子牙,相传为今河南省卫辉市人,先祖曾因佐大禹治水之功被封到吕(今河南省南阳市西三十里),因而他又被称为吕尚。 24 24.1 reagent potassium iodide (500g/L) + thiourea (50g/L) (1+1). 24.2 the sodium hydroxide solution (400g/L) and the sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L). 24.3 sulfuric acid (1+1). 24.4 absorbent 24.4.1 the silver nitrate solution (8g/L): 4.07g g of silver nitrate in 500mL beaker, add a little water dissolves 30mL nitric acid, add water to 500mL and stored in a Brown bottle. 24.4.2 polyvinyl alcohol solutions (4g/L): weighing 0.4g polyvinyl alcohol (degree of polymerization of 1500~1800) in a small beaker, add 100mL of water, heated in boiling water bath and stir until dissolved, thermal 10min, out cold. 24.4.3 absorbent: 17.4. a 1 and 17.4.2, add one volume of ethanol (95%), mix as the absorbent. Use match. 24.5 potassium borohydride: potassium borohydride and sodium chloride mixed in 1:4 quality than ground, after you mix in the tablet computer made 10MM, 4mm tablets, each piece is 0.5G. Avoid pressure in wet weather. 24.6 lead acetate (100g/L) cotton: absorbent foam in lead acetate solution (100g/L), squeeze excess solution after a few minutes, spread out cotton, 80 ? after drying storage in the wide-mouth glass bottles. 24.7 citric acid (1.0mol/L)-ammonium citrate (1.0mol/L): weighing 192g ammonium citrate citric acid, 243g, diluted with water dissolves to 1000mL. 24.8 arsenic standard reserves liquid: said learn 105 ? dry 1h and reset dry device in the cooling to at room temperature of three chloride arsenic (As2O3) 0.1320g Yu 100mL beaker in the, joined 10mL hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (2.5mol/L), stay dissolved Hou joined 5mL perchlorate, and 5mL sulfuric acid, and reset electric Board Shang heating to take white, cooling Hou, into 姜子牙早年家境贫寒,生活非常困难,很不得志。到了老年,他听说西伯姬昌重视人才,遂来到渭水河畔垂钓,终于一日“钓”到了周文王。两人一见如故,周文王将其迎回宫中,任命为太师并委以国政,已八十岁开外的姜太公开始了其辅助文武二王灭商兴周的大业。在文王崩后,他被周武王尊为“师尚父”继续主理军国大政。在武王十一年时,由姜子牙任统帅的周军向商朝进攻,在牧野一战全歼商军主力,商朝灭亡。 周朝建立后,姜子牙被封到齐国,在周成王时,他协助周公平灭了东方诸侯的叛乱,被周王室授予了征伐东方叛乱诸侯的权力,为后来齐国成为春秋战国的一大强国奠定了基础。另外,相传姜子牙还作了《六韬》这本兵家宝典,因此他还被后人遵为兵家的鼻祖。 3、 苏秦——配六国相印的战国第一相 苏秦(,—前284年),字季子,东周洛阳(今河南省洛阳市)人,少时曾就学于鬼谷子,出师后在外游说数年皆不得志,回家后受到家人嘲笑,遂以“头悬梁,锥刺股”发愤读书终有所成。 后来,他又开始了其游说各国的生涯,终于说服了燕昭王得到了重用,从此他游走于山东六国之间用自己非凡的口才联合起了六国的诸侯一起抗击秦国,六国的君主在他的斡旋下订立了盟誓,苏秦遂成为了联盟的盟长,并同时受封为六国的总相国。他于是将六国“合纵”的盟约送到秦国,迫使秦国部分的交还了侵占的土地,在这之后十五年间不可一世的秦国都不敢越过函谷关一步,苏秦的事业达到了顶峰。但六国的联盟并不稳固,在秦的怂恿和瓦解下,合纵最终还是崩溃了。苏秦于是来到了齐国,后在与齐国大臣争宠的斗争中被暗杀。 4、 李斯——二千年封建王朝的定基之相 李斯(约前280年,前208年),楚国上蔡(今河南省上蔡县西南)人。