

2017-09-26 23页 doc 56KB 109阅读




学习用电脑打字作文150字学习用电脑打字作文150字 今天,我很高兴,因为我学会上网打字~ 那是在前几天,我让妈妈帮忙上网查一个东西。 妈妈忙得脱不开身,就让我自己查。 我说:我不会啊~ 妈妈就指导我。 经过妈妈的指导和我不断摸索,我终于学会了上网打字~ 那一天,我很愉快。因为,我又前进了一小步~ 东升三小三年级:*** 篇二:学习的生活(150字)作文 精选作文:学习的生活(150字)作文 每天,我&& 开开心心地去上学, 轻轻松松地睡午觉, 心事重重地记作业, 慢慢悠悠地走回家, 无无聊聊地写作业, 放放松松地睡大觉。 苍天,...
学习用电脑打字作文150字 今天,我很高兴,因为我学会上网打字~ 那是在前几天,我让妈妈帮忙上网查一个东西。 妈妈忙得脱不开身,就让我自己查。 我说:我不会啊~ 妈妈就指导我。 经过妈妈的指导和我不断摸索,我终于学会了上网打字~ 那一天,我很愉快。因为,我又前进了一小步~ 东升三小三年级:*** 篇二:学习的生活(150字)作文 精选作文:学习的生活(150字)作文 每天,我&& 开开心心地去上学, 轻轻松松地睡午觉, 心事重重地记作业, 慢慢悠悠地走回家, 无无聊聊地写作业, 放放松松地睡大觉。 苍天,这&& 就是我的生活吗,六年级:月亮公主露露 篇一:学习生活的作文 我的校园生活 随着快乐暑假的结束,我的初中生活也随之开始。刚开学的几天,感觉还不习惯,宿舍、教室、操场、食堂,方块似的生活曾经令我无奈又迷茫,但时间久了,倒觉得这种生活 1 也别有一番滋味——宿舍是我的天堂。每天,都从这里开始,这里结束;它也是舍友们加深友谊的地方。我和舍友们关系很好,我们一起把宿舍打扫得干干净净,好好地保护它,因为宿舍是我们的家。看着整洁的宿舍,我们心情也舒畅很多。 教室是我的海洋。每天,我们在良好的气氛中学习,的确事半功倍。老师在这里为我们播下金色的知识的种子,而我们是土壤,努力吸收其精华,让种子发芽,期望着有朝一日长成参天大树。 操场是我的乐园。清晨时,有我们跑步时铿锵有力的脚步声;早操时,有我们动作整齐的身影;体育课上,有我们打篮球时的挥汗如雨。它强健了我的体魄,让我变得更加勇猛。 可以说,我的校园生活紧张而有序。我努力拼搏在我所热爱的学校,即使遭到失败和打击,我也会勇往直前,决不退缩。更何况,我们有老师的辅导,如虎添翼:老师在学习上严格要求我们,生活上关心我们。 也许,有些同学已厌倦了这机械化的生活。但是我却不这样认为,只要每天多留神,都会在平淡甚至单调的生活中有新的发现。我们每天晨曦初露就起床学习,我们不能白白浪费光阴,虚度人生,因为家中的父母正等着你的捷报,正盼望着自己的孩子出人头地、为他们争光的那一刻。 一转眼,一个学期过去了,我在初中才刚刚跨出 有关个人成长 2 我长大了 成长是一杯茶水,需要我们慢慢品,细细饮,才能品出其甜蜜,饮出其苦涩(转载于:www.zaIdian.cOM 在点 网:学习用电脑打字作文150字)?? ——记 午后,捧着一杯绿茶,淡雅的茶香,让我看到近日的一幕。 她是经常与我吵架的对象。不幸的是,这学期的座位恰好安排和她坐,真是不是冤家不碰头。这日晨读,她忘带了书。她用可怜巴巴的眼神望向正在读书的我。我看看她,她并没有开口说话,可我心中早已觉察。“要不要借她一起看呢,”我默想,“她又没问我借,为什么要给她一起看。”平日的矛盾促使我反对这种作法。然而,我又想,书中的道理、老师的教诲到哪去了呢,难道“互相帮助”只是一个随便喊的口号吗,矛盾是有,互助倒真,友谊尚存。经过一番心理斗争,我终还是把书挪了过去,示意与她一同看。她抚过书,抬头看着我,我俩传递了一个暖意的微笑。 是啊,我长大了,也学会了微笑。 夜晚,桌上摆着一杯红茶,浓郁的味感沁入心脾,品上一口,涩涩的,亦令人感伤无穷。 节假期间,我仰慕上了一位网友,从他的言谈中,我迷恋上了这种感觉。然而,功课繁重,我不能沉迷于这种感觉。于是,我抑制自己不再上网,尽管,有时忍不住,常会偷偷 3 开启电脑,但每当想起他对我说的话:“好好上课,好好考试~”我总又会回到现实中来,捧起书来,认真阅读。 每每关上房门,上床睡觉时,我总抑制不住自己的感情,也时常姗然泪下?? 是啊,我长大了,亦学会了思念与哭泣。 如果说童真是无瑕的美,那么长大就更是一道亮丽的美。我学着享受其中,酸、甜、苦、辣,同样萦绕着长大的我。 篇二:从生活中学习写作 《从生活中学习写作》 七年级上册 (3)展示分享观察成果。 2.走进校园,分享快乐 (1)欣赏《羚羊木雕》,概括文中哪些事表现了朋友之间真诚无私的友谊。 “我”把羚羊木雕送给万芳,万芳把好裤子换给“我”,万芳送给“我”小藏刀。 (2)分组讲述丰富多彩的校园生活。 提示:可以从可爱的同学,喜欢的老师,同学的友谊,有趣的文体活动等方面讲述。 (3)每组推荐一名同学讲述校园生活。 3.再现亲情,珍藏感动 (1)欣赏《散步》,学生快速默读。 《散步》通过记述一家三口人散步这一平常小事,表现了 4 亲情的温馨。这对于我们观察生活有何启示, 明确:要善于观察、捕捉生活中的小事和细节。 (2)引导学生从小事中感受亲情。 上学时,妈妈叮嘱“路上小心”“上课认真听讲”;雨雪天送我上学;下雨天为我送伞;每天想方设法为我准备可口的饭菜;监督我完成作业;在外打工供我读书,打电话关心我的身体和学习。 (3)教师讲述亲人令自己感动、难忘的事件。 (4)学生分组,向组内同学讲述感动自己的亲情故事,要讲细致。 4.教师小结:学会观察生活,要有一双慧眼,要保持敏感和好奇心,对生活充满热爱,时时捕捉生活素材。观察生活,不止用眼睛看,更重要的是用心去思考。 三、引导学生感受生活,表达自己的感受和体验。 (1)欣赏《荷叶 母亲》选段,学生齐读。 “对屋里母亲唤着??