出身贫寒,曾任本郡的小吏,后学帝王之术于荀子门下。在看到天下大势已归秦之后,遂投奔到当时的秦国宰相吕不韦的手下,很快得到吕不韦的赏识被任命为秦王赢政的侍从,开始其不凡的政治生涯。他劝秦王乘“六世”之威业,统一天下,深得嬴政赏识,被拜为长史。后来,他又劝阻秦王废逐客令,广纳天下人才。之后佐助秦王政,一面用重金贿赂各国“豪臣”,破坏六国的“合纵”;一面暗中扩军备战,尊奖功臣,为统一战争做准备。在秦国平灭六国、统一华夏的过程中,他起了重大作用。 秦朝建立后,李斯被秦始皇任命为中国封建王朝的第一任丞相。在此之后,他坚 决反对复古倒退,主张废除周朝以来的分封制,实行郡县制,并主张焚《诗》、 《书》,禁私学,还参与了统一法律、统一货币、统一文字、统一度量衡等24 24.1 reagent potassium iodide (500g/L) + thiourea (50g/L) (1+1). 24.2 the sodium hydroxide solution (400g/L) and the sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L). 24.3 sulfuric acid (1+1). 24.4 absorbent 24.4.1 the silver nitrate solution (8g/L): 4.07g g of silver nitrate in 500mL beaker, add a little water dissolves 30mL nitric acid, add water to 500mL and stored in a Brown bottle. 24.4.2 polyvinyl alcohol solutions (4g/L): weighing 0.4g polyvinyl alcohol (degree of polymerization of 1500~1800) in a small beaker, add 100mL of water, heated in boiling water bath and stir until dissolved, thermal 10min, out cold. 24.4.3 absorbent: 17.4. a 1 and 17.4.2, add one volume of ethanol (95%), mix as the absorbent. Use match. 24.5 potassium borohydride: potassium borohydride and sodium chloride mixed in 1:4 quality than ground, after you mix in the tablet computer made 10MM, 4mm tablets, each piece is 0.5G. Avoid pressure in wet weather. 24.6 lead acetate (100g/L) cotton: absorbent foam in lead acetate solution (100g/L), squeeze excess solution after a few minutes, spread out cotton, 80 ? after drying storage in the wide-mouth glass bottles. 24.7 citric acid (1.0mol/L)-ammonium citrate (1.0mol/L): weighing 192g ammonium citrate citric acid, 243g, diluted with water dissolves to 1000mL. 24.8 arsenic standard reserves liquid: said learn 105 ? dry 1h and reset dry device in the cooling to at room temperature of three chloride arsenic (As2O3) 0.1320g Yu 100mL beaker in the, joined 10mL hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (2.5mol/L), stay dissolved Hou joined 5mL perchlorate, and 5mL sulfuric acid, and reset electric Board Shang heating to take white, cooling Hou, into 重大改革活动,对秦王朝北逐匈奴、南定百越也起到过很大作用。他以“小 篆”为,整理文字,写出范本《仓颉篇》,为中国文字的统一做出了不 小的贡献,为加强秦王朝中央集权的统治立下了汗马功劳。 5、 陈平——安刘汉天下的一代智相 陈平(,,前178年),字儒子,阳武(今河南省原阳县)人,少时家贫,与兄嫂共同生活。秦末天下大乱,陈平开始投在魏王咎的帐下,任太仆,但因言不听,计不从又投奔了项羽,仍是郁郁不得志。后来被刘邦的谋士张良发现,遂劝说其投靠了刘邦,任护军中尉,逐渐成为了刘汉阵营中举足轻重的谋士。在楚汉战争中,陈平数次献奇谋帮助刘邦渡过难关,并最终攻灭西楚。 汉朝建立后,陈平被封为曲逆侯,在捉拿韩信和白登助刘邦脱险的过程中都起到了决定性作用。汉高祖崩后,在惠帝和吕后专政时期皆被任命为丞相,为了保存实力,他表面上与吕后串通一气,对诸吕想要篡权谋国的阴谋不闻不问,等到吕后死后,他联合刘章和周勃荡平了诸吕挽救了汉室江山,并扶立文帝刘恒继位,再次出任丞相之职,协助文帝使国家大治。去世后,被谥号为献侯,是中国历史上少有的既能谋身又能谋国的一代智相。 6、邓禹——汉室中兴第一相 邓禹(2年,58年),字仲化,汉南阳郡新野(今河南省新野县)人。他少时在长安就学,聪敏好学,十三岁能背诵《诗》,与后来的东汉开国皇帝汉光武帝刘秀是学友。当时是新莽王朝末期,天下大乱。邓禹看到天下的势力中只有刘秀有帝王气质,遂投奔到他昔日老同学的帐下并受到重用。后王郎起兵反汉,刘秀自蓟至信都,命邓禹征集将士,得数千人,攻占乐阳,首立战功。邓禹长于推荐贤能,所举之人皆才干出众,才尽其职。刘秀非常赏识邓禹识才、举才和用才的贤德,每任命和调整将领时,多听取他的意见。刘秀即位,任命邓禹为大司徒(即丞相),封酂侯,食邑万户,并诏扬他“极有忠孝之心,与光武帝谋划营帐之中,决胜千里。斩将破军,平定山西,功效尤为显著。”邓禹率兵渡汾阴河,入夏阳,击败更始十万兵将。建武二年(公元26年)春,他被更封为梁侯。建武四年(公元28年)春,他奉命率复汉将军邓晔、辅汉将军王匡南攻,收降刘嘉,击败延岑。建武十三年(公元37年),天下平定,邓禹被定封为高密侯。后被免除将军职,以特进行朝拜之礼。他淡泊名利,待人敦厚,孝敬父母,天下已定,常思远离名誉和权势。邓禹还教子有方,不置产业。后来,他的子孙皆称名天下。中元元年(公元56年),邓禹复任大司徒。显宗即位,感其功高,拜为太傅。永平元年(公元58年),病逝,谥元侯。永平中,显宗追念各位开国 勋臣,诏画像于南宫云台,邓禹为云台二十八将之首。 7、谢安——挽狂澜于即倒的东晋宰相 谢安(320年,385年),字安石,陈郡阳夏(今河南省太康县)人,出身大士族家庭,由于西晋的灭亡,谢氏家族举族南迁会稽(今浙江省绍兴市)。少年时的谢安就已是博学多才、沉稳干练了,为了保全自己他一直不出来做官,直到四十多岁时才东山再起担任了司马一职。当时简文帝驾崩,权臣桓温一心想废晋自立,多亏谢安与其斗智斗勇使其阴谋未遂病死,谢安遂被任命为宰相。公元383年,北方的前秦天王苻坚率80余万大军南下灭晋,东晋举国震惊,只有谢安临危不惧,命令自己的弟弟谢石和侄子谢玄率领八万北府兵抗敌,淝水一战几乎全歼前秦军主力,后又命谢玄率师北伐,收复了中原大片失地,取得了东晋历24 24.1 reagent potassium iodide (500g/L) + thiourea (50g/L) (1+1). 24.2 the sodium hydroxide solution (400g/L) and the sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L). 24.3 sulfuric acid (1+1). 24.4 absorbent 24.4.1 the silver nitrate solution (8g/L): 4.07g g of silver nitrate in 500mL beaker, add a little water dissolves 30mL nitric acid, add water to 500mL and stored in a Brown bottle. 24.4.2 polyvinyl alcohol solutions (4g/L): weighing 0.4g polyvinyl alcohol (degree of polymerization of 1500~1800) in a small beaker, add 100mL of water, heated in boiling water bath and stir until dissolved, thermal 10min, out cold. 24.4.3 absorbent: 17.4. a 1 and 17.4.2, add one volume of ethanol (95%), mix as the absorbent. Use match. 24.5 potassium borohydride: potassium borohydride and sodium chloride mixed in 1:4 quality than ground, after you mix in the tablet computer made 10MM, 4mm tablets, each piece is 0.5G. Avoid pressure in wet weather. 24.6 lead acetate (100g/L) cotton: absorbent foam in lead acetate solution (100g/L), squeeze excess solution after a few minutes, spread out cotton, 80 ? after drying storage in the wide-mouth glass bottles. 24.7 citric acid (1.0mol/L)-ammonium citrate (1.0mol/L): weighing 192g ammonium citrate citric acid, 243g, diluted with water dissolves to 1000mL. 24.8 arsenic standard reserves liquid: said learn 105 ? dry 1h and reset dry device in the cooling to at room temperature of three chloride arsenic (As2O3) 0.1320g Yu 100mL beaker in the, joined 10mL hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (2.5mol/L), stay dissolved Hou joined 5mL perchlorate, and 5mL sulfuric acid, and reset electric Board Shang heating to take white, cooling Hou, into 次北伐的最大成果。