谁是我在无遮拦天空下的荫蔽,” 思考:作者从荷叶护花中感受到了什么,这样的感受人人都有吗, 明确:作者通过描写雨中荷叶对莲花的保护,联想到母亲对子女的呵护和关爱,表达对母亲的感激与赞美之情。这是作者独到的体会和感受。 (2)展示自然和社会现象,学生仔细观察,认真思考, 5 说出自己的感受与体验。 四、写自己熟悉的生活。 (1)欣赏《秋天的怀念》,快速默读课文。 思考:这篇文章为什么这么感人,对我们写作有何启示? 明确:作者写的是亲身经历的事。启示:作文应写自己熟悉的生活,不应该虚构,要有感而发,表达真情实感。 (2)观察和思考要立足于自己熟悉的生活,这样写出来的文章才不会内容空洞、思想贫乏。同时,也需要运用细节描写等手法,生动传神地描写具体情境。此外,还可以抒发自己的感情,表达自己的感受。 五、写作实践 家庭是我们成长的摇篮,是自由和幸福的港湾。从小到大,家庭生活一定给你留下了许多美好的记忆吧,父母亲人的关爱,一定让你感受到了亲情的温暖吧,自拟题目,以生活中真实的故事为背景,记叙或描写一位关心爱护你的亲人,写一篇不少于500字的作文。 提示:1.认真调取生活素材,不许虚构。要有感而发,写出自己的独特的感受和体验。 2.要抓住细节进行描写。 3.叙述中也要使用一些表达感情的语句。 六、学生阅读教师下水作文,讨论交流。 孩子们,别哭 窗外,秋雨淅淅沥沥,清清冷冷,敲在窗上,落在地上, 6 听着滴滴答答的雨声,我的思绪又飘飞到九年前的那个秋天,眼睛又不禁湿润了。 “叮铃铃”一阵清脆的电话铃声把我从睡梦中惊醒,我接过电话,电话那头传来弟弟的哭声:“二姐,母亲??的手??伤得??很重,要去??市中心医院??治疗,我们现在??已经??在路上??”“那我马上去医院等着。”放下电话,我的心一下子沉了下去。我急忙赶往医院,姐姐和妹妹也已经到了,大家的心情都很不安,焦急地望着医院的门口,没有说什么话。一阵阵秋风吹来,透着丝丝的凉意,让人不禁打了个寒战,绵绵的秋雨下个不停,一直滴落到人的心里。 不一会儿,母亲和弟弟到了医院,弟弟搀扶着母亲走下车,我们立即跑过去扶着母亲,只见母亲脸色苍白,连站立的力气也没有,上衣前襟被鲜血染红了,左手用一条毛巾缠着,鲜血还在往下滴。我的眼泪忍不住流了下来,一向暴躁的弟弟,眼睛也已经哭得红肿了。弟弟要背母亲去急诊室,母亲坚决不让:“我自己能走~”无奈之下,我和弟弟一左一右搀着母亲走向急诊室。看着母亲步履蹒跚的样子,我们的泪不住地流。“孩子们,你们别哭~”母亲面容平静地说。听了母亲的话,我们姐弟四个反而哭得更厉害了。母亲为了我们辛劳一生,从没享过什么福,现在还要受病痛的折磨,而我们做子女的却不能分担母亲的痛苦,怎能不流泪呢, “你们别哭~我受点伤没什么,只要你们都好就好~”母亲 7 安慰我们说。我其实也不想哭,一个成年人在大庭广众之下哭泣,毕竟有些难为情,可是一看到母亲身上的血迹,一想到母亲身体的疼痛,我的眼泪就忍不住直往下流。 我们把母亲送到急诊室,医生说,母亲左手大拇指已压得粉碎,神经组织已破坏, 要切除大拇指,手掌还要进行植皮手术。母亲进了手术室,我们姐弟四个在手术室外还是伤心不已。手术做了几个小时,时间过得好慢,每一分钟都是煎熬。 当母亲被推出手术室时,她已昏睡过去。几个小时后,麻醉药效一过,母亲疼得翻来覆去地睡不了觉,我们姊妹三个守在母亲的病床边,轮流给母亲按摩。医生说,这样可以减轻病人的痛苦。“你们休息吧~不用按摩,我不痛~留一个人在这里,其余的都回去吧~孩子们还在家里呢~”母亲用虚弱的声音说。“我们不回去,孩子有人照顾??”我们姊妹几个谁也不肯离开。只要能减轻母亲的痛苦,别说一个晚上不休息,多少个夜晚我们都要守着她。 那个秋天,母亲在医院住了半个月,我们姊妹三人轮流去照顾她。出院后,为了方便治疗,又在我家住了十来天。 直到现在,“孩子们, 别哭~”这句话还常常萦绕在我耳旁,一想起这件事,我就忍不住泪流满面。 七、学生写作。 8 八、学生习作展示 一 声 声 唠 叨 都 是 爱 长港中学 胡漪 在这个世界上,也许你最喜欢缤纷的色彩,也许你最喜欢可口的美食,也许你最喜欢美丽的鲜花,但是我最喜欢的,是妈妈的唠叨。 每天早晨,妈妈的唠叨是我的“闹钟”。当我想赖床不起时,妈妈的唠叨便准时在我耳畔响起:“怎么还没起床,现在都几点了,快起来,快起来~还有很多事情要完成呢~刷牙、洗脸、梳头、听英语单词??”我睁开眼一看,妈妈已站在我的床前,怒视着我,我吓了一跳,一骨碌从床上爬起来,快速地将该做的事做完,然后上学去了。 妈妈的唠叨是我的“警钟”。有时,我晚上做作业时管不住自己,开个小差。这时,妈妈就来到我身旁,敲敲桌子,当我“惊醒”后,她就严肃而又语重心长地说:“做作业要集中注意力,这样才能做得又快又准。”我不好意思地说:“妈妈,对不起,我以后做作业时再不会开小差了。”妈妈听了,才满意地点点头,做家务去了。我应该体谅妈妈,妈妈也很辛苦,却还要为我的学习操心,我再也不能开小差了,我这样想,也努力这样做。 妈妈的唠叨是一面镜子,时刻提醒我言行要得体。有一次出门,我在别人面前说了一句不礼貌的话,妈妈就找了个借口把我拉到门外,责备我:“你怎么能这么说话呢~如果别 9 人这样对你说话,你会怎么想,‘己所不欲,勿施于人’哪~”我很后悔,非常诚恳地向别人道了歉,心里暗想:我真不该说出如此无礼的话,我也应该理解妈妈的良苦用心,她也是对 我好呀~妈妈,您的唠叨悄无声息地化解了一场矛盾。 有时,我也会对妈妈的唠叨感到厌烦,可每当别人夸我学习认真的时候,每当别人说我礼貌懂事的时候,我就感觉到,原来,妈妈的那一声声唠叨,蕴含的都是对我的爱呀。 【点评】这篇习作最大的特点是写自己熟悉的生活,写生活中的平凡小事,因而真实感人。语言、神态、动作、心理活动的描写十分细腻,一位严格要求孩子、关爱孩子的母亲形象跃然纸上,字里行间洋溢着孩子对母亲的爱。 九、学生习作点评 妈妈的爱 长港中学 贺雨晴 时间流逝,我慢慢长大,一路上沐浴在妈妈的关爱里,我感到无比幸福。