公元385年,由于东晋统治者的猜忌,谢安出镇广陵(今江苏扬州)。不久,回京病死。终其一生,每到危机关头,众人都无所适从时,唯有谢安能稳坐钓鱼台,有智有谋扶大厦于将倾。一生著述颇丰,其书法艺术为后 人评价甚高。 8、 长孙无忌——开唐第一功相 长孙无忌(,,659年),字辅机,河南洛阳人。唐太宗长孙皇后兄,出身鲜卑拓跋氏贵族家庭,少小时即与唐太宗李世民友善,在李世民后来的戎马生涯中,常参与机密。武德九年(626年),参与发动玄武门之变,帮助李世民夺取帝位,历任尚书右仆射、司空、司徒等官职,封赵国公。曾与房玄龄等修定唐律,助太宗治理天下,后唐太宗立凌烟阁画开国二十四功臣像,长孙无忌被列在第一位。太宗死,高宗李治继帝位,他任太尉、同中书门下三品。继承辅助国政,并撰成《律疏》(即《唐律疏议》)30卷进献高宗,这也是中国历史上现存最早最完整的一部法典。后来,高宗立武则天为皇后,他坚反对。在公元659年为奸臣许敬宗构陷,被放逐黔州,自缢而亡。一生为唐朝初期国家的繁荣稳定作出重 大贡献。 9、姚崇——大唐帝国的“救时宰相” ——721年),本名元崇,又名元之,陕州硖石(今河南省三 姚崇(650年 门峡东南)人,出身官僚家庭,少时任侠不拘小节,后来发奋读书通过科举取得了功名,其明于吏道,机敏干练,很快得到了当时的女皇武则天的赏识被破格提 拔为宰相,后在唐睿宗和唐玄宗时代都被任命为宰相。 唐玄宗开元初年,政治混乱,百废待兴,姚崇再次被委以宰辅的大任,他上任伊始就大刀阔斧的开始整顿吏治、裁减冗官,禁绝佛寺道观的营建、裁汰僧尼,废除苛捐杂税,发展生产,使社会发展迅速回到了正常的轨道上来。当时,山东发生了蝗灾,他不顾时人不敢捕蝗的陋习,一再倡导以火灭蝗,并遣“扑蝗使”分道督责使灾情大为减轻也破除了人们的迷信思想。公元716年,感觉已年老体弱的姚崇推荐宋璟代替自己为相,终老于林下。究其一生,姚崇数起数落,三朝为相且都得到了君主的赏识,这在中国的历史上罕见的,其简朴的作风,干练的处理政务的能力为中国封建王朝的最高峰开元盛世的形成作出了巨大的贡献。 10、赵普——“半部论语治天下”的一代开国名相 赵普(922年,992年),字则平,河南洛阳人。后周时为赵匡胤幕僚、归德军掌书记,参与陈桥兵变,拥立宋太祖有功,被封为枢密使(相当于宰相)。为宋太祖政变之后稳定住内部局势、强化中央集权立下了卓越的功劳。在统一全国的战争中,他为太祖、太宗两任君主定下先南后北的正确路线,是赵宋的统一大业的主要设计者。在宋太宗赵光义时期他又两次出任宰相为宋前期的政权的发展起了重要的作用。死后,被追封为真定王。生前曾有“臣有论语一部,以半部 佐太祖定天下,以半部佐陛下致太平。”之说。 商汤死后,他又接连辅佐了外丙和仲壬两代商王。到了太甲为商王时,由于他一味荒淫不听劝告,伊尹遂将其囚禁在桐宫(今河南省偃师县尸乡,一说在今河南省虞城南)思过,然后自己暂代理国政。三年后,太甲改过自新,伊尹遂将其迎回并交还国政。这也开辟了后世辅政大臣可以废除昏君的先河。 24 24.1 reagent potassium iodide (500g/L) + thiourea (50g/L) (1+1). 24.2 the sodium hydroxide solution (400g/L) and the sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L). 24.3 sulfuric acid (1+1). 24.4 absorbent 24.4.1 the silver nitrate solution (8g/L): 4.07g g of silver nitrate in 500mL beaker, add a little water dissolves 30mL nitric acid, add water to 500mL and stored in a Brown bottle. 24.4.2 polyvinyl alcohol solutions (4g/L): weighing 0.4g polyvinyl alcohol (degree of polymerization of 1500~1800) in a small beaker, add 100mL of water, heated in boiling water bath and stir until dissolved, thermal 10min, out cold. 24.4.3 absorbent: 17.4. a 1 and 17.4.2, add one volume of ethanol (95%), mix as the absorbent. Use match. 24.5 potassium borohydride: potassium borohydride and sodium chloride mixed in 1:4 quality than ground, after you mix in the tablet computer made 10MM, 4mm tablets, each piece is 0.5G. Avoid pressure in wet weather. 24.6 lead acetate (100g/L) cotton: absorbent foam in lead acetate solution (100g/L), squeeze excess solution after a few minutes, spread out cotton, 80 ? after drying storage in the wide-mouth glass bottles. 24.7 citric acid (1.0mol/L)-ammonium citrate (1.0mol/L): weighing 192g ammonium citrate citric acid, 243g, diluted with water dissolves to 1000mL. 24.8 arsenic standard reserves liquid: said learn 105 ? dry 1h and reset dry device in the cooling to at room temperature of three chloride arsenic (As2O3) 0.1320g Yu 100mL beaker in the, joined 10mL hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (2.5mol/L), stay dissolved Hou joined 5mL perchlorate, and 5mL sulfuric acid, and reset electric Board Shang heating to take white, cooling Hou, into 秦始皇死后,他与赵高密谋伪造遗诏立胡亥为帝,并继续为维护秦的暴政而努力, 后被赵高陷害,腰斩于咸阳市中,夷灭三族。 24 24.1 reagent potassium iodide (500g/L) + thiourea (50g/L) (1+1). 24.2 the sodium hydroxide solution (400g/L) and the sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L). 24.3 sulfuric acid (1+1). 24.4 absorbent 24.4.1 the silver nitrate solution (8g/L): 4.07g g of silver nitrate in 500mL beaker, add a little water dissolves 30mL nitric acid, add water to 500mL and stored in a Brown bottle. 24.4.2 polyvinyl alcohol solutions (4g/L): weighing 0.4g polyvinyl alcohol (degree of polymerization of 1500~1800) in a small beaker, add 100mL of water, heated in boiling water bath and stir until dissolved, thermal 10min, out cold. 24.4.3 absorbent: 17.4. a 1 and 17.4.2, add one volume of ethanol (95%), mix as the absorbent. Use match. 24.5 potassium borohydride: potassium borohydride and sodium chloride mixed in 1:4 quality than ground, after you mix in the tablet computer made 10MM, 4mm tablets, each piece is 0.5G. Avoid pressure in wet weather. 24.6 lead acetate (100g/L) cotton: absorbent foam in lead acetate solution (100g/L), squeeze excess solution after a few minutes, spread out cotton, 80 ? after drying storage in the wide-mouth glass bottles. 24.7 citric acid (1.0mol/L)-ammonium citrate (1.0mol/L): weighing 192g ammonium citrate citric acid, 243g, diluted with water dissolves to 1000mL. 24.8 arsenic standard reserves liquid: said learn 105 ? dry 1h and reset dry device in the cooling to at room temperature of three chloride arsenic (As2O3) 0.1320g Yu 100mL beaker in the, joined 10mL hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (2.5mol/L), stay dissolved Hou joined 5mL perchlorate, and 5mL sulfuric acid, and reset electric Board Shang heating to take white, cooling Hou, into
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