(开篇点题,引出下文对妈妈关爱自己的回忆。) 篇三:生电脑打字教程 认识键盘: 常见的键盘有101、104等若干种,为了便于记忆,按照功能的不同将键盘分为:主键盘区、功能键区、控制键区、数字键区、状态指示区 打字姿势:“直腰、弓手、立指、弹键” ?头正、颈直、身体挺直、双脚平踏在地 10 ?身体正对屏幕,调整屏幕,使眼睛舒服 ?眼睛平视屏幕,保持30—40厘米的距离,每隔10分钟视线从屏幕上移开一次 ?手肘高度和键盘平行,手腕不要靠在桌子上,双手要自然垂直放在键盘上 基准键位: ?主键盘区有8个基本键分别是:[A] [S] [D] [F] [J] [K] [L] [;] ?打字之前要将左手食指、中指、无名指、小指分别放在[F] [D] [S] [A]键上,将右手食指、中指、无名指、小指分别放在[J] [K] [L] [;]上,双手的拇指都放在空格键上。 ?[F] [J]都有一个突起的小横杠或者小圆点,盲打时可以通过他们找到基准键 手指分工: 打字时每个手指都有明确的分工,只有按照正确的手指分工打字,才能实现盲打和提高打字速度。 击键方法: ?击键之前十个手指放在基准键上; ?击键时,要击键的手指迅速敲击目标建,瞬间发力并立即反弹,不要一直按在目标键上; ?击键完毕后,手指要立即放回基准键上,准备下一次击键。 技巧提示: ? 在指法练习中,要求坐姿端正、指法正确。文字录入 11 的基本要求:一是准确,二是快速。 ? 指法练习中,第一是要准确。准确的指法、准确的击键是提高输入速度和正确率的基础。不要盲目追求速度,在保证准确的前提下,速度要求是:初学者为100个字符/分钟。150个字符/分钟为及格。200个字符/分钟为良好。250个字符/分钟为优秀。 篇四:经典打字练习文章三篇 经典打字练习文章三篇 001练习材料 我从不对人隐瞒我的嗜好之一就是“吃”。我不但爱吃,就连电视、网络上的美食也不放过,每天在网上转悠,有一半的时间都在浏览美食网站。否则,如何对得起我是单位“腐败”俱乐部资深会员这一金字头衔呢, 我国社会主义在改革开放前所经历的曲折和失误,归根到底就在于对社会主义初级阶段这个问题没有完全搞清楚,提出的一些任务和政策超越了社会主义初级阶段。改革开放以来,社会主义现代化建设之所以取得巨大成就,就是因为我们提示了社会主义初级阶段的基本国情,并提出了相应的发展战略和策略,从而找到了建设有中国特色社会主义的新道路。 要优化教育机构,大力加强基础教育,积极发展职业教育、成人教育和高等教育,努力自学成才。必须把教育摆在优先 12 发展的战略地位,提高全民族的思想道德和文化水平,这是实现我国现代化的根本大计。 汉字是当今世界上最古老的文字之一,汉字字型优美、形状方正、结构严谨,是中国古老文化历史的宝贵结晶。毕升开发的活字印刷术后,在手写字体的基础上发展起来印刷体字。汉字历史源远流长。 朋友的电脑,故障现象为:按下电源开关,主机电源指示灯不亮,电脑无任何反应。反复开启电源开关有时能启动,有时不行。启动后系统运行正常,但最近怎么也不启动了。我估计是电源的问题。 大幅面的报纸,可以满足报纸的新闻容易大、图片多、信息集中的特点;报纸的实效性强,多采用高效印刷机印刷。大幅面方便印刷,可以免除装订工序;更重要的是报纸的大版面方便人们的浏览性阅读。 一位教育家说好,学校要让年轻人的心荡漾,走进学校应当让人能感受一种神圣,魅力和诗意好的学校是一坐探索求知的学园。学校的魅力在于它有丰富的智力背景和深厚的文化底蕴,学习,思考,探索,研究的氛围就是一种吸引人,教育人的力量。 在足球比赛中,教练如果对运动员的配置不好,前场、中场、后场的安排不当,战术、队形的运用欠佳,或者球员在场上不互相配合,甚至互相指责,即使有几个球星,整场比 13 赛也难以取胜。类似这种整体,其功能必然小于各部分功能之和。 大幅面的报纸,可以满足报纸的新闻容易大、图片多、信息集中的特点;报纸的实效性强,多采用高效印刷机印刷。大幅面方便印刷,可以免除装订工序;更重要的是报纸的大版面方便人们的浏览性阅读。 汉字是当今世界上最古老的文字之一,汉字字型优美、形状方正、结构严谨,是中国古老文化历史的宝贵结晶。毕升开发的活字印刷术后,在手写字体的基础上发展起来印刷体字。汉字历史源远流长。 没办法,只好再采用静态法来测量振荡回路中的电阻,为了保证测量的准确性和尽量避免元件被损坏,我还是将起振电阻焊了下来。这次再用万用表测量发现原来电阻已经断路了,所以才造成电源不启动。更换电阻后故障排除。 爱国主义是人们千百年来巩固起来的对自己祖国的一种最深厚的感情。这种感情表现为民族自豪和民族自信心;表现为热爱祖国的河山和人民、祖国的历史和文化,热爱祖国的一切物质财富和精神财富;表现为把个人的命运和祖国的前途、命运紧密地联系在一起,为祖国的富强,为祖国的利益英勇献身。 要优化教育机构,大力加强基础教育,积极发展职业教育、成人教育和高等教育,努力自学成才。必须把教育摆在优先 14 发展的战略地位,提高全民族的思想道德和文化水平,这是实现我国现代化的根本大计。 社会主义道德作为社会主义社会政治、经济、文化的客观反映,集中体现着精神文明建设的性质和方向,对社会政治经济的发展具有巨大的能动作用。加强社会主义道德建设,对弘扬民族精神和时代精神,促进物质文明与精神文明协调发展,具有十分重要的意义。 在足球比赛中,教练如果对运动员的配置不好,前场、中场、后场的安排不当,战术、队形的运用欠佳,或者球员在场上不互相配合,甚至互相指责,即使有几个球星,整场比赛也难以取胜。类似这种整体,其功能必然小于各部分功能之和。 学校没有文化,学校不引导学生和教师去探索求知,也就失去了存在的价值和意义。正如马克思所说:时间实际是人的积极存在。它不仅是人的生命尺度,而且是人的发展空间。我们的学校应成为学生生存和发展的最佳空间。 学校马上就要进行打字比赛了,老师选班代表,竟然选中了我,我打字十分慢,听说,比赛时间只有10分钟,看谁打的最多。当然不能让自己乱打,是给你一篇作文。你说我怎么办,然后,我去找班主任老师,说明我不想参加的原因,但老师说:“没事,只要我尽力。”我只好答应了。以后,我使劲地练习,可练练,练练就不想练了。 15 有一次,老师说:“朱明,下课来一下~”下课后,我便去了办公室,老师说:“来,朱明,帮我打一篇文章,你看,需要多长时间能打出来~”我一看,天啊~好几百字的文章,我说:“不一定,也许2个小时吧~”老师却说;“好,帮我打,尽量快点,只要一上课,你就去上课,一下课,你就来打,可以吗,”“可以~”就这样,我上课歇,下课打,用了接近一天的时间打完了。第二次,老师还要我打那篇文章,条件和原来一样,我依然是上课歇下课打。这次,我用了一小半天。第三次,下面我不用说了,我想,你都能猜到。结果,我只用了半个小时的时间就打完了。第二天,我参加了打字比赛,后来,我把文章的大部分都打完了。几天过去后,成绩下来了,我居然得了一等奖,好高兴。这其实,都归功于老师。 现在想想,这真是特殊的打字练习。 年画,顾名思义,就是过年时张贴的画。旧时候,每当春节来临,新的一年即将到来的时候,家家户户都把房院打扫得干干净净,在堂房、卧室、窗旁,门上以及灶前,院内的神龛上,贴上焕然一新的年画,既用以创造喜气洋洋的新年气氛,又借以祈求上天赐给幸福,消除灾祸与不幸。古书里记载,传说很久以前,有名叫神茶、郁垒的两个兄弟,专门监督百鬼,发现有害的鬼就捆绑起来去喂老虎。于是黄帝就在门户上画神茶、郁垒的像用以防鬼。这个神话就是后来“门 16 神”画产生的缘由。据说唐代皇帝曾命吴道子画钟馗像,并 摹刻出来分赏给大臣贴挂以辟鬼。宋代出现雕版技术后,为 木版年画提供了技术制作条件,促使年画不断发展。随着年 画的广泛流传,其内容和功能也不断丰富。到清代,年画发 展到高峰。从最初被作为辟邪驱鬼的符录,渐渐地又增加了 吉祥如意、多子多寿、娃娃仕女一类的题材,从而也具有了 表达在新一年中美好意愿,以及美化环境的功能。同时,年 画也出现了表达农民自己现实生活以及民间传说、故事的内 容,使年画具有了丰富文化生活,传播知识的作用。 篇五:作文打字训练 Topic: study alone or study with a group? 在作文题目中面临选择时,首段写“什么问题 ,有几种处 理方式,“(也可以描绘社会的现况等等)可以分两段写两 个不同观点的理由reasons(好处merits)最后一段写自己 的观点及理由。可以用image that (suppose that)假设自 身的情况。 1. Well, when it comes to chose study alone or study with a group of students, everyone has his or her preference. For some people, they give their propensities to study alone while others give their preferences to study with a group. 2. While alone, the focus of study can be easily kept, with little distraction which always accompanies a group of 17 students. And at the same time, as long as you can get adequate references, it is not only possible for you to study alone, but it is also very helpful to nurture the ability to solve problems, and develop one’s independence. Moreover, because of possessing the ability to keep focus and solve problems on one’s own, students can be more and more competitive, which is often deemed as the necessary quality. 3. However, if you study with a group, discussing and debating become possible, which enable you to develop the ability to think critically and where plenty of problems can be addressed unconsciously. What’s more? Sometimes a lot if references are not readily accessible and students’ levels vary from one to another. So study in a group, they can complement each other and even save more time and energy. The last but not least, study with a group of classmates will cultivate their good sense of cooperation, which is also considered as an indispensible and essential virtue. 4. Well, from my perspective, I will chose different methods in order to obtain the best effects. My choices will depend on what 18 subjects I study and which phase of study I am in. if I was practicing my piano, I’d better be alone. But if in other situation, just like doing chemical experiments, the team work would be needed. Image that I was learning a foreign language. If I was learning the pronunciation, I preferred to listen to a tape recorder and study by myself. But it will be a different story, if I was studying the spoken English. I would look for or even create an opportunity to speak with a group of students, which may be more effective. Land in your country: needs to be left in its natural condition or needs to be developed? 1. With a population of nearly one quarter of the world’ s population, my country, china, has suffering with a serious of loss in arable land, which now hardly accounts for 7% of overall arable land of the world. Yet some people still simply do not realize that the loss of arable land is so crucial that one day we might even be incapable of averting避免 the catastrophe if we just turn a blind eye to it. 2. Industrial development without careful consideration concerning (regarding) land preservation has caused problems more serious than people can ever imagine. Take the great three 19 gorges dam for example, which is put into operation several years ago. While the country benefits from gargantuan巨大 的 potential of electricity generation, we have to face up to various environmental conservation issues regarding geological and ecological environment along both river sides and whole upper reaches.(lower reach上游下游) Now the professional designers of the great three gorges dam have to work out a pragmatic way to prevent and remedy the pollution effectively, which has aroused the entire world’s attention. 3. After the entrance of WTO, industrial development is more and more important for our country. Yet we should be careful about the pollution which is inevitably caused by industry. Recent surveys have shown that refuse treatment engineering is not well financed in China, while attention is always been put on the obvious achievements.(recent surveys 进行举例说明) Industrial accidents occur far more frequently in developing countries rather than those more advanced countries. Urban population also produce astoundingly large amount of pollution, like white pollution. Today the alleged white pollution is creeping all over the country—people throw 20 plastic bags and films everywhere, without feeling anything wrong. 4. Absolutely, we not only need land in natural condition but also require for land to be developed. It’s difficult to tell which one is more important. However, we live in a world, where everything has its cost. So when we develop our land and foster the industry, we should to be ready to accept the inescapable consequences it will cause. ‘ People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. 1. I can’t agree more with the statement that people are never satisfied with what they have and always want something more or different. No matter how many goals we have already achieved, we always have the ambition to fulfill another goal. Then I will list my sound reasons to support my inclination. 2. The sense of dissatisfaction is formed in our childhood. According to a recent research by a Polish scientific institution, scientists say that when a baby is given a new toy, he will play with it. But several days later, he will get used to it and be less 21 enthusiastic. This experiment shows that the new things are easier to draw our attention than the stuff we have already owned. Can you still remember that, when we were kids, we longed for a new toy. But when we got it, we played with it for just a couple of days, put aside, and then looked forward to another new one. It’s a very common situation. We, at that young age, just can’t help being attracted by those compelling and intriguing stuffs which are new enough and may not be seen before. 3. The sense of dissatisfaction is enhanced in juvenile period and adulthood. When we grow older, we form a unique perspective of the world which we are now live in. We are gradually form an intense ambition propel us to occupy more stuffs, such as material things, a sense of achievement and so on. Take myself as an example,in my first year in college, I got the second prize in the 21th experimental competition. This prize didn’t bring me with sufficient sense of achievement, and I felt just unsatisfied. So I exerted my whole efforts to bolster my experimental abilities. Fortunately, I got the first prize in the next competition. For most of us, dissatisfactions just reflect a real inner mind of us who want to enhance themselves and 22 be a better person. 可以用in regard to 代替concerning ,regarding, about With respect to 关于,至于 Economic downturn 经济低迷时期 Be passed over for promotion 在升值中被忽略 If you could create a holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? 1. Holidays are exceedingly apt way for the society to honor people who have already devoted a lot for us. In today’s modern society, we benefit a lot from advanced technologies and convenient house appliances. We are familiar with those inventions which enable us to live a cozier and convenient life, but we may know little about the inventors. So it is an excellent opportunities for us to give our gratitude to those intellectual inventors by creating a holiday for them. 2. From my perspective, I firmly allege that inventors are one of the greatest vocations which need to be celebrated. All of us know a saying that science and technology are our first force to produce科学 23 技术是第一生产力(查找正确的翻译). In order to revive our nation, those who contribute a large amount of time and energy towards the domestic development of our nation deserve the honor to be celebrated in a holiday. Most of us must know YuanLongPing, a famous scientist who invented the hybrid rice. His scientific program has satisfied the food demand of three quarters of world’s population and save their life. Because of his unprecedented achievements, he indeed deserves the reward. And around the world, thousands of inventors who have the same accomplishments like him also deserve the honor. 3. As for the way of commemorating纪念 the holiday, lots of exhibition展览会 should be held in galleries and museums. In such place, we present not only the emerging technological and past technological inventions, but also show visitors brief introductions of the patent专利 proprietors所有者. Besides, we should have a school day to celebrating the holiday. It is important to encourage school-aged kids to use their imagination to come up with their ideas. The school system 24 is excellent in our country, but it is not common for us to do free talking at class. Children need to be given the chance to speak out loudly about their thoughts and discover new creations. By having a holiday event like this, young people would become interested in the manufacturing of new products and ideas. 4. Admittedly, all walks of people各行各业 have dedications奉献 for our society. But the benefits and achievements of inventors overshadow what others did, such as the convenience of house appliances, the technology of manufacturing, as well as some achievements in agriculture which saves people’s life. So I could create a holiday for inventors. …….deserve to be recognized in our culture.值得被承认, 认可 If I were to create a new holiday, I would pay my respect to those important scientist and their creations创造. Without inventors, all civilizations would be still remaining in the stone age, no running water, no electricity. Many creators invent some simple stuff that do not seem amazing, but upon closer inspection, one can realize that all inventions contribute greatly to our convenience. The public should pay 25 homage尊重,尊敬 to these great and altruistic无私的 people. Inventions of current and past inventors This would also be a learning experience for the public, as they could see what current inventors are working on, and get excited about the upcoming progresses即将到来的进展 in society What changes the 21th century will bring? 1. The current society is developing in an unparalleled speed. We live in a exceedingly convenient and advanced life with assorted stuffs readily available in supermarket, prevalent transportation all around the world and useful house appliances which soothe our burden of plenty of chores. Because of advanced science and technology, I believe that the 21th century will bring a green and clean living environment back and find some new treatments to cure today’s incurable diseases. 2. To be honest, in today’s industrialized society, almost every country promotes their economy and technology at the expense of the environment. Undoubtedly, we are living in a unprecedentedly convenient life. At the meantime, we also suffer from the harsh and severe problem of environment. Due to living standard which is better now, we pay more 26 attention to our living surroundings. Though the environment is becoming worse and worse, we can remedy our polluted areas by using our technologies. Several days ago, I noticed a report that some benign bacteria were used to clean the pollutants in the river and they did an amazing job. So I have great confidence in the big triumph one day we will obtain in remedying the environment. 3. Besides, with so many medical scientists’ efforts, the 21th century will change the traditional way of curing disease like cancer with a more effective way. We can use genetic diagnosis in order to find the latent disease and find was to prevent it before it appears. According to a science journal that a famous star anjilina zhuli had cut her some tissue which is diagnosed with latent possibility to form a tumor. Moreover, some overseas